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  • 8/4/2019 A Boy Who Spoke the First Magic-Word97-2000-Xp-docfile


    Written by Vinh NguyenCopyright by Vinh NguyenAugust 9th, 2010 and continue...(The story may change as it's only a work in progress)

    Chapter One (Spoken of the truths!)

    The next story is about a boy who spoke the first magic ever. Magics were shown onTV and movie theaters, but they were just the figments of imagination. Humans had thecapability of imagining endless things. Things they were imagined, some had beenproven real, and those were the works of sweats. Thanked to the imaginations, theseeds sowed into humans led to untold ambitions that conjured numerous wonders.Wonders were pyramids, great wall, cars, jets, space rockets, sciences of chemistry,sciences of healing, and you named it.

    It certainly would be a dishonesty to tell you all my little silly ones that we humans had

    conjured and conquered everything we had ever imagined of! It was not even close.Till this day, my words had always been true that numerous figments of imagination hadvery much stayed that way. We were lucky as we blindly stumbled onto unknownwoods that helped us conjured some figments of imagination into the truths. The truthsof reality.

    The question had been asked for ages, why us humans so prevailed in seeking truths?We knew that little truths could come out from the figments of imagination that ran wild!Sometimes, we had to take a leap of faith before a single truth spoke on the mouth of atruth seeker! Before a truth could be applied in any age, humankind had sacrificedyears of sweat, heartaches beyond one's imagination, and facing the truth of countless

    failures to bring a single truth to light. My little silly ones, why have we prevailed?

    I know! a pale young girl who had been sick for years, but she had gained her healthjust this year. She sat there listened to an old man in his late sixties who told a storythat they havent yet heard. Nonetheless, she had no doubt that the old man would tellanother amazing story as he had always done before. Even if the story would notenchant her, she felt at peace anyway. She felt happy just to sit in this small neck of arecreational wooded park where a really beautiful long jogging trail weaved it waysaround the upper hill of the park. The jogging trail would be adorned by thick woods onboth sides. Somewhere within the thick woods, birds would chirp their somewhatsimple but beyond human comprehension symphony. The visitors on the jogging trail

    would just walk, and they enjoyed the music of the birds. For the pale young girl, it wasmore than just the birds and the trees that made she felt peaceful. Being in the woodmeant a change of scenery for her. She had been inside the hospital for too long, andthe walls of hospital began to cave in whenever she stared at them for sometimes. Thenature had begged her today, she thought! I know she said, she raised her hand andhoped the old man would pick her. Many hands were up just as fast as she had raisedher.

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    Ah, Arlene, what is your answer my dear? the old man picked Arlene among the sillyones.

    I think the truth can free us. It takes imagination for some of us to be creative enoughso we can eventually attain truth, I guess. For me personally, the truth would be what

    will come after my stay within your hospital, but Ill never know what the truth will holdfor me.

    Your answer is truly a worthy one my dear. In fact, Ive never knew we had a youngphilosopher within our hospital, laughed the old man.

    I just spoke my mind, Arlene replied.

    So, Arlenes words hold merit about the truth. Nonetheless, the truth can be a lot morethan just what Arlene had described. Anyone else can give me a little more about thetruth? the old mans eyes scanned the children.

    Some more hands raised, but the old man ignored them all. Instead, he pointed hisindex finger at a shy boy who sat next to Arlene whose hands did not raised. The oldman had noticed the boy often wandered the hospitals hallways with Arlene. In fact,the old man felt a strange attachment Charlie had for Arlene. The old man also noticedCharlie often refrained from participating group conversation or even conversed withanyone else besides Arlene.

    I, I don't know, let see... as he tried to answer, his voice was barely heard.

    Come on Charlie, tell him what you're thinking! Arlene pushed for Charlie to speak.

    Charlie looked at Arlene in the eyes for a moment. As if Arlene had a magic thatinstalled a confidence inside Charlie, his eyes grew wider, and he spoke with a loudervoice than before.

    The truth can free us as Arlene had said, but the truth can also hurt us! Charlie saidwith absolute confidence.

    Exactly Charlie! You're a philosopher too! Just like Arlene, your answer is veryinteresting. Now my silly ones, the truths are hard to come by. When you want a truth,it is as far as the stars in the black sky. We have to be very careful of what truth were

    seeking for, because some truth might do us harm. The answer to our question 'Whyhave we prevailed?' is at the end of the story! Shall I begin our story silly ones?

    The children all said yes. The ground was somewhat grassy, and the children sat on athick rug that the old man had gotten from the hospital. The children loved the old man,he was their best doctor. They all called him doctor Kumlar.

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    Doctor Kumlar compelled to take a group of children to this recreational park, becausehe thought the children needed some fresh air. The hospital had a female nurse and amale nurse accompanied doctor Kumlar. The nurses kept a distance from the childrenas they smoked their cigarettes and chatted among themselves. The children werehypnotized by doctor Kumlar's story telling talent.

    Arlene could not wait for the old man to begin his story. Stories had always soundedbetter within nature for some reasons, Arlene thought. Especially within this small neckof wood, Arlene imagined as if she had turned back time. The wood brought nature toher, and she could feel it inside her bones. She loved to imagine this small neck ofwood as an ancient forest, because anything resembled fairytale or an unknown andmysterious past would definitely stir her a lot more than somethings she had alreadyfamiliarized with.

    Suddenly, thunders roared, the children looked up at the darker sky that was clear amoment ago. Large dark clouds seemed far away, but the monster clouds obviously

    loomed closer.

    It's going to rain my silly ones. We must end our story here. Let head back to thehospital. We will continue our little adventure in the wood again tomorrow, doctorKumlar begged the children to leave the wood. He rolled the rug up into a sizable roll.The roll of rug lay on the ground as doctor Kumlar and the children headed for the vansthat parked right outside the wood. On the way out of the wood, doctor Kumlar and thechildren passed the nurses, and he told them to get the rug as he had not carried therug out.

    Chapter Two (Where are we?)

    Arlene slept soundly in the hospital bed. She was no longer hooked up to machinesthat were there for measuring her heart. Arlene could not understand why her heart hadtroubled. She knew that whenever it was in trouble, she fainted, and woke up to findherself hooked up to numerous equipments. The doctors at the hospital told her motherthat she had a bad heart, a rare form of heart disease which could be passed onthrough genes. The doctors said Arlene had inherited the disease from her mother.The disease was a rare one even though the hospital was well equipped withtechnology and science, Arlene was sure to die. Unbeknownst to all, as if there was amiracle, Arlene's heart had strengthened gradually. Her heart disease had slowly

    retreated. She had not been hooked up to the machines for weeks. Her mother toldher that she could leave the hospital within a month or two as soon as the doctors weresure about her remission.

    Arlene, wake up! Wake up Arlene! Charlie screamed!

    Huh? Charlie, what, oh my God, where are we? Arlene looked around and all therewere but trees and Charlie.

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    We're in the wood Arlene!

    I know, how did we get here? I remember I felt asleep on my hospital bed, but why arewe back in the wood?

    No, not the same wood, take a look around Arlene! This wood seems a lot bigger. Ithink it's a forest!

    No, it can't be! I must have fallen into a dream! This is a dream, it must be! Punch myshoulder Charlie!

    A second later...

    Ouch, not that hard!

    You believe me now?

    Arlene, I'm scared, I think I heard sounds!

    What sounds?

    Weird sounds!

    How weird?

    I don't know, just sounds!

    Wolves, tigers, monkeys, chimpanzees, or what?

    No, just sounds!

    Wait, I still want to know how we got here! Arlene demanded of Charlie.

    I don't know, I woke up to find you had lain next to me.

    OK, let find our way back out of this wood. I definitely want to be back in my bed. It'sdark out here Charlie, bedtime demands us to be in bed, and not here! Arlene moved

    ahead without asking Charlie to follow as if she knew that he would anyway.

    Arlene, are you sure that is the right way?

    I think so, Arlene said with a hint of suspicion.

    Arlene and Charlie walked on for a very long time, but all they could see were trees.The sky above them was pitched black. The moon was bright enough that lid the way

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    for Arlene and Charlie to explore the forest. Sometimes, Arlene and Charlie stopped torest, and they were amazed at how lost they were.

    Oh wow, look at them! Arlene pointed at a large group of fireflies. The fireflies flewcloser, above and around Arlene and Charlie. It was magical as the fireflies swirled

    around them. Arlene stretched her arm out and palmed up as one of the fireflies landedonto her little index finger. Charlie looked at Arlene with dreamy eyes. For a moment, itwas magical, but then the fireflies flew themselves away at once left Arlene and Charliealone with the trees, the moonlight, and themselves.

    I'm tired! We lost Arlene! I wish doctor Kumlar is here with us, Charlie spoke inlouder voice than usual. He certainly looked tired but his voice betrayed his stupor. Helooked excited more than ever!

    Charlie, I know, this is scary! I definitely would have cried if I'm by myself in this weirdforest, but you're here with me. I'm glad you're here. Let walk a little farther to see if we

    can get out of here.

    The two walked farther, but they had found no way out of the forest. They got tired andtook a break underneath a huge tree. Before they could push on, both of them dozedoff into each own surreal dream. Somewhere nearby, sounds made by critters lessenedthe creepy atmosphere.

    Sounds from horses' hooves and voices from men stirred the two helpless children up.Arlene and Charlie saw men on horses came their way.

    A boy looked the same age as Arlene and Charlie commanded his horse to stop, he got

    down from the horse quite expertly, and he approached the two children who satunderneath a huge tree.

    Hello, why are you two sitting here? My name is Tristan, he fished his pant's pocketand got out an apple. He shoved it into Arlene's hand. It's good, try it.

    A man appeared to be the boy's father came over to see the two children. He looked atArlene and Charlie with amusement. Your clothes are strange to my eyes. I havenever seen anyone wears such clothes before. Where are your parents? Why are youtwo children in the forest without a guardian? the man asked a barrage of questions.

    I don't know, we woke up to find ourselves here! We were in a hospital. Arlene repliedthe man.

    Youre being serious? It doesnt make sense to me that both of you sleep somewhereelse and then suddenly wake up in a forest. You have to walk or ride a horse here,Tristan was shock from what he had heard.

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    My boy is right you two. There is no town near here. It doesnt make any sense foryou two to be here all night without a guardian. There might be wild beasts in this forestthat care not for the differences of taste from just about anything. It seems you two arewithout any protection. Come with us then, but first we must know your city so we cantake you back to your home. So, where do you two live? the boy's father said.

    Thank you sir for allowing us to come with you. Charlie and I got so lost in this bigforest, I dont think we will ever able to find the way out by ourselves. Anyway, Im notsure how far is my hospital from here, but it locates in Potat, Arlene answered.

    Tristans father caressed his thick black, short bushy beard. As if he wanted toremember something of Potat, but his eyebrows wrinkled together.

    Little girl, I dont think Ive ever heard of your city. Potat is a city right? Tristans fatherprobed Arlene.

    No sir. My mother told me its more like a small town, Arlene replied.

    Strange, Id never heard of Potat before. Perhaps the elders in a town nearby willknow of Potat. Come with us to a town nearby, and we will figure out where Potat soyou two children can be back home safely. Little girl, whats your name? Tristansfather asked Arlene.

    Its Arlene, and my friend here is Charlie, Arlene replied.

    Tristan, share your clothes with Arlene and Charlie. Their current clothes lookinadequate, Tristans father ordered.

    Charlie and Arlene took their turns as each went behind the same tree to change intothe clothing that Tristan gave them. Instead of keeping the pajamas that the hospitalgave them, the two children abandoned the pajamas underneath the tree.

    Tristan offered his hand to Arlene as she climbed upon his midsize horse. Charlie got toride with Tristans father on a much larger horse.

    The town is quite far from here. I'm flabbergasting that you two children were here onfoot. Anyway, let us ride out of here. Let go everyone, Tristans father commanded.

    Arlene and Charlie rode with men on horses into town. As they rode into town, Arleneand Charlie were shocked to find the town people and the town itself were incrediblystrange. The clothes that the town people wore had never been seen in the towns andcities that Arlene and Charlie had knew of. Some women straddled their babies on theirbacks. Some men carried axes and swords. Some white men and black men alikewere chained in chains as they were pulled along by group of mean looking soldiers.Some women were also chained but they were grouped separately from captured men.More horses to be found in town. Many people were barefooted, but they seemed to be

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    fine without their shoes. The buildings were colorful as these patched by the mixture ofwoods and stones. Some buildings had roofs made of woods, others were made ofstraws. Oddly enough, the buildings in this strange town looked solid and adequate forshelters, even a big bad wolf could not blow them out as Arlene recalled a folktale.

    Father, let find a good inn! Tristan insisted.

    No worry my son, this town has many good inns. Arlene and Charlie, you two will besharing a room with my son. This town isn't that friendly, and thieves are many, so donot go anywhere without grownups! The warning is for you too Tristan, Tristan's fatherinsisted.

    Arlene and Charlie settled in with Tristan. The room was adequately supplied with onelarge wooden bed, a chair, a large window with a cloth curtain, and a lamp with strangepinkish oil that kept it burned brightly. The sky got darker, and the men who servedTristans father found themselves in their rooms. Tristans father gave the children a last

    visited before he went back to his room and called it a night.

    Tristan, you and your new friends here need to sleep early, and tomorrow we will tendto business at dawn. After that, we will go to the elders and ask for the direction toPotat. Goodnight, Tristans father left the childrens room and went into his.

    Sitting on a bed, Tristan crossed his legs and arms. He then asked, Arlene, your city isPotat, but which province is Potat from?

    Province? Oh, you mean the state? Its Idaho! Arlene replied.

    Never heard of that too, Tristan shook his head.

    Your father said he had business to take care of. What kind of business? Arlene feltenergetic and had an intention of not going to sleep early. She wanted to know moreabout her new friend Tristan and his people.

    Charlie sat quietly on the bed, face in palms, elbows on crossed legs, and watchedArlene exchanged small talks with Tristan attentively. Charlie also noticed that Arlenewas no longer paled. Her faced had gained a light pinkish color. Three children sat onthe same bed, and each had a favorite position.

    My father and his men are delivering mails to the town people. We travel a lot. Myfather's job is to deliver mails to many towns. I'm surprised he has no idea where yourplace is.

    If he is only delivering mails, how come he has men served him as if he is someoneimportant? Arlene asked.

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    Only men with great reputation get to deliver mails for everyone, because only thesemen can be trusted. My father is one of those men. Since my father is somewhatimportant to the country, he can have other men work and serve him, Tristan replied.

    I'm tired, let go to sleep, Charlie demanded.

    OK, I turn off the lamp then, Tristan said.

    I'm not sleepy at all, Arlene cried.

    But we do! Tristan and Charlie said.

    Arlene, his father will wake us all up early tomorrow. It's best for us to go to sleep nowand so we don't be so sleepy tomorrow. Night, Charlie tucked himself under the giantred wool blanket which decorated with drawings of flowers in array of colors.

    Alright, alright, we all go to sleep then. Want me to tell you guy a ghost story before wesleep for sure? Arlene asked.

    No, I hate ghost story, and I won't be able to go to sleep if you start that, Charlie said.

    Tristan quietly got himself under the wool blanket while Arlene sat between the twosleepy boys. Finally she gave up on convincing the boys to stay awake with her, shegot herself under the blanket too.

    Halfway through the night, a shadow visited the children. The shadow came throughthe wall and inched closer to the bed. Arlene and the boys had no idea as they slept

    soundly. Suddenly, the shadow whispered a spell, a gulf of wind blew in the room wokethe children up. Arlene woke up to find herself sweating, and the boys found the room alittle chilly.

    Unbeknownst to the children, the evil spell had tried to attack them but failed! Amysterious force inside Arlene and Charlie formed a transparent but glowing barrierswith golden color expanded in a flash, covered the entire room to protect the childrenfrom the spell. The dark evil spell with blackish texture dissipated quickly. Seeing itsown spell failed to do harm to the children, the shadow quickly made a getaway byescaping through a wall which connected to the outside.

    The room's windows blew opened and more winds came in. Tristan bolted the windowsback into place and went back to sleep. Arlene and Charlie also went back to sleep.

    The morning came joyfully as the birds chirped lively on a tree nearby the roomswooded window. Just a bit earlier, Tristan had opened the window to let the freshmorning air rushed into the inns room. Then came the piercing sunlight which wokeArlene and Charlie up. Meanwhile, Tristan carefully got himself into thin fur boots as ifhe was ready to go somewhere. Arlene got off the bed and stretched herself in various

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    positions. Tristan looked at Arlene with doubts. Charlie too got off the hard bed andstretched.

    Stop acting silly both of you, Tristan wanted Arlene and Charlie to stop stretching ashe had no idea what good stretching would do.

    I'm stretching, it's good for my body and my health. Doctor Kumlar asked us to do itevery morning in our hospital. Charlie is doing it too, so come on Tristan, come closer, Ishow you how to do it!

    Actually, I'm thirsty, I'm going to get a juice from an inn keeper. Do you both want any?Tristan offered.

    Sure, I'm thirsty and hungry, Arlene said.

    Charlie went on stretching and gave little attention to the exchange between Arlene and


    Charlie, you want some juice too right? Tristan demanded some attention fromCharlie.

    OK! Charlie said and went on stretching his legs.

    This is odd, my father should have wake us up and take us with his men to deliver themails for the folks in this town. Anyway, I'll go get the juices, and you guy can do yourweird things,

    Tristan went off and down the stairs to see an inn keeper.

    Minutes later, without any juice in hand, a paled face Tristan ran up the stairs with tearsran down his cheeks. He could barely speak as he was in shocked.

    What happened Tristan? Why are you crying? Arlene asked.

    Everyone downstairs is dead!

    Arlene and Charlie rushed outside the room, and Tristan followed them. The childrenran downstairs to find corpses littered the inn. Some corpses sat in chairs as if they had

    died instantly, and some had their faces buried in plates of foods on the tables.

    Things were played out in slow motion for the children. Tristan was stiffed as a cane.Arlene inched closer to one of the corpse to see if she could make anything out of it.Charlie scratched his head as if he was confused.

    They all blackened. Their skins are so black as if they are covered in black paint,Arlene articulated.

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    Sure, you might be able to tell if its paint or not, but if you look closer Arlene, I thinkyou can see the blackish color is underneath the skin of this corpse, Charlies turn toarticulate as he bent over and observed the skin of a corpse which Arlene had taken aclose look at.

    Tristan ran upstairs again as fast as he could. Moments later Arlene and Charlie arrivedupstairs to find Tristan helplessly hugged his father's corpse. Arlene pulled Tristan backas she saw the corpse was blackened as every other corpse downstairs. She fearedthe blackened stuffs could somehow infect Tristan.

    Tristan, everyone turned so black! Your father, the men, and the people downstairs,they all turned blackish. I don't think people turned into this color as they died,especially they haven't died too long ago. It looks like they're poisoned, Arlenesuggested.

    It's so quiet outside, Charlie suggested.

    Arlene and Charlie looked at each other as if they had suddenly understood something,and so they ran downstairs as fast as they could. They ran outside to confront a ghostlytown. Nobody walked about and some corpses lay dead on the streets.

    I go get Tristan, Charlie don't go anywhere!

    Tristan, I saw corpses on the streets. I think everyone in town has died. Charlie and Iwant to investigate the other buildings in town to see if there is anyone alive. Come withus!

    Speechless, Tristan agreed. He followed Arlene and Charlie aimlessly to a buildingacross the inn. Arlene's fear had come true. The children once again confrontedcorpses littered throughout this particular building. Arlene and Charlie and Tristan couldnot take it anymore, and so they all ran outside. Fear appeared quite visibly acrosstheir faces.

    Chapter Three (A prophecy!)

    An evil wizard from afar had spoke a dark powerful spell and out came hundreds ofpoison shadows in the human forms. From head to toes, these poison shadows wore

    greenish skin color, but the veins that appeared to explode from their skins wereblackish. The blackish veins ran through their faces enhanced their evil expression.Their eyes were made of one color, and the color which was pitch black. If one staredinto these eyes, one probably could feel something creepy stared back even thoughthere would be nothing as such. As the poison shadows placed the black hoods overtheir heads, the human form that they wore was no longer there, but they took up anewly shadowy form which blackish in nature and transparent, as if they were blended

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    in with the air surrounded them. They went into the town not too far from a castle thatstood distinctively in a forest which housed the evil wizard.

    The castle itself was conjured up by a powerful magical spell. It had a humongousbolted metal door which seemed impenetrable. Few feet right outside the formidable

    metal door, statues depicted in ugly gargoyles stood in frozen, battle postures. Moreugly gargoyles statues cliched to the three walls of the castle. The evil wizard conjuredup a not so typical castle since it had only three walls. The three walls formed apyramid shape from a width-perspective. The walls rose from the ground up till theclouds were penetrated. Countless of statues of ugly gargoyles too were clinched fromground till parts of their form disappeared within the clouds. Fogs and darken cloudsmixed among each other to cover the very top part of the gloomy castle. The evilwizard resided on the highest floor of the castle, studied his magical scrolls.

    Couple days before, the evil wizard had a dream of a boy. Within the dream, the boytold him that he needed an army of powerful soldiers to aid him to become a king. The

    boy told the wizard in the dream that he wanted to conquer all the known valleys andtowns and cities and forests and seas. Before the evil wizard woke up from his dream,the last words of the boy were Hear me my wizard, I do not want to rule a world withonly power, but I want much more than that, so dont fail me.

    After waking up from the dream, a sweaty evil wizard decided that the dream was aprophecy. Out came an idea. The evil wizard remembered he knew of a spell thatcould conjure poison shadows. The poison shadows could extinguish life forces so awizard such as himself could convert fresh corpses into formidable zombies. Thesezombies would inherit the intelligence of their formal life forces. However smart andfree will these zombies could become, they would only obey the commands and wishes

    of the magician who had raised them.

    You shall come to me from the realm of the dark prince, Shakishes the evil wizardchanted the spell louder and louder. His left hand weaved magical signs in midair, infront of his chest. His breath became foggier and the atmosphere within the castlebecame colder. His right hand was on the side of his body suddenly came to life,vertically reaching up into the air while the tips of the five fingers glowed in reddishcolor. His right hands fingers spread out evenly, palmed up, as if he was holding aninvisible ball of air. Eventually, his voice echoed throughout the castle. Out came thepoison shadows hovered near the ceiling of the castle. Finally, these poison shadowsset themselves onto the stone floor. One by one, poison shadows removed their black

    hoods. The black ropes they wore swept the floor as they inched closer to the evilwizard. The poison shadows feet never actually came into contact with the stone floor,because they glided just inches above the cold stone floor. Their greenish skins barelylost its true luster as poison shadows had their black hoods off from their heads. Fewcandles there were burned dimly as the flames danced in no specific direction. Thecold air draft brought by the presence of the poison shadows had snuffed off couplecandles that had the dimmest flames. Evil wizard loudly commanded the poisonshadows, Shakishes, go north of here, enter any town, and cast your deadly spell upon

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    everyone! Without making a sound, silently the poison shadows flipped the ropeshoods over their heads, resuming their inhuman form, and flew through a wall of thecastle which faced north.

    Chapter Four (Lingering no more in this creepy town!)

    Arlene and the boys found couple swords with unusual large blade from the deadbodies that they encountered while they were on a futile search for any survivor in town.The children used the swords to dig a grave for Tristan's father. It took them quite long,but they managed to dig a grave hole. Three of them pulled Tristan's father with all theirmight into the grave hole that was barely deep and large enough for a sizable dead manas Tristans father. They covered the grave hole with more soils to complete the grave.Part of the earth where Tristans father had lain to rest had a slight uneven surface, andone could tell it was dug and refilled with the same soils.

    Tristan slowly stood up right after he had made sure that the bundled of wild flowers

    were secure vertically near the top of his father grave. New tears retraced the last riverof tears across the pale cheeks of a boy who had just lost his father. Tristan felt worsethan before as he acknowledged his father could not even lie to rest in a moreappropriate grave. Instead, his father had to be buried in an unmarked grave. It couldbe difficult for his other family members to visit his father grave as it was unmarked.Tristan promised to himself silently that once he got the chance, he would come backand move his fathers body back home. Anywhere would be better for father to have hiseternal sleep than this cursed ghost town that used to be lively and beautiful, Tristanthought to himself.

    We need to get out of here guys! Charlie begged, This town is so creepy now.

    We need to go home! The question is how, because I have no idea where we areCharlie, Arlene looked at Charlie than she turned toward to ask of Tristan, You haveanyone else you know that we can stay with before Charlie and I can find our wayhome?

    Yes, my uncle, my father's older brother, he is far away from here though. We won't beable to make it there just by walking. We need horses.

    Horses? Is there a barn near here where they keep horses? Arlene asked.

    Yes, there should be at least a barn if not many in town, because I had never comeacross a town that did not have a barn for horses. Follow me, and we seek out a barn,Tristan led the way as the others followed him.

    The children trekked across town without seeing a barn. Finally, the children found thebarn which on the far opposite side of the inn that they had stayed last night. A sight of

    joy as the horses were all healthy. It seemed whatever had killed all the people in townhad no effect on the horses.

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    This means other animals in town must still be alive, right? Arlene asked the boys.

    I assume this is the case, because the horses are fine, Tristan replied.

    Let get three smaller horses, Charlie said.

    And we need to let all other horses go, let free them guys. They will be trapped and diehere since their owners are dead, Arlene pleaded.

    Arlene is right, let free them! Charlie concurred.

    The children unlocked the wooden gate that secured the barn, and Tristan got threesmaller horses out. Tristan tied the horses to the outside of the barn's wooden fence.The rest of the horses got shooed out by Arlene and Charlie. Many horses fled off thebarn, and few of them trod slowly away. Some of the horses were lingered around andoutside of the barn gnawed at grasses on the ground.

    Now we need money, Tristan suggested.

    We can take the money from the dead people, I dont think they will mind since theycant use the money anymore, Charlie suggested.

    It sounds rude, but we need money to feed ourselves on the way to my uncle house.Let take the money from them then. Follow me guys, Tristan led the way once again.

    The children made their way back toward the inn that they had stayed for the night lastnight. Within the inn, the children could see corpses in the same positions as before.

    Everything was so dead.

    We need to treat the dead people with kindness. Let burn them so they won't be ate offby animals, Charlie suggested.

    Arlene ignored the boys as she began to dig into pockets of the corpses with her hands.Plenty of gold coins she found. Every time she had her hands inside the pockets ofanother corpse, she felt sad and realized the corpse was once alive and had a life.There was a creepy feeling within her which made the hairs on her neck stood on ends,because the corpses she got close to all seemed so blackish. The smell of dead wassomething she wanted to get rid off from her nostril so bad. She could not believe that

    the smell of the dead people were so strong. Could it be the smell of some sort ofpoison. This could be the reason how the corpses had gotten so blackish, she thought.

    OK, as Charlie had wished, let burn the town so the corpses would too be burned. Thisway the animals wont be able to eat the corpses! We need a lot of fire, Tristan said.

    Where to find fire? Arlene asked.

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    We can use the oil from the lamps to burn the bedsheets and the curtains andeverything else. There are plenty of lamps inside the inn and elsewhere in town,Tristan suggested.

    I see, once the fire spreads, we dont have to do much. The wind can help the fire to

    spread all over the town and completely burn the town and the corpses up. Its a goodplan, Arlene praised the boys.

    Let hope with enough fire, all the corpses in town will be incinerated into ashes. Nonewould be left for the scavengers, Tristan spoke with doubts.

    Anyhow, let do this then. Let get all the lamps we can find and place them into a pileright outside of the inn. After that we can begin to use the oil from the lamps to burneverything that can be burned, Tristan suggested.

    Arlene and Charlie nodded and had no objection to what Tristan had suggested. The

    children smartly started the fire randomly from each block of the buildings and houses,allowing the wind to spread the fire far and wide across the town. As the fire got biggerand hotter, the children got on their horses and rode out of town.

    Tristan led the way as Arlene and Charlie followed. They ran as fast as they could onhorses to get away from the fire that was surprisingly spread fast across the town. Asthey positioned themselves far away from the fire, Tristan slowed his horse to a full stop.Arlene and Charlie did the same.

    It's sad that the town had to be burned up this way. I hope we had done it right sothose dead people could really rest in peace, Arlene said.

    Let hope so, Charlie said with guilt.

    Let hope the fire wont go crazy and burn even the forest nearby, because that will notbe right, Arlene too felt a little guilt inside, wondering if they had done the right thing.

    Let hope Arlene is wrong. Perhaps, the river behind town and the rugged mountainson the side of town will be enough to contain the fire from everything else. Let go guys,we need to have a place to stay before the night comes, Tristan had his horsegalloped fast and away from town.

    Arlene and Charlie followed right after with their horses galloped so fast that it felt unrealfor the two children who had only a night to get familiar with this whole new place. Thewhole thing felt so unreal for the two children.

    For Arlene, it felt as if she got here from her dream. The burning town behind themconvinced Arlene otherwise, because it was real that the fire had chased them out of thetown in a hurry.

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    The smoke had not left Charlies nostril even though they had left the town far behind.Charlies horse galloped right behind Arlene, and yet his mind was somewhere else.The wind unabated bashed against Charlie, and he knew it would be the same forArlene and Tristan. Out of nowhere, Charlie chuckled. He had never had so much funas this ever. Charlie remembered how sickly Arlene and he were. Yet, now they rode

    on horses so expertly which made him wondered when and how such opportune skillhad occurred.

    Arlene and Charlie, you guys will be my witness for I will tell my uncle about the deathof my father and the disease or whatever that killed everyone in the town of Guinevere,he sniffed his nose as if he had done crying again.

    They rode as fast as they could. Their shadows whisked with them and eventuallyfaded slowly as the sun went down and the sky turned darker.

    Chapter Five (The creation of a first zombie army!)

    The evil wizard was on his way. With horror, the wizard cringed as he saw an incredibleplume of smoke that blanketed the distance ahead as the forest stretched on. Hehurried his way toward the path of Chill Wolf as it parted the two gigantic mountainsapart. At the end of the path of Chill Wolf, the evil wizard saw something that he hadsuspected all along, and it enraged him. The town was aflame, and what he came forhad been spoiled. Not every but many corpses were completely burned into ashes.Few corpses left were half cooked.

    Angrily, the evil wizard chanted the dark words loudly at first. Slowly, his dark wordsevaporated within the air, mended with the surrounding. Silence took over while the evil

    wizard awaited for something. Suddenly, a ripple of airwave slowly waved and ripplednot too far from the evil wizard. As if the air created an opening, a dark shadow inperfect oval shape which stood vertically ripped the air apart in slow motion. Slowly, outcame a black horse. As if the black horse had left her own shadow within the realm shehad came from, she was shadowless and proudly wore a thick black skin. Black firewas aflame at her hooves, giving her a dangerous appearance. She had no eyes.Instead, black smoke came out from those hollow eyes sockets. A long black flame tailswirled near her hind legs.

    Slowly, she lowered herself down in silence, allowing the evil wizard to get onto hereffortlessly. She stood upright once more so she could kick herself off the ground.

    Without any wing, yet she kicked herself off the ground and flew higher than the trees.The distinct trail of black smoke from her hooves was visible in the air even though thesky was colored with the smoke came from the aflame town below.

    Up high above the town, the evil wizard trembling with anger. He observed his workhad been spoiled by whoever he could not know. He calmed himself down just a bit sohe could focus on what to do next.

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    The black horse appeared to understand her master. She halt her flight and floated inthe midair, allowing her master to free his hands and not grasp onto her thick black hairso tightly. The black smoke from her ever burning black flame hooves thinned out.

    Shall the tears of ether obey my command, more dark words were spoken on the evil

    wizards lips. Right after the evil wizard stopped weaving his hands in the air, heavydrops of rain suddenly formed out of the thin air and inundated the town with water.The fire was put out. Few half cooked corpses existed just to be stuck in buildings thatstood in ruins.

    The water spell had successfully suffocated out the fire, saving what werent yet burned.The rain from the water spell had poured down hard, allowing few inches of water toflood the town.

    No longer trembling in anger, the evil wizard quietly allowed his horse to settle onto theground that drowned underneath the fast moving water. The fast moving flood made its

    way out of the town and onto the lowered parts of the ground. The horse loweredherself down so the evil wizard could get off of her.

    The evil wizard dragged his wet ankles with much effort as he moved closer to the ruinsof burned buildings. With few quick looks here and there, the evil wizard could see thatthere were few usable corpses left among different ruins of burned buildings. Satisfiedwith what he saw and suspected, he began to cast his next spell.

    Hear me black thunder. Let there be lightning and dark wind. Heed my command, letthis spell springs into existence. With his dark princes blessing, let it be, let it be anarmy of zombies, the evil words had spoken from the evil wizards lips.

    The grey sky became darker fast. Night came upon the town in thick black clouds thatformed heavily above. Within the thick black clouds, lightnings zapped freely inabundance. Thunders were deafening. The ground shook so hard that whatever barelystood in town tumbled down toward the ground which drowned beneath the fast movingwater.

    Suddenly, half cooked corpses rose onto their feet, officially became so called zombies.Not more than a dozen of confused zombies dragged their ankles below the fast movingwater, making their way toward the evil wizard. The zombies appeared to be coherentas they began to gather near the evil wizard. The charred zombies began to greet each

    other as if they were humans. Their voices were deeper than humans. Their charredskin flaked off revealed newly thick grayish skin.

    Silent fools, the evil wizard shouted.

    The zombies became quiet fast. They stood obediently, awaited for their masterscommands.

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    With a stroke of his black beard peppered with the color of salt from his left hand, theevil wizard observed his creatures. He felt there were too few of them. I have to havemore of you, the evil wizard spoke in a murmur.

    An army of you, the evil wizard shook his head as if he knew it would be long before

    he could have what he wanted.

    The evil wizard stretched both arms toward the dark sky and palms faced up, lines in hisforehead deepen as his face reached for the constellation, and voice got deeper as hespoke another spell. Moment later, the evil wizard stopped spoken and the silence tookover. Unbeknownst to the zombies that stood in silence in front of the evil wizard, theground that these zombies stood on shook violently. Cracks within the ground formedat lightning pace and sucked the zombies under. The zombies fallen into large cracksunder the ground without screaming. Unlike the humans, these zombies had no fearsand worries. They went under the abyss without complaining much.

    The cracks also sucked down the fast moving water, further the process of freeing theground from being drowned under inches of water. Eventually, the cracks drained outmost water, leaving the ground rather wet. The cracks slowly disappeared as the wetground mended together wholly.

    The night that formed by the black clouds went away, allowing the sky to clear up.Everything was bright again, but wet. The town itself was once a busy, active, and livelytown had now reduced into a ghost town with rubbles of burned structures.

    The afternoon was quite surreal for the evil wizard. He stood in silence and witnessedthe destruction before him. After a long contemplation, a lonely evil wizard got onto his

    horse and headed north. This time, his horse had her hooves on the ground; shegalloped out of town while he sat on her back and grasped her thick black hair tightly. Itwas a steady pace. Not too fast, but not too slow either. He felt relaxed and hopednothing bad would surprise him in days to come. He had had much more to do as hetold himself so.

    Chapter Six (A magical night!)

    The children rode northward, but Tristan doubted that his little party could arrive at hisuncle's house before nightfall. The horses had gotten tired. He thought he hadremembered the amount of time it needed to be taken for one to travel from Guinevere

    to Catheblanc, but it had turned out he was wrong. Instead of taking one day long,Tristan was now for sure that his little party had to ride for another day before they couldmingle with his uncle. Tristan slowed his horse down to a stop, and he spun the horsearound facing Arlene and Charlie.

    Night is falling fast. Not a single town is near, and even if there is one, the adults won'ttreat us like them, and it will be very hard for us to get a good room. Then again I wishthere is a town nearby as it's far safer than in this dark forest. Nothing ahead of us and

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    nothing behind of us for stretches. It's creepy, but you guy don't mind we camp here?Tristan reigned in his horse as it was twitched and moved about as if a big bad wolf wasnearby.

    How far do we have to go before we can be at your uncle house? Arlene asked

    Tristan and nipped her lips together.

    I had the time wrong. I thought we could be at his house by nightfall, but now I doubt itwould be so. Half a day more is the most.

    I'm hungry, let eat something and camp here, Charlie mindlessly agreed with Tristanbefore Arlene could decide if she wanted to camp in the middle of the forest.

    Arlene gave in as the boys had decided they would make camp in the forest. Shewasn't fancied about sleeping in this forest as something inside her felt eerie. She hadno reason to deny the boys the rest as she was tired herself.

    The children tied the horses to a tree, and they sat under it. Tristan had carried a tinybag of dry breads all along, and so he took it out to share with the other two children.The dry breads were tasteless, but Arlene and Charlie seemed to care not for the taste.Instead they had made sure every morsel of the dry breads were eaten. Arlene reachedfor her leathery water bag which contained a little more than half full, and she drank itwith a delight. Charlie and Tristan did the same for they too had their own leatherywater bags.

    I think my bag of water here is about to run dry, Charlie complained.

    Dont worry Charlie, there should be a river half a day further ahead. The water in thisriver is so clean that you can see the bottom of the river. The water itself will give youthe cleanest feeling in your mouth ever, and your thirst will be quenched like instantly.Ya, I think mine is about to go empty too. Yours Arlene? Tristan asked.

    Oh, I still have plenty. I dont drink much like you boys. I think Ill drink a lot more nowsince you say there is a river ahead that we can refill our water bags, Arlene let out asoft smile as she wearily glanced about the forest.

    The children finished the breads and the water while the night owls hoot. The darkforest got a tad colder. Bands of fireflies flew back and forth as if they were dancing in

    the moonlight. The children had fallen into deep dreams and missed the beautifuldances of the fireflies. Groups of fireflies formed circles as they swirled around theancient trees and thick branches. From time to time, groups of fireflies flew off theirtrees and mingled together, forming much larger groups. Only when smaller groups offireflies formed the larger groups that something magical had happened. Each largegroup of fireflies resonated a beautiful tune. By chance, several large groups of firefliesresonated at the same time, and the whole forest was suddenly bathed within the musicof the fireflies. Arlene thought she was in a dream as she woke up to hear the

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    enchanted resonance. She wanted to wake up the boys, but she did not. It would bevery unpleasant for them if she woke them up from their sleeps. Wide awoke, sheobserved the fireflies with awe. Instead of feeling eery, she felt magical. Theotherworldly resonance of the fireflies turned an eery forest into a lively one. Sheimagined that the whole forest had welcomed her and the boys to a magical party.

    As Arlene observed the groups of fireflies ever closer, she gasped in amazement. Shesaw each large group of fireflies swarmed around creatures resembled a mythical figureknown as the fairy. Memory rushed back, she remembered she was so sick in thehospital that she was bedridden for many days, and during her bedridden period shehad seen a movie that got fairies.

    In this forest, the fairies resembled the fireflies but they were different as they had twogigantic transparent wings overlapping the two small but cute white wings. The fairieshad humanlike, benevolent faces. Arlene wiped her eyes with the inside of her righthand so she could confirm the fairies were real. She convinced, because she

    witnessed the dances of the fairies with her own eyes. It was an astounding realization,and it was magical. Each fairy danced in the moonlight while each group of firefliesswirled in line which encircled the fairy from toes to head. Arlene was about to wake upthe boys so they could witness the enchanted forest, but a voice spoke softly on herright ear.

    Don't, don't wake the boys up.

    Arlene spun around to her right, in the direction of the voice. A tiny fairy hung in midairand stopped in front and between her eyebrows. Arlene's eyes grew closer as sheobserved the tiny fairy which was about the size of her own nose. Arlene realized the

    fairy was just an inch or so away from her nose. Before Arlene could react, the fairyslowly landed onto the tip of her nose. The two gigantic transparent wings flapped awayeven though the fairy calmly clung to the tip of Arlenes nose.

    Let them sleep away. It seemed that theyre exhausted from the trip earlier.

    Arlene was shocked the fairy had landed on her nose. She felt the weightlessness ofthe fairy, and the fairy was even more beautiful from a nose length distance.

    Sure, Arlene replied reluctantly.

    What's your name little girl? the fairy asked.

    It's Arlene!

    Us fairies don't have name. We distinguish ourselves by the music we make. We usemusic to communicate, and music to tell who is who. It's very different from humans.

    So how do I call you? Arlene asked with bemused look on her face.

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    Just call me Amber. In fact, you can call each of us as Amber. It doesnt make adifference, but if you like you can assign each fairy you meet with a name that you feelcomfortable to use most. For us, we can recognize you by your aura. Each human hashis or her own aura, Amber replied.

    Amber, I thought you say fairies only use music to communicate?

    Yes, so many humans had asked me this question before. Us fairies know a magicspell that allows us to communicate with humans in human language. Actually, its morelike were communicating from soul to soul even though you speak your tongue and Imake music.

    So, it means this magic spell will make me understand you and you understand meeven though you and I use our very own language? Arlene asked.

    Yes, but it is more like I use my very own music, and you speak your very ownlanguage, Amber glowed beautifully in a way that no earthly fireflies could evercompete.

    Amber, its so cool that Im talking to you.

    Its always nice for me to have a conversation to a human. Arlene, there is a moreurgent matter at hand, and this is why Im making myself known to you. I want to warnyou that there is a very powerful wizard who is on your trail. This powerful wizard isntfriendly, and he is dangerous. If he sees you, Im sure there is no way for you and yourfriends to escape his treacherous agenda. So, I suggest you and your friends to ride

    fast and away from here. I think you have time to rest a little. Just make sure you andyour friends ride out of here in the earliest dawn.

    I thought seeing fairies is already something out of this world, but a wizard too? Sorry,Im so excited. I dont understand why we have to run away from this wizard. Is he thatscary?

    Before now, not really. Unfortunately, its very much the case now. Just make sure youand your friends stay out of his way. Its best that you humans never meet him, ever.Thanks Amber. Ill warn the boys about what you have told me. I just hope that they

    will believe me, because they havent seen you. Plus, I dont think they even believefairies are real.

    You can always tell them to ride faster, because you want to arrive to where you aregoing as soon as possible, Amber glowed some more.

    Yes, that is what I will tell them then. Its better that way so they dont think I have gonecrazy on them. Thanks again Amber, Arlene smiled.

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    I have to go now, Amber lifted herself off Arlenes nose.

    Can I see you again soon? Arlene asked.

    Arlene, if fate has it, we will meet again. Pardon me, I must rejoin my fairy friends.

    Once again, its nice to meet you Arlene. Be careful and please take my warningseriously. Take care Arlene, Ambers gigantic transparent wings flapped ever faster.

    Amber flew off and rejoined one of a large firefly groups. Beautiful music made by thefairies echoed throughout the forest. The fireflies danced away as the moon continuedto brightly shine above.

    Suddenly, Arlene felt the heaviness of her eyelids. She wanted to stay awake, but hereyes refused to stay wide open. Slowly drifted away into a deep sleep, her back leanedagainst the trunk of the gigantic tree which protected her friends from the windthroughout the night; the boys slept soundly next to her on the dried ground.

    The first light penetrated the dark forest woke up Arlene. The fireflies were no longeraround, and Arlene missed them already. The night was so magical as if all but was adream, but she knew it was real. She woke up the boys and urged the boys to ride out.

    Chapter Seven (I wanted to be a thief!)

    Andora was west of the continents of Chesual and Raus and had more landmass thanboth combined. Andora was also the poorest continent. A profession of stolen goodsknown as rouge was highly praised in Andora. In fact, rouge was respected by many as

    the second best profession in the whole Andora. The only profession that was favoredmore than rouge in Andora would be the wizardry. In fact, wizardry had always beenthe profession that considered to be the most mysterious and worshiped with thehighest regards by most inhabitants throughout the known continents. Even thoughwizardry was outrageously desirable, it was too difficult to master. Wizardry consistedof any profession that had to do with magic. Not that many eager students of wizardryhad the patient of undying stupidity and the foolhardy will to follow through thecommitments of facing what were to be rigorous challenges. The kind of challengesthat only the ablest minds that bothered not of losing sanity, as if they had spoken to thedevil and learned what the devil had to teach. The kind of challenges intended to instilla certainty of uncertainty in which time had not a part, because only the ablest minds

    dared to cast away the notion of certainty of time. The kind of challenges intended tomuddled the minds beyond redemption, as if they had seen the devil with many angelicfaces.

    It wasnt that uncommon to see many students of wizardry refused to continue theircourses and switched to professions that got nothing to do with magic. It wasnt out ofwillingness that they had discontinued their wizardry ways, but it was out of theirunwillingness to give up their dreams that they had come to term with seeking out other

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    professions. These inept students of wizardry had seen their dreams and beliefs fadedaway as if all their efforts and might had come to naught.

    In Andora, the rouge profession had its fair share of welcoming these inept students ofwizardry into its domain. Still, many once proudly students of wizardry refused to join

    the second best profession of Andora, because they believed rouge profession wascruel and treacherous. The ones that reluctantly compelled to take on the rougeprofession were attracted to the mystic culture of rouge society.

    Even though rouge profession could only be the second best profession of all therewere of Andora, nobody was naive enough to trick oneself into believing with little effortone could master the trade of rouge profession. This meant to become a full fledge thiefof which the rouge society would proudly recognize and praise. Unfortunately, eventhough the rouge profession could be mastered easier than wizardry, it had certainchallenges that might yield the same fate for those who had tried to tackle the fate ofmastering wizardry.

    Rouge profession certainly demanded students to be patience, witty, strong will, agile,brave, and decisive. Not everyone who could attain every single trait the rougeprofession sought. The ones who had the traits that rouge profession approved wouldstill have to withstand the miseries of going through tough training stages before the titleof a full fledge thief could be awarded to the apprentices.

    The title of a thief would only be recognized among thieves, and thieves loved to calleach other as thief freely. When somebody that had not a connection to rouge societyand dared to call a thiefs title directly, any thief would find such action as blasphemy.Consequently, certain harsh judgments might rain upon the careless somebody.

    Thieves formed a very secretive society. There was a saying in Andora that anyonecould wish to learn any profession, but a person could not learn the way of a thiefunless there was a recruitment invitation. Taking up a rouge profession was not simplynamed oneself a thief and went about stealing goods. Without the rouge society'sbacking, a person could be killed by members of rouge society.

    A thief always had a place and a rank within a rouge society. Ranking among thieveswere simple. Squirrel was the lowest rank of all ranks in the rouge society. When aperson got recruited by a thief, one would become a squirrel. The only way for asquirrel advanced to the next rank was to pass a standard rouge's test known as the

    Apprentice Test. After a squirrel had successfully passed the Apprentice Test, a squirrelwould be promoted to an apprentice.

    There would be only one test left to become a thief right after the Apprentice Test wasthe Shadow Test. Before a person could take the Shadow Test, a person must properlybe trained and accomplished all the missions that was dispatched by a master of therouge society. The master of a rouge society held the highest rank of all thieves, but therank of master could not be attained by simply taking a test or accomplished through a

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    mission. Plus, not just anybody could become a master, because there would only beone master at a time. After a master of rouge society passed away, there would be asecret election. Only the most inner circle of highest ranks of thieves could attend thesecret election. At the secret election, each member would put forward a vote forwhoever he or she would vouch for to become the master of rouge society. There

    wasnt a rule that mandated a member of rouge society had to meet certain standard tobecome a master. Then again, rouge society had never had a master who wasnt themost capable.

    Thieves had other useful skills besides their amazing ability in stealing treasures andvaluable objects, and those skills were assassination and spying. Thieves were knownfor their superb stealth ability. They could stealthily penetrate heavily guarded castlesand protected compounds. Countless treasures would disappear without a single thiefwas to be accounted for. Over the time, thieves evermore emboldened in their stealthability and took up jobs that had greater consequences. Rouge society had oftenallowed thieves to carry out the act of assassination and spying for powerful, wealthy,

    well connected certain someones so the rouge society itself would continue to be aforce to be reckoned with.

    All members within rouge society followed the same creed. The rouge societys creeddemanded loyalty, courage, stealth, and the need of keeping secrecy. The unspokenpart of the creed was to make rouge society profitable. Booties brought back from anymission would later be divided in the order of forty percent of whatever to be handedover to the master so he could keep it safe for rouge society as a whole, the rest wouldbelong to the one who had completed the mission.

    The rouge society had a headquarter in the northern part of Andora. Often it would be

    easier for somebody to be recruited into rouge society by not straying too far away fromthe rouge societys headquarter. It happened that Kevins parents had disappearedwhen he was eight, and he found himself wandered throughout the northern part ofAndora. Without a parent to raise him, Kevin survived by stealing what he could.Whenever hunger set in, he would sneak into a random village so he could nab a snowychicken. A big catch would be a white fur pig.

    Living off the land, Kevin risked of being caught many times in his endeavors of stealingvarious livestocks. The livestocks from the area were particularly adapted to coldclimate. From snowy chicken to white fur pig, these animals developed thick layers offur and skin. The thick layers of fur and skin protected these animals from extreme cold

    weather when they were alive. Unfortunately for Kevin, the thick layers of fur and skinfrom these animals demanded Kevin to take much more time in preparing his meals.He had to skin his catches real well before he could roast them over the fire. Kevin hadrealized long time ago when he plucked away the thick layer of white fur from the whitefur pigs to reveal the thin layer of pink skin which could be roasted over a mediumcampfire had the amazing crunchy taste.

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    Kevin knew that he could be beaten to death if he had gotten caught just once by thelivestock farmers. So far, he had outsmarted them all. Kevin knew stealing wasnt anhonorable thing to do, but it wasnt an option for him not to do so. So far, he hadconvinced himself that he had done nothing wrong. He had nobody to guide him inmaking a living. He got no connection in anyway which could lead him to a better life.

    Stealing was the only thing he knew how to do best. He knew that as long he justtargeted the folks who had plenty to share but not so willingly do so. This way, Kevinsomewhat could feel less guilty by taking things from someone without asking forpermission.

    Gradually, Kevin began to push himself more than just stealing livestocks. Hegraduated into stealing anything that could be profitable. Of course, an internal guiltalways drove him to target dislike characters. If he wasnt too desperate, he would pickan extreme wealthy villager with a plethora of despicable moral values to become hisnext victim. Going after high profile targets would always require extra effort inplanning, and so it made sense for Kevin to take all the time in the world to observe and

    plan things out before he would make his move. By being careful and planning thingsout, Kevin had often surprised himself of pulling some feats that he would consider to be

    just as good as the members of the rouge society. Quite often, day dreaming set in hadKevin fantasized himself as an accomplished member of rouge society. Kevin wouldhave like to live in such a fantasy forever, but harsh reality had its way of yanking Kevinout of such a fantasy. Instead of feeling angry as the harsh reality set in, Kevin foundhimself chuckled away whenever he had thought himself as an accomplished thief, atrue member of the rouge society.

    Kevin remembered right after his parents had disappeared without a trace, he went onfor days with an empty stomach. It would growled louder than a fire lion, he thought.

    He had heard tales of how fire lions from the faraway land that could send fears intothousands of men by just growling from afar. Kevin imagined such a mythical lion wouldhave a growl that could deafen anybody ears. Why else such a lion could send fearsinto thousands of men so easily?

    Water wasnt the problem for Kevin in those days, because he could always dipped hishead into bodies of water in various locations that littered throughout a village which hehappened to explore. Foods were much more difficult to come by for Kevin. He oftenfed himself with dirty breads that he found on the ground in various markets. The folkswho were at the markets would ignore his condition. They left him alone as if he wasinvisible. With such an invisibility, Kevin explored one market after another, looking for

    something that could be eaten. The things he found would be so distasteful to the folksthere, but he could care less. It was more important for his stomach to not grow like afire lion than otherwise. He often found leftover meals with little left to be eatenscattered the tables, and these tables would surround the open kitchen stands wherethe cooks would happen to dish out their customers favorite meals. Combining theseleftover meals would eventually somewhat soothe his pesky stomach. If the Gods werewith him on certain days, he could find a single leftover meal that was plenty enough tofill his stomach in one go. Well, as long the cooks had not empty such promising meals

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    before he had his hands on them. Of course, there were more days of bad luck thangood luck, and so Kevin had often resorted to crushed, dirty, and barely eatable breadsthat coated with layers of dirt. These breads could be found easily throughout variousmarkets as folks often by chances or intentions had dropped them and would not pickthem up from the ground. Such folks had plenty to make do, and so they were careless

    of something as insignificant as dirty breads.

    Daydreaming of becoming an accomplished member of the rouge society came easy toa boy who had nothing to eat all day long. It was an old man who badmouthed thethieves of rouge society had told much about the rouge society and its members toKevin. Whenever the old man was to be found in the market, Kevin knew he wouldhave a heck of a day. The old man wasnt wealthy, but he had enough to go by. Kevinoften found the old man to be super generous to him. It was different kind of charitythough. The old man wasnt like the other folks who had ignored his condition, becausethe old man would share some of his meals with Kevin as long Kevin would listen to hisramblings. The old man would go on badmouthing the members of rouge society from

    time to time, and whenever he did, Kevin would perch his ears in earnest so he couldknow more about the rouge society and its members. Eventually, the old man stoppedvisiting the markets for unknown reasons. Even though there were many encountersbetween the old man and himself, Kevin never got to know the old mans real name.Conversation would carry on during those strange encounters as if the old man was hisblood elder, but there was never a formal introduction between the old man and himself.Introduction of names had never came up, because the old man would call Kevin boythis and boy that.

    It was strange for Kevin to find inspirations from the stories he had heard of the rougesociety and its members from the old man even though these stories were often told in

    negative perspectives. Perhaps, the old man had exaggerated these stories so thingswould be more exciting. Nonetheless, whether the stories were falsely inflated or not,Kevin found himself wishing to become a character within the old mans stories. It wasthen he had decided he would love to have a chance of becoming a member of therouge society. Sadly to say, since that day till now, he had made no progress inpursuing the dream of becoming a member of the rouge society.

    While keeping up his hope that one day he would be recruited into the rouge society,Kevin continued to live off the land. Living off the land wasnt easy. Kevin had to steal

    just about everything.

    Stealing livestocks was one thing which Kevin got really good. Kevin remembered howhe had devised a technique for nabbing livestocks. The technique required Salinemedicine, needles, and a blowgun. Kevin acquired Saline medicine by chance. Ithappened when he was sneaking across rooftops of various houses within a localvillage nearby, and by accident he had a glimpse at the work of a local witch doctorbelow. Usually, Kevin would carry on, but he saw the local witch doctor mumbledsomething about Saline and then applied the medicine on a little baby that cried

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    incessantly. To his amazement, the baby went to sleep right away. He knew then andthere, the local witch doctor had something he wanted.

    Days after, Kevin observed the local witch doctor every move. Slowly, he began toknow everything there was for him to make the so called Saline medicine. It turned out,

    Saline medicine wasnt easy to make. It had the local witch doctor explored throughoutthe forest for the rare leaves known as Saline. Saline leaves had not a branch or atrunk to call home, but these leaves spurted out of nowhere and dangled upon the slimy,greenish vines of few trees within the forest of Andora. Eventually, the local witchdoctor would boil the Saline leaves with local ingredients so the medicine would tastebetter.

    Kevin had not a care for concoct a soup of Saline medicine. Instead of boiling Saline ina soup, Kevin would crush Saline leaves till enough juice was extracted. He then mixedthe extracted Saline juice with a local oil. By dipping his blowguns needles into theSaline oil, Kevin could use his blowgun to shoot out Saline needles, effectively sedating

    just about any living things. With the knowledge of making Saline medicine, Kevin oftendrugged his favorite meals into deep sleep with a blowgun before he quietly hauledthem off the barns and farms.

    While waiting for the night to come, Kevin prepared his blowgun with needles thatdipped into his own concocted Saline oil. The thought of a roasted white fur pig had hisempty belly complained. He wished the night would have came already.

    As the darkness of the night had just shut out the last light over Andora, Kevin left hislittle hut. He traveled eastward, away from Timor and toward Maisu. Arriving in Maisu,Kevin approached one of the barns he had targeted. Trusting the darkness of the night

    and the black clothes he wore as best friends, Kevin hid behind the tree and observedthe barn from a short distance. Not a soul in sight, Kevin slowly approached the lowwood fence which designed to prevent the livestocks within from escaping.A juicy white fur pig ventured nearby. Kevin raised his blowgun and blew hard. Withneedlepoint accuracy, a small sedative needle stuck to the left side of the white fur pigsbelly. With fewer white furs to protect the sides of the belly, the sedative needle wasable to penetrate into the the poor animals bloodstream without a hitch. The white furpig had let out a small squeal, but the squeal was barely audible. The other white furpigs sniffing the ground, had not a clue what had happened to the white fur pig thatswayed sideway and fell to the ground.

    Without further ado, Kevin climbed over the fence as fast as he could. Without wantingto scare the waking white fur pigs into a squealing competition, he slowly approachedthe sleeping white fur pig. Out a bag and in the juicy white fur pig.

    The sleeping white fur pig inside the bag was heavy, and it took some effort beforeKevin could load the bag over his right shoulder. Jerked his head toward the gate tomake sure it was clear. Kevin carefully headed for the gate, making sure he wasnt

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    bumping into the waking white fur pigs. They could start a squeal competition if one ofthem got panic and squeal loudly, and so it was better for him to not run but approachthe gate carefully. Kevin unlocked the gate as slowly as he could, hoping that he couldmitigate the cracking noise. It worked! Kevin could not be anymore delight as the catchwas a good one. With a juicy white fur pig over his shoulder, Kevin snuck away in the


    Kevin found himself at lost when he entered his hut. Uninvited, a man with roughlooking and blond hair sat waiting for him. Kevin quickly released the heavy bag fromhis back, and a loud thud could be heard loudly throughout the hut and outside. Adagger was produced from his belly's waistband. Kevin dropped into a defensive stand,offended by the strange blond man who invaded his hut. The calm blond man smiled athow Kevin had reacted to his presence.

    You don't have to be alarm boy! I'm not here to harm you! the blond man assuredKevin.

    Who are you?

    Like I said boy, Im not here to harm you. Do put that funny dagger of yours away.

    Kevin relaxed a bit since the strange man repeated he did not want to harm him. Still,just in case the man would pull something weird, he had the dagger held firmly to hisside. Kevin was no longer in the defensive stand, and he was eager to have the manout of his hut.

    Can you get out of my hut, we can talk outside. I dont like stranger to come inside my

    hut uninvitedly.

    Cant do. Cant do that boy, because I feel just comfy in here. You see, stop thinkingme as a stranger, but you need to think me as someone who will become your bestfriend. No, more like your future tutor.

    The strange man picked himself off the floor. He was a tall man. His head almostgrazed the very top of the hut. Kevin seemed strangely tiny to the man.

    What on earth are you talking about? Kevin felt somewhat intimidated by the manstature.

    Boy, Victor is the name that boys like you would flock to at any chance. You see, Im aveteran thief, and right now I have an itch of recruiting a squirrel. A deceiving smileformed on his face.

    You mean me?

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    Who else? Of course, you can always refuse to be one of us. I must warn you though,there wont be a second chance to join us if you refuse us now. So, think about refusingto be one of us carefully.

    OK, so I just say yes and Im in?

    No, its a lot more than just saying yes. First, you need to learn our way of life andprofession. Afterward, you must prove to all of us that you are a capable member. Bythe way, being a squirrel is nothing something you should be proud of, because nomember of rouge society will respect a squirrel. Basically, becoming a squirrel is justone way to allow you to have one foot inside our door. Got it?

    I guess, Kevin reluctantly agreed.

    Listen to me carefully, tomorrow night when the moon is big and shiny as now, youneed to meet me at the headquarter of the rouge society. An initiation ceremony will be

    held for you. The rouge society is taking the initiation very serious. It doesn't matter ifthe initiation is for a squirrel or an apprentice or a thief, the initiation ceremony will beheld with utmost formality and dedication. Do not wear any clothes with vibrant colors.You need to dress in black clothes. Make that from head to toes. Do not bring anyweapon. Lastly, bring along 50 gold coins to the initiation. Without the gold coins, yourinitiation cannot go on, Victor searched Kevin's face for any sign of backing out.

    50 gold coins? Why so much? Kevin face got slightly longer.

    Nothing is free in this world, especially for becoming a member of our society. If youdont have the coins, dont come. The master will be there to accept your coins and

    initiate you tomorrow, so dont make him waiting. Anyway, catch you at the initiationtomorrow night, Victor left the hut and disappeared into the night.

    Kevin was relieved to see Victor whisked away in the night. Victors large size madehim felt uncomfortable, as if he was forced upon by the man presence in his own hut.Relief, but there was this uneasiness feeling lurked somewhere within him. Perhaps, itwas more of an excitement. As if a flame of an unrealized ambition was slowly,perpetually extinguished had just been given a new life. It was an excitement alright! Abig one too, and he felt the blood rushed up into his head as if he had done somethingreally big which he should be so proud of. Obviously, nothing had happened yet.Nonetheless, he figured such a rare opportunity would now be his. If everything would

    turn out right for him at the squirrel initiation, his chance to become a big shot suddenlylooked more real than ever before.

    Hmm... a foot into the door of the rouge society. Very cool! Kevin thought to himself.

    Just getting 50 gold coins and Im set, Kevin told himself. The villagers nearby werebarely made do with what they got. Silver coins were certainly within reach for thesevillagers, but gold coins would be something exotic. Kevin hit a snag, and he knew he

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    had to solve it quick or else his dream, ambition, and his future would all dissipate in thethin air by tomorrow night.

    ----------Please dont read beyond this point, or else things might not make sense. Imstill working on getting more materials and piecing the the story further.---------------

    He suddenly remembered about a man who lived in Koira which located to the south ofMaisu. Kevin was sured that the man in Koira had enough gold coins for his initiation.

    The man named Igor. Igor had been the force that controlled the wheat market in thenorthern part of Andora. The wealth which Igor had accumulated turned him into one ofthe richest men in the northern part of Andora.

    Kevin knew Igor had the gold coins he needed, but it would be an impossible missionfor stealing the gold coins from Igor. The residence where Igor lived was highly guardedwith men who had known for their cruelties. Kevin had heard rumor of how Igor hid

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    many gold coins in a box located deep within his compound. Kevin suspected the boxhad to be among other valuable items that Igor locked away in a highly guarded room.

    Stealing gold coins from Igor would be a mission for a veteran thief, but Kevin was farfrom being a thief let alone a veteran thief. Stealing from Igor made the goal of getting

    the 50 gold coins in a day possible, but it would be a suicidal mission. Kevin weighedhis options and he strongly felt his next fat pig had to be Igor. Alright, Igor here I come!

    The sun was barely woken up, Kevin had on a tight white pant and a tight white shortsleeve shirt. He wanted the clothes he wore stayed out of his way when a getaway wasnecessary. Andora was largely undeveloped and the forest ruled the continent. Kevinused the forest as a shroud which hid him from the enemies. Kevin had never traveledthrough the forest for sightseeing, but it was difficult to ignore the lively animals andexotic plants that had grew along the forest trails. The forest had its way with Kevin ashe felt peaceful within it. Nonetheless, Kevin knew where he headed would only begrim.

    By the time the sun bathed everything under its glory glow, Kevin climbed up and hidhimself on a largest tree which located behind Igor's residence. The tree was thick andovergrown with branches and vegetations, a well cover for Kevin to stake the backsideof Igor's residence. Two men were stood loosely nearby a large white column whichsupported the oversized roof. The two men mingled about something. Kevin could notsee anyone else from the backside of Igor's residence. Without being sure, Kevin couldnot sneak inside Igor's residence just yet.

    Lucky for Kevin, the two men party left the backside of Igor's residence gave Kevin anidea. Kevin slowly climbed down the tree and approached the backdoor as quietly as

    he could. The door made from metal and was shut tight. Certain locking mechanismfrom the inside had locked the door prevented Kevin from entering. Kevin unfold a longrobe he had all along with him. He made a knot for the robe which could be tightenedwhen it caught an object. Without aiming and a mighty underhanded throw, Kevin hadthe robe thrown over the metal door. He pulled the robe back hard but it failed tograbble onto any part of the metal door from the inside. Kevin tried the second time andit was a success. The robe grabbed a locking mechanism from the inside of the metaldoor. Kevin pulled hard on the robe and the robe tightened its grasp onto the lockingmechanism. Even though Kevin tried, the locking mechanism would not release itshold. Kevin gave one last try and the locking mechanism released itself and made aclank sound.

    Kevin snuck into Igor's residence through the backdoor. Stealthily he waded his wayinto the lair of the fat pig and the fat pig's little pigs. The hallways within Igor's residenceformed a complicated maze. Here and there but infrequently, little windows with metalbars formed tic tac toe squares allowed light seeped in just enough to beat back theoverflow of dark shadows. Hot and humid air permeated throughout and thecockroaches encroached the floors of the hallways. Kevin found it was incapacitated as

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    a stench permeated the air and invaded his nose. It seemed Igor and his henchmenwere a bunch of unkempt pigs.

    Nothing was valuable in sight as far as his eyes could see. Igor must had kept histreasure to himself and shared none for his henchmen. Doubts crept in as Kevin

    wandered around. It seemed Igor indeed was a selfish bastard, but how could a carefulselfish bastard as him had the whereabout of his treasure leaked or to be rumoredabout? Kevin began to doubt that the treasure was around. If bad luck had it, he wouldnot be able to get the gold coins for his squirrel initiation, and worse he would be caughtand killed by Igor's henchmen.

    Several times Kevin had to change directions as Igor's henchmen moved about thehallways. Kevin used the dark corners of the hallways to hide himself from suddenappearances of Igor's henchmen. After a long exploration within the hallways, Kevin gotto know the place quite well. Igor's residence was a dirty place but was impressive withits size and space. The place had about 30 rooms, 5 hallways, and 3 spacious general

    areas. All the doors that led to different areas in Igor's residence were unguarded butone. It had to be the treasure room! Kevin hoped Igor the dirty pig would have his goldcoins hid there. It could also be a trap! Kevin heard no movement about and the twoguards stood in front the mysterious door were motionless.

    Without moving, but the two guards had complete view of the hallway. No one couldapproach the door without being seen unless it was a ghost. On one side of the hallwayof the mysterious door had a little window with metal bars that formed in tic tac toesquares lighted the hallway somewhat. Enough light to shine on Kevin if he decided toapproach the guards in any stealthy way.

    Kevin patrolled the two guards with one eye as he stuck a sliver of his face out at theend of the hallway. The corner of the hallway where Kevin stood was dark enoughwhich kept Kevin's presence hidden from the two guards. Kevin had a problem! Hewanted to use his blowgun on the two guards but they were far enough which had himhesitated. His heart raced as his mind raced to come up with an idea.

    Approaching the guards in a tight hallway with enough light near the center of thehallway meant fight or flight. Kevin had always best when came to flight but fight, Kevinwould rather not think of it. The two guards were huge, and they carried dangerouslyhuge, sharped axes. The size and the evil presence of those men troubled Kevin.

    Kevin had thought of everything but nothing was brilliant enough for he to take thechance. Suddenly he heard a movement from afar, near the opposite end of where hestood. The hallways were a maze, some hallways led to another, and some otherswould end up with doors. Only two hallways in Igor's residence allowed people to enterand exit the place. Kevin had pretty much stood in the center of the Igor's residence,and the mysterious door was in sight. A movement from the opposite end where Kevinnow stood could only mean that Kevin had been trapped from both ends. Themovement had gotten clearer.

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    A small thump echo the hallway, but the two guards had not reacted to the sound. Aman fell down as a tiny needle penetrated his neck. His body was eventually robbednaked and he was tied as his legs were bounded by clothing in a difficult knot and so hishands. Two more small needles were penetrated the man neck, three in total. Kevin

    had made sure the man could not be woken up anytime soon by shooting the man withthree needles that were pasted with Saline medicine. For all he knew, the man couldsleep forever as one needle with Saline medicine could put out a man for almost awhole day. Nonetheless, excessive measure was taken since he decided the situationwas rather dire for himself. He masked himself with the clothes that he robbed from hisunconscious victim. A plan came up. Masking himself within the uniform that he hadrobbed from his unconscious victim, he planned to approach the two guards withinreasonable distance so his blowgun could be more accurate.

    The two guards saw Kevin approached but they did not reacted. The two guards weresurprised to see Kevin suddenly stopped from his normal stride, they were somewhat

    amused. One of the guards began his forward stride toward Kevin but he fell downinstantly as Kevin blew a sedated needle into his face. The second guard became alertand told Kevin to halt, but a needle flew into his mouth and choked him. Without time tochoke properly, the second guard fell down hard onto the floor of the hallway.

    The mysterious door was locked as Kevin had assumed. It was unnecessary to pick thelock when Kevin had obtained the key on one of the fallen guards' body. Kevin pushedthe mysterious door open and he saw the untold treasures. The rumor was true. Whatlay hidden behind the mysterious door were dragon statutes made of gold, pearls camein all sizes, golden wine cups, jades that were carved in animal shapes and rectangularshapes that could be wore on necks, and what had caught Kevin's eyes the most were

    trays of gold coins.

    Kevin eyeballed the room and estimated that Igor's trays of gold coins totaled more thananything he could imagine of. Igor was really a fat pig. With these gold coins, Igorcould buy politicians. It was now clear that Igor had his way with the wheat market forthese gold coins could literally bought out or crushed his competitors to pulps.

    Kevin was not prepared for so many gold coins. He thought to himself, I cannot escapethis place if I stuff way too many of them. Kevin stuffed 60 gold coins inside his moneypurse made out of sturdy black cloth. Kevin snuck slowly out of the treasure room,carefully watching for signs of Igor's henchmen.

    On the way out of Igor's residence, Kevin noticed Igor was drunk and lay snoring in ageneral area. A really beautiful woman sat next to a drunken Igor and massaged him.She saw Kevin snuck out, but she did not made any sound. Kevin's eyes met her, andshe gazed back with her cold eyes. For a moment, Kevin thought she was going tomake a sound to alert Igor, but she had not. Kevin quickly broke off the stare and snuckfaster toward the hallway that would lead him outside and away from Igor's residence.

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    Apparently, Igor was comfortable enough within his own residence that he had not aguard to watch him while he slept in a drunken state. Had he had a guard idled by,Kevin had not a cha