Download - A coast is the edge of the land where it meets the sea or ocean


A coast is the edge of the land where it meets the sea or ocean
What is a coast? A coast is the edge of the land where it meets the sea or ocean HOW DO COASTS CHANGE? When thepower of the sea or waves is high (with big waves and rough seas), boulders and large pebbles can be moved When the power is low (with small waves), only sand can be moved Wave erosion coasts A cliff can get undercut or worn away at the bottom Then the cliff above may collapse in a rockfall, or landslide. Headlands Where the rocks on the coast are hard they resist erosion
In such places cliffs form a rock that sticks out into the sea - called a headland, peninsula or cape. How a bay is formed Where the rocks of the coast are soft they are more easily eroded Here, a bay can be formed Archs of rock Stacks Marine depositional coasts