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On November 11, 2010 police officers of the 9th Precinct responded to an early morning call of a rapid fire that began on the 6th floor at Ageoff Towers at East Fourth and Avenue A. Sergeant Michael Fabitti and Police Officers Katherine Keating, Joanna Lopez, and Natasha Deleon responded on the scene to find residents in panic and the building in flames.

Swift on their feet, the officers concluded that at that time of morning, residents would still be in their apartments. Putting the lives of residents before their own, the brave officers ran into the building exposing themselves to “extreme heat and heavy smoke”. All of the officers and were treated for smoke inhalation in addition to seven residents, and the officers were able to evacuate with out fatalities.

That was just one of the many recounts of bravery recited to introduce award recipients Wednesday evening in Cooper Union’s Great Hall on 7 East 7th Street. The Ninth Precinct Community Council Board held the 16th Annual Awards Ceremony for the Officers of the 9th Precinct at East Fifth Street.

Vibrant applause and gratitude rang from the audience of about 50 friends, family members, and fellow officers as Ninth Precinct Community Board Council President Jerry Shea and Deputy Inspector Kenneth Lehr resided over the ceremony, which honored 35 outstanding officers and precinct staff.

“We have gotten bigger and better each year,” said Shea of the awards ceremony. The awards are very important to the community board because, “The officers are outstanding and deserve recognition,” said Shea “What they do for the community is amazing.”

Officers not only protect the community from assailants, but they assist with self-inflicted offenses as well. Last October, Officers Shinji Suzuki and Michael Jurena successfully talked a “suicidal and emotionally distressed” woman out of launching herself off of Second Street roof.

Ninth Precinct rookies Police Office Israel Sanchez Escobar, Robert Cici, Michael Fratangelo, James Woods, and Officer James Luongo, were awarded for their high arrests records and dedication to the force.

Luongo has only been a Police Officer for a little over three years. His mother was on hand at the ceremony rooting for her son, whom she called her “hero.”

“As some of our older officers retire, the newer officers are successfully filling their shoes,” said Deputy Lehr.

Of the five rookies awarded, they have a combined total of 191 arrests this year alone. And an average of 38 arrests each.

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Supervisor of the Year Award was given to 18-year veteran Lieutenant Patrick G. Ferguson. Around the squad Ferguson is known as “someone who can fix a problem regardless of the time of day.” Officers under his command look to him for his ability quickly assess any situation. Awards were also given to internal staff like PAA, Police Administrative Assistant Desiree Angus, high school student and Explorer Lieutenant Alexander Egyud, who is enrolled in the precinct’s training program for high school students that intend to pursue careers in law enforcement. Lastly, Auxiliary Police Officer Gilbert Arce was awarded for his outstanding attention to coordinating special events that require police attention in the East Village and Alphabet City.

After the ceremony, people dined on donated food from local restaurants like pizza from Two Boots, Japanese noodles and dumplings from Soba-Ya, and buffalo chicken and cheeseburger mac and cheese from S’Mac, Sarita’s Macaronni + Cheese.