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Achinthya PoduvalMay 2020 - UCLA Fast Track Student of the Month

When did you know that you wantedto become an EE?I’m not really sure. I feel like I’ve alwaysliked math and science, both of which areprevalent in electrical engineering. I knewthat I wanted to go into a field like electricalengineering because I grew up in the SiliconValley, which has a rich history of engineeringand innovation. I also enjoyed interactingwith tech such as computers, which I used forhomework and videogames, and while Iunderstood how to use them, I also wanted tolearn how they worked, so I felt motivated topursue electrical engineering.

And why did you decide to come toUCLA?Out of all the schools that I got into, UCLAgave the best financial scholarship as I got theRegents Scholarship, and I was also acceptedinto Fast Track. Then I read that UCLA hadthe best food and best residential life so I wassold. The weather is also really nice in LosAngeles.

Birthplace:Brockton, Massachusetts

High School:Redwood High School in Larkspur, CA

Hobbies:Ultimate Frisbee, video games (Valorant,Destiny, and Destiny 2), reading fantasynovels, and playing the drums

Favorite Dining Hall:Rende West

How do you like UCLA so far?It is amazing, even though I only got 1.5quarters there before we transitioned toremote learning due to Covid-19. It’s just epicin general. I like walking around and seeingthe positivity on campus. I think Gene Blocktalks about Bruin Optimism, and I can feel iton campus. Being near Janss steps where allthe people are vibing on the lawn is where thepositivity is the strongest, but it is also pretty

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strong on the IM fields where I play ultimate frisbee with my friends.What have you done to make yourexperience here worthwhile?I joined IEEE, and I am the secretary for the2020-2021 school year. I was also a part ofthe Design Create Solar club, which isfocused on sustainability and solar energy.The club’s main focus is to build a solarpanel that will be shipped to Jordan. Wewere also working on a smart solar panelthat would tilt based on the angle of the sun to always receive the maximum amount ofsunlight, and these panels were supposed to be placed around UCLA to provide portablecharging stations for phones and laptops. I am now in the process of joining SMERC, theSmart Grid Energy Research Center for more research opportunities in the area ofsustainability. SMERC is composed of a variety of projects, which involve electric vehicles,batteries, a smart grid, as well as others. I want to work on the smart grid, but I need to learnmore about what my research involves before I can say which part I’ll be working on.

What are you interested in as a career?I mean the main thing I’m trying to go for is sustainability because I am worried about climatechange, so I am looking into companies and startups that work at the intersection ofsustainability and electrical engineering. I’m not quite sure how to describe what I’m lookingfor quite yet, but I am pretty invested in solar energy and I would be most interested in solvingthe problem of efficient distribution instead of just production.

How do you like the Fast Track program so far?I think its pretty solid. I met most of my friends through Fast Track, and the program itself isnice because it gives a pretty good outline of which classes we should take. Having theresearch opportunities is also great because it is generally pretty hard to get as a freshman. Thepizza at the meetings is also very good, although for some reason it is cut into squares.

And what did you think of yourresearch?Unfortunately, it was remote this summer, butthere is nothing we could do about that. The labthat I was a part of was the CognitiveReconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab, where Iworked on a simulator for UAV communications.

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I hadn’t learned about communications before this, which meant that I had to read a bunch ofother people’s research to become familiar with thesubject, which was really cool. Modeling signal lossfor UAVs is not something you would hear about inthe general public, which made it cool because I got tosee how new ideas are developed. The visual portionof the simulator was created using the Unreal GameEngine, which is also used for popular games such asFortnite. The simulator would allow you to fly a UAVaround a city which had antennas placed in variouslocations. A second program, Wireless Insite, wasused to calculate and measure the signal strength andloss for various antenna configurations, and it was theoutput of this program that was used to visualize the

signal strength in the UAV simulator. Overall, I had a positive experience because I learnedabout emerging technology that I had known nothing about.

What are your plans after graduation?My plans aren’t set in concrete because I am planning on minoring in Environmental Systemsand Society, which explores how environmental science relates to politics and society.However, I am hoping to get into UCLA’s Exceptional Student Admissions Program, whichwould allow me to graduate with a Bachelors and Masters degree in just five years.