Download - 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

Page 1: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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9 1300 HOURS



12 Omni San Antonio Hotel at the Colonnade

13 9821 Colonnade Boulevard

14 San Antonio, Texas 78230




18 WILLIAM STARKEY, National President






24 Reported by:

25 Lisa A. Blanks, RPR, CSR, CRR

Page 2: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 2Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

1 NP STARKEY: Close the door and invite the

2 shipmates into the hall.

3 National Chaplain, will you open the holy

4 Bible, please.

5 NCHAP DAVIS: Shipmate National President, the

6 Bible is open.

7 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Hand salute! Ready,

8 two!

9 Shipmate, rear mic.

10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President.

11 I'd like to announce that Branch 59, Cheyenne, Wyoming

12 Branch 40, changed the report from the Abraham Rosenberg

13 will be Branch 295, San Angelo, Texas.

14 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate Scarbro, Past

15 National President.

16 Shipmate at the rear mic.

17 JrPNP LARSON National President, Larson,

18 Branch 94 delegate. Hopefully for the last time, 91st

19 National Convention, in memory of late great past

20 National President Ralph Schmidt, Junior Past National

21 President remains in uniform of the day.

22 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Shipmate rear mic.

23 SHIPMATE GRUETZNER: National President, sir.

24 Gruetzner, South Central Branch 201. Senior

25 Master-At-Arms requests that personnel come through the

Page 3: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 center doorways and not through the sides.

2 NP STARKEY: Okay. Any shipmate wanting to

3 depart the meeting room, please depart from the center

4 doorway. Thank you.


6 President. Christopher, delegate, Branch 382. I would

7 like to make a motion. I move that the National

8 President mandate the Future Planning Committee, along

9 with the assistance of the Director of Membership and

10 Development, to investigate the regional realignment of

11 the FRA.

12 Further, that the future planning committee

13 will make reports to the National Board of Directors of

14 the 2019 mid-year National Board of Director meeting.

15 NP STARKEY: Would you bring that motion

16 forward, please, so I have a copy of it?

17 PRP ARCHER: National President, Archer,

18 delegate, Branch 59. I would second that, but I'd like

19 to add that since we are caught in this major change,

20 and the committee is -- does it in a timely manner,

21 which I understand that would be taken care of at the

22 midterm next year -- is that my understanding for this

23 realignment? It could be brought up and will be done.

24 So all you need now --

25 NP STARKEY: All I need now is a second to the

Page 4: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 motion; not a speech in support of it.

2 PRP ARCHER: What I'm trying to say,

3 Mr. President, is if this is not done in a timely

4 manner, Branch 59 will probably not exist at this time

5 next year.

6 SHIPMATE HOLMES: Delegate, Branch 161,

7 seconds the motion.

8 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Are you ready for the

9 question?

10 The question on the floor is, it is moved and

11 seconded that the National President mandate the Future

12 Planning Committee, along with the assistance of the

13 Director of Membership and Development to investigate

14 reasonable realignment of the FRA.

15 Further, that the Future Planning Committee

16 will make a report to the National Board of Directors at

17 the 2019 mid-year Board of Directors meeting.

18 Is there any debate on the question?

19 Being no debate, all in favor say aye.

20 (Chorus of ayes.)

21 NP STARKEY: Those opposed say no.

22 (Some nos.)

23 NP STARKEY: The ayes have it. The motion is

24 adopted. Check the wording. I will have the Future

25 Planning Committee, with the assistance of Director of

Page 5: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 Membership and Development, to investigate the alignment

2 of the FRA. Thank you, Shipmates.

3 We'll have our credentials report.

4 PRP LAZZARETTI: Good afternoon, Ladies and

5 Gentlemen, Shipmates. This is the fourth credentials

6 report from the 91st FRA National Convention. There was

7 no changes between the third and fourth report, but I

8 will read the numbers again.

9 Authorized voting strength is 1294. Number of

10 branches represented by delegates, 68. Number of votes

11 represented by delegates, 764. Number of branches

12 registered by proxy, 95. Number of votes registered by

13 proxy, 453. Number of branches not registered, 21.

14 Number of delegates registered, 124. Registered voting

15 strength, 1217. Number of votes not registered, 77.

16 Two-thirds vote is 812. Majority vote is 609.

17 PRP GUNTHER: Shipmate National President.

18 NP STARKEY: Shipmate rear mic.

19 PRP GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, Branch 182,

20 seconds Shipmate Lazzaretti's report.

21 NP STARKEY: He hasn't made a motion yet.

22 Stand back up and make your second after he makes the

23 motion.

24 PRP LAZZARETTI: I move that this report be

25 received.

Page 6: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 PRP GUNTHER: I second that, Gunther 182.

2 NP STARKEY: Thank you, it's been moved and

3 seconded to adopt the report of the Credentials

4 Committee.

5 Are you ready for the question? Is there any

6 debate?

7 All in favor of the motion say aye.

8 (Chorus of ayes.)

9 Those opposed say nay.

10 The ayes have it, the motion is adopted. The

11 credentials report is adopted.

12 PRP CUNNINGHAM: Shipmate National President,

13 Cunningham, Branch 14 delegate. I just have a question

14 about the Rosenberg Award. If we accepted the report

15 for the Membership Committee and it was Branch 230 and

16 then all of a sudden it's changed to 295, I would just

17 like some enlightenment as to why there was a change.

18 NP STARKEY: Shipmate Past National President

19 Scarbro, will you clarify that for the shipmate?

20 PNP SCARBRO: The reason for the change was

21 the original branch that was selected had merged with

22 another branch. So that can't be considered.

23 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate.

24 Will Shipmate Boudreaux come to the --

25 Shipmates, even though the delegates voted this morning

Page 7: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 to let National Headquarters run the National Convention

2 next year, I'm still going to appoint a committee,

3 because I don't believe National Headquarters has the

4 staff to do all the legwork for the committee.

5 So I'm going to appoint a National Convention

6 committee. The Chairman will be Shipmate Larry

7 Boudreaux, Past National President. The Co-Chairman

8 will be Virgil P. Courneya, Past National President.

9 Co-Chair of the Ladies Auxiliary will be Pat Boudreaux,

10 Past National President. Co-Chair for the Ladies

11 Auxiliary will be Helen Courneya.

12 Secretary will be Past National President John

13 Johnson. Treasurer will be Shipmate Michael Fulton, and

14 the members will be Cindy Rodham-Tuck, Past National

15 President of the Auxiliary FRA and Pete Lazzaretti, Past

16 Regional President Northwest. Thank you.

17 UNIDENTIFIED: I so move.

18 SHIPMATE BURKE: Burke, delegate, Branch 38.

19 I second the motion.

20 NP STARKEY: Thank you. It's been moved and

21 seconded to accept the appointments to the President's

22 Board for the 2019 National Convention Committee.

23 Is there any debate?

24 All in favor say aye.

25 (Chorus of ayes.)

Page 8: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 NP STARKEY: Those opposed say nay.

2 (Some nays.)

3 NP STARKEY: The ayes have it.

4 PRP GUNTHER: Shipmate National President.

5 NP STARKEY: Yes, Shipmate.

6 PRP GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, 182. I call

7 for a roll call vote.

8 NP STARKEY: A roll call vote.

9 JrPNP LARSON: National President, Larson,

10 delegate, Branch 94, second.

11 NP STARKEY: It's been moved and second that

12 we hold a roll call vote on the appointment of my

13 committee for the National Convention for next year.

14 Shipmates, are you ready?

15 UNIDENTIFIED: We'll start with Branch 1.

16 Let's line up at the mic.

17 (Crosstalk.)

18 NP STARKEY: All in favor say aye.

19 (Some ayes.)

20 NP STARKEY: Those opposed say nay.

21 (Chorus of nays.)

22 NP STARKEY: The motion lost.

23 PRP GUNTHER: Shipmate, National President.

24 Gunther, delegate, 182. I asked for a roll call vote.

25 It was seconded. That is not a motion.

Page 9: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 NP STARKEY: You're right.

2 (Crosstalk.)

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Branch 1, six votes. Let's

4 go.

5 Proxy, six votes yes. Branch 1, six votes

6 yes. Do we have a tally committee?

7 SHIPMATE GRUETZNER: Shipmate Chairman,

8 Gruetzner, Branch 201.


10 SHIPMATE GRUETZNER: Would you please

11 reexplain roll call vote to those of us who don't

12 understand how it works?

13 NP STARKEY: Roll call vote is the same as the

14 roll call election of national officers. You go by

15 branch and the number of votes. We start with number 1

16 and work all the way down. It's either a yes or no

17 vote. That's all we're asking for.

18 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President,

19 prior to us having a vote, should we have a couple of

20 minutes to actually have some words in favor and those

21 words against the proposal.

22 We're putting the cart before the horse.

23 We're not getting the opportunity to understand what the

24 shipmates are voting for.

25 I understand you're trying to put a committee

Page 10: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 10Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

1 into place, but for some of these members here, they

2 thought that was all decided this morning. So we would

3 like to have a discussion on that.

4 NP STARKEY: Okay. On this point -- let me

5 give you what we've done.

6 This morning the delegates approved that

7 National Headquarters sponsor the convention next year

8 so they can -- with the 501(c)3 -- we can get more

9 sponsors in for the National Convention.

10 But I don't believe that the National

11 Headquarters staff can actually do the work of a

12 convention committee plus their own work at National

13 Headquarters.

14 The Convention Committee this year has worked

15 two years on this convention, many hard hours, and I

16 don't believe that the National Headquarters' staff,

17 with all the work they have to do, can complete both

18 jobs.

19 So I'm appointing, as the National President,

20 a convention committee for next year, because we didn't

21 have a branch or a region come forward.

22 A motion was made this morning to do the

23 convention as a conference convention, and that's

24 different than a convention, so there's more work

25 involved. So I'm appointing a committee to do the

Page 11: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 11Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

1 background work.

2 The national headquarters will get involved

3 with getting all the sponsors lined up with all that,

4 and that will go through the NAD. But this committee is

5 going to do all the legwork.

6 UNIDENTIFIED: May I ask the finance officer

7 to approach so he can please respond?

8 NP STARKEY: If he wants to say something, he

9 can come to the mic.

10 MR. PROCTOR: Bryan Proctor, finance officer.

11 The reason the National Headquarters wanted to handle

12 both parts of it is that we were planning a conference

13 as opposed to a convention. We're going to have to sell

14 booths, we're going to have sell tables. We're going to

15 have to sell information sessions.

16 If we're doing this with two sides of a brain,

17 that's going to be not possible to do, because every

18 time we sell a table, we'll have to go back and check

19 back in with the committee. All we're going to do is

20 hold ourselves up from being able to do the good work of

21 getting the revenue in-house.

22 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, I withdraw my motion.

23 I withdraw. Let's get on with the election.

24 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President,

25 I'm not sure what I'm voting on here. If I vote yes --

Page 12: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 12Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

1 NP STARKEY: Shipmate, I withdraw my motion,

2 so we're not voting on anything.

3 UNIDENTIFIED: Then I have a question. Why

4 wasn't this handled last year like it's supposed to be?

5 The National President is supposed to appoint the

6 committee last year, two years ahead. I know because

7 I'm the first one that did this.

8 NP STARKEY: I wasn't the National President

9 last year, so I can't speak for my predecessor.

10 UNIDENTIFIED: (inaudible) -- let him explain.

11 NP STARKEY: It doesn't need to be explained,

12 because it's a moot point.

13 JrPNP LARSON: National President, Larson,

14 delegate, Branch 94. To answer the question, yes, at

15 the time the National President did appoint a chairman,

16 and it did not follow through -- lack of support.

17 Thank you.

18 DELEGATE 104: Delegate 104, we might let

19 everybody in here know why there's no convention this

20 year -- (inaudible) under the assumption that we still

21 had somebody. He didn't know that Birmingham had

22 withdrawn their --

23 NP STARKEY: Birmingham never officially put

24 in a --

25 DELEGATE 104: I'm sure everybody's heard

Page 13: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 Birmingham was going to be the place, but they're not

2 even around anymore, so --

3 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, let's go on with the

4 election. Thank you.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: We're voting for National

6 President. You got two candidates. You got William

7 Starkey and Robert Washington. Is that tally committee

8 ready?

9 UNIDENTIFIED: Tally committee is ready.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Let's line up and start with

11 Branch 1. You've heard from them all year.

12 PRP GUNTHER: Shipmate National President,

13 through you to the chairman.

14 NP STARKEY: Yes, Shipmate.

15 PNP GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, 182. I mean,

16 we'd still like to hear some information from both

17 candidates, final words before we vote, I would think.

18 NP STARKEY: Shipmates told me to proceed, and

19 I'm proceeding. We don't want to waste anymore time of

20 the delegates. We'll wait until the election is over.

21 Thank you.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Shipmate National President.

23 NP STARKEY: Yes, Shipmate.

24 PNP BLACKBURN: Blackburn, delegate, Branch 8.

25 Should not the resolutions for the candidates be read as

Page 14: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 14Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

1 has been in the past?

2 NP STARKEY: The resolve portion will be read,

3 but all Shipmate Boudreaux wanted shipmates to do is

4 line up at the mics in numerical order so once the

5 results are in, he can get the election underway.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: South New Jersey, Branch 57,

7 nominating resolution: William Starkey, National

8 President. Resolved: The shipmates of South Jersey,

9 Branch 57 FRA, know that this dedicated shipmate's

10 experience and dedication to our association qualifies

11 him to serve his shipmates now, and therefore, be it

12 resolved that South Jersey Branch 57 FRA, in its

13 regularly scheduled monthly meeting held on 18 October,

14 2017, a quorum being present, did unanimously vote to

15 place the name of National President William E. Starkey

16 in nomination for the office of National President FRA

17 for the Association year 2018/2019.

18 And be it further resolved, the South Jersey

19 Branch 57 earnestly solicits the support and endorsement

20 of all the branches of the FRA for the candidacy of

21 National President William E. Starkey for the office of

22 National President FRA for the association year

23 2018/2019.

24 Navy Department Branch 181 nominating

25 resolution. Robert Washington, resolved, the Navy

Page 15: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 15Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

1 Department Branch 181, at a regularly scheduled monthly

2 meeting held on October 5th, 2017, a quorum being

3 present, did proudly and unanimously vote to place the

4 name of Robert Washington in nomination for the office

5 of National President, Fleet Reserve Association for the

6 year 2018/2019.

7 And be it further resolved that the Navy

8 Branch 181 sincerely solicits the support and

9 endorsement of all the branches of the Fleet Reserve

10 Association for the candidacy of National Vice President

11 Robert Washington for the office of National President

12 FRA.

13 Now, are we ready?

14 NP STARKEY: Are there any further nominations

15 for the office of National President? Are there any

16 further nominations for the office of National

17 President? Are there any further nominations for the

18 office of National President?

19 If not, the nominations are now closed.

20 Shipmate Blackburn, what did you want?

21 PNP BLACKBURN: Shipmate National President,

22 Blackburn, delegate, Branch 8. I do believe it is

23 written in our C&BL that a five-minute recess for the

24 branches to caucus for their vote is called for.

25 NP STARKEY: Okay. Shipmates, would you like

Page 16: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 16Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

1 a five-minute recess to caucus?

2 (Crosstalk.)

3 NP STARKEY: Let's proceed with the vote.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Are we ready now?

5 Branch 1, six votes.

6 BRANCH 156: Loveless, proxy Branch 156. Six

7 votes, Washington.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

9 Branch 4, five votes.

10 BRANCH 4: Delegate, Branch 4, for progressive

11 FRA, we cast our five votes to Bob Washington.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

13 BRANCH 6: Branch 6, four votes.

14 PRP GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, 182, proxy

15 for Branch 6. Four votes for Bob Washington.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Branch 8, 10 votes.

17 PNP BLACKBURN: Blackburn, delegate chairman,

18 Branch 8. Ten votes, Washington.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Washington.

20 Branch 11, 11 votes.

21 PRP SNYDER: Snyder, delegate, Branch 11. 11

22 votes, Washington.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Washington.

24 Branch 12, three votes.

25 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes,

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3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

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1 Washington.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Branch 12. Three votes,

3 Washington.

4 Branch 13, four votes.

5 RP DAVENPORT: Branch 13, Davenport delegate.

6 Four votes, Starkey.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Starkey.

8 Branch 14, seven votes.

9 PRP CUNNINGHAM: Cunningham, delegate, Branch

10 14. Seven votes, Washington, as instructed.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

12 Branch 15, three votes.

13 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy for 15.

14 Three votes, Washington.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

16 Branch 17, four votes.

17 BRANCH 17: Klein, Branch 17. Four votes,

18 Washington.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

20 Branch 18, eight votes.

21 PRP LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, delegate, Branch

22 18. Eight votes, Washington, as instructed.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eight votes Washington.

24 Branch 20, 18 votes.

25 BRANCH 20: Delegate, Branch 20. 18 votes,

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1 Washington.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: 18 votes, Washington.

3 Branch 22, 19 votes.

4 BRANCH 22: Branch 22. 19 votes as

5 instructed, Washington.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Washington.

7 Branch 23, four votes.

8 ZINO: Zino, delegate, Branch 23. Four votes,

9 Starkey.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Starkey.

11 Branch 24, 79 votes.

12 COLLINS: Penny Collins, delegate, Branch 24.

13 All votes, 79, to Bob Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: 79 votes, Bob Washington.

15 Branch 25 -- oh, they're not registered.

16 Branch 28, four votes.

17 WHITE: White proxy. Four votes, Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

19 Branch 29, 19 votes.

20 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, Branch 29.

21 Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Washington.

23 Branch 31, six votes.

24 JANSKY: Jansky, delegate, Branch 31. Six

25 votes, Washington.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

2 Branch 34, three votes.

3 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, Proxy for 34.

4 Three votes, Washington.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

6 Branch 37, two votes.

7 MARTIN: Martin, delegate, proxy as

8 instructed, Washington.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

10 Branch 38, four votes.

11 BURKE: Burke, delegate, Branch 38. All

12 votes, Washington.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

14 Branch 40, 12 votes.

15 BRANCH 40: Delegate. 11 votes, Washington.

16 One vote, Starkey.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Washington. One

18 vote, Starkey.

19 Branch 41, four votes.

20 GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, 182, proxy for

21 Branch 41. Four votes, Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

23 Branch 42, seven votes.

24 DAVENPORT: Branch 42, Davenport, proxy.

25 Seven votes, Washington, by instruction.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

2 Branch 44, five votes.

3 DAVIS: Davis, delegate. One vote, Starkey.

4 Four votes, Washington.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: One vote, Starkey. Four

6 votes, Washington.

7 Branch 46, 40 votes.

8 EGGE: Dennis Egge, delegate, Branch 46. 40

9 votes for Washington.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: 40 votes, Washington.

11 Branch 47, eight votes.

12 BRANCH 47: Delegate. Eight votes,

13 Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eight votes, Washington.

15 Branch 49, six votes.

16 HATCLIFF: Hatcliff, delegate. Six votes,

17 Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

19 Branch 53, 11 votes.

20 WHITE: White, proxy. 11 votes, Washington.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Washington.

22 Branch 54, two votes.

23 BRANCH 54: Proxy for Branch 54. Two votes,

24 Washington.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

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1 Branch 55, five votes.

2 PRP LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for Branch

3 55. Five votes, Washington.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

5 Branch 57, six votes.

6 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy 57. Six votes,

7 Starkey.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Starkey.

9 59, six votes.

10 ARCHER: Archer, delegate, Branch 59. Six

11 votes, Starkey.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Starkey.

13 Branch 60, 28 votes.

14 BRANCH 60: Delegate, Branch 60. 28 votes,

15 Washington.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: 28 votes, Washington.

17 Branch 61, 26 votes.

18 HERMES: Hermes, delegate. 26 votes,

19 Washington.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: 26 votes, Washington.

21 Branch 62, three votes.

22 DAVIS: Davis, proxy 62. Three votes,

23 Washington.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

25 Branch 67, nine votes.

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1 SPEIGHT: Speight, Branch 67. All votes, Bob

2 Washington.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Washington.

4 Branch 70, 25 votes.

5 DAVIS: Branch 70. 25 votes, Washington.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: 25 votes, Washington.

7 Branch 72, four votes.

8 JANSKY: Jansky, proxy. Four votes,

9 Washington.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

11 Branch 73, two votes.

12 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, Branch 73.

13 Two votes, Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

15 Branch 74, two votes.

16 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, Branch 74.

17 Two votes, Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

19 Branch 77, five votes.

20 BRANCH 77: Schmidt, proxy. All votes,

21 Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

23 Branch 84, seven votes.

24 BRANCH 84: Schmidt, proxy. All votes,

25 Washington.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

2 Branch 85, three votes.

3 CAMPBELL: Campbell, delegate, 85. All votes,

4 Washington.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

6 Branch 86, six votes.

7 BRANCH 86: Thomas, delegate. Six votes,

8 Washington.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

10 Branch 87, three votes.

11 BROWN: Brown 226, proxy for Branch 87. Three

12 votes, Washington.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

14 Branch 89, twelve votes.

15 BARRON: Barron, delegate. 12 votes, Starkey.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Twelve votes, Starkey.

17 Branch 90, five votes.

18 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, Branch 90. Five votes,

19 Washington.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

21 Branch 91, 39 votes.

22 BRANCH 91: Redmond, proxy for Branch 91.

23 Instructed 39 votes, Washington.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: 39 votes, Washington.

25 Branch 92, two votes.

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1 BRANCH 92: Field, proxy for Branch 92. Two

2 votes, Washington.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

4 Branch 93, 16 votes.

5 JONES: Jones, delegate, Branch 93. 16 votes,

6 Washington.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: 16 votes, Washington.

8 Branch 94, 16 votes.

9 HANKERSON: Hankerson, Branch 94. 16 votes,

10 Washington.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: 16 votes, Washington.

12 Branch 97, 19 votes.

13 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for 97. 19

14 votes, Washington.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Washington.

16 Branch 98, two votes.

17 LONGSTRATT: Longstratt, delegate, 98. Two

18 votes, Washington.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

20 Branch 99, 27 votes.

21 FALU: Falu, delegate. 27 votes, Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: 27 votes, Washington.

23 Branch 101, seven votes.

24 RUIZ: Ruiz, delegate. All votes, Washington.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

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1 Branch 103, nine votes.

2 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for Branch 103.

3 Nine votes, Washington.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Washington.

5 104, six votes.

6 JOHNSON: Johnson, delegate. Six votes,

7 Washington.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

9 105, seven votes.

10 WHITE: White, proxy. Seven votes,

11 Washington.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

13 106, six votes.

14 DAVENPORT: 106, Davenport, proxy. Six for

15 Starkey.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Starkey.

17 109, three votes.

18 THOMAS: Delegate, Thomas, proxy. Three

19 votes, Washington.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

21 112, three votes -- 112, three votes.

22 PAUL: Paul, proxy. Three votes, Washington.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

24 113, three votes -- 113, three votes.

25 BRANCH 113: 113, proxy. All votes,

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1 Washington.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

3 115, seven votes.

4 BRANCH 115: Proxy, 115. How many votes?

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: 115, seven votes.

6 BRANCH 115: Seven votes, Washington.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

8 117, nine votes.

9 BRANCH 117: Kilmer, proxy. Nine votes,

10 Bobby.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Washington.

12 123, two votes.

13 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, 123. Two

14 votes, Washington.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

16 124, seven votes.

17 DELEGATE 124: Russo, Delegate, 124. Seven

18 votes, Washington.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

20 126, 13 votes.

21 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. 13 votes,

22 Washington.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: 13 votes, Washington.

24 127, four votes -- 127, four votes.

25 Lazzaretti: Lazzaretti proxy for 127. Four

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1 votes, Washington.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

3 130, five votes.

4 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Five votes, Washington.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

6 132, two votes.

7 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate Chairman, we think you

8 missed a number.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: 132, two votes.

10 BRANCH 132: Two votes, Washington, proxy.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

12 136, 15 votes.

13 COMBS: Combs, proxy. 15 votes, Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: 15 votes, Washington.

15 We don't interrupt roll call unless it's an

16 emergency.

17 137, six votes.

18 BRANCH 137: 137. Six votes, Washington.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

20 145, three votes.

21 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes,

22 Washington.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

24 146, four votes.

25 JANSKY: Jansky, proxy. Four votes,

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1 Washington.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

3 147, 11 votes.

4 HANSON: Hanson, delegate, 147. 11 votes,

5 Washington, instructed.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Washington.

7 156, seven votes.

8 LOVELESS: 156, delegate, Loveless. All

9 votes, Washington.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

11 159 five votes.

12 TALBOT: Talbot, delegate, Branch 159. Five

13 votes, Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

15 161, 17 votes.

16 BRANCH 161: For Branch 161, all votes,

17 Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: 17 votes, Washington.

19 162, 11 votes -- 162, 11 votes.

20 BRANCH 162: Delegate, Washington.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: What was that again?

22 FIELD: Field, delegate, Branch 162.

23 Washington, all votes.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Washington.

25 Shipmates, when you line up at the mic, you

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1 know what number you are. If you line up in a row,

2 we'll get through this faster.

3 163, ten votes.

4 KATZENBERGER: Katzenberger, delegate. Ten

5 votes, Washington.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Washington.

7 166, 19 votes.

8 MARTIN: Martin, delegate. Instructed all

9 votes, Washington.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Washington.

11 171, three votes.

12 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 171. All

13 votes, Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

15 172, six votes.

16 KELLY: Kelly, 172. Six votes, Washington.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

18 174, three votes.

19 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for 174. Three

20 votes, Washington.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

22 175, 14 votes.

23 SMITH: Smith, proxy. All votes, Washington.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: 14 votes, Washington.

25 177, four votes.

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1 WHITE: White, proxy. Four votes, Washington.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

3 178, three votes.

4 ATHENOUR: Athenour, proxy, 178. Three votes,

5 Washington.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

7 181, 13 votes.

8 SLAWINSKI: Slawinski, delegate chairman. 13

9 votes for the next National President, Robert

10 Washington.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: 13 votes, Washington.

12 182, five votes.

13 GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, Branch 182. All

14 votes, Washington.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

16 183, five votes.

17 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Five votes,

18 Washington.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

20 184, two votes.

21 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy 184. Two

22 votes, Washington.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

24 185, three votes.

25 Athenour: Athenour, proxy, 185. Three votes,

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1 Washington.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

3 186, six votes -- 186, six votes -- 186, six

4 votes.

5 187, two votes.

6 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy 187. Two for

7 Washington.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes for Washington.

9 192, five votes.

10 LeCLAIR: LeClair, delegate 192. Five votes

11 Washington.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

13 194, four votes.

14 SMITH: Smith. Four votes, Washington.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

16 197, three votes.

17 197: 197. Three votes, Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: 201, six votes.

19 COPELAND: Copeland, 201 delegate. Six votes,

20 Washington.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Washington.

22 207, four votes -- 207 four votes.

23 SCARBRO: Scarbro, delegate. Instructed, four

24 votes, Starkey.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Starkey.

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1 208, eight votes.

2 CLEVELAND: Cleveland, delegate, 208. Eight

3 votes, Washington.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eight votes, Washington.

5 210, ten votes.

6 GILBERT: Gilbert proxy. Ten votes, Bobby.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, who?

8 GILBERT: Bobby Washington.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Washington.

10 212, four votes.

11 GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, 182, proxy. Four

12 votes, Washington.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

14 214, three votes.

15 214: 214, delegate. Three votes, Starkey.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Starkey.

17 215, two votes.

18 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Two votes,

19 Washington.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

21 216, four votes.

22 216: (Inaudible), proxy for Branch 216. Four

23 votes, Washington.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

25 217, three votes.

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1 COLLINS: Penny Collins, proxy, Branch 217.

2 All votes, Washington.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

4 219, four votes.

5 GUNTHER: Gunther, proxy Branch 182, proxy for

6 Branch 219. Four votes, Bob Washington.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

8 221, two votes.

9 WHITE: 221, White, proxy. Two votes,

10 Washington.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

12 222, three votes.

13 SMITH: Smith, Branch 98, proxy for 222.

14 Three votes, Washington.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

16 223, two votes.

17 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Two votes, Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

19 226, five votes.

20 BROWN: Brown, delegate. Five votes,

21 Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

23 227, two votes.

24 TALBOT: Talbot proxy, 227. Two votes,

25 Washington.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

2 229, four votes.

3 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy, 229. Four

4 votes, Starkey.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Starkey.

6 230, six votes.

7 BOUDREAUX: Boudreaux, proxy. Six votes,

8 Starkey, instructed.

9 232, two votes.

10 232: Proxy for 232. Two votes, Starkey.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Starkey.

12 238, five votes.

13 WHITE: White, proxy. Five votes, Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

15 242, two votes.

16 WHITE: White, proxy. Two votes, Washington.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

18 244, two votes.

19 MATTHEWS: Proxy for 244. Two votes,

20 Washington. Matthews, proxy.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

22 245, three votes.

23 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, 245. Three

24 votes, Washington.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

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1 248, three votes -- 248, three votes -- 248,

2 three votes.

3 248: 248. Three votes, Washington.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

5 251, three votes.

6 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 251. Three votes,

7 Washington.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

9 254, five votes.

10 254: (Inaudible), proxy, instructed. Five

11 votes, Starkey.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Starkey.

13 257, two votes.

14 MARTIN: Martin, Branch 166, instructed proxy

15 for 257. All votes, Washington.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

17 258, three votes.

18 DAVENPORT: 258, Davenport, proxy. Three

19 votes, Starkey.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Starkey.

21 260, three votes.

22 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, 260. Three votes,

23 Washington.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

25 261, 15 votes.

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1 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. 15 votes,

2 Washington.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: 16 votes, Washington.

4 264, five votes.

5 TALBOT: Talbot proxy, 264. Five votes,

6 Washington.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

8 268, four votes.

9 WHITE: White, proxy. Four votes, Washington.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

11 269, 37 votes.

12 BOLZ: Bolz, delegate, 269. 37 votes,

13 Starkey.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: 37 votes, Starkey.

15 273, three votes.

16 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Three votes,

17 Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

19 274, three votes -- 274, three votes.

20 COURNEYA: Courneya, delegate, 274. Three

21 votes, Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

23 275, four votes.

24 BOUDREAUX: Boudreaux, delegate. Instructed,

25 four votes, Starkey.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: 276, 10 votes.

2 WATKINS: Watkins, 276 delegate. Ten votes,

3 Washington.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Washington.

5 280, three votes.

6 (Crosstalk.)

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: 281, three votes.

8 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. Three votes,

9 Washington.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

11 282, five votes.

12 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 282. Five votes,

13 Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

15 285, three votes.

16 HARRIS: Harris, proxy, 285. Three,

17 Washington.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

19 287, two votes.

20 287: (Inaudible), delegate. All votes,

21 Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

23 289, 30 votes.

24 KELLEY: Kelley, delegate, chairman. All

25 votes, Washington.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: 30 votes, Washington.

2 290, 25 votes.

3 HILL: 290, Hill, delegate chair,

4 uninstructed. All 25 votes, Washington.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: 25 votes, Washington.

6 291, two votes.

7 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Two votes,

8 Washington.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

10 293, six votes.

11 BRANCH 293: Thomas, Branch, 293. All votes,

12 Starkey.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Starkey.

14 294, three votes.

15 294: 294, proxy, Washington.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

17 295, two votes.

18 TALBOT: Talbot proxy, 295. Two votes,

19 Washington.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

21 298, five votes.

22 POSEKANY: Posekany, delegate chair, 298

23 Branch, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Five votes, Washington.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

25 299, two votes.

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1 (Crosstalk.)

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: 301, two votes.

3 MARTIN: Martin, Branch 166, proxy for 301.

4 Two votes, Washington, instructed.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

6 302, five votes.

7 SMITH: Smith, proxy. All Washington.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

9 307, five votes.

10 LARSON: Larson, proxy. Five votes,

11 Washington.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Washington.

13 309, four votes.

14 NVP WASHINGTON: Proxy with Branch 309. Four

15 votes, me.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, me -- Washington.

17 310, three votes.

18 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 310. All

19 votes, Washington.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

21 311, four votes.

22 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 311. Four votes,

23 Washington.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

25 316, five votes.

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1 (Crosstalk.)

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: 316, six votes.

3 316: (Inaudible), proxy. Six votes,

4 Washington.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: 324, three votes.

6 324: (Inaudible), proxy. Three votes,

7 Washington.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

9 328, two votes.

10 (Crosstalk.)

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: 334, four votes.

12 Talbot: Talbot, proxy, 334. Four votes,

13 Washington.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

15 335, two votes.

16 BEESE: Two votes, Washington.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

18 339, two votes.

19 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Two votes,

20 Washington.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

22 342, two votes.

23 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 342. Two

24 votes, Washington.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

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1 358, three votes.

2 (Crosstalk.)

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: They're not registered. 358,

4 three votes.

5 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes,

6 Washington.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

8 364, three votes.

9 HERNDON: 364, delegate, Herndon. As

10 instructed, three votes, Washington.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Washington.

12 367, seven votes.

13 CHRISTOPHER: Cristopher, proxy, 367.

14 Washington.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Washington.

16 371, four votes.

17 371: Branch 371, delegate. Four votes for

18 Bob Washington.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Washington.

20 377, two votes.

21 WHITE: White, proxy. Two votes, Washington.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Washington.

23 382, six votes.

24 PAUL: Paul, Branch 382 proxy -- or, I'm

25 sorry, delegate. All votes for Starkey.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Starkey.

2 That concludes the roll call.

3 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, it is my sincere

4 pleasure to introduce the next National President of the

5 Fleet Reserve Association, my friend, Bob Washington.

6 (Applause.)

7 NVP WASHINGTON: I am humbled, and I am

8 honored that you have elected me as your next National

9 President, but we have a lot of work to do. And in

10 order for us to turn this ship around, we're going to

11 have to do it collectively.

12 So it all starts today in trying to move this

13 Association forward, because we cannot continue to keep

14 looking backwards. Time has changed, people have

15 changed, and so do we -- we need to change. We need to

16 be able to create change.

17 We should be able to make change. We should

18 be able to respect change, and most importantly, we

19 should be able to accept change.

20 If we want to get young folks into this

21 Association, change has got to come. And just like my

22 good friend has said, we don't want to throw the baby

23 out with the bath water.

24 We won't deviate from our constitution and

25 bylaws, but we have to change the face of this

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1 association if we want to bring young folks on.

2 Again, Shipmates, thank you all very much.

3 (Applause.)

4 NP STARKEY: We will now proceed with the

5 election of National Vice President, but before we do,

6 we're going to take a five-minute recess so the branches

7 can caucus.

8 National Chaplain, will you close the Bible,

9 please.

10 NCHAP DAVIS: National President, the Bible is

11 closed.

12 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate.

13 Return back at 1410.

14 (Recess was taken.)

15 NP STARKEY: Shipmate, close the doors and

16 invite the shipmateS to the hall. If they're not in the

17 hall, close the doors.

18 NP STARKEY: National Chaplain, would you open

19 the holy Bible, please.

20 CHAPLAIN: National President, the Bible is

21 open.

22 NP STARKEY: Thank you.

23 Will the chairman of the Credentials Committee

24 please come up and give an updated credentials report in

25 case any shipmates have signed on.

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1 PRP LAZZARETTI: Shipmates, I am pleased to

2 report there are no changes to the credentials report.

3 Let the best candidate win.

4 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate Lazzaretti.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Shipmates, we'll read the

6 resolutions of the three candidates.

7 Imperial Beach, Branch 289. Nominating

8 resolution: Resolve that Imperial Beach, Branch 289,

9 FRA, in the regularly scheduled meeting on 8

10 November 2017, a quorum being present, did with great

11 pride and pleasure vote unanimously to place the name of

12 Michael Mick Fulton in nomination for the office of

13 National Vice President, Fleet Reserve Association, year

14 2018/2019.

15 And be it further resolved that Imperial

16 Beach, Branch 289, sincerely solicits the support and

17 endorsement of all branches of the Fleet Reserve

18 Association for a candidacy of Past Regional President

19 southwest Michael Mick Fulton for the office of National

20 Vice President FRA.

21 North Shore Branch 031, nominating resolution.

22 Resolve that North Shore Branch 031, Fleet Reserve

23 Association, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on 21

24 March 2018, a quorum being present, did unanimously vote

25 to place the name of Past Regional President Northeast

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1 New England, Donna M. Jansky, in nomination for the

2 office of National Vice President for the Association --

3 for the Association year of 2018/2019.

4 And be it further resolved that the North

5 Shore Branch 031 earnestly solicits the support and

6 endorsement of all branches of the Fleet Reserve

7 Association for the candidacy of Past Regional President

8 Northeast New England, Donna M. Jansky, for the office

9 of National Vice President Fleet Reserve Association.

10 First Coast Branch 91 nominating resolution:

11 Be it resolved that at a regularly scheduled meeting,

12 October 10, 2017, First Coast Branch 91, Jacksonville,

13 Florida, a quorum being present, voted unanimously to

14 place the name of James E. Rockin Robbins in nomination

15 for the office of National Vice President Fleet Reserve

16 Association for the years 2018/2019.

17 And be it further resolved that the members of

18 Branch 91 First Coast, Jacksonville, Florida, earnestly

19 solicits the support and endorsement of each branch of

20 the Fleet Reserve Association for the candidacy of Past

21 Regional President Southeast, James E. Robbins, for the

22 office of National Vice President for the Fleet Reserve

23 Association for the year 2018/2019.

24 NP STARKEY: Would the three candidates like

25 to make a -- I'm sorry.

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1 Are there anymore nominations for the office

2 of national vice president? Are there any other

3 nominations for the office of national vice president?

4 Are there any other nominations for the office of

5 national vice president?

6 If not, nominations are closed.

7 The three candidates, Mick Fulton, Donna

8 Jansky, and Jim Robbins, would you like to make a

9 three-minute nominating speech?

10 Mine aint going to be three minutes.

11 NP STARKEY: Well, I'll cut you off at two and

12 a half.

13 (Crosstalk.)

14 NP STARKEY: Nominating speeches, five

15 minutes.

16 Five minutes for nominating speeches. Two

17 minutes for second.

18 NP STARKEY: It'll be a five and two.

19 FULTON: Shipmates, I want to be your national

20 vice president for the year 2018/2019, because I feel

21 this organization is veering off course slightly.

22 At this point, I am concerned in the fact that

23 the -- and this is hard -- there are some shipmates that

24 forget sometimes the ideals of what this organization

25 was founded on and what this organization is about.

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1 I feel strongly in the principles of this

2 organization. I have for a long time. We need to move

3 forward, as Shipmate National President Elect stated,

4 and quit looking back. The way forward is to accept

5 some changes that some people are not going to like.

6 As the finance officer stated yesterday and

7 today, we don't have a spending problem, we have a

8 revenue problem. We need to think outside the box and

9 try to find some ways to get some additional revenue.

10 I don't have all the answers, and I'm sure

11 there's people in this room that don't have all the

12 answers.

13 However, I am willing to work with the people

14 that the other shipmates endorse and elect as a member

15 of the Board to work in a direction of change and work

16 in a direction to make this organization successful.

17 Thank you.

18 (Applause.)

19 JANSKY: Good afternoon, Shipmates, again. As

20 you know, I'm running for national vice president,

21 because I want to do everything possible to improve this

22 organization.

23 As stated before, we are at a crossroad. What

24 is happening to us, though, is happening to all the

25 veterans service organizations. And for several years

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1 now the message has been that we're near death and that

2 our funds are dwindling.

3 However, nothing is more important to an

4 organization than communication. But negative

5 communication is going to kill us. This dual message is

6 not motivational. No organization runs perfectly, but

7 the way we communicate and work through problems

8 determines how issues are solved.

9 Blaming others is counter productive and does

10 not work towards a solution of a common goal.

11 Accepting responsibility and moving forward is

12 one positive solution. Regardless of where the blame

13 sits, this is a team environment. And simply accepting

14 the current reality, while moving forward in a positive

15 solution-based environment, is a good practice.

16 Now, these issues don't correct themselves

17 overnight, and we need help -- everyone's help. It'll

18 take some hard work. But we have one positive aspect

19 that no one can take away from us, that -- and that is

20 that we have held firm in the support of the various

21 veteran issues in Washington, D.C. for decades.

22 We have a voice with the Congress and

23 President, regardless of the dominant political party.

24 I'm willing to work with the outstanding

25 headquarter's personnel and our national board of

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1 directors to push a plan for change. We hired some

2 great people that have outstanding ideas for marketing

3 and recruitment, and it's time to give their ideas a

4 chance.

5 I would support a new business plan that

6 covers short and long-range goals. When we finish our

7 business here, we need to send a strong, unified message

8 to all our shipmates, that we are willing to tackle the

9 problems head on and we now have a strong team in place

10 with a can-do attitude.

11 I am an optimist, someone who sees the glass

12 half full, not half empty, but with plenty of room for

13 improvement.

14 I welcome the skeptics but not the cynics.

15 Thank you.

16 (Applause.)

17 ROBBINS: Shipmates, I want to be your

18 national vice president. I can stand here and say the

19 very same thing that my other two companions said, and

20 one thing I look at, we do have to change our ways. I

21 always look at it -- we have to listen. I've been

22 preaching that for two years.

23 And then we need to communicate. The

24 communication is not coming across. We need to stand up

25 and communicate for what we're doing.

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1 During the meetings here we try to listen to

2 everything that's going on, but we get interrupted. And

3 that's what's happening with the FRA today. We are

4 getting changes from the younger people. They want

5 changes, and they keep saying that we're the old folks.

6 The new generation is coming in. A lot of us

7 are trying to change to their ways to satisfy the young

8 generation. As they say, the computer people, well,

9 you're right, they are. But I'm going to keep it short

10 and sweet.

11 I would appreciate your support for me for

12 running for national vice president, and I want to put

13 my hand out to my opponents and say good luck and thank

14 you, Shipmates.

15 (Applause.)

16 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, you now have two

17 minutes per candidate for nominating speeches. You --

18 to rebut. Anybody wants the floor? Okay. We'll move

19 on.

20 Do shipmates want a five-minute caucus time?

21 BRANCH 93: Shipmate National President,

22 delegate, Branch 93. I need two people, one to run the

23 adding machine, one to run the tally.

24 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate.

25 Standing Rule 3, in the event of three or more

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1 candidates for the same office and no candidate receives

2 a majority of votes cast, the candidate receiving the

3 lowest number of votes on the second ballot will be

4 eliminated and will not be shown on the ballot again.

5 Do you understand that, Shipmates? The second

6 ballot, the shipmate who has the lowest number of votes

7 cast will be eliminated from the third ballot.

8 Shipmate at the rear mic.

9 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President, I

10 do believe you corrected yourself. The shipmate

11 receiving the lowest amount of votes on the first ballot

12 will be eliminated from the second ballot; is that

13 correct?

14 NP STARKEY: The shipmate who receives the

15 lowest number of votes on the second ballot will be

16 removed from the third ballot.

17 BLACKBURN: Blackburn, delegate, Branch 8 -- I

18 don't believe that's --

19 NP STARKEY: Under Standing Rule 3 Whiskey, it

20 states in there. In the event of three or more

21 candidates for the same office on the same ballot, no

22 candidate receives a majority of votes cast, and then

23 the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes after

24 the second ballot will be removed from office. That's

25 in Standing Rule 3, Whiskey.

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1 BLACKBURN: We would cast three votes if that

2 be the case.

3 NP STARKEY: If it requires three votes. We

4 don't have -- but if it does, the shipmate with the

5 lowest number of votes after the second ballot will be

6 removed from the ballot.

7 BLACKBURN: Thank you, National President.

8 NP STARKEY: You're welcome, Shipmate.

9 PRP GUNTHER: Shipmate National President?

10 NP STARKEY: Yes, Shipmate at the rear mic.

11 PRP GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, Branch 182.

12 I want everybody to get in line behind these microphones

13 to make this go quickly.

14 (Crosstalk.)

15 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President,

16 delegate, Branch 40. You read the standing rule saying

17 you have to have two ballots with three candidates

18 running? A lot of shipmates don't agree with that.

19 We're here. It can be changed right now by

20 two-thirds majority vote of the people in the hall.

21 I move that we change the reading of the

22 standing rule to add to the first column, "The lowest

23 number drops off."

24 PRP SLAWINSKI: Slawinski, delegate, Branch

25 118, seconds.

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1 UNIDENTIFIED: For the edification of the

2 shipmates, when you have three or more shipmates on the

3 ballot, you have -- certain delegates are locked in to

4 vote one way on the first ballot.

5 By leaving all three in case no one gets the

6 majority vote on the first ballot, they are released

7 from their obligation to vote. They can vote either way

8 they want with the subsequent ballots. That is why

9 Standing Rule 3 is written that way.

10 NP STARKEY: Is there any final discussion on

11 the motion?

12 All in favor of changing Standing Rule 3,

13 Whiskey, say aye.

14 (Some ayes.)

15 NP STARKEY: Those opposed say nay.

16 (Chorus of nays.)

17 NP STARKEY: Standing Rule stands as is; it

18 lost.

19 We're now continuing with the election. Will

20 all voting delegates line up in order behind the mic so

21 we can proceed as expeditiously as possible.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Branch 1, six votes.

23 BRANCH 1: Branch 1, Loveless, proxy. All

24 votes, Jansky.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

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1 Branch 4, five votes.

2 BRANCH 4: Delegate. For a better FRA, we

3 cast our vote to Donna Jansky.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

5 Branch 6, four votes.

6 GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate instructed. Four

7 votes, Jansky.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

9 Branch eight, ten votes.

10 BLACKBURN: Blackburn, delegate chairman. Ten

11 votes, Jansky, instructed.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Jansky.

13 Branch 11, 11 votes.

14 SNYDER: Snyder, delegate, Branch 11. 11

15 votes, Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Jansky.

17 Branch 12, three votes.

18 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes, Robbins.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Branch 12, three votes,

20 Robbins.

21 Branch 13, four votes.

22 DAVENPORT: Branch 13, Davenport, delegate.

23 Four votes, Jansky.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

25 Branch 14, seven votes.

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1 CUNNINGHAM: Cunningham, Branch 14 delegate.

2 As instructed, 7 votes, Robbins.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Robbins.

4 Branch 15, three votes.

5 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Three

6 votes, Robbins.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

8 Branch 17, four votes.

9 BRANCH 17: Line, Branch 17. Four votes,

10 Robbins.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

12 Branch 18, eight votes.

13 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, delegate, Branch 18.

14 As instructed, eight votes, Fulton.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Branch 18, eight votes,

16 Fulton.

17 Branch 20, 18 votes.

18 BRANCH 20: Branch 20, delegate. 18, Jansky.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: 18, Jansky.

20 Branch 22, 19 votes.

21 BRANCH 22: Branch 22. 19 votes, as

22 instructed, Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19, Jansky.

24 Branch 23, four votes.

25 ZINO: Zino, delegate, Branch 23, Robbins.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

2 Branch 24, 79 votes.

3 COLLINS: Collins, delegate. All votes, 79,

4 Jansky.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: 79, Jansky.

6 Branch 28, four votes.

7 Branch 28: Proxy, four votes, Robbins.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

9 Branch 29, 19 votes.

10 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, Branch 19.

11 All votes, Jansky.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Jansky.

13 Branch 31, six votes.

14 BRANCH 31: Jansky, delegate. Six votes,

15 Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

17 Branch 34, three votes.

18 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Three votes,

19 Robbins.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

21 Branch 37, two votes.

22 MORTON: Morton, proxy for Branch 37. Two

23 votes, Jansky, as instructed.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

25 Branch 38, four votes.

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1 BURKE: Burke, Branch 38 delegate. Four

2 votes, Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

4 Branch 40, 12 votes.

5 SCARBRO: Scarbro, delegate. Four votes,

6 Fulton -- 12 votes, Fulton.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Twelve votes, Fulton.

8 41, four votes.

9 GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, Branch 182, proxy

10 for Branch 41. Four votes, Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

12 Branch 42, seven votes.

13 DAVENPPORT: Branch 42, Davenport, proxy.

14 Seven votes, Jansky.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

16 Branch 44, five votes.

17 DAVIS: Davis, Branch 44 delegate. Five

18 votes, Robbins.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Robbins.

20 Branch 46, 40 votes.

21 EGGE: Egge, Branch 46. 40 votes for Fulton.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: 40 votes, Fulton.

23 Branch 47, eight votes.

24 BRANCH 47: Branch 47. Eight votes, Fulton.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eight votes, Fulton.

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1 Branch 49, six votes.

2 BRANCH 49: Delegate. Six votes, Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

4 Branch 53, 11 votes.

5 WHITE: White, proxy. 11 votes, Robbins.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Robbins.

7 Branch 54, two votes.

8 POSEKANY: Posekany, proxy, Branch 54. Two

9 votes, Robbins.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

11 Branch 55, five votes.

12 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for Branch 55.

13 Five votes, as instructed, Jansky.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

15 Branch 57, six votes.

16 NP STARKEY: Starkey, delegate. One vote,

17 Robbins. Five votes, Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: One vote, Robbins. Five

19 votes, Jansky.

20 Branch 59, six votes.

21 ARCHER: Archer, Branch 59. All six for

22 Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

24 Branch 60, 28 votes.

25 BRANCH 60: Delegate. 28 votes, Fulton.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: 28 Fulton?

2 BRANCH 60: Fulton.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: 28 votes, Fulton.

4 Branch 61, 26 votes.

5 HERMES: 61 Hermes, delegate. 26 votes,

6 Fulton.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: 26 votes, Fulton.

8 Branch 62, three votes.

9 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, 62. Three votes,

10 Fulton.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

12 Branch 67, nine votes.

13 HORTON: Horton, delegate. All votes, Jansky.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Jansky.

15 Branch 70, 25 votes.

16 DAVIS: Davis. 25 votes, Fulton.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: 25 votes, Fulton.

18 Branch 72, four votes.

19 JANSKY: Jansky, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

21 Branch 73, two votes.

22 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for 73. Two

23 votes, Jansky.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

25 Branch 74, two votes.

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1 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, Branch 74.

2 One vote, Jansky. One vote, Robbins.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: One vote, Jansky. One vote

4 Robbins.

5 Branch 77, five votes.

6 SMITH: Smith proxy. Five votes, Fulton.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Fulton.

8 Branch 84, seven votes.

9 SMITH: Smith, proxy. All votes for Fulton.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Fulton.

11 Branch 85, three votes.

12 CAMPBELL: Campbell, Branch 85 delegate.

13 Three votes, Fulton.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

15 Branch 86, six votes.

16 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. All votes,

17 Robbins.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Robbins.

19 Branch 87, three votes.

20 BROWN: Brown, proxy. Three votes, Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

22 Branch 89, 12 votes.

23 BARRON: Barron, delegate. 12 votes, Robbins.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: 12 votes, Robbins.

25 Branch 90, five votes.

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1 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, 90. Five votes, Fulton.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Fulton.

3 Branch 91, 39 votes.

4 RICHMOND: Branch 91. 39 votes, Richmond,

5 proxy. 39 votes, as instructed, Fulton.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: 39 votes, Fulton.

7 Branch 92, two votes.

8 FIELD: Field, Branch 92 proxy. Two votes,

9 Jansky.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

11 Branch 93, 16 votes.

12 JONES: Jones, delegate, Branch 93. As

13 instructed, 16 votes, Fulton.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: 16 votes, Fulton.

15 Branch 94, 16 votes.

16 BRANCH 94: (Inaudible), 16 votes, Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: 16 votes, Jansky.

18 Branch 97, 19 votes.

19 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for 97. 19

20 votes, Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Jansky.

22 Branch 98, two votes.

23 LONGSTRATT: Longstratt. All votes, Robbins.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: For Robby?


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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

2 Branch 99, 27 votes.

3 CHARLES: Charles, Branch 99. 27 votes,

4 Jansky.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: 27 votes, Jansky.

6 Branch 101, 7 votes.

7 RUIZ: Ruiz, delegate. All votes, Fulton.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Fulton.

9 Branch 103, nine votes.

10 BRANCH 103: Branch 103, proxy. Nine votes,

11 Jansky.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Jansky.

13 104, six votes.

14 JOHNSON: Johnson, delegate. Six votes,

15 Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

17 105, seven votes.

18 WHITE: White, proxy. Seven votes, Robbins.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Robbins.

20 106, six votes.

21 DAVENPORT: 106, Davenport proxy. Jansky, six

22 votes.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

24 109, three votes.

25 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy, 109. Three

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1 votes, Robbins.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

3 112, three votes.

4 BRANCH 112: All votes for Robbins. Delegate,

5 112.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

7 113, three votes.

8 ATHENOUR: Athenour, proxy, 113. All votes,

9 Fulton.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

11 115, seven votes.

12 LOVELESS: Loveless, proxy. All votes,

13 Jansky.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

15 117, nine votes.

16 BRANCH 117: (Inaudible), proxy, 117. Nine

17 votes, Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Jansky.

19 123, two votes.

20 MARTIN: Martin, proxy for 123. All votes,

21 Fulton.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

23 124, seven votes.

24 BRANCH 124: (Inaudible), delegate, 124.

25 Seven votes, Jansky.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

2 126, 13 votes.

3 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. All votes,

4 Robbins.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: 13 votes, Robbins.

6 127, four votes.

7 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy for 127. All

8 votes, Jansky.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

10 130, five votes.

11 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Five votes, Robbins.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five vote, Robbins.

13 132, two votes.

14 LOVELESS: Loveless, proxy. All votes,

15 Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

17 136, 15 votes.

18 COMBS: Combs, proxy. 15 votes, Robbins.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: 15 votes, Robbins.

20 137, six votes.

21 ATHENOUR: Athenour, delegate, 137. All

22 votes, Fulton.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Fulton.

24 145, three votes.

25 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes, Robbins.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

2 146, four votes.

3 JANSKY: Jansky, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

5 147, 11 votes.

6 HANSON: Hanson, delegate, 147. 11 votes,

7 Robbins, instructed.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Robbins.

9 156, seven votes.

10 LOVELESS: 156, delegate. All votes, Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

12 159, five votes.

13 TALBOT: Talbot, delegate, 159. Five votes,

14 Jansky.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

16 161, 17 votes.

17 BRANCH 161: (Inaudible), 161, delegate. 17,

18 all, Bob Robbins.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: 17 votes, Robbins.

20 162, 11 votes.

21 BRANCH 162: 162, delegate. All votes,

22 Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Jansky.

24 163, 10 votes.

25 KATZENBERGER: Katzenberger, delegate, 163.

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1 Ten votes, Fulton.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Fulton.

3 166, 19 votes.

4 MARTIN: Martin, delegate, 166. As

5 instructed, 19 votes, Fulton.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Fulton.

7 171, three votes.

8 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 171. All

9 votes, Jansky.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

11 172, six votes.

12 KELLEY: Kelley, delegate, 172. Six votes,

13 Fulton.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Fulton.

15 174, three votes.

16 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 174. Three

17 votes, Donna Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

19 175, 14 votes.

20 BRANCH 175: Proxy. 14 votes, Fulton.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: 14 votes, Fulton.

22 177, four votes.

23 WHITE: White, proxy. Four votes, Robbins.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

25 178, three votes.

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1 ATHENOUR: Athenour, proxy, 178. All votes,

2 Fulton.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

4 181, 13 votes.

5 SLAWINSKI: Slawinski, delegate, chairman. 13

6 votes, Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: 13 votes, Jansky.

8 182, five votes.

9 GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate. As instructed,

10 one vote, Jansky. Four votes, Robbins.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: One vote, Jansky. Four votes,

12 Robbins.

13 183, five votes.

14 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Five votes,

15 Robbins.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Robbins.

17 184, two votes.

18 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate 184. Two votes,

19 Robbins.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

21 185, three votes.

22 ATHENOUR: Athenour, proxy, 185. All votes,

23 Robbins.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

25 186, six votes.

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1 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. All votes,

2 Robbins.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Robbins.

4 187, two votes.

5 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Two votes,

6 Robbins.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

8 192, five votes.

9 LeCLAIRE: LeClaire, delegate, 192. One vote,

10 Fulton. Four votes, Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: One vote, Fulton. Four votes,

12 Jansky.

13 194, four votes.

14 BRANCH 194: Four votes, Robbins.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

16 197, three votes.

17 BRANCH 197: 197. Three votes, Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

19 201, six votes.

20 COPELAND: Copeland, 201. Six votes for

21 Jansky.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes for Jansky.

23 207, four votes.

24 SCARBRO: Scarbro, delegate. Four votes,

25 Jansky.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

2 208, eight votes.

3 CLEVELAND: Cleveland, delegate. Eight votes,

4 Jansky.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eight votes, Jansky.

6 210, 10 votes.

7 BRANCH 210: 210, (inaudible), proxy. Ten

8 votes, Jansky.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Jansky.

10 212, four votes.

11 GUNTHER: Gunther, proxy, 182 -- excuse me,

12 212. Jansky, four votes.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

14 214, three votes.

15 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy, 214. Three

16 votes, that's Robbins.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

18 215, two votes.

19 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Two votes,

20 Robbins.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

22 216, four votes.

23 POSEKANY: Posekany, proxy for Branch 216.

24 Four votes, Robbins.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

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1 217, three votes.

2 BRANCH 217: Proxy for Branch 217. All votes,

3 Jansky.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

5 219, four votes.

6 (Crosstalk.)

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Sorry, three votes. That's

8 Jansky, three votes.

9 219, four votes.

10 GUNTHER: Gunther, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

12 221, two votes.

13 WHITE: White, proxy. Two votes, Robbins.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

15 222, three votes.

16 SMITH: Smith, proxy. Three votes, Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

18 223, two votes.

19 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Two votes, Robbins.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

21 226, five votes.

22 BROWN: Brown. As directed, five votes,

23 Jansky.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

25 227, two votes.

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1 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 227. Two votes,

2 Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

4 229, four votes.

5 DAVENPORT: 229, Davenport, proxy. Four

6 votes, Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

8 230, six votes.

9 Boudreaux, proxy. Instructed Fulton, six

10 votes.

11 Six votes, Fulton.

12 232, two votes.

13 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy. Three for

14 Jansky. Two -- sorry, two.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

16 238, five votes.

17 BRANCH 238: White, proxy. Five votes,

18 Robbins.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Robbins.

20 242, two votes.

21 WHITE: White, proxy. Two votes, Robbins.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two vote, Robbins.

23 244, two votes.

24 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. Two votes,

25 Jansky.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

2 245, three votes.

3 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, 245. Three

4 votes, Jansky.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

6 248, three votes.

7 ROBBINS: Robbins, delegate, 248, proxy. All

8 three votes for me.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

10 251, three votes.

11 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy 251. Three votes,

12 Jansky.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

14 254, five votes.

15 BRANCH 254: (Inaudible), proxy. Instructed,

16 five votes, Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

18 257, two votes.

19 MARTIN: Martin, delegate, proxy. As

20 instructed, all votes, Fulton.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

22 260, three votes -- 258, three votes.

23 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy, 258. Three

24 votes, Jansky.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

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1 260, three votes.

2 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, 260. Three votes,

3 Fulton.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

5 261, 15 votes.

6 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. Fulton, 15 votes.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: 15 votes, Fulton.

8 264, five votes.

9 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 264. Five votes,

10 Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

12 268, four votes.

13 WHITE: White, proxy. Four votes, Robbins.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

15 269, 37 votes.

16 BRANCH 269: (Inaudible), chairman. 31 votes,

17 Jansky. Five, Fulton. One, Robbins.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: 31, Jansky. Five, Fulton.

19 One, Robbins.

20 273, three votes.

21 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Three votes, Robbins.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

23 274, three votes.

24 COURNEYA: Courneya, 274. Instructed, three

25 votes, Jansky.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

2 275, four votes.

3 Boudreaux, delegate. Instructed, five

4 votes -- no -- four votes, Fulton.

5 276, 10 votes.

6 WATKINS: Watkins, delegate. Ten votes for

7 Robbins, as instructed.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Robbins.

9 281, three votes.

10 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. Three votes,

11 Fulton.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

13 282, five votes.

14 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 282. Five votes,

15 Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

17 285, three votes.

18 HARRIS: Harris, proxy, 285. Three votes,

19 Jansky.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

21 287, two votes.

22 BRANCH 287: (Inaudible), delegate. Two

23 votes, Jansky.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

25 289, 30 votes.

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1 KELLEY: Kelley, delegate, chairman. 30

2 votes, Fulton.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: 30 votes, Fulton.

4 290, 25 votes.

5 HILL: 290, hill, delegate. 10 votes,

6 Robbins. 14 votes, Jansky. One vote, Fulton.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Robbins. 14 votes,

8 Jansky. One vote, Fulton.

9 291, two votes.

10 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. Two votes,

11 Robbins.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

13 293, six votes.

14 THOMAS: Thomas, Branch 293. Six votes,

15 Robbins.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Robbins.

17 294, three votes.

18 SMITH: Smith, proxy. 294, all votes for

19 Robby.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

21 295, two votes.

22 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 295. Two votes,

23 Jansky.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

25 298, five votes.

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1 POSEKANY: Posekany, delegate, chair, Branch

2 298, (inaudible), Grand Rapids, Michigan. All votes,

3 Robbins.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Robbins.

5 301, two votes.

6 MARTIN: Martin, proxy. All votes, Fulton.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

8 302, five votes.

9 SMITH: Smith, proxy. Five votes, Fulton.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Fulton.

11 307, five votes.

12 LARSON: Larson, proxy. Five votes, Jansky.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

14 309, four votes.

15 WATSON: Bob Watson, proxy, 309. Four for

16 Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

18 310, three votes.

19 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy. As

20 instructed, three votes, Fulton.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

22 311, four votes.

23 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 311. Four votes,

24 Jansky.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

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1 316, six votes.

2 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Six votes, Robbins.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Robbins.

4 324, three votes.

5 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes, Robbins.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

7 334, four votes.

8 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 334. Four votes,

9 Jansky.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

11 335, two votes.

12 BEESE: Beese, 335. Two votes, Fulton.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

14 339, two votes.

15 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Two votes,

16 Robbins.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

18 342, two votes.

19 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 342. Two

20 votes, Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

22 358, three votes.

23 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes, Robbins.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

25 364, three votes.

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1 HERNDON: 364, Herndon. Three votes, Jansky,

2 as instructed.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

4 367, seven votes.

5 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 367. Seven

6 votes, Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

8 371, four votes.

9 VANCE: Vance, 371, delegate. Four votes,

10 Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

12 377, two votes.

13 WHITE: White, proxy. Two votes, Robbins.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

15 382, six votes.

16 BRANCH 382: (Inaudible), delegate. Three,

17 Jansky. Three, Fulton.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky. Three

19 votes, Fulton.

20 That concludes the roll call.

21 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, the tally for the vote

22 was 259 for Robbins, 380 for Fulton, and 565 for Jansky.

23 No one got a majority vote, so we're going to cast

24 another round of votes.

25 Before we do that, the Ladies Auxiliary is

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1 going to introduce their incoming officers.

2 We'll take a five-minute recess in place until

3 the ladies come in. Don't leave the room. Stay in your

4 seats. It's a five-minute in-place recess.

5 (Recess was taken.)

6 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, with sincere pleasure,

7 I'd like to introduce the newly elected president of the

8 FRA Auxiliary.

9 (Applause.)

10 MURRAY: Thank you, all. For those of you who

11 don't know me, my name is Cristina Murray. I am the

12 Auxiliary President elect. Thank you all for all the

13 support that you give to the Auxiliary each year.

14 It is my pleasure to introduce to you my

15 running partners and partners in crime for the next

16 year.

17 Miss Bee Parko he will be our national vice

18 president.

19 (Applause.)

20 In addition to Ms. Bee Parko as our national

21 vice president, our national treasurer elect at this

22 time, Linda Telly, will be the national treasurer for

23 the Auxiliary from 2018 to 2021. Thank you.

24 (Applause.)

25 UNIDENTIFIED: This is going to be the first

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1 time you hear me talk, a few words. I want to say thank

2 you to the FRA for supporting the Ladies Auxiliary and

3 we're here to support you.

4 I want to thank, of course, the Ladies

5 Auxiliary for voting and entrusting me as being the

6 national vice president, and I hope that I can help you

7 just as well as the Auxiliary. I can get kind of tied

8 for words -- but anyway, we're here for you.

9 We're here to help you to -- for you to reach

10 your goals. And we only can do it together, and I pray

11 that all of us have the right attitude to move forward

12 to increase our membership, and again, of course, to

13 recruit new members.

14 And I just want to say God bless all of you.

15 Thank you.

16 (Applause.)

17 UNIDENTIFIED: I'd like to thank the FRA as

18 well. We love supporting you guys, and we love that you

19 guys support us. We appreciate it. And I'm looking

20 forward to the next three years of serving with the

21 auxiliary. Thank you.

22 (Applause.)

23 MURRAY: At this time I'm going to announce to

24 you my National President's project that will be later

25 ratified by the National Board of Directors, but I know

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1 some of you are going to leave and go home, so I want

2 you to know what my project is.

3 The National Military Family Association has a

4 program called Operation Purple Camp and Healing

5 Adventures. Operation Purple Camp and Healing

6 Adventures allows our children, children of active duty,

7 retired reserve component, to attend a camp where they

8 not only get to have fun, as any summer camp would, but

9 they also get to learn about and do workshops on how to

10 build resiliency so that they can cope while their

11 parents are deployed or just recently returned from a

12 deployment.

13 One in five -- I'm sorry, one in ten children

14 are committing suicide each day between -- every five

15 days. They either have a drug overdose or they are

16 killed by a gunshot wound.

17 Each day 20 veterans are dying of suicide; one

18 active duty, three reserve or guard members, and 16

19 veterans. And the Operation Purple Camps and Healing

20 Adventures helps not only the veteran, but the whole

21 family to build the resiliency, and hopefully we can

22 reduce those numbers so that next year I can come up

23 here and tell you that the program is working.

24 The stats are out there, and they're daunting.

25 But we need to take an active stand. It takes $650 to

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1 send a child to camp. It takes $350 to send a service

2 member who's been seriously wounded or injured to go to

3 one of the healing adventures. And I challenge each one

4 of the units to try to send at least one child or

5 service member to the camp.

6 And I understand that some of you may have had

7 a grandchild that recently attended one of those

8 programs and the difference that it made in their life.

9 When they come back, they understand -- while their

10 parent is deployed, they understand how to communicate

11 with that deployed parent, and they are also more -- the

12 behavior at home is improved substantially so that

13 there's less stress and anxiety at home during

14 deployment.

15 So please help me to look at our future, at

16 the children that are going to be our future veterans,

17 and help them to build resiliency to have a long life

18 and become our members and keep the community going.

19 Thank you.

20 (Applause.)

21 NP STARKEY: We'll now take a five-minute

22 recess until our next election.

23 NCHAP DAVIS: The Bible is closed.

24 (Recess was taken.)

25 NP STARKEY: National Chaplain, will you open

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1 the Bible, please.

2 NCHAP DAVIS: Shipmate National President, the

3 Bible is open.

4 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Shipmate at the rear

5 mic.

6 FIELD: Field, delegate, Branch 162. I have

7 requested that anyone who has picked up a brochure that

8 was on the table for FRA -- there was some blank forms

9 there, I don't know what -- I'd like them back.

10 Thank you.

11 NP STARKEY: Thank you.

12 When you cast your vote this next round of

13 voting, if you were instructed, the instructions go

14 away. You vote the way you want to vote. If you were

15 instructed to vote for A and you want to vote for B, you

16 can vote for B. You're not required to vote as

17 instructed.

18 Thank you.

19 Shipmate, rear mic.

20 DELEGATE TOULOTTE: Delegate, Branch 24,

21 Valerie Toulotte. I would like to -- through the

22 president to the shipmates, I would like to remind the

23 shipmates that there is another option besides a roll

24 call, and that would be the other candidates who did not

25 win that one can graciously concede to Donna Jansky, who

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1 was just shy of 44 votes. Just saying.

2 (Applause.)

3 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, we still have to vote

4 by roll call.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Shipmates, if your Branch was

6 instructed to vote on the second roll call of

7 instruction, you have to vote that way. But if you were

8 not instructed on the second roll, it's a free for all.

9 Do you understand that? Everybody

10 understands?

11 Branch 1, six votes.

12 LOVELESS: Loveless, proxy. Six votes,

13 Jansky.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

15 Branch 4, five votes.

16 BRANCH 4: (Inaudible), Branch 4. All five,

17 Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

19 Branch six, four votes.

20 GUNTHER: Gunther. Four votes, proxy, Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

22 Branch 8, 10 votes.

23 BLACKBURN: Blackburn, delegate chairman. Ten

24 votes, Jansky, instructed.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Jansky.

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1 Branch 11, 11 votes.

2 SNYDER: Snyder, delegate, Branch 11. 11

3 votes, Jansky.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Jansky.

5 Branch 12, three votes.

6 BRANCH 12: (Inaudible), proxy. Three votes,

7 Jansky.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

9 Branch 13, four votes.

10 DAVENPORT: Branch 13, Davenport, delegate.

11 Four, Jansky.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

13 Branch 14, seven votes.

14 BRANCH 14: Branch 14. Seven votes, Robbins,

15 as instructed.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Robbins.

17 Branch 15, three votes.

18 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Three votes,

19 Robbins.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

21 Branch 17, four votes.

22 BRANCH 17: (Inaudible), Branch 17. Four

23 votes, Robbins.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Robbins.

25 Branch 18, eight votes.

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1 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, delegate, Branch 18.

2 Eight votes, Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eight votes, Jansky.

4 Branch 20, 18 votes.

5 HARRIS: Harris, delegate, Branch 20. 18

6 votes, Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: 18 votes, Jansky.

8 Branch 22, 19 votes.

9 RICHMOND: Richmond, delegate, Branch 22. 19

10 votes, Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Jansky.

12 Branch 23, four votes.

13 BRANCH 23: Branch 23. Four votes, Jansky.

14 Zino, delegate.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

16 Branch 24, 79 votes.

17 TOULOTTE: Toulotte, Branch 24, delegate. All

18 votes, Jansky.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: 79 votes, Jansky.

20 Branch 28, four votes.

21 BRANCH 28: By proxy, four votes, Jansky.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

23 Branch 29, 19 votes.

24 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy. 19 votes,

25 Jansky.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: 19 votes, Jansky.

2 Branch 31, six votes.

3 JANSKY: Jansky, delegate. Six votes, Jansky.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

5 Branch 34, three votes.

6 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Three votes,

7 Robbins.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

9 Branch 37, two votes.

10 BRANCH 37: (Inaudible), delegate.

11 Instructed, two votes, Jansky.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

13 Branch 38, four votes.

14 BURKE: Burke, delegate. Four votes, Jansky.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

16 Branch 40, twelve votes.

17 SCARBRO: Scarbro, delegate. Twelve votes,

18 Fulton.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Twelve votes, Fulton.

20 Branch 41, four votes.

21 GUNTHER: Gunther, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

23 Branch 42, seven votes.

24 BRANCH 42: (Inaudible), proxy. Seven votes,

25 Jansky.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

2 Branch 44, five votes.

3 DAVIS: Davis, Branch 44. Five votes for

4 Robbins.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Robbins.

6 Branch 46, 40 votes.

7 IPPERT: Ippert, delegate, Branch 46. Forty

8 votes, Fulton.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Forty votes, Fulton.

10 Branch 47, eight votes.

11 BRANCH 47: (Inaudible), delegate, 47. Eight

12 votes, Fulton.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: 47, eight votes, Fulton.

14 Branch 49, six votes.

15 HATCLIFF: Hatcliff, delegate. Six, Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

17 Branch 53, 11 votes.

18 WHITE: White, proxy. 11 votes, Jansky.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: 11 votes, Jansky.

20 Branch 54, two votes.

21 POSEKANY: Posekany, proxy for Indian Nation,

22 Branch 54. Two votes, Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

24 Branch 55, five votes.

25 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, Branch 55.

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1 Five votes, Jansky.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

3 Branch 57, six votes.

4 BRANCH 57: Five votes, Jansky. One vote,

5 Robbins.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky. One vote,

7 Robbins.

8 Branch 59, six votes.

9 ARCHER: Archer, delegate. All votes, Jansky.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

11 Branch 60, 28.

12 BRANCH 60: (Inaudible), delegate. 28 votes,

13 Fulton.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: 28 votes, Fulton.

15 Branch 61, 26.

16 HERMES: Hermes, Branch 61. 26 votes, Fulton.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: 26 votes, Fulton.

18 Branch 62, three votes.

19 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, 62. Three votes,

20 Fulton.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

22 Branch 67, nine votes.

23 HORTON: Horton, delegate. All votes, Jansky.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Jansky.

25 Branch 70, 25 votes.

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1 DAVIS: Davis, delegate. All votes, Fulton.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Twenty-five votes, Fulton.

3 Branch 72, four votes.

4 JANSKY: Jansky, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

6 Branch 73, two votes.

7 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, Branch 73.

8 All votes, Jansky.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

10 Branch 74, two votes.

11 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, Branch 74.

12 Two votes, Jansky.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

14 Branch 77, five votes.

15 SMITH: Smith, proxy. All votes, Fulton.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Fulton.

17 Branch 84, seven votes.

18 SMITH: Smith, proxy. All votes, Fulton.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Fulton.

20 Branch 85, three votes.

21 CAMPBELL: Campbell, delegate, 85. All votes,

22 Fulton.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

24 Branch 86, six votes.

25 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Six votes,

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1 Robbins.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Robbins.

3 Branch 87, three votes.

4 BROWN: Brown, proxy. Three votes, Jansky.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

6 Branch 89, 12 votes.

7 BARRON: Barron, delegate. 12 votes, Jansky.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Twelve votes, Jansky.

9 Branch 90, five votes.

10 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, Branch 90. Five votes,

11 Fulton.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Fulton.

13 Branch 91, 39 votes.

14 RICHMOND: Branch 91, Richmond, delegate.

15 Thirty-nine votes, Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: 39 votes, Jansky.

17 Branch 92, two votes.

18 BRANCH 92: (Inaudible), delegate, proxy. Two

19 votes, Jansky.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

21 Branch 93, 16 votes.

22 JONES: Jones, delegate. 16 votes, Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Sixteen votes, Jansky.

24 Branch 94, 16 votes.

25 HANKERSON: Hankerson, delegate. Sixteen,

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1 Jansky.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Sixteen votes, Jansky.

3 Branch 97, 19 votes.

4 LAZZARETTI; Lazzaretti, proxy, Branch 97.

5 Nineteen votes, Jansky.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nineteen votes, Jansky.

7 Branch 98, two votes.

8 LONGSTRATT: Longstratt, delegate, Branch 98.

9 Two votes, Jansky.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

11 Branch 99, 27 votes.

12 CHARLES: Charles, Branch 99. Twenty-seven

13 votes, Jansky.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Twenty-seven votes, Jansky.

15 Branch 101, seven votes.

16 RUIZ: Ruiz, 101. All votes, Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

18 Branch 103, nine votes.

19 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 103. All

20 votes, Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Jansky.

22 Branch 104, six votes.

23 JOHNSON: Johnson, delegate. All votes for

24 Jansky.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

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1 105, seven votes.

2 WHITE: White, proxy. Seven votes Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

4 106, six votes.

5 DAVENPORT: 106, Davenport, proxy. Six votes,

6 Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

8 109, three votes.

9 THOMAS: Delegate, Thomas. All votes,

10 Robbins.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

12 112, three votes.

13 BRANCH 112: All three votes for Robbins.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

15 113, three votes.

16 ATHENOUR: Athenour, proxy. All votes,

17 Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

19 115, seven votes.

20 LOVELESS: Loveless, proxy. All votes,

21 Jansky.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

23 117, nine votes.

24 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate, proxy. All votes,

25 Jansky.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nine votes, Jansky.

2 123, two votes.

3 MARTIN: Martin. Instructed, Fulton.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

5 124, seven votes.

6 RIZZO: Rizzo, delegate, 124. Seven votes,

7 Jansky.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

9 126, 13 votes.

10 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Thirteen votes,

11 Robbins.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Thirteen votes, Robbins.

13 127, four votes.

14 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 127. All

15 votes, Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

17 130, five votes.

18 COMBS: Combs, proxy, 130. Five votes for DJ.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

20 132, two votes.

21 LOVELESS: Loveless, proxy. All votes,

22 Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

24 136, 15 votes.

25 COMBS: Combs, proxy, 136. Fifteen votes for

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1 DJ.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Fifteen votes, Jansky.

3 137, six votes.

4 ATHENOUR: Athenour, delegate, 137. All

5 votes, Jansky.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

7 145, three votes.

8 BRANCH 145: (Inaudible), proxy. Three votes,

9 Jansky.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky. .

11 146, four votes.

12 JANSKY: Jansky, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

14 147, 11 votes.

15 BRANCH 147: (Inaudible), delegate, 147.

16 Eleven votes, Robbins, instructed.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eleven votes, Robbins.

18 156, seven votes.

19 LOVELESS: Loveless, delegate, 156. All

20 votes, Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

22 159, five votes.

23 TALBOT: Talbot, delegate, 159. Five votes,

24 Jansky.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

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1 161, 17 votes.

2 BRANCH 161: (Inaudible), 161. Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seventeen votes, Jansky.

4 162, 11 votes.

5 FIELD: 162, Field, delegate. All 11 votes,

6 Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eleven votes, Jansky.

8 163, 10 votes.

9 KATZENBERGER: Katzenberger, delegate. Ten

10 votes, Fulton.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Fulton.

12 166, 19 votes.

13 MARTIN: Martin, delegate. Nineteen votes,

14 Fulton.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Nineteen votes, Fulton.

16 171, three votes.

17 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 171. Three

18 votes, Jansky.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

20 172, six votes.

21 KELLEY: Kelley, 172, delegate. Six votes,

22 Fulton.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Fulton.

24 174, three votes.

25 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 174. Three

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1 votes, Jansky.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

3 175, 14 votes.

4 SMITH: Smith, proxy. Fourteen votes, yeah --

5 what's his name over here -- Mick Fulton.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Fulton, 14 votes.

7 177, four votes.

8 WHITE: White, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

10 178, three votes.

11 ATHENOUR: Athenour, proxy 178. All votes,

12 Jansky.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

14 181, 13 votes.

15 SLAWINSKI: Slawinski, Branch 181, delegate

16 chairman. Thirteen votes, Donna Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Thirteen votes, Jansky.

18 182, five votes.

19 GUNTHER: Gunther, delegate, 182. All votes,

20 Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

22 183, five votes.

23 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. All votes,

24 Robbins.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Robbins.

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1 184, two votes.

2 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. All votes,

3 Robbins.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

5 185, three votes.

6 ATHENOUR: Athenour, proxy, 185. All votes,

7 Jansky.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

9 186, six votes.

10 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. All votes,

11 Robbins.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Robbins.

13 187, two votes.

14 THOMAS: All votes, Robbins. Thomas,

15 delegate.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

17 192, five votes.

18 LeCLAIRE: LeClaire, 192. Five votes, Jansky.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

20 194, four votes.

21 BRANCH 194: Four votes, Robbins.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Robbins, four votes.

23 197, three votes.

24 BRANCH 197: 197, three votes, Jansky.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

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1 201, six votes.

2 BRANCH 201: (Inaudible), delegate. All

3 votes, Jansky.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

5 207.

6 BRANCH 207: (Inaudible), delegate. Four

7 votes, Fulton.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Fulton.

9 208, eight votes.

10 CLEVELAND: Cleveland, delegate 208. All

11 votes, Jansky.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Eight votes, Jansky.

13 210, ten votes.

14 BRANCH 210: (Inaudible), proxy. Ten votes,

15 Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Jansky.

17 212, four votes.

18 BRANCH 212: (Inaudible), proxy. Four votes,

19 Jansky.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

21 214, three votes.

22 DAVENPORT: 214, Davenport, proxy. Jansky,

23 three votes.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Jansky, three votes.

25 215, two votes.

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1 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Two votes,

2 Robbins.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

4 216, four votes.

5 BRANCH 216: (Inaudible), proxy for Branch

6 216. Four votes, Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

8 217, three votes.

9 COLLINS: Collins, proxy for Branch 217.

10 Three votes for Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

12 219, four votes.

13 GUNTHER: Gunther, proxy, 219. Four votes,

14 Jansky.

15 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

16 221, two votes.

17 WHITE: White, proxy. Two votes, Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

19 222, three votes.

20 SMITH: Smith, proxy. Three votes, Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

22 223, two votes.

23 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Two votes for DJ.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

25 226, five votes.

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1 BROWN: Brown, delegate. As directed, five

2 votes, Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

4 227, two votes.

5 TALBOT: Talbot, Proxy 227. Two votes,

6 Jansky.

7 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

8 229, four votes.

9 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy. Four votes,

10 Jansky.

11 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

12 230, six votes.

13 Boudreaux, proxy, six votes, Fulton.

14 232, two votes.

15 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy. Two votes,

16 Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

18 238, five votes.

19 WHITE: White, proxy. Five votes, Jansky.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

21 242, two votes.

22 WHITE: White, proxy. Two votes, Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

24 244, two votes.

25 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. Two votes,

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1 Jansky.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

3 245, three votes.

4 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, 245. Three

5 votes, Jansky.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

7 248, three votes.

8 BRANCH 248: Proxy, 248. Three votes,

9 Robbins.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Robbins.

11 251, three votes.

12 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 251. Three votes,

13 Jansky.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

15 254, five votes.

16 BRANCH 254: (Inaudible), delegate, proxy.

17 Five votes as instructed, Jansky.

18 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

19 257, two votes.

20 MARTIN: Martin, proxy. Instructed, two

21 votes, Fulton.

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

23 260, three votes.

24 DAVIS: Davis, proxy, 260. Three votes,

25 Fulton.

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1 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Fulton.

2 (Crosstalk, "you missed 258.")

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Oh, sorry, 258, three votes.

4 DAVENPORT: Davenport, proxy. Three votes,

5 Jansky.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

7 261, 15 votes.

8 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. Fifteen votes,

9 Jansky.

10 PNP BOUDREAUX: Fifteen votes, Jansky.

11 264, five votes.

12 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 264. Five votes,

13 Jansky.

14 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

15 268, four votes.

16 WHITE: White, proxy. Four votes, Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

18 269, 37 votes.

19 BOLZ: Bolz, chairman. Thirty-six votes,

20 Jansky. One vote, Robbins.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Thirty-six votes, Jansky.

22 One, Robbins.

23 273, three votes.

24 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Three votes, DJ.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

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1 274, three votes.

2 BRANCH 274: 274. Three votes, Jansky.

3 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

4 275, four votes.

5 Boudreaux, delegate. Four votes, Robbins.

6 276, 10 votes.

7 WATKINS: Watkins, delegate. Ten votes for

8 Robbins.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Robbins.

10 281, three votes.

11 MATTHEWS: Matthews, proxy. Three votes,

12 Jansky.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

14 282, five votes.

15 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 282. Five votes,

16 Jansky.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

18 285, three votes.

19 HARRIS: Harris, proxy 285. Three votes,

20 Jansky.

21 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

22 287, two votes.

23 BRANCH: (Inaudible), delegate. Jansky, two

24 votes.

25 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

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1 289, 30 votes.

2 KELLEY: Kelley, delegate chairman. Thirty

3 votes, Fulton.

4 PNP BOUDREAUX: Thirty votes, Fulton.

5 290, 25 votes.

6 BRANCH 290: (Inaudible), Branch 290,

7 delegate. Ten votes, Robbins. Fifteen votes, Jansky.

8 PNP BOUDREAUX: Ten votes, Robbins. Fifteen

9 votes, Jansky.

10 219, two votes.

11 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Two votes,

12 Robbins.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

14 293, six votes.

15 THOMAS: Thomas, 293. Six votes, Robbins.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Robbins.

17 294, three votes.

18 SMITH: Smith, proxy. Three votes, Robbins.

19 PNP BOUDREAUX: 294, three votes, Robbins.

20 295, two votes.

21 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, 295. Two votes,

22 Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

24 298, five votes.

25 POSEKANY: Posekany, delegate chair, Branch

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1 298, Grand Rapids. Five votes, Jansky.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

3 301, two votes.

4 MARTIN: Martin, proxy. Instructed, two

5 votes, Fulton.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

7 302, five votes.

8 SMITH: Smith, proxy. Five votes, Fulton.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Fulton.

10 307, five votes.

11 LARSON: Larson, proxy. Five votes, Jansky.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Five votes, Jansky.

13 309, four votes.

14 BRANCH: (Inaudible), Branch 309, proxy.

15 Jansky.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

17 310, three votes.

18 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, Branch 310.

19 All votes, Jansky.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

21 311, four votes.

22 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy, Branch 311. Four

23 votes, Jansky.

24 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

25 316, six votes.

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1 COMBS: Combs, proxy. Six votes, for DJ.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Six votes, Jansky.

3 324, three votes.

4 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes, Jansky.

5 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

6 334, four votes.

7 TALBOT: Talbot, proxy 334. Four votes,

8 Jansky.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

10 335, two votes.

11 BEESE: Beese. Two votes for Fulton.

12 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Fulton.

13 339, two votes.

14 THOMAS: Thomas, delegate. Two votes,

15 Robbins.

16 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Robbins.

17 242, two votes.

18 LAZZARETTI: Lazzaretti, proxy, 342, not 242,

19 two votes.

20 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

21 358, three votes.

22 WHITE: White, proxy. Three votes, Jansky.

23 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

24 364, three votes.

25 HERNDON: Herndon, delegate. Three votes, as

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1 instructed, Jansky.

2 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky.

3 367, seven votes.

4 CHRISTOPHER: Christopher, proxy, 367. Seven

5 votes, Jansky.

6 PNP BOUDREAUX: Seven votes, Jansky.

7 371, four votes.

8 BRANCH 371: Branch 371. Four votes, Jansky.

9 PNP BOUDREAUX: Four votes, Jansky.

10 377, two votes.

11 BRANCH 377: (Inaudible), proxy. Two votes,

12 Jansky.

13 PNP BOUDREAUX: Two votes, Jansky.

14 382, six votes.

15 BRANCH 382: (Inaudible), delegate. Three,

16 Jansky. Three, Fulton.

17 PNP BOUDREAUX: Three votes, Jansky. Three

18 votes, Fulton.

19 That concludes the second roll call for vice

20 president.

21 Shipmates, it's my sincere pleasure to present

22 the next National Vice President of the Fleet Reserve

23 Association, Donna Jansky.

24 (Applause.)

25 Donna Jansky received 823 votes. Robby

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1 Robbins received 121 votes, and Mick Fulton received 270

2 votes.

3 Donna, congratulations.

4 JANSKY: I want to thank all of the shipmates

5 who voted for me, and I really want to help in turning

6 this organization around. It's going to be a great

7 year. I can already feel the vibes, and so thank you so

8 much, and we start work tomorrow.

9 (Applause.)

10 NP STARKEY: I would like to present the

11 following certificates for the Fleet Reserve Association

12 awards.

13 The first one is to the newly elected National

14 President, Robert Washington. Thank you, Bob.

15 I have one here for Tom Snee, but I don't know

16 his condition or his location, so I'll hold that off.

17 The next one is Past National President, Don

18 Larson, Fleet Reserve Association for award. It's my

19 sincere pleasure to present that award to you.

20 Thank you.

21 (Applause.)

22 NP STARKEY: Bryan's not here.

23 Shipmate Donna Mucek, National Commentary.

24 I'd like to present this award to you.

25 John Davis, National Chaplain, present this

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1 award to you, John. Thank you for a job well done.

2 (Applause.)

3 Shipmate Davenport, Regional President

4 Northeast. Congratulations for a job well done as

5 Regional President.

6 Paul Phelps, Regional President of the East

7 Coast. I present this award to you, Paul. Thank you

8 very much.

9 James Thomas, Regional President of the

10 Southeast. Thank you very much.

11 Barry White, Regional President North Central.

12 I'd like to present you with this award for a job well

13 done as Regional President of North Central. Thank you,

14 Barry.

15 Bruce Talbot, Regional President South

16 Central. This award for (inaudible.)

17 Bruce Davis, Regional President Southwest.

18 Thank you for a job well done. Thank you.

19 Rick Athenour, Regional President, West Coast.

20 Rodney Christopher, Regional President

21 Northwest. I'd like to present this award to you.

22 Thank you very much for a job well done.

23 Leon's not here.

24 (Inaudible.) Thank you, Larry, for a job well

25 done.

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1 SHIPMATE: I'd like the honor of escorting

2 Mrs. Washington to the podium, please.

3 NP STARKEY: You may do that.

4 Would you like to say a few words to the

5 Shipmates?

6 MRS. WASHINGTON: Good afternoon, Shipmates.

7 This is really like a momentous occasion. Sometimes I

8 just sit back and I wonder how did we get here. And as

9 an active duty person in the Navy, my husband joined the

10 Association and has had continuous membership ever since

11 then.

12 I mean, he's always been here with you guys,

13 and this has always been a part of him.

14 I know that when I first started coming

15 myself, I just came because he was coming to a

16 convention and it was a time for me to go to a hotel

17 with the kids and just chill.

18 I didn't -- I didn't plan to go to meetings or

19 anything like that. But slowly, slowly, he tells me

20 about different things and I got hooked.

21 So on the auxiliary side, I got hooked into

22 it, and on this side, he really has put in the work, and

23 he's really ready to be there for you guys. And I'm

24 sure -- for you shipmates. And I'm sure he'll do an

25 excellent job for you.

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1 Again, thank you all for your confidence, and

2 he'll be there. He'll do a good job.

3 (Applause.)

4 NVP WASHINGTON: Her next plight is to become

5 National President.

6 NP STARKEY: I'll continue with the

7 presentation of the awards. I'm going to go back to

8 Shipmate Jim, because he has trouble walking this far.

9 I don't want to put him under any undue stress.

10 Shipmate Jim, it's my sincere pleasure to

11 present you with this for award for your duty as the

12 chairman of the National Committee on Membership and

13 Retention.

14 Next is Vice President Elect Donna Jansky.

15 Would you please come up to the microphone, please.

16 Donna, it's with my sincere pleasure that I

17 present you this award for serving as chairman of the

18 National Committee on Public Relations. Thank you very

19 much.

20 Next is Shipmate Chris Slawinski. This is the

21 national award for being the chairman of the National

22 Committee on Veterans Service.

23 Shipmate Jim Richmond Southeast Regional -- I

24 mean, Regional President Elect. Thank you, Jim. Here's

25 your award.

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1 Shipmate Pete Lazzaretti, would you please

2 come up to the microphone, please.

3 Pete is chairman of the National Convention

4 on -- the National Committee on Credentials and

5 Registration. He's done a great job. Thank you.

6 (Applause.)

7 NP STARKEY: Past Regional President West

8 Coast, Charles R. McIntyre. This is an award for Past

9 regional President, Charles R. McIntyre, for being

10 chairman of the honorary membership and a certificate of

11 merit for the 91st National Convention. Thank you,

12 Shipmate.

13 This is for Past Regional President East

14 Coast, Tom Vatter. Would you come forward, please. Tom

15 received the award for being the chairman of the Tally

16 Committee. He stepped up and did his job as a good

17 shipmate.

18 Shipmate Lawrence Buchanon, Past Regional

19 President North Central Region. Lawrence received the

20 award for being my timekeeper at the 91st National

21 Convention.

22 Shipmate Richard Ruiz, Senior Master-at-Arms

23 at the 91st National Convention.

24 Shipmate Regional Vice President Southwest or

25 West Coast -- not central, I apologize, Kathleen

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1 Ursula -- she's my junior master-at-arms, but I don't

2 consider her a junior.

3 Past National President, Helen Courneya. She

4 is not in the hall, but I'll present this to her

5 husband, or I'll talk it over and present it to her

6 personally.

7 Thank you, Shipmates.

8 (Applause.)

9 I want to say one thing about the competition

10 for national president this year.

11 Shipmate Bob Washington and I, we both ran a

12 real great campaign, and I'll be quite honest with you.

13 I believe Bob ran a better campaign, because he did a

14 great job and he was elected.

15 And I think he'll do a great job as National

16 President. But I want everyone here to give him

17 support, because without the support of the shipmates,

18 the regional presidents and the national president is

19 just another figurehead. He needs support from all the

20 shipmates, all the regional presidents, and all the

21 branch presidents and secretaries.

22 So please give Bob your support during the

23 ensuing year.

24 Thank you.

25 (Applause.)

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1 Shipmate rear mic.

2 DELEGATE COURNEYA: Shipmate National

3 President, Courneya, delegate, Branch 274.

4 We dismissed earlier about you appointing a

5 special committee for the convention. We cannot do

6 that. You still have to have a committee, even though

7 we're going to have headquarters go out for outreach for

8 funds to support this convention coming up next year.

9 According to our Standing Rules, you still

10 have to appoint a committee when there is no other

11 committee. We just can't turn it over to headquarters.

12 They're our employees.

13 NP STARKEY: I know. I made the announcement

14 here that Shipmate Chairman Larry Boudreaux is the

15 chairman of the 2019 convention committee. Co-chairman

16 is Virge Courneya, Past Vice President, he's

17 co-chairman.

18 Chairman of the ladies auxiliary is Pat

19 Boudreaux, Past National President. Co-Chair is Helen

20 Courneya, Past National President.

21 Past National President, John Johnson;

22 Shipmate Mick Fulton, regional president Southwest.

23 Another member is -- Shipmate Fulton is the treasurer.

24 Shipmate Cindy Rodham-Tuck is the Past

25 National President. She's a member of the committee,

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1 and Shipmate Pete Lazzaretti.

2 Do I have a second on that?

3 PRP SLAWINSKI: Shipmate National President,

4 Slawinski, delegate, Branch 181, seconds.

5 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Is there any debate?

6 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President.

7 NP STARKEY: Yes, Shipmate, at the rear mic.

8 UNIDENTIFIED: Standing Rule for India says

9 you cannot appoint the chairman. It is elected as the

10 interim chairman after the committee is formed.

11 NP STARKEY: You are correct. Thank you.

12 I'll just appoint the committee, and then

13 they'll take and elect their chairman, or the shipmates

14 will elect the chairman.

15 Shipmate at the rear mic.

16 PRP SLAWINSKI: Slawinski, delegate, Branch

17 181. I'll second that motion for the appointment of the

18 committee.

19 NP STARKEY: Shipmate, front mic.

20 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President,

21 the committee you appointed earlier -- we did meet, and

22 we've elected the Past National President Boudreaux to

23 be the chairman.

24 NP STARKEY: Thank you.

25 All in favor, say aye.

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1 (Chorus of ayes.)

2 Those opposed say nay.

3 (Some nays.)

4 NP STARKEY: The ayes have it. The convention

5 committee for 2019 is appointed. Thank you.

6 Shipmate at the front mic.

7 BRANCH 371: Branch 371, delegate. I'd like

8 to personally thank the outgoing members for a job well

9 done.

10 NP STARKEY: Thank you. They did a great job.

11 Rear mic.

12 SHIPMATE ZINO: Shipmate National President,

13 Zino, delegate, Branch 23. Just an idea here for the

14 good of the order. I've been floating it around to a

15 few of our shipmates.

16 As you may have heard, DDG 119 is going to be

17 commissioned in -- probably Mobile, Alabama. That

18 schedule is still temporary. It hasn't really been

19 assigned. I've been in touch with the XO of the ship.

20 I've been in touch with the CMC. I didn't tell them

21 about this idea, though. I was requesting to see if I

22 could get a ticket to come to the commissioning.

23 But what I was thinking, for the FRA to go out

24 and reach out to shipmates. This would be a good

25 opportunity for the National President and the Auxiliary

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1 National President and some of our shipmates here to

2 attend the commissioning for DDG 119, because it's named

3 after the first Master Chief Black of the United States

4 Navy.

5 He's done a lot of work for the Fleet Reserve

6 Association. He's done a lot of work for the Navy, and

7 the Navy is honoring him by naming a ship after him.

8 So I think it would be appropriate in my

9 opinion -- and I don't know if this requires a motion --

10 and it's surely up to the incoming national president; I

11 don't want to steel his thunder -- but I think it would

12 be good for the organization if the FRA would present a

13 certificate and a plaque to the ship sometime during

14 commissioning.

15 This needs to be worked out, there's some

16 things that still have to be worked out, and I was

17 hoping maybe with the National President's permission or

18 authorization, we can work with headquarters to figure

19 out the logistic items.

20 NP STARKEY: The incoming National President

21 will take that under advisement, and more likely will be

22 ahead of you on that plaque.

23 Shipmate at the front mic.

24 DELEGATE SNYDER: Shipmate Snyder. Shipmate

25 National President, Snyder, Branch 11 delegate.

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1 I think it should be noted that today is a

2 historical day for the Fleet Reserve Association. We've

3 elected our first African American as the National

4 President and our first female as a national vice

5 president. This is a historic day.

6 (Applause.)

7 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate Snyder.

8 DELEGATE SNYDER: Also, I would like to say

9 that for those of you that don't know it, the USS

10 Indiana (SSN-789), will be commissioned tomorrow. It'll

11 be the newest ship in the United States Navy.

12 In about four months the South Dakota will be

13 commissioned. That's my home state. Thank you.

14 NP STARKEY: Rear mic.

15 DELEGATE VATTER: Shipmate National President,

16 delegate, Branch 93. I do believe we may have a

17 shipmate attending the National Convention for the first

18 time -- or several. Could we recognize them?

19 NP STARKEY: If we have any shipmates here for

20 the first time, would you please stand and be

21 recognized, and give us your name and branch number.

22 (Applause.)

23 DORSEY: Shipmate National President, Tom

24 Dorsey, Branch 47.

25 NP STARKEY: Thank you very much, and

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1 congratulations on this being your first national

2 convention. Make it not the last.

3 Shipmate at the rear mic.

4 ODOM: Shipmate National President, Johnny

5 Odom, Branch 126. This is my first national convention.

6 NP STARKEY: Thank you. We expect to see you

7 at all of our regional conventions and all of the

8 national conventions. Thank you.

9 Shipmate at the rear mic.

10 HEAL: Shipmate National President, my name is

11 Willis E. Heal. I am from Branch 98, South Central.

12 This is my first national convention.

13 (Applause.)

14 NP STARKEY: Shipmate at the rear mic.

15 RIZZO: Shipmate National President, Ray

16 Rizzo, Branch 124 Northeast, Northeast region, first

17 convention.

18 (Applause.)

19 NP STARKEY: Shipmate at the rear mic.

20 HATCLIFF: Shipmate National President, Jeff

21 Hatcliff, with the Mile High Branch 49, West Coast

22 region, first time.

23 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate.

24 HORTON: Shipmate National President, my name

25 is Sam Horton, and I come from Branch 67 in Maryland,

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1 and this is my first affair here and hopefully not the

2 last.

3 (Applause.)

4 BRANCH 197: Leonard (inaudible), Vice

5 President, Branch 197, Modesto, California, West Coast.

6 I usually attend almost all the regionals, but this is

7 my very first national convention. I have to say I'm

8 extremely impressed.

9 NP STARKEY: Thank you very much.

10 Shipmate at the rear mic.

11 COPELAND: Shipmate National President, my

12 name is Nancy Copeland. I am a first-time visitor to

13 the convention. I am president of Branch 201, and am

14 also the newly elected regional secretary for South

15 Central.

16 NP STARKEY: Thank you, and welcome.

17 Rear mic.

18 MARTIN: Shipmate National President, my name

19 is John Martin. I'm from Branch 276. I'm the newly

20 elected regional vice president for North Central.

21 NP STARKEY: Thank you, congratulations.

22 Rear mic.

23 BRANCH 364: Shipmate National President,

24 we're North Central, Branch 364. My name is Joanne

25 (inaudible). This is my first national convention.

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1 NP STARKEY: Congratulations.

2 Rear mic.

3 HERNDON: Shipmate National President, David

4 Herndon, Branch 364, North Central region. This is our

5 first national convention.

6 (Applause.)

7 NP STARKEY: Thank you.

8 Rear mic.

9 BRANCH 137: (Inaudible), Branch 137. Also

10 West Coast Regional President.

11 NP STARKEY: Thank you.

12 (Applause.)

13 You're a Regional President for another day

14 and a half, another day anyway.

15 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President,

16 I'm not going to say this is my first one, but I would

17 like to tell you we have a delegate from our region,

18 from Branch 97 -- his name is Scott Dudley -- and he's

19 probably with the sea somewhere, but he is a nephew of

20 (inaudible).

21 NP STARKEY: Thank you.

22 Rear mic.

23 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President, I

24 just want to point out on these ships commissioning,

25 that the USS Sioux City, which is LCS-11, combat ship,

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1 is being commissioned at the Naval Academy on

2 November 17 of this year, and they have invited Branch

3 24 and the Fleet Reserve Club to participate in the

4 commission of ceremonies.

5 They have also -- the captain of the ship has

6 asked, could his ship's crew attend our Veterans' Day

7 ceremonies in downtown Annapolis, which is sponsored by

8 24.

9 Thank you.

10 (Applause.)

11 SNYDER: Shipmate National President, Snyder,

12 Branch 11. It's me again. My first national convention

13 was in San Antonio, Texas, in 1985. I've been to most

14 of them since. I've missed a couple. But thank you.

15 NP STARKEY: Front mic.

16 CUNNINGHAM: Shipmates, this is Cunningham

17 with Branch 14. I think most of you who have been here

18 know Shipmate Leon Saleski. He's usually at every

19 national convention. He's not here because he's been in

20 the hospital for the last two months. He had a minor

21 heart surgery, but this time he's recuperating from

22 having all the toes on his right foot amputated and

23 going through therapy.

24 He's still in good spirits, but also, his

25 wife, Joan, who would come with him, she's going through

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1 chemotherapy for cancer. When it rains, it pours. So

2 if you could keep both of them in your prayers, it would

3 be greatly appreciated.

4 NP STARKEY: Thank you. I'll keep Leon in my

5 prayers.

6 Shipmate at the rear mic.

7 UNIDENTIFIED: I've been here for 41 years,

8 1977/78.

9 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Rear mic.

10 BOUDREAUX: Shipmate National President,

11 Delegate, Boudreaux, Hangtown Branch 275, (inaudible),

12 California, Chairman of the 91st National Convention and

13 prospective Chairman of the 92nd National Convention.

14 We still have some felt pens for sale and some

15 3-2-1 tickets. This is a chance to win $300, $200, or

16 $100. The tickets are $5 apiece or a book of five

17 tickets for $20.

18 NP STARKEY: Is that a West Coast 50/50, where

19 you only get 20 percent of the take?

20 BOUDREAUX: Like I said, you can win $300,

21 $200, $100 on a five-dollar bill.

22 The banquet tomorrow night is going to be in

23 here. The installation is going to be over where the

24 ladies are meeting at tomorrow night.

25 And there was a memorandum in the last

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1 newsletter about a trip to the San Antonio spurs

2 basketball game. Did anybody here buy tickets for it?

3 It's Sunday afternoon at 4:00. They're playing Miami

4 Heat. It's an exhibition game. We got discounted

5 tickets for it.

6 That's about an hour before the game down on

7 the floor with the players and everything else.

8 No more tables are available at the banquet.

9 Make sure you bring your ticket with you because we will

10 be collecting them at the door. If you don't have a

11 ticket, you're not going to get in. There's going to be

12 ten reserved tables. The rest are all open.

13 The National President's got one reserved

14 table for FRA and one reserved table for the LA FRA.

15 Branch 70 purchased a table themselves.

16 National headquarters has got two tables

17 reserved and the committee's got five. The rest of them

18 are all open. The tables are set for eight, not ten, so

19 you got elbow room.

20 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Do you have to be

21 present to win?

22 PNP BOUDREAUX: No. If you win anything,

23 we'll mail a check to you. And all the profits from

24 this convention is going to the FRA.

25 Anyone have any questions about anything

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1 that's happening the rest of the convention?

2 (Crosstalk.)

3 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate.

4 Shipmate at the front mic.

5 UNIDENTIFIED: We just celebrated the 20th

6 anniversary of the USS Cheyenne and the USS Wayman sub

7 cruise. The sub cruise comes to Cheyenne, and we just

8 finished up the botanical gardens with the City and put

9 our own periscope in the building.

10 Also, I'd like everybody not to forget that

11 they're going to recommission the USS Kennedy and the

12 USS Enterprise, which I was the command chief on both of

13 those carriers, and they have invited our branch to go

14 to Norfolk for the recommissioning.

15 NP STARKEY: Congratulations, Shipmate.

16 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmates, this is the last

17 call for the -- I have the youth activities -- I think

18 there's only one notebook left in there. If you want to

19 take your stuff back to your branch, get it now, because

20 as I walk out the door, I'm going to deep six the

21 reports. There's no need for me to keep 'em. So if you

22 want to take yours back, that notebook or whatever, come

23 see me and I will give it to you.

24 NP STARKEY: Shipmate at the rear mic.

25 UNIDENTIFIED: Yes, I was just reminded that

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1 when you go to the recess this afternoon, you won't

2 return again until the installation, I believe. So

3 everybody take everything you own out of here.

4 NP STARKEY: Thank you, Shipmate.

5 Shipmate rear mic.

6 UNIDENTIFIED: Shipmate National President, do

7 you have a final Credentials Report before we recess?

8 NVP WASHINGTON: Shipmates, I would like to

9 let you know, my wife is planning this, but when you

10 leave from here, come up to the hospitality room. The

11 food and the first 200 people get to drink free.

12 NP STARKEY: Shipmates, I'd like to say one

13 last word. I appreciate each shipmate who's here

14 representing their Branch and helping the FRA. We could

15 not have had a successful commission without you.

16 Right now we're going to close the holy Bible.

17 I'd like to recognize the reporter who's here

18 from CRC Salomon. CRC Salomon has been recording the

19 minutes of the convention. Thank you very much for a

20 job well done.

21 (Applause.)

22 NCHAP: Shipmate National President, the Bible

23 is closed.

24 NP STARKEY: Thank you. Join me in saluting

25 our flag. Hand salute! Ready, two!

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1 Shipmates, we'll reconvene tomorrow at the

2 banquet and dinner.

3 (Meeting adjourned.)























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2 ) ss:





7 I, LISA A. BLANKS, do hereby certify that the

8 128 foregoing pages constitute a full, accurate

9 transcription, all done to the best of my skill and

10 ability.


12 DATED this 31st day of October, 2018.





17 __________________________________

18 Lisa A. Blanks, RPR, CRR








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< $ >$100   124:16, 21$20   124:17$200   124:15, 21$300   124:15, 20$350   82:1$5   124:16$650   81:25

< 0 >031   44:21, 22  45:5

< 1 >1   8:15   9:3, 5,15   13:11   16:5  53:22, 23, 23  84:1110   16:16   37:1  45:12   65:24  69:6   74:5   75:5  84:22   96:8  104:6101   24:23   62:6  92:15, 16103   25:1, 2  62:9, 10, 10  92:18, 19104   12:18, 18,25   25:5   62:13  92:22105   25:9   62:17  93:1106   25:13, 14  62:20, 21   93:4,5109   25:17  62:24, 25   93:811   16:20, 20, 21,21, 23   19:15, 17  20:19, 20, 21  28:3, 4, 6, 19, 19,24   54:13, 13, 14,14, 16   58:4, 5, 6  65:5, 6, 8, 20, 23  85:1, 1, 2, 2, 4  88:17, 18, 19 

 95:14   96:4, 5  118:25   123:12112   25:21, 21  63:3, 4, 5   93:12,13113   25:24, 24,25, 25   63:7, 8  93:15115   26:3, 4, 4, 5,6   63:11   93:19117   26:8, 9  63:15, 16, 16  93:23118   52:25119   117:16  118:212   16:24   17:2  19:14   23:15  54:17, 19   57:4,6   60:22, 23, 24  85:5, 6   91:6, 7121   109:11217   5:15123   26:12, 13  63:19, 20   94:2124   5:14   26:16,17, 17   63:23, 24,24   94:5, 6  120:16126   26:20   64:2  94:9   120:5127   26:24, 24,25   64:6, 7  94:13, 14128   129:81294   5:913   17:4, 5  26:20, 21, 23  30:7, 8, 11  54:21, 22   64:2,5   67:4, 5, 7  85:9, 10   94:9  97:14130   27:3   64:10  94:17, 181300   1:9132   27:6, 9, 10  64:13   94:20136   27:12  64:17   94:24, 25

137   27:17, 18,18   64:20, 21  95:3, 4   122:9, 914   6:13   17:8,10   29:22, 24  54:25   55:1  66:19, 20, 21  75:6, 7   85:13,14, 14   97:3, 6  123:171410   43:13145   27:20  64:24   95:7, 8146   27:24   65:2  95:11147   28:3, 4  65:5, 6   95:14,15, 1515   17:12, 13  27:12, 13, 14  35:25   36:1  55:4   64:17, 18,19   73:5, 6, 7  85:17   94:24  103:7156   16:6, 6  28:7, 8   65:9, 10  95:18, 19159   28:11, 12  65:12, 13   95:22,2316   24:4, 5, 7, 8,9, 11   36:3  61:11, 13, 14, 15,16, 17   81:18  91:21, 22, 24161   4:6   28:15,16, 16   65:16, 17,17   96:1, 2, 2162   28:19, 19,20, 22   65:20, 21,21   83:6   96:4, 5163   29:3   65:24,25   96:8166   29:7   35:14  39:3   66:3, 4  96:1217   17:16, 17, 17  28:15, 18   55:8,9, 9   65:16, 17,

19   85:21, 22, 22  96:1   123:2171   29:11, 12  66:7, 8   96:16,17172   29:15, 16  66:11, 12   96:20,21174   29:18, 19  66:15, 16   96:24,25175   29:22  66:19, 20   97:3177   29:25  66:22   97:7178   30:3, 4  66:25   67:1  97:10, 1118   14:13   17:20,22, 24, 25   18:2  55:12, 13, 15, 17,18, 19   85:25  86:1, 4, 5, 7181   14:24   15:1,8   30:7   67:4  97:14, 15   116:4,17182   5:19   6:1  8:6, 24   13:15  16:14   19:20  30:12, 13   32:11  33:5   52:11  57:9   67:8  69:11   97:18, 19183   30:16  67:13   97:22184   30:20, 21  67:17, 18   98:1185   30:24, 25  67:21, 22   98:5,6186   31:3, 3, 3  67:25   98:9187   31:5, 6  68:4   98:1319   18:3, 4, 6, 19,22   24:12, 13, 15  29:7, 10   55:20,21, 23   56:9, 10,12   61:18, 19, 21 

 66:3, 5, 6   86:8,9, 11, 23, 24  87:1   92:3  96:12192   31:9, 10  68:8, 9   98:17,18194   31:13  68:13, 14   98:20,21197   31:16, 17,17   68:16, 17, 17  98:23, 24, 24  121:4, 51977   124:81985   123:13

< 2 >20   17:24, 25, 25  55:17, 18, 18  81:17   86:4, 5  124:19200   127:11201   2:24   9:8  31:18, 19   68:19,20   99:1, 2  121:132017   14:14  15:2   44:10  45:122018   1:1, 8  14:17, 23   15:6  44:14, 24   45:3,16, 23   46:20  79:23   129:122019   3:14   4:17  7:22   14:17, 23  15:6   44:14  45:3, 16, 23  46:20   115:15  117:52021   79:23207   31:22, 22  68:23   99:5, 6208   32:1, 2  69:2   99:9, 1020th   126:521   5:13   44:23210   32:5   69:6,7, 7   99:13, 14

Page 131: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 2Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

212   32:10  69:10, 12   99:17,18214   32:14, 15,15   69:14, 15  99:21, 22215   32:17  69:18   99:25216   32:21, 22,22   69:22, 23  100:4, 5, 6217   32:25   33:1  70:1, 2, 2   100:8,9219   33:4, 6  70:5, 9   100:12,13   105:1022   18:3, 4, 4  55:20, 21, 21  86:8, 9221   33:8, 9  70:12   100:16222   33:12, 13  70:15   100:19223   33:16  70:18   100:22226   23:11  33:19   70:21  100:25227   33:23, 24  70:25   71:1  101:4, 5229   34:2, 3  71:4, 5   101:823   18:7, 8  55:24, 25   86:12,13, 13   117:13230   6:15   34:6  71:8   101:12232   34:9, 10, 10  71:12   101:14238   34:12  71:16, 17  101:1824   18:11, 12  56:2   83:20  86:16, 17   123:3,8

242   34:15  71:20   101:21  107:17, 18244   34:18, 19  71:23   101:24245   34:22, 23  72:2, 3   102:3, 4248   35:1, 1, 1, 3,3   72:6, 7   102:7,8, 825   18:15   22:4,5, 6   38:2, 4, 5  59:15, 16, 17  75:4   89:25  105:5251   35:5, 6  72:10, 11  102:11, 12254   35:9, 10  72:14, 15  102:15, 16257   35:13, 15  72:18   102:19258   35:17, 18  72:22, 23   103:2,3259   78:2226   21:17, 18, 20  59:4, 5, 7   89:15,16, 17260   35:21, 22  72:22   73:1, 2  102:23, 24261   35:25   73:5  103:7264   36:4, 5  73:8, 9   103:11,12268   36:8   73:12  103:15269   36:11, 12  73:15, 16  103:1827   24:20, 21, 22  62:2, 3, 5   92:11270   109:1273   36:15  73:20   103:23274   36:19, 19,20   73:23, 24 

 104:1, 2, 2  115:3275   36:23   74:2  104:4   124:11276   37:1, 2  74:5   104:6  121:1928   1:8   18:16  21:13, 14, 16  56:6, 7   58:24,25   59:1, 3  86:20, 21   89:11,12, 14280   37:5281   37:7   74:9  104:10282   37:11, 12  74:13, 14  104:14, 15285   37:15, 16  74:17, 18  104:18, 19287   37:19, 20  74:21, 22  104:22289   37:23   44:7,8, 16   74:25  105:129   18:19, 20  56:9   86:23290   38:2, 3  75:4, 5   105:5, 6,6291   38:6   75:9293   38:10, 11,11   75:13, 14  105:14, 15294   38:14, 15,15   75:17, 18  105:17, 19295   2:13   6:16  38:17, 18   75:21,22   105:20, 21298   38:21, 22  75:25   76:2  105:24   106:1299   38:25

< 3 >

3   10:8   50:25  51:19, 25   53:9,1230   37:23   38:1  74:25   75:1, 3  105:1301   39:2, 3  76:5   106:3302   39:6   76:8  106:7307   39:9   76:11  106:10309   39:13, 14  76:14, 15  106:13, 1431   18:23, 24  56:13, 14   73:16,18   87:2310   39:17, 18  76:18   106:17,18311   39:21, 22  76:22, 23  106:21, 22316   39:25   40:2,3   77:1   106:2531st   129:123-2-1   124:15324   40:5, 6  77:4   107:3328   40:9334   40:11, 12  77:7, 8   107:6, 7335   40:15  77:11, 12  107:10339   40:18  77:14   107:1334   19:2, 3  56:17   87:5342   40:22, 23  77:18, 19  107:18358   41:1, 3  77:22   107:21364   41:8, 9  77:25   78:1  107:24   121:23,24   122:4

367   41:12, 13  78:4, 5   108:3, 437   19:6   36:11,12, 14   56:21, 22  73:15   87:9, 10  103:18371   41:16, 17,17   78:8, 9  108:7, 8, 8  117:7, 7377   41:20  78:12   108:10,1138   7:18   19:10,11   56:25   57:1  87:13380   78:22382   3:6   41:23,24   78:15, 16  108:14, 1539   23:21, 23, 24  61:3, 4, 5, 6  91:13, 16

< 4 >4   16:9, 10, 10  54:1, 2   84:15,16, 164:00   125:340   2:12   19:14,15   20:7, 8, 10  52:16   57:4, 20,21, 22   87:16  88:641   19:19, 21  57:8, 10   87:20  124:742   19:23, 24  57:12, 13   87:23,2444   20:2   57:16,17   84:1   88:2, 3453   5:1346   20:7, 8  57:20, 21   88:6,747   20:11, 12  57:23, 24, 24  88:10, 11, 11, 13  119:24

Page 132: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 3Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

49   20:15   58:1,2   88:14   120:21

< 5 >50   124:18, 18501   10:853   20:19   58:4  88:1754   20:22, 23, 23  58:7, 8   88:20,2255   21:1, 3  58:11, 12   88:24,25565   78:2257   14:6, 9, 12,19   21:5, 6  58:15   89:3, 459   2:11   3:18  4:4   21:9, 10  58:20, 21   89:85th   15:2

< 6 >6   16:13, 13, 15  54:560   21:13, 14, 14  58:24, 25   59:2  89:11, 12609   5:1661   21:17   59:4,5   89:15, 1662   21:21, 22  59:8, 9   89:18,1967   21:25   22:1  59:12   89:22  120:2568   5:10

< 7 >7   55:2   62:670   22:4, 5  59:15   89:25  125:1572   22:7   59:18  90:373   22:11, 12  59:21, 22   90:6,7

74   22:15, 16  59:25   60:1  90:10, 11764   5:1177   5:15   22:19,20   60:5   90:1478   124:878230   1:1479   18:11, 13, 14  56:2, 3, 5   86:16,19

< 8 >8   13:24   15:22  16:16, 18   44:9  51:17   84:22812   5:16823   108:2584   22:23, 24  60:8   90:1785   23:2, 3  60:11, 12   90:20,2186   23:6, 7  60:15   90:2487   23:10, 11  60:19   91:389   23:14   60:22  91:6

< 9 >90   23:17, 18  60:25   61:1  91:9, 1091   23:21, 22, 22  45:10, 12, 18  61:3, 4   91:13,1491ST   1:1   2:18  5:6   113:11, 20,23   124:1292   23:25   24:1,1   61:7, 8   91:17,1892nd   124:1393   24:4, 5  50:21, 22   61:11,12   91:21  119:16

94   2:18   8:10  12:14   24:8, 9  61:15, 16   91:2495   5:1297   24:12, 13  61:18, 19   92:3,4   122:1898   24:16, 17  33:13   61:22  92:7, 8   120:119821   1:1399   24:20   62:2,3   92:11, 12

< A >ability   129:10able   11:20  42:16, 17, 18, 19Abraham   2:12Academy   123:1accept   7:21  42:19   47:4accepted   6:14Accepting  48:11, 13accurate   129:8active   81:6, 18,25   111:9activities   126:17add   3:19   52:22adding   50:23addition   79:20additional   47:9adjourned   128:3adopt   6:3adopted   4:24  6:10, 11Adventures  81:5, 6, 20   82:3advisement  118:21affair   121:1African   119:3afternoon   5:4  47:19   111:6  125:3   127:1agree   52:18ahead   12:6  118:22

aint   46:10Alabama   117:17alignment   5:1allows   81:6American   119:3amount   51:11amputated  123:22Angelo   2:13Annapolis   123:7anniversary  126:6announce   2:11  80:23announcement  115:13answer   12:14answers   47:10,12Antonio   1:12,14   123:13  125:1anxiety   82:13Anybody   50:18  125:2anymore   13:2,19   46:1anyway   80:8  122:14apiece   124:16apologize  113:25Applause   42:6  43:3   47:18  49:16   50:15  79:9, 19, 24  80:16, 22   82:20  84:2   108:24  109:9, 21   110:2  112:3   113:6  114:8, 25   119:6,22   120:13, 18  121:3   122:6, 12  123:10   127:21appoint   7:2, 5  12:5, 15   115:10  116:9, 12appointed  116:21   117:5

appointing  10:19, 25   115:4appointment  8:12   116:17appointments  7:21appreciate  50:11   80:19  127:13appreciated  124:3approach   11:7appropriate  118:8approved   10:6Archer   3:17, 17  4:2   21:10, 10  58:21, 21   89:9,9asked   8:24  123:6asking   9:17aspect   48:18assigned   117:19assistance   3:9  4:12, 25ASSOCIATION  1:2   14:10, 17,22   15:5, 10  42:5, 13, 21  43:1   44:13, 18,23   45:2, 3, 7, 9,16, 20, 23   81:3  108:23   109:11,18   111:10  118:6   119:2assumption  12:20Athenour   30:4,4, 25, 25   63:8, 8  64:21, 21   67:1,1, 22, 22   93:16,16   95:4, 4  97:11, 11   98:6,6   110:19attend   81:7  118:2   121:6  123:6attended   82:7

Page 133: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

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CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 4Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

attending  119:17attitude   49:10  80:11authorization  118:18Authorized   5:9Auxiliary   7:9,11, 15   78:25  79:8, 12, 13, 23  80:2, 5, 7, 21  111:21   115:18  117:25available   125:8Award   6:14  109:18, 19, 24  110:1, 7, 12, 16,21   112:11, 17,21, 25   113:8, 15,20awards   109:12  112:7aye   4:19   6:7  7:24   8:18  53:13   116:25ayes   4:20, 23  6:8, 10   7:25  8:3, 19   53:14  117:1, 4

< B >baby   42:22back   5:22  11:18, 19   43:13  47:4   82:9   83:9  111:8   112:7  126:19, 22background  11:1backwards  42:14ballot   51:3, 4, 6,7, 11, 12, 15, 16,21, 24   52:5, 6  53:3, 4, 6ballots   52:17  53:8banquet   124:22  125:8   128:2

BARRON  23:15, 15   60:23,23   91:7, 7Barry   110:11,14basketball   125:2bath   42:23Beach   44:7, 8,16Bee   79:17, 20BEESE   40:16  77:12, 12  107:11, 11behavior   82:12believe   7:3  10:10, 16   15:22  51:10, 18  114:13   119:16  127:2best   44:3   129:9better   54:2  114:13BEXAR   129:3Bible   2:4, 6  43:8, 10, 19, 20  82:23   83:1, 3  127:16, 22bill   124:21Birmingham  12:21, 23   13:1BL   15:23Black   118:3Blackburn  13:24, 24   15:20,21, 22   16:17, 17  51:17, 17   52:1,7   54:10, 10  84:23, 23blame   48:12Blaming   48:9blank   83:8Blanks   1:25  129:7, 18bless   80:14Board   3:13, 14  4:16, 17   7:22  47:15   48:25  80:25Bob   16:11, 15  18:13, 14   22:1 

 33:6   41:18  42:5   65:18  76:15   109:14  114:11, 13, 22Bobby   26:10  32:6, 8Bolz   36:12, 12  103:19, 19book   124:16booths   11:14botanical   126:8Boudreaux  6:24   7:7, 9   9:3  13:5, 10, 22  14:3, 6   16:4, 8,12, 16, 19, 23  17:2, 7, 11, 15,19, 23   18:2, 6,10, 14, 18, 22  19:1, 5, 9, 13, 17,22   20:1, 5, 10,14, 18, 21, 25  21:4, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   22:3, 6,10, 14, 18, 22  23:1, 5, 9, 13, 16,20, 24   24:3, 7,11, 15, 19, 22, 25  25:4, 8, 12, 16,20, 23   26:2, 5, 7,11, 15, 19, 23  27:2, 5, 9, 11, 14,19, 23   28:2, 6,10, 14, 18, 21, 24  29:6, 10, 14, 17,21, 24   30:2, 6,11, 15, 19, 23  31:2, 8, 12, 15,18, 21, 25   32:4,7, 9, 13, 16, 20,24   33:3, 7, 11,15, 18, 22   34:1,5, 7, 7, 11, 14, 17,21, 25   35:4, 8,12, 16, 20, 24  36:3, 7, 10, 14,18, 22, 24, 24  37:1, 4, 7, 10, 14,18, 22   38:1, 5, 9,13, 16, 20, 24 

 39:2, 5, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   40:2, 5, 8,11, 14, 17, 21, 25  41:3, 7, 11, 15,19, 22   42:1  44:5   53:22, 25  54:4, 8, 12, 16,19, 24   55:3, 7,11, 15, 19, 23  56:1, 5, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   57:3, 7,11, 15, 19, 22, 25  58:3, 6, 10, 14,18, 23   59:1, 3, 7,11, 14, 17, 20, 24  60:3, 7, 10, 14,18, 21, 24   61:2,6, 10, 14, 17, 21,24   62:1, 5, 8, 12,16, 19, 23   63:2,6, 10, 14, 18, 22  64:1, 5, 9, 12, 16,19, 23   65:1, 4, 8,11, 15, 19, 23  66:2, 6, 10, 14,18, 21, 24   67:3,7, 11, 16, 20, 24  68:3, 7, 11, 15,18, 22   69:1, 5, 9,13, 17, 21, 25  70:4, 7, 11, 14,17, 20, 24   71:3,7, 9, 15, 19, 22  72:1, 5, 9, 13, 17,21, 25   73:4, 7,11, 14, 18, 22  74:1, 3, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   75:3, 7,12, 16, 20, 24  76:4, 7, 10, 13,17, 21, 25   77:3,6, 10, 13, 17, 21,24   78:3, 7, 11,14, 18   84:5, 14,18, 21, 25   85:4,8, 12, 16, 20, 24  86:3, 7, 11, 15,19, 22   87:1, 4, 8,12, 15, 19, 22  88:1, 5, 9, 13, 16,

19, 23   89:2, 6,10, 14, 17, 21, 24  90:2, 5, 9, 13, 16,19, 23   91:2, 5, 8,12, 16, 20, 23  92:2, 6, 10, 14,17, 21, 25   93:3,7, 11, 14, 18, 22  94:1, 4, 8, 12, 16,19, 23   95:2, 6,10, 13, 17, 21, 25  96:3, 7, 11, 15,19, 23   97:2, 6, 9,13, 17, 21, 25  98:4, 8, 12, 16,19, 22, 25   99:4,8, 12, 16, 20, 24  100:3, 7, 11, 15,18, 21, 24   101:3,7, 11, 13, 17, 20,23   102:2, 6, 10,14, 18, 22   103:1,3, 6, 10, 14, 17,21, 25   104:3, 5,9, 13, 17, 21, 25  105:4, 8, 13, 16,19, 23   106:2, 6,9, 12, 16, 20, 24  107:2, 5, 9, 12,16, 20, 23   108:2,6, 9, 13, 17  115:14, 19  116:22   124:10,11, 20   125:22Boulevard   1:13box   47:8brain   11:16Branch   2:11, 12,13, 18, 24   3:6,18   4:4, 6   5:19  6:13, 15, 21, 22  7:18   8:10, 15  9:3, 5, 8, 15  10:21   12:14  13:11, 24   14:6,9, 12, 19, 24  15:1, 8, 22   16:5,6, 6, 9, 10, 10, 13,13, 15, 16, 18, 20,21, 24   17:2, 4, 5,

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8, 9, 12, 16, 17,17, 20, 21, 24, 25,25   18:3, 4, 4, 7,8, 11, 12, 15, 16,19, 20, 23, 24  19:2, 6, 10, 11,14, 15, 19, 21, 23,24   20:2, 7, 8, 11,12, 15, 19, 22, 23,23   21:1, 2, 5, 10,13, 14, 14, 17, 21,25   22:1, 4, 5, 7,11, 12, 15, 16, 19,20, 23, 24   23:2,6, 7, 10, 11, 14,17, 18, 21, 22, 22,25   24:1, 1, 4, 5,8, 9, 12, 16, 20,23   25:1, 2, 25  26:4, 6, 9   27:10,18   28:12, 16, 16,20, 22   30:13  32:22   33:1, 5, 6,13   35:14   38:11,11, 23   39:3, 14  41:17, 24   44:7,8, 16, 21, 22  45:5, 10, 12, 18,19   50:21, 22  51:17   52:11, 16,24   53:22, 23, 23  54:1, 2, 5, 9, 13,14, 17, 19, 21, 22,25   55:1, 4, 8, 9,9, 12, 13, 15, 17,18, 18, 20, 21, 21,24, 25   56:2, 6, 7,9, 10, 13, 14, 17,21, 22, 25   57:1,4, 9, 10, 12, 13,16, 17, 20, 21, 23,24, 24   58:1, 2, 4,7, 8, 11, 12, 15,20, 21, 24, 25  59:2, 4, 8, 12, 15,18, 21, 25   60:1,5, 8, 11, 12, 15,19, 22, 25   61:3,4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15,16, 18, 22   62:2,

3, 6, 9, 10, 10  63:4, 16, 24  65:17, 21   66:20  68:14, 17   69:7,23   70:2, 2  71:17   72:15  73:16   74:22  75:14   76:1  78:16   83:6, 20  84:5, 11, 15, 16,16, 19, 22   85:1,2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13,14, 14, 17, 21, 22,22, 25   86:1, 4, 5,8, 9, 12, 13, 13,16, 17, 20, 21, 23  87:2, 5, 9, 10, 13,16, 20, 23, 24  88:2, 3, 6, 7, 10,11, 14, 17, 20, 22,24, 25   89:3, 4, 8,11, 12, 15, 16, 18,22, 25   90:3, 6, 7,10, 11, 14, 17, 20,24   91:3, 6, 9, 10,13, 14, 17, 18, 21,24   92:3, 4, 7, 8,11, 12, 15, 18, 22  93:13   95:8, 15  96:2   97:15  98:21, 24   99:2,6, 14, 18   100:5,5, 9   102:8, 16  104:2, 23   105:6,6, 25   106:14, 14,18, 22   108:8, 8,11, 15   114:21  115:3   116:4, 16  117:7, 7, 13  118:25   119:16,21, 24   120:5, 11,16, 21, 25   121:4,5, 13, 19, 23, 24  122:4, 9, 9, 18  123:2, 12, 17  124:11   125:15  126:13, 19  127:14branches   5:10,11, 13   14:20 

 15:9, 24   43:6  44:17   45:6bring   3:15  43:1   125:9brochure   83:7brought   3:23BROWN   23:11,11   33:20, 20  60:20, 20   70:22,22   91:4, 4  101:1, 1Bruce   110:15,17Bryan   11:10Bryan's   109:22Buchanon  113:18build   81:10, 21  82:17building   126:9BURKE   7:18,18   19:11, 11  57:1, 1   87:14,14business   49:5, 7buy   125:2bylaws   42:25

< C >California  121:5   124:12call   8:6, 7, 8, 12,24   9:11, 13, 14  27:15   42:2  78:20   83:24  84:4, 6   108:19  126:17called   15:24  81:4Camp   81:4, 5, 7,8   82:1, 5campaign  114:12, 13Campbell   23:3,3   60:12, 12  90:21, 21Camps   81:19cancer   124:1

candidacy  14:20   15:10  44:18   45:7, 20candidate   44:3  50:17   51:1, 2,22, 23candidates   13:6,17, 25   44:6  45:24   46:7  51:1, 21   52:17  83:24can-do   49:10captain   123:5care   3:21carriers   126:13cart   9:22case   43:25  52:2   53:5cast   16:11   51:2,7, 22   52:1   54:3  78:23   83:12caucus   15:24  16:1   43:7  50:20caught   3:19celebrated   126:5center   3:1, 3Central   2:24  110:11, 13, 16  113:19, 25  120:11   121:15,20, 24   122:4ceremonies  123:4, 7certain   53:3certificate  113:10   118:13certificates  109:11certify   129:7chair   38:3, 22  76:1   105:25Chairman   7:6  9:7   12:15  13:13   16:17  27:7   30:8  37:24   43:23  54:10   67:5  73:16   75:1  84:23   97:16 

 103:19   105:2  112:12, 17, 21  113:3, 10, 15  115:14, 15, 18  116:9, 10, 13, 14,23   124:12, 13challenge   82:3chance   49:4  124:15change   3:19  6:17, 20   42:15,16, 17, 18, 19, 21,25   47:15   49:1,20   50:7   52:21changed   2:12  6:16   42:14, 15  52:19changes   5:7  44:2   47:5   50:4,5changing   53:12Chaplain   2:3  43:8, 18, 20  82:25   109:25CHARLES  62:3, 3   92:12,12   113:8, 9Check   4:24  11:18   125:23chemotherapy  124:1Cheyenne   2:11  126:6, 7Chief   118:3  126:12child   82:1, 4children   81:6, 6,13   82:16chill   111:17Chorus   4:20  6:8   7:25   8:21  53:16   117:1Chris   112:20

CHRISTOPHER  3:5, 6   18:20, 20  22:12, 12, 16, 16  26:13, 13   34:23,23   41:13   56:10,10   60:1, 1   72:3,

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3   86:24, 24  102:4, 4   108:4,4   110:20Cindy   7:14  115:24City   122:25  126:8clarify   6:19Cleveland   32:2,2   69:3, 3   99:10,10Close   2:1   43:8,15, 17   127:16closed   15:19  43:11   46:6  82:23   127:23Club   123:3CMC   117:20Coast   45:10, 12,18   110:7, 19  113:8, 14, 25  120:21   121:5  122:10   124:18Co-Chair   7:9,10   115:19Co-Chairman  7:7   115:15, 17collecting  125:10collectively  42:11COLLINS  18:12, 12   33:1,1   56:3, 3   100:9,9Colonnade   1:12,13column   52:22combat   122:25COMBS   27:4, 4,13, 13   33:17, 17  36:16, 16   64:11,11, 18, 18   70:19,19   73:21, 21  77:2, 2   94:18,18, 25, 25  100:23, 23  103:24, 24  107:1, 1

come   2:25  6:24   10:21  11:9   42:21  43:24   79:3  81:22   82:9  112:15   113:2,14   117:22  120:25   123:25  126:22   127:10comes   126:7coming   49:24  50:6   111:14, 15  115:8command  126:12Commentary  109:23commission  123:4   127:15commissioned  117:17   119:10,13   123:1commissioning  117:22   118:2,14   122:24Committee   3:8,12, 20   4:12, 15,25   6:4, 15   7:2,4, 6, 22   8:13  9:6, 25   10:12,14, 20, 25   11:4,19   12:6   13:7, 9  43:23   112:12,18, 22   113:4, 16  115:5, 6, 10, 11,15, 25   116:10,12, 18, 21   117:5committee's  125:17committing  81:14common   48:10communicate  48:7   49:23, 25  82:10communication  48:4, 5   49:24community  82:18

companions  49:19competition  114:9complete   10:17component   81:7computer   50:8concede   83:25concerned   46:22concludes   42:2  78:20   108:19condition  109:16conference  10:23   11:12confidence  112:1congratulations  109:3   110:4  120:1   121:21  122:1   126:15Congress   48:22consider   114:2considered   6:22constitute   129:8constitution  42:24continue   42:13  112:6continuing  53:19continuous  111:10CONVENTION  1:1   2:19   5:6  7:1, 5, 22   8:13  10:7, 9, 12, 14,15, 20, 23, 23, 24  11:13   12:19  111:16   113:3,11, 21, 23   115:5,8, 15   117:4  119:17   120:2, 5,12, 17   121:7, 13,25   122:5  123:12, 19  124:12, 13  125:24   126:1  127:19

conventions  120:7, 8cope   81:10COPELAND  31:19, 19   68:20,20   121:11, 12copy   3:16correct   48:16  51:13   116:11corrected   51:10counter   48:9COUNTY   129:3couple   9:19  123:14Courneya   7:8,11   36:20, 20  73:24, 24   114:3  115:2, 3, 16, 20course   46:21  80:4, 12covers   49:6CRC   127:18, 18create   42:16credentials   5:3,5   6:3, 11   43:23,24   44:2   113:4  127:7crew   123:6crime   79:15Cristina   79:11Cristopher  41:13crossroad   47:23Crosstalk   8:17  9:2   16:2   37:6  39:1   40:1, 10  41:2   46:13  52:14   70:6  103:2   126:2CRR   1:25  129:18cruise   126:7, 7CSR   1:25CUNNINGHAM  6:12, 13   17:9, 9  55:1, 1   123:16,16current   48:14cut   46:11

cynics   49:14

< D >D.C   48:21Dakota   119:12DATED   129:12daunting   81:24Davenport   17:5,5   19:24, 24  21:6, 6   25:14,14   34:3, 3  35:18, 18   54:22,22   57:13   62:21,21   69:15, 15  71:5, 5, 13, 13  72:23, 23   85:10,10   93:5, 5  99:22, 22   101:9,9, 15, 15   103:4,4   110:3DAVENPPORT  57:13David   122:3DAVIS   2:5  20:3, 3   21:22,22   22:5   23:18,18   35:22, 22  43:10   57:17, 17  59:9, 9, 16, 16  61:1, 1   73:2, 2  82:23   83:2  88:3, 3   89:19,19   90:1, 1  91:10, 10  102:24, 24  109:25   110:17day   2:21   81:14,17   119:2, 5  122:13, 14  123:6   129:12days   81:15DDG   117:16  118:2death   48:1debate   4:18, 19  6:6   7:23   116:5decades   48:21decided   10:2dedicated   14:9

Page 136: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

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CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 7Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

dedication   14:10deep   126:20delegate   2:18  3:6, 18   4:6  5:19   6:13   7:18  8:6, 10, 24  12:14, 18, 18, 25  13:15, 24   15:22  16:10, 14, 17, 21  17:5, 9, 13, 21,25   18:8, 12, 24  19:3, 7, 11, 15,20   20:3, 8, 12,16   21:10, 14, 18  23:3, 7, 15   24:5,17, 21, 24   25:6,18   26:17, 17, 21  28:4, 8, 12, 20,22   29:4, 8   30:8,13, 17, 21   31:6,10, 19, 23   32:2,11, 15, 18   33:20  36:12, 20, 24  37:2, 20, 24  38:3, 7, 22  40:19   41:9, 17,25   50:22   51:17  52:11, 16, 24  54:2, 6, 10, 14,22   55:1, 5, 13,18, 25   56:3, 14,18   57:1, 5, 9, 17  58:2, 16, 25  59:5, 13   60:12,16, 23   61:12  62:7, 14, 25  63:4, 24   64:3,21   65:6, 10, 13,17, 21, 25   66:4,12   67:5, 9, 14,18   68:1, 5, 9, 24  69:3, 19   72:7,19   74:3, 6, 22  75:1, 5, 10   76:1  77:15   78:9, 16  83:6, 20, 20  84:23   85:2, 10,18   86:1, 5, 9, 14,17   87:3, 6, 10,14, 17   88:7, 11,

15   89:9, 12, 23  90:1, 21, 25  91:7, 14, 18, 22,25   92:8, 23  93:9, 24   94:6,10   95:4, 15, 19,23   96:5, 9, 13,21   97:15, 19, 23  98:2, 10, 15  99:2, 6, 10  100:1   101:1  102:16   104:5, 7,23   105:2, 7, 11,25   107:14, 25  108:15   115:2, 3  116:4, 16   117:7,13   118:24, 25  119:8, 15, 16  122:17   124:11delegates   5:10,11, 14   6:25  10:6   13:20  53:3, 20Dennis   20:8depart   3:3, 3Department  14:24   15:1deployed   81:11  82:10, 11deployment  81:12   82:14determines   48:8Development  3:10   4:13   5:1deviate   42:24difference   82:8different   10:24  111:20dinner   128:2directed   70:22  101:1direction   47:15,16Director   3:9, 14  4:13, 25Directors   3:13  4:16, 17   49:1  80:25discounted  125:4

discussion   10:3  53:10dismissed   115:4DJ   94:18   95:1  100:23   103:24  107:1doing   11:16  49:25dominant   48:23Don   109:17Donna   45:1, 8  46:7   54:3  66:17   83:25  97:16   108:23,25   109:3, 23  112:14, 16door   2:1  125:10   126:20doors   43:15, 17doorway   3:4doorways   3:1DORSEY  119:23, 24downtown   123:7drink   127:11drops   52:23drug   81:15dual   48:5Dudley   122:18duty   81:6, 18  111:9   112:11dwindling   48:2dying   81:17

< E >earlier   115:4  116:21earnestly   14:19  45:5, 18East   110:6  113:13edification   53:1Egge   20:8, 8  57:21, 21eight   17:20, 22,23   20:11, 12, 14  32:1, 2, 4   54:9  55:12, 14, 15  57:23, 24, 25  69:2, 3, 5   85:25 

 86:2, 3   88:10,11, 13   99:9, 12  125:18either   9:16  53:7   81:15elbow   125:19Elect   47:3, 14  79:12, 21  112:14, 24  116:13, 14elected   42:8  79:7   109:13  114:14   116:9,22   119:3  121:14, 20election   9:14  11:23   13:4, 20  14:5   43:5  53:19   82:22Eleven   95:16,17   96:7eliminated   51:4,7, 12em   126:21emergency  27:16employees  115:12empty   49:12endorse   47:14endorsement  14:19   15:9  44:17   45:6, 19England   45:1, 8enlightenment  6:17ensuing   114:23Enterprise  126:12entrusting   80:5environment  48:13, 15escorting   111:1event   50:25  51:20everybody  12:19   52:12  84:9   126:10  127:3

everybody's  12:25everyone's  48:17excellent   111:25excuse   69:11exhibition   125:4exist   4:4expect   120:6expeditiously  53:21experience  14:10explain   12:10explained   12:11extremely   121:8

< F >face   42:25fact   46:22FALU   24:21, 21Family   81:3, 21far   112:8faster   29:2favor   4:19   6:7  7:24   8:18   9:20  53:12   116:25feel   46:20   47:1  109:7felt   124:14female   119:4Field   24:1  28:22, 22   61:8,8   83:6, 6   96:5,5Fifteen   94:25  95:2   103:8, 10  105:7, 8figure   118:18figurehead  114:19final   13:17  53:10   127:7finance   11:6, 10  47:6find   47:9finish   49:6finished   126:8firm   48:20

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CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 8Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

first   12:7  45:10, 12, 18  51:11   52:22  53:4, 6   79:25  109:13   111:14  118:3   119:3, 4,17, 20   120:1, 5,12, 16, 22   121:1,7, 25   122:5, 16  123:12   127:11first-time  121:12five   16:9, 11, 12  20:2   21:1, 3, 4  22:19, 22   23:17,18, 20   27:3, 4, 5  28:11, 12, 14  30:12, 15, 16, 17,19   31:9, 10, 12  33:19, 20, 22  34:12, 13, 14  35:9, 10, 12  36:4, 5, 7   37:11,12, 14   38:21, 23,24   39:6, 8, 9, 10,12, 25   46:14, 16,18   54:1, 4  57:16, 17, 19  58:11, 13, 14, 17,18   60:5, 6, 7, 25  61:1, 2   64:10,11, 12   65:12, 13,15   67:8, 13, 14,16   68:8   70:21,22, 24   71:16, 17,19   72:14, 16, 17  73:8, 9, 11, 17,18   74:3, 13, 14,16   75:25   76:4,8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13   81:13, 14  84:15, 16, 18  88:2, 3, 5, 24  89:1, 2, 4, 6  90:14, 16   91:9,10, 12   94:17, 18,19   95:22, 23, 25  97:18, 21, 22, 25  98:17, 18, 19  100:25   101:1, 3,

18, 19, 20  102:15, 17, 18  103:11, 12, 14  104:14, 15, 17  105:24   106:1, 2,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12  124:16   125:17five-dollar  124:21five-minute  15:23   16:1  43:6   50:20  79:2, 4   82:21flag   127:25FLEET   1:2  15:5, 9   42:5  44:13, 17, 22  45:6, 9, 15, 20,22   108:22  109:11, 18  118:5   119:2  123:3floating   117:14floor   4:10  50:18   125:7Florida   45:13,18folks   42:20  43:1   50:5follow   12:16following   109:11food   127:11foot   123:22foregoing   129:8forget   46:24  126:10formed   116:10forms   83:8Forty   88:7, 9forward   3:16  10:21   42:13  47:3, 4   48:11,14   80:11, 20  113:14founded   46:25four   16:13, 15  17:4, 6, 7, 16, 17,19   18:7, 8, 10,16, 17, 18   19:10,13, 19, 21, 22 

 20:4, 5   22:7, 8,10   26:24, 24, 25  27:2, 24, 25  28:2   29:25  30:1, 2   31:13,14, 15, 22, 22, 23,25   32:10, 11, 13,21, 22, 24   33:4,6, 7   34:2, 3, 5  36:8, 9, 10, 23,25   39:13, 14, 16,21, 22, 24   40:11,12, 14   41:16, 17,19   54:5, 6, 8, 21,23, 24   55:8, 9,11, 24   56:1, 6, 7,8, 25   57:1, 3, 5,8, 10, 11   59:18,19, 20   64:6, 9  65:2, 3, 4   66:22,23, 24   67:10, 11  68:10, 11, 13, 14,15, 23, 24   69:1,10, 12, 13, 22, 24,25   70:4, 5, 9, 10,11   71:4, 5, 7  73:12, 13, 14  74:2, 4   76:14,15, 17, 22, 23, 25  77:7, 8, 10   78:8,9, 11   84:19, 20,21   85:9, 11, 12,21, 22, 24   86:12,13, 15, 20, 21, 22  87:13, 14, 15, 20,21, 22   90:3, 4, 5  94:13, 16   95:11,12, 13   97:7, 8, 9  98:20, 21, 22  99:6, 8, 17, 18,20   100:4, 6, 7,12, 13, 15   101:8,9, 11   103:15, 16,17   104:4, 5  106:13, 16, 21,22, 24   107:6, 7,9   108:7, 8, 9  119:12Fourteen   97:4fourth   5:5, 7

FRA   3:11   4:14  5:2, 6   7:15  14:9, 12, 16, 20,22   15:12   16:11  44:9, 20   50:3  54:2   79:8   80:2,17   83:8   117:23  118:12   125:14,14, 24   127:14free   84:8  127:11FRIDAY   1:8friend   42:5, 22front   116:19  117:6   118:23  123:15   126:4full   49:12  129:8Fulton   7:13  44:12, 19   46:7,19   55:14, 16  57:6, 6, 7, 21, 22,24, 25   58:25  59:1, 2, 3, 6, 7,10, 11, 16, 17  60:6, 7, 9, 10, 13,14   61:1, 2, 5, 6,13, 14   62:7, 8  63:9, 10, 21, 22  64:22, 23   66:1,2, 5, 6, 13, 14, 20,21   67:2, 3  68:10, 11   71:9,11   72:20, 21  73:3, 4, 6, 7, 17,18   74:4, 11, 12  75:2, 3, 6, 8  76:6, 7, 9, 10, 20,21   77:12, 13  78:17, 19, 22  87:18, 19   88:8,9, 12, 13   89:13,14, 16, 17, 20, 21  90:1, 2, 15, 16,18, 19, 22, 23  91:11, 12   94:3,4   96:10, 11, 14,15, 22, 23   97:5,6   99:7, 8  101:13   102:21,

22, 25   103:1  105:3, 4   106:5,6, 8, 9   107:11,12   108:16, 18  109:1   115:22,23fun   81:8funds   48:2  115:8Further   3:12  4:15   14:18  15:7, 14, 16, 17  44:15   45:4, 17Future   3:8, 12  4:11, 15, 24  82:15, 16

< G >game   125:2, 4, 6gardens   126:8generation   50:6,8Gentlemen   5:5getting   9:23  11:3, 21   50:4Gilbert   32:6, 6,8give   10:5  43:24   49:3  79:13   114:16,22   119:21  126:23glass   49:11go   9:4, 14   11:4,18   13:3   52:13  81:1   82:2  83:13   111:16,18   112:7   115:7  117:23   126:13  127:1goal   48:10goals   49:6  80:10God   80:14going   7:2, 5  11:5, 13, 14, 14,17, 19   13:1  42:10   43:6  46:10   47:5  48:5   50:2, 9 

Page 138: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

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CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 9Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

 78:23   79:1, 25  80:23   81:1  82:16, 18   109:6  112:7   115:7  117:16   122:16  123:23, 25  124:22, 23  125:11, 11, 24  126:11, 20  127:16Good   5:4  11:20   42:22  47:19   48:15  50:13   111:6  112:2   113:16  117:14, 24  118:12   123:24graciously   83:25Grand   38:23  76:2   106:1grandchild   82:7great   2:19  44:10   49:2  109:6   113:5  114:12, 14, 15  117:10greatly   124:3GRUETZNER  2:23, 24   9:7, 8,10guard   81:18gunshot   81:16GUNTHER  5:17, 19, 19   6:1,1   8:4, 6, 6, 23,24   13:12, 15, 15  16:14, 14   19:20,20   30:13, 13  32:11, 11   33:5,5   52:9, 11, 11  54:6, 6   57:9, 9  67:9, 9   69:11,11   70:10, 10  84:20, 20   87:21,21   97:19, 19  100:13, 13guys   80:18, 19  111:12, 23

< H >

half   46:12  49:12, 12  122:14hall   2:2   43:16,17   52:20   114:4Hand   2:7  50:13   127:25handle   11:11handled   12:4Hangtown  124:11HANKERSON  24:9, 9   91:25,25HANSON   28:4,4   65:6, 6happening  47:24, 24   50:3  126:1hard   10:15  46:23   48:18HARRIS   37:16,16   74:18, 18  86:5, 5   104:19,19Hatcliff   20:16,16   88:15, 15  120:20, 21head   49:9Headquarters  7:1, 3   10:7, 11,13, 16   11:2, 11  115:7, 11  118:18   125:16headquarter's  48:25HEAL   120:10,11Healing   81:4, 5,19   82:3hear   13:16  80:1heard   12:25  13:11   117:16heart   123:21Heat   125:4held   14:13  15:2   44:23  48:20

Helen   7:11  114:3   115:19he'll   111:24  112:2, 2   114:15help   48:17, 17  80:6, 9   82:15,17   109:5helping   127:14helps   81:20Hermes   21:18,18   59:5, 5  89:16, 16Herndon   41:9,9   78:1, 1  107:25, 25  122:3, 4High   120:21HILL   38:3, 3  75:5, 5hired   49:1historic   119:5historical   119:2hold   8:12  11:20   109:16HOLMES   4:6holy   2:3   43:19  127:16home   81:1  82:12, 13  119:13honest   114:12honor   111:1honorary  113:10honored   42:8honoring   118:7hooked   111:20,21hope   80:6Hopefully   2:18  81:21   121:1hoping   118:17horse   9:22Horton   59:13,13   89:23, 23  120:24, 25hospital   123:20hospitality  127:10

Hotel   1:12  111:16hour   125:6HOURS   1:9  10:15humbled   42:7husband   111:9  114:5

< I >idea   117:13, 21ideals   46:24ideas   49:2, 3Imperial   44:7, 8,15important   48:3importantly  42:18impressed   121:8improve   47:21improved   82:12improvement  49:13inaudible   12:10,20   32:22   35:10  37:20   40:3, 6  61:16   63:16, 24  65:17   69:7  72:15   73:16  74:22   76:2  78:16   84:16  85:6, 22   87:10,24   88:11   89:12  91:18   95:8, 15  96:2   99:2, 6, 14,18   100:5  102:16   104:23  105:6   106:14  108:11, 15  110:16, 24  121:4, 25   122:9,20   124:11incoming   79:1  118:10, 20increase   80:12India   116:8Indian   88:21Indiana   119:10information 

 11:15   13:16in-house   11:21injured   82:2in-place   79:4installation  124:23   127:2instructed  17:10, 22   18:5  19:8   23:23  28:5   29:8  31:23   34:8  35:10, 14   36:24  39:4   41:10  54:6, 11   55:2,14, 22   56:23  58:13   61:5, 13  65:7   66:5   67:9  71:9   72:15, 20  73:24   74:3, 7  76:20   78:2  83:13, 15, 17  84:6, 8, 24  85:15   87:11  94:3   95:16  102:17, 20  106:4   108:1instruction  19:25   84:7instructions  83:13interim   116:10interrupt   27:15interrupted   50:2introduce   42:4  79:1, 7, 14investigate   3:10  4:13   5:1invite   2:1   43:16invited   123:2  126:13involved   10:25  11:2IPPERT   88:7, 7issues   48:8, 16,21items   118:19It'll   46:18  48:17   119:10its   14:12

Page 139: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 10Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

< J >Jacksonville  45:12, 18James   45:14, 21  110:9Jansky   18:24,24   22:8, 8  27:25, 25   45:1,8   46:8   47:19  53:24, 25   54:3,4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15,16, 23, 24   55:18,19, 22, 23   56:4,5, 11, 12, 14, 15,16, 23, 24   57:2,3, 10, 11, 14, 15  58:2, 3, 13, 14,17, 19, 22, 23  59:13, 14, 19, 19,19, 20, 23, 24  60:2, 3, 20, 21  61:9, 10, 16, 17,20, 21   62:4, 5,11, 12, 15, 16, 21,23   63:13, 14, 17,18, 25   64:1, 8, 9,15, 16   65:3, 3, 3,4, 10, 11, 14, 15,22, 23   66:9, 10,17, 18   67:6, 7,10, 11   68:10, 12,17, 18, 21, 22, 25  69:1, 4, 5, 8, 9,12, 13   70:3, 4, 8,10, 11, 16, 17, 23,24   71:2, 3, 6, 7,14, 15, 25   72:1,4, 5, 12, 13, 16,17, 24, 25   73:10,11, 17, 18, 25  74:1, 15, 16, 19,20, 23, 24   75:6,8, 23, 24   76:12,13, 16, 17, 24, 25  77:9, 10, 20, 21  78:1, 3, 6, 7, 10,11, 17, 18, 22  83:25   84:13, 14,17, 18, 20, 21, 24,

25   85:3, 4, 7, 8,11, 12   86:2, 3, 6,7, 10, 11, 13, 15,18, 19, 21, 22, 25  87:1, 3, 3, 3, 4,11, 12, 14, 15, 21,22, 25   88:1, 15,16, 18, 19, 22, 23  89:1, 2, 4, 6, 9,10, 23, 24   90:4,4, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12,13   91:4, 5, 7, 8,15, 16, 19, 20, 22,23   92:1, 2, 5, 6,9, 10, 13, 14, 16,17, 20, 21, 24, 25  93:2, 3, 6, 7, 17,18, 21, 22, 25  94:1, 7, 8, 15, 16,19, 22, 23   95:2,5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 12,12, 13, 20, 21, 24,25   96:2, 3, 6, 7,18, 19   97:1, 2, 8,9, 12, 13, 16, 17,20, 21   98:7, 8,18, 19, 24, 25  99:3, 4, 11, 12,15, 16, 19, 20, 22,24   100:6, 7, 10,11, 14, 15, 17, 18,20, 21, 24   101:2,3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16,17, 19, 20, 22, 23  102:1, 2, 5, 6, 13,14, 17, 18   103:5,6, 9, 10, 13, 14,16, 17, 20, 21, 25  104:2, 3, 12, 13,16, 17, 20, 21, 23,25   105:7, 9, 22,23   106:1, 2, 11,12, 15, 16, 19, 20,23, 24   107:2, 4,5, 8, 9, 20, 22, 23  108:1, 2, 5, 6, 8,9, 12, 13, 16, 17,23, 25   109:4  112:14Jeff   120:20

Jersey   14:6, 8,12, 18Jim   46:8   112:8,10, 23, 24Joan   123:25Joanne   121:24job   110:1, 4, 12,18, 22, 24  111:25   112:2  113:5, 16  114:14, 15  117:8, 10  127:20jobs   10:18John   7:12  109:25   110:1  115:21   121:19Johnny   120:4Johnson   7:13  25:6, 6   62:14,14   92:23, 23  115:21Join   127:24joined   111:9Jones   24:5, 5  61:12, 12   91:22,22JrPNP   2:17  8:9   12:13Junior   2:20  114:1, 2

< K >Kathleen   113:25KATZENBERGER   29:4, 4  65:25, 25   96:9,9keep   42:13  50:5, 9   82:18  124:2, 4   126:21KELLEY   37:24,24   66:12, 12  75:1, 1   96:21,21   105:2, 2Kelly   29:16, 16Kennedy   126:11kids   111:17kill   48:5

killed   81:16Kilmer   26:9kind   80:7Klein   17:17know   12:6, 19,21   14:9   29:1  47:20   79:11  80:25   81:2  83:9   109:15  111:14   115:13  118:9   119:9  123:18   127:9

< L >LA   125:14lack   12:16Ladies   5:4   7:9,10   78:25   79:3  80:2, 4   115:18  124:24Larry   7:6  110:24   115:14LARSON   2:17,17   8:9, 9   12:13,13   39:10, 10  76:12, 12  106:11, 11  109:18late   2:19Lawrence  113:18, 19LAZZARETTI  5:4, 24   7:15  17:21, 21   21:2,2   24:13, 13  25:2, 2   26:25,25   29:12, 12, 19,19   39:18, 18  40:23, 23   44:1,4   55:13, 13  58:12, 12   59:22,22   61:19, 19  64:7, 7   66:8, 8,16, 16   76:19, 19  77:19, 19   78:5,5   86:1, 1   88:25,25   90:7, 7, 11,11   92:4, 4, 19,19   94:14, 14  96:17, 17, 25, 25 

 106:18, 18  107:18, 18  113:1   116:1Lazzaretti's  5:20LCS-11   122:25learn   81:9leave   79:3   81:1  127:10leaving   53:5LeCLAIR  31:10, 10LeCLAIRE  68:9, 9   98:18,18left   126:18legwork   7:4  11:5Leon   123:18  124:4Leonard   121:4Leon's   110:23life   82:8, 17Linda   79:22line   8:16   13:10  14:4   28:25  29:1   52:12  53:20   55:9lined   11:3Lisa   1:25  129:7, 18listen   49:21  50:1location   109:16locked   53:3logistic   118:19long   47:2   82:17long-range   49:6LONGSTRATT  24:17, 17   61:23,23, 25   92:8, 8look   49:20, 21  82:15looking   42:14  47:4   80:19lost   8:22   53:18lot   42:9   50:6  52:18   118:5, 6love   80:18, 18

Page 140: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 11Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

Loveless   16:6  28:8, 8   53:23  63:12, 12   64:14,14   65:10   84:12,12   93:20, 20  94:21, 21   95:19,19lowest   51:3, 6,11, 15, 23   52:5,22luck   50:13

< M >machine   50:23mail   125:23major   3:19Majority   5:16  51:2, 22   52:20  53:6   78:23mandate   3:8  4:11manner   3:20  4:4March   44:24marketing   49:2Martin   19:7, 7  29:8, 8   35:14,14   39:3, 3  63:20, 20   66:4,4   72:19, 19  76:6, 6   94:3, 3  96:13, 13  102:20, 20  106:4, 4   121:18,19Maryland  120:25Master   118:3Master-At-Arms  2:25   113:22  114:1MATTHEWS  34:19, 20   36:1,1   37:8, 8   71:24,24   73:6, 6  74:10, 10  101:25, 25  103:8, 8   104:11,11

McIntyre   113:8,9mean   13:15  111:12   112:24meet   116:21meeting   3:3, 14  4:17   14:13  15:2   44:9, 23  45:11   124:24  128:3meetings   50:1  111:18member   47:14  82:2, 5   115:23,25members   7:14  10:1   45:17  80:13   81:18  82:18   117:8Membership  3:9   4:13   5:1  6:15   80:12  111:10   112:12  113:10memorandum  124:25memory   2:19merged   6:21merit   113:11message   48:1, 5  49:7Miami   125:3mic   2:9, 16, 22  5:18   8:16   11:9  28:25   51:8  52:10   53:20  83:5, 19   115:1  116:7, 15, 19  117:6, 11  118:23   119:14  120:3, 9, 14, 19  121:10, 17, 22  122:2, 8, 22  123:15   124:6, 9  126:4, 24   127:5Michael   7:13  44:12, 19Michigan   38:23  76:2

Mick   44:12, 19  46:7   97:5  109:1   115:22microphone  112:15   113:2microphones  52:12mics   14:4midterm   3:22mid-year   3:14  4:17Mile   120:21Military   81:3Mine   46:10minor   123:20minutes   9:20  46:10, 15, 16, 17  50:17   127:19missed   27:8  103:2   123:14Mobile   117:17Modesto   121:5momentous  111:7monthly   14:13  15:1months   119:12  123:20moot   12:12morning   6:25  10:2, 6, 22MORTON  56:22, 22motion   3:7, 15  4:1, 7, 23   5:21,23   6:7, 10   7:19  8:22, 25   10:22  11:22   12:1  53:11   116:17  118:9motivational  48:6move   3:7   5:24  7:17   42:12  47:2   50:18  52:21   80:11moved   4:10  6:2   7:20   8:11moving   48:11,

14Mucek   109:23MURRAY  79:10, 11   80:23

< N >NAD   11:4name   14:15  15:4   44:11, 25  45:14   79:11  97:5   119:21  120:10, 24  121:12, 18, 24  122:18named   118:2naming   118:7Nancy   121:12Nation   88:21NATIONAL  1:1, 18   2:3, 5,10, 15, 17, 19, 20,20, 23   3:5, 7, 13,14, 17   4:11, 16  5:6, 17   6:12, 18  7:1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8,10, 12, 14, 22  8:4, 9, 13, 23  9:14, 18   10:7, 9,10, 12, 16, 19  11:2, 11, 24  12:5, 8, 13, 15  13:5, 12, 22  14:7, 15, 16, 21,22   15:5, 10, 11,15, 16, 18, 21  30:9   42:4, 8  43:5, 8, 10, 18,20   44:13, 19  45:2, 9, 15, 22  46:2, 3, 5, 19  47:3, 20   48:25  49:18   50:12, 21  51:9   52:7, 9, 15  79:17, 20, 21, 22  80:6, 24, 25  81:3   82:25  83:2   108:22  109:13, 17, 23,25   112:5, 12, 18,21, 21   113:3, 4,

11, 20, 23   114:3,10, 15, 18   115:2,19, 20, 21, 25  116:3, 6, 20, 22  117:12, 25  118:1, 10, 17, 20,25   119:3, 4, 15,17, 23   120:1, 4,5, 8, 10, 12, 15,20, 24   121:7, 11,18, 23, 25   122:3,5, 15, 23   123:11,12, 19   124:10,12, 13   125:13,16   127:6, 22Naval   123:1Navy   14:24, 25  15:7   111:9  118:4, 6, 7  119:11nay   6:9   8:1, 20  53:15   117:2nays   8:2, 21  53:16   117:3NCHAP   2:5  43:10   82:23  83:2   127:22near   48:1need   3:24, 25  12:11   42:15, 15  47:2, 8   48:17  49:7, 23, 24  50:22   81:25  126:21needs   114:19  118:15negative   48:4nephew   122:19never   12:23New   14:6   45:1,8   49:5   50:6  80:13newest   119:11newly   79:7  109:13   121:14,19newsletter   125:1night   124:22, 24nine   21:25  22:3   25:1, 3, 4 

Page 141: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 12Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

 26:8, 9, 11  59:12, 14   62:9,10, 12   63:15, 16,18   89:22, 24  92:18, 21   93:23  94:1Nineteen   92:5,6   96:13, 15nominating  14:7, 24   44:7,21   45:10   46:9,14, 16   50:17nomination  14:16   15:4  44:12   45:1, 14nominations  15:14, 16, 17, 19  46:1, 3, 4, 6Norfolk   126:14North   44:21, 22  45:4   110:11, 13  113:19   121:20,24   122:4Northeast   44:25  45:8   110:4  120:16, 16Northwest   7:16  110:21nos   4:22notebook  126:18, 22noted   119:1November  44:10   123:2NP   2:1, 7, 14,22   3:2, 15, 25  4:8, 21, 23   5:18,21   6:2, 18, 23  7:20   8:1, 3, 5, 8,11, 18, 20, 22  9:1, 9, 13   10:4  11:8, 22   12:1, 8,11, 23   13:3, 14,18, 23   14:2  15:14, 25   16:3  42:3   43:4, 12,15, 18, 22   44:4  45:24   46:11, 14,18   50:16, 24  51:14, 19   52:3,

8, 10   53:10, 15,17   58:16   78:21  79:6   82:21, 25  83:4, 11   84:3  109:10, 22  111:3   112:6  113:7   115:13  116:5, 7, 11, 19,24   117:4, 10  118:20   119:7,14, 19, 25   120:6,14, 19, 23   121:9,16, 21   122:1, 7,11, 21   123:15  124:4, 9, 18  125:20   126:3,15, 24   127:4, 12,24Number   5:9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15  9:15, 15   27:8  29:1   51:3, 6, 15,23   52:5, 23  119:21numbers   5:8  81:22numerical   14:4NVP   39:14  42:7   112:4  127:8

< O >obligation   53:7occasion   111:7October   14:13  15:2   45:12  129:12ODOM   120:4, 5office   14:16, 21  15:4, 11, 15, 16,18   44:12, 19  45:2, 8, 15, 22  46:1, 3, 4   51:1,21, 24officer   11:6, 10  47:6officers   9:14  79:1officially   12:23oh   18:15   103:3

Okay   3:2   10:4  15:25   50:18old   50:5Omni   1:12once   14:4open   2:3, 6  43:18, 21   82:25  83:3   125:12, 18Operation   81:4,5, 19opinion   118:9opponents   50:13opportunity  9:23   117:25opposed   4:21  6:9   8:1, 20  11:13   53:15  117:2optimist   49:11option   83:23order   14:4  42:10   53:20  117:14organization  46:21, 24, 25  47:2, 16, 22  48:4, 6   109:6  118:12organizations  47:25original   6:21outgoing   117:8outreach   115:7outside   47:8outstanding  48:24   49:2overdose   81:15overnight   48:17

< P >pages   129:8parent   82:10, 11parents   81:11Parko   79:17, 20part   111:13participate  123:3partners   79:15,15

parts   11:12party   48:23Pat   7:9   115:18PAUL   25:22, 22  41:24, 24   110:6,7Penny   18:12  33:1pens   124:14people   42:14  47:5, 11, 13  49:2   50:4, 8, 22  52:20   127:11percent   124:19perfectly   48:6periscope   126:9permission  118:17person   111:9personally  114:6   117:8personnel   2:25  48:25Pete   7:15  113:1, 3   116:1Phelps   110:6picked   83:7place   10:1  13:1   14:15  15:3   44:11, 25  45:14   49:9  79:2plan   49:1, 5  111:18Planning   3:8,12   4:12, 15, 25  11:12   127:9plaque   118:13,22players   125:7playing   125:3please   2:4   3:3,16   9:10   11:7  43:9, 19, 24  82:15   83:1  111:2   112:15,15   113:1, 2, 14  114:22   119:20pleased   44:1

pleasure   42:4  44:11   79:6, 14  108:21   109:19  112:10, 16plenty   49:12plight   112:4plus   10:12PNP   2:10   6:20  9:3   13:5, 10, 15,22, 24   14:6  15:21   16:4, 8,12, 16, 17, 19, 23  17:2, 7, 11, 15,19, 23   18:2, 6,10, 14, 18, 22  19:1, 5, 9, 13, 17,22   20:1, 5, 10,14, 18, 21, 25  21:4, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   22:3, 6,10, 14, 18, 22  23:1, 5, 9, 13, 16,20, 24   24:3, 7,11, 15, 19, 22, 25  25:4, 8, 12, 16,20, 23   26:2, 5, 7,11, 15, 19, 23  27:2, 5, 9, 11, 14,19, 23   28:2, 6,10, 14, 18, 21, 24  29:6, 10, 14, 17,21, 24   30:2, 6,11, 15, 19, 23  31:2, 8, 12, 15,18, 21, 25   32:4,7, 9, 13, 16, 20,24   33:3, 7, 11,15, 18, 22   34:1,5, 11, 14, 17, 21,25   35:4, 8, 12,16, 20, 24   36:3,7, 10, 14, 18, 22  37:1, 4, 7, 10, 14,18, 22   38:1, 5, 9,13, 16, 20, 24  39:2, 5, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   40:2, 5, 8,11, 14, 17, 21, 25  41:3, 7, 11, 15,19, 22   42:1 

Page 142: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 13Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

 44:5   53:22, 25  54:4, 8, 12, 16,19, 24   55:3, 7,11, 15, 19, 23  56:1, 5, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   57:3, 7,11, 15, 19, 22, 25  58:3, 6, 10, 14,18, 23   59:1, 3, 7,11, 14, 17, 20, 24  60:3, 7, 10, 14,18, 21, 24   61:2,6, 10, 14, 17, 21,24   62:1, 5, 8, 12,16, 19, 23   63:2,6, 10, 14, 18, 22  64:1, 5, 9, 12, 16,19, 23   65:1, 4, 8,11, 15, 19, 23  66:2, 6, 10, 14,18, 21, 24   67:3,7, 11, 16, 20, 24  68:3, 7, 11, 15,18, 22   69:1, 5, 9,13, 17, 21, 25  70:4, 7, 11, 14,17, 20, 24   71:3,7, 15, 19, 22  72:1, 5, 9, 13, 17,21, 25   73:4, 7,11, 14, 18, 22  74:1, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   75:3, 7,12, 16, 20, 24  76:4, 7, 10, 13,17, 21, 25   77:3,6, 10, 13, 17, 21,24   78:3, 7, 11,14, 18   84:5, 14,18, 21, 25   85:4,8, 12, 16, 20, 24  86:3, 7, 11, 15,19, 22   87:1, 4, 8,12, 15, 19, 22  88:1, 5, 9, 13, 16,19, 23   89:2, 6,10, 14, 17, 21, 24  90:2, 5, 9, 13, 16,19, 23   91:2, 5, 8,12, 16, 20, 23 

 92:2, 6, 10, 14,17, 21, 25   93:3,7, 11, 14, 18, 22  94:1, 4, 8, 12, 16,19, 23   95:2, 6,10, 13, 17, 21, 25  96:3, 7, 11, 15,19, 23   97:2, 6, 9,13, 17, 21, 25  98:4, 8, 12, 16,19, 22, 25   99:4,8, 12, 16, 20, 24  100:3, 7, 11, 15,18, 21, 24   101:3,7, 11, 17, 20, 23  102:2, 6, 10, 14,18, 22   103:1, 3,6, 10, 14, 17, 21,25   104:3, 9, 13,17, 21, 25   105:4,8, 13, 16, 19, 23  106:2, 6, 9, 12,16, 20, 24   107:2,5, 9, 12, 16, 20,23   108:2, 6, 9,13, 17   125:22podium   111:2point   10:4  12:12   46:22  122:24political   48:23portion   14:2POSEKANY  38:22, 22   58:8,8   69:23, 23  76:1, 1   88:21,21   105:25, 25positive   48:12,14, 18possible   11:17  47:21   53:21pours   124:1practice   48:15pray   80:10prayers   124:2, 5preaching   49:22predecessor  12:9present   14:14  15:3   44:10, 24 

 45:13   108:21  109:10, 19, 24,25   110:7, 12, 21  112:11, 17  114:4, 5   118:12  125:21presentation  112:7President   1:18  2:5, 10, 15, 17,20, 21, 23   3:6, 8,17   4:3, 11   5:17  6:12, 18   7:7, 8,10, 12, 15, 16  8:4, 9, 23   9:18  10:19   11:24  12:5, 8, 13, 15  13:6, 12, 22  14:8, 15, 16, 21,22   15:5, 10, 11,15, 17, 18, 21  30:9   42:4, 9  43:5, 10, 20  44:13, 18, 20, 25  45:2, 7, 9, 15, 21,22   46:2, 3, 5, 20  47:3, 20   48:23  49:18   50:12, 21  51:9   52:7, 9, 15  79:7, 12, 18, 21  80:6   83:2, 22  108:20, 22  109:14, 17  110:3, 5, 6, 9, 11,13, 15, 17, 19, 20  112:5, 14, 24  113:7, 9, 13, 19,24   114:3, 10, 16,18   115:3, 16, 19,20, 21, 22, 25  116:3, 6, 20, 22  117:12, 25  118:1, 10, 20, 25  119:4, 5, 15, 23  120:4, 10, 15, 20,24   121:5, 11, 13,18, 20, 23   122:3,10, 13, 15, 23  123:11   124:10  127:6, 22

presidents  114:18, 20, 21President's   7:21  80:24   118:17  125:13pride   44:11principles   47:1prior   9:19probably   4:4  117:17   122:19problem   47:7, 8problems   48:7  49:9proceed   13:18  16:3   43:4  53:21proceeding  13:19Proctor   11:10,10productive   48:9profits   125:23program   81:4,23programs   82:8progressive  16:10project   80:24  81:2proposal   9:21prospective  124:13proudly   15:3proxy   5:12, 13  9:5   16:6, 14, 25  17:13   18:17, 20  19:3, 7, 20, 24  20:20, 23   21:2,6, 22   22:8, 12,16, 20, 24   23:11,18, 22   24:1, 13  25:2, 10, 14, 18,22, 25   26:4, 9,13, 25   27:4, 10,13, 21, 25   29:12,19, 23   30:1, 4,17, 21, 25   31:6  32:6, 11, 18, 22  33:1, 5, 5, 9, 13,17, 24   34:3, 7,

10, 13, 16, 19, 20,23   35:6, 10, 14,18, 22   36:1, 5, 9,16   37:8, 12, 16  38:7, 15, 18  39:3, 7, 10, 14,18, 22   40:3, 6,12, 19, 23   41:5,13, 21, 24   53:23  54:18   55:5  56:7, 10, 22  57:9, 13   58:5, 8,12   59:9, 19, 22  60:1, 6, 9, 20  61:1, 5, 8, 19  62:10, 18, 21, 25  63:8, 12, 16, 20  64:7, 11, 14, 18,25   65:3   66:8,16, 20, 23   67:1,14, 22   68:1, 5  69:7, 11, 15, 19,23   70:2, 10, 13,16, 19   71:1, 5, 9,13, 17, 21, 24  72:3, 7, 11, 15,19, 23   73:2, 6, 9,13, 21   74:10, 14,18   75:10, 18, 22  76:6, 9, 12, 15,19, 23   77:2, 5, 8,19, 23   78:5, 13  84:12, 20   85:6  86:21, 24   87:21,24   88:18, 21, 25  89:19   90:4, 7,11, 15, 18   91:4,10, 18   92:4, 19  93:2, 5, 16, 20,24   94:14, 18, 21,25   95:8, 12  96:17, 25   97:4,8, 11   98:6  99:14, 18, 22  100:5, 9, 13, 17,20, 23   101:5, 9,13, 15, 19, 22, 25  102:4, 8, 12, 16,20, 24   103:4, 8,12, 16, 24 

Page 143: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 14Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

 104:11, 15, 19  105:18, 21  106:4, 8, 11, 14,18, 22   107:1, 4,7, 18, 22   108:4,11PRP   3:17   4:2  5:4, 17, 19, 24  6:1, 12   8:4, 6,23   13:12   16:14,21   17:9, 21  21:2   44:1   52:9,11, 24   116:3, 16Public   112:18purchased  125:15Purple   81:4, 5,19push   49:1put   9:25   12:23  50:12   111:22  112:9   126:8putting   9:22

< Q >qualifies   14:10question   4:9, 10,18   6:5, 13   12:3,14questions  125:25quickly   52:13quit   47:4quite   114:12quorum   14:14  15:2   44:10, 24  45:13

< R >rains   124:1Ralph   2:20ran   114:11, 13Rapids   38:23  76:2   106:1ratified   80:25Ray   120:15reach   80:9  117:24

read   5:8   13:25  14:2   44:5  52:16reading   52:21Ready   2:7   4:8  6:5   8:14   13:8,9   15:13   16:4  111:23   127:25real   114:12realignment  3:10, 23   4:14reality   48:14really   109:5  111:7, 22, 23  117:18rear   2:9, 16, 22  5:18   51:8  52:10   83:4, 19  115:1   116:7, 15  117:11   119:14  120:3, 9, 14, 19  121:10, 17, 22  122:2, 8, 22  124:6, 9   126:24  127:5reason   6:20  11:11reasonable   4:14rebut   50:18received   5:25  108:25   109:1, 1  113:15, 19receives   51:1,14, 22receiving   51:2,11, 23recess   15:23  16:1   43:6, 14  79:2, 4, 5   82:22,24   127:1, 7recognize  119:18   127:17recognized  119:21recommission  126:11recommissioning  126:14reconvene   128:1

recording  127:18recruit   80:13recruitment  49:3recuperating  123:21Redmond   23:22reduce   81:22reexplain   9:11Regardless  48:12, 23region   10:21  113:19   120:16,22   122:4, 17regional   3:10  7:16   44:18, 25  45:7, 21   110:3,5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15,17, 19, 20  112:23, 24  113:7, 9, 13, 18,24   114:18, 20  115:22   120:7  121:14, 20  122:10, 13regionals   121:6registered   5:12,12, 13, 14, 14, 15  18:15   41:3Registration  113:5regularly   14:13  15:1   44:9, 23  45:11Relations  112:18released   53:6remains   2:21remind   83:22reminded  126:25removed   51:16,24   52:6report   2:12  4:16   5:3, 6, 7,20, 24   6:3, 11,14   43:24   44:2,2   127:7

Reported   1:24reporter   127:17reports   3:13  126:21represented  5:10, 11representing  127:14requested   83:7requesting  117:21requests   2:25required   83:16requires   52:3  118:9RESERVE   1:2  15:5, 9   42:5  44:13, 17, 22  45:6, 9, 15, 20,22   81:7, 18  108:22   109:11,18   118:5   119:2  123:3reserved   125:12,13, 14, 17resiliency   81:10,21   82:17resolution   14:7,25   44:8, 21  45:10resolutions  13:25   44:6resolve   14:2  44:8, 22Resolved   14:8,12, 18, 25   15:7  44:15   45:4, 11,17respect   42:18respond   11:7responsibility  48:11rest   125:12, 17  126:1results   14:5Retention  112:13retired   81:7Return   43:13 

 127:2returned   81:11revenue   11:21  47:8, 9Richard   113:22RICHMOND  61:4, 4   86:9, 9  91:14, 14  112:23Rick   110:19right   9:1   50:9  52:19   80:11  123:22   127:16RIZZO   94:6, 6  120:15, 16Robbins   45:14,21   46:8   49:17  54:18, 20   55:2,3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 25  56:1, 7, 8, 19, 20  57:18, 19   58:5,6, 9, 10, 17, 18  60:2, 4, 17, 18,23, 24   61:23  62:1, 18, 19  63:1, 2, 4, 6  64:4, 5, 11, 12,18, 19, 25   65:1,7, 8, 18, 19  66:23, 24   67:10,12, 15, 16, 19, 20,23, 24   68:2, 3, 6,7, 14, 15   69:16,17, 20, 21, 24, 25  70:13, 14, 19, 20  71:18, 19, 21, 22  72:7, 7, 9   73:13,14, 17, 19, 21, 22  74:7, 8   75:6, 7,11, 12, 15, 16, 20  76:3, 4   77:2, 3,5, 6, 16, 17, 23,24   78:13, 14, 22  85:14, 16, 19, 20,23, 24   87:7, 8  88:4, 5   89:5, 7  91:1, 2   93:10,11, 13, 14   94:11,12   95:16, 17  97:24, 25   98:3,

Page 144: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 15Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

4, 11, 12, 14, 16,21, 22   100:2, 3  102:9, 10  103:20, 22  104:5, 8, 9  105:7, 8, 12, 13,15, 16, 18, 19  107:15, 16  109:1Robby   61:24  75:19   108:25Robert   13:7  14:25   15:4, 11  30:9   109:14Rockin   45:14Rodham-Tuck  7:14   115:24Rodney   110:20roll   8:7, 8, 12,24   9:11, 13, 14  27:15   42:2  78:20   83:23  84:4, 6, 8  108:19room   3:3  47:11   49:12  79:3   125:19  127:10Rosenberg   2:12  6:14round   78:24  83:12row   29:1RP   17:5RPR   1:25  129:18RUIZ   24:24, 24  62:7, 7   92:16,16   113:22Rule   50:25  51:19, 25   52:16,22   53:9, 12, 17  116:8Rules   115:9run   7:1   50:22,23running   47:20  50:12   52:18  79:15

runs   48:6Russo   26:17

< S >sale   124:14Saleski   123:18Salomon  127:18, 18salute   2:7  127:25saluting   127:24Sam   120:25San   1:12, 14  2:13   123:13  125:1satisfy   50:7saying   50:5  52:16   84:1says   116:8SCARBRO  2:10, 14   6:19,20   31:23, 23  57:5, 5   68:24,24   87:17, 17schedule   117:18scheduled  14:13   15:1  44:9, 23   45:11Schmidt   2:20  22:20, 24Scott   122:18sea   122:19seats   79:4second   3:18, 25  5:22   6:1   7:19  8:10, 11   46:17  51:3, 5, 12, 15,24   52:5   84:6, 8  108:19   116:2,17seconded   4:11  6:3   7:21   8:25seconds   4:7  5:20   52:25  116:4secretaries  114:21Secretary   7:12  121:14

see   117:21  120:6   126:23sees   49:11selected   6:21sell   11:13, 14,15, 18send   49:7   82:1,1, 4Senior   2:24  113:22SEPTEMBER  1:8seriously   82:2serve   14:11service   47:25  82:1, 5   112:22serving   80:20  112:17sessions   11:15set   125:18seven   17:8, 10,11   19:23, 25  20:1   22:23  23:1   24:23, 25  25:9, 10, 12  26:3, 5, 6, 7, 16,17, 19   28:7, 10  41:12, 15   54:25  55:3   57:12, 14,15   60:8, 10  62:8, 17, 18, 19  63:11, 14, 23, 25  64:1   65:9, 11  78:4, 5, 7   85:13,14, 16   87:23, 24  88:1   90:17, 19  92:15, 17   93:1,2, 3, 19, 22   94:5,6, 8   95:18, 21  108:3, 4, 6Seventeen   96:3ship   42:10  117:19   118:7,13   119:11  122:25   123:5Shipmate   2:5, 9,10, 14, 16, 22, 23  3:2, 5, 5   4:6  5:17, 18, 20  6:12, 18, 19, 23,

24   7:6, 13, 18  8:4, 5, 23   9:7, 7,10, 18   11:24  12:1   13:12, 14,22, 23   14:3  15:20, 21   27:7  43:12, 15   44:4  47:3   50:21, 24  51:6, 8, 9, 10, 14  52:4, 8, 9, 10, 15  83:2, 4, 19  109:23   110:3  111:1   112:8, 10,20, 23   113:1, 12,17, 18, 22, 24  114:11   115:1, 2,14, 22, 23, 24  116:1, 3, 6, 7, 15,19, 20   117:6, 12,12   118:23, 24,24   119:7, 15, 17,23   120:3, 4, 9,10, 14, 15, 19, 20,23, 24   121:10,11, 18, 23   122:3,15, 23   123:11,18   124:6, 10  126:3, 4, 15, 24  127:4, 5, 6, 13,22shipmates   2:2  5:2, 5   6:25  8:14   9:24  11:22   13:3, 18  14:3, 8, 11  15:25   28:25  42:3   43:2, 16,25   44:1, 5  46:19, 23   47:14,19   49:8, 17  50:14, 16, 20  51:5   52:18  53:2, 2   78:21  79:6   83:22, 23  84:3, 5   108:21  109:4   111:5, 6,24   114:7, 17, 20  116:13   117:15,24   118:1  119:19   123:16 

 126:16   127:8,12   128:1shipmate's   14:9ships   122:24ship's   123:6Shore   44:21, 22  45:5short   49:6   50:9shown   51:4shy   84:1side   111:21, 22sides   3:1   11:16signed   43:25simply   48:13sincere   42:3  79:6   108:21  109:19   112:10,16sincerely   15:8  44:16Sioux   122:25sir   2:23sit   111:8sits   48:13six   9:3, 5, 5  16:5, 6, 8   18:23,24   19:1   20:15,16, 18   21:5, 6, 8,9, 10, 12   23:6, 7,9   25:5, 6, 8, 13,14, 16   27:17, 18,19   29:15, 16, 17  31:3, 3, 3, 18, 19,21   34:6, 7  38:10, 13   40:2,3   41:23   42:1  53:22, 25   56:13,14, 16   58:1, 2, 3,15, 20, 21, 23  60:15, 18   62:13,14, 16, 20, 21, 23  64:20, 23   66:11,12, 14   67:25  68:3, 19, 20, 22  71:8, 9, 11  75:13, 14, 16  77:1, 2, 3   78:15  84:11, 12, 14, 19  87:2, 3, 4   88:14,15, 16   89:3, 8,

Page 145: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 16Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

10   90:24, 25  91:2   92:22, 25  93:4, 5, 7   95:3,6   96:20, 21, 23  98:9, 12   99:1, 4  101:12, 13  105:14, 15, 16  106:25   107:1, 2  108:14   126:20Sixteen   91:23,25   92:2skeptics   49:14skill   129:9Slawinski   30:8,8   52:24, 24  67:5, 5   97:15,15   112:20  116:3, 4, 16, 16slightly   46:21slowly   111:19,19SMITH   29:23,23   31:14, 14  33:13, 13   39:7,7   60:6, 6, 9, 9  70:16, 16   75:18,18   76:9, 9  90:15, 15, 18, 18  97:4, 4   100:20,20   105:18, 18  106:8, 8Snee   109:15Snyder   16:21,21   54:14, 14  85:2, 2   118:24,24, 25   119:7, 8  123:11, 11solicits   14:19  15:8   44:16  45:5, 19solution   48:10,12solution-based  48:15solved   48:8somebody   12:21sorry   41:25  45:25   70:7  71:14   81:13  103:3

South   2:24  14:6, 8, 12, 18  110:15   119:12  120:11   121:14Southeast   45:21  110:10   112:23southwest   44:19  110:17   113:24  115:22speak   12:9special   115:5speech   4:1   46:9speeches   46:14,16   50:17SPEIGHT   22:1,1spending   47:7spirits   123:24sponsor   10:7sponsored   123:7sponsors   10:9  11:3spurs   125:1ss   129:2SSN-789   119:10staff   7:4   10:11,16Stand   5:22  49:18, 24   81:25  119:20Standing   50:25  51:19, 25   52:16,22   53:9, 12, 17  115:9   116:8stands   53:17STARKEY  1:18   2:1, 7, 14,22   3:2, 15, 25  4:8, 21, 23   5:18,21   6:2, 18, 23  7:20   8:1, 3, 5, 8,11, 18, 20, 22  9:1, 9, 13   10:4  11:8, 22   12:1, 8,11, 23   13:3, 7,14, 18, 23   14:2,7, 15, 21   15:14,25   16:3   17:6, 7  18:9, 10   19:16,18   20:3, 5   21:7,

8, 11, 12   23:15,16   25:15, 16  31:24, 25   32:15,16   34:4, 5, 8, 10,11   35:11, 12, 19,20   36:13, 14, 25  38:12, 13   41:25  42:1, 3   43:4, 12,15, 18, 22   44:4  45:24   46:11, 14,18   50:16, 24  51:14, 19   52:3,8, 10   53:10, 15,17   58:16, 16  78:21   79:6  82:21, 25   83:4,11   84:3   109:10,22   111:3   112:6  113:7   115:13  116:5, 7, 11, 19,24   117:4, 10  118:20   119:7,14, 19, 25   120:6,14, 19, 23   121:9,16, 21   122:1, 7,11, 21   123:15  124:4, 9, 18  125:20   126:3,15, 24   127:4, 12,24start   8:15   9:15  13:10   109:8started   111:14starts   42:12state   119:13  129:1stated   47:3, 6,23states   51:20  118:3   119:11stats   81:24Stay   79:3steel   118:11stepped   113:16strength   5:9, 15stress   82:13  112:9strong   49:7, 9strongly   47:1

stuff   126:19sub   126:6, 7subsequent   53:8substantially  82:12successful   47:16  127:15sudden   6:16suicide   81:14, 17summer   81:8Sunday   125:3support   4:1  12:16   14:19  15:8   44:16  45:5, 19   48:20  49:5   50:11  79:13   80:3, 19  114:17, 17, 19,22   115:8supporting   80:2,18supposed   12:4, 5sure   11:25  12:25   47:10  111:24, 24  125:9surely   118:10surgery   123:21sweet   50:10

< T >table   11:18  83:8   125:14, 14,15tables   11:14  125:8, 12, 16, 18tackle   49:8take   43:6  48:18, 19   79:2  81:25   82:21  116:13   118:21  124:19   126:19,22   127:3taken   3:21  43:14   79:5  82:24takes   81:25  82:1TALBOT   28:12,12   33:24, 24 

 35:6, 6   36:5, 5  37:12, 12   38:18,18   39:22, 22  40:12, 12   65:13,13   71:1, 1  72:11, 11   73:9,9   74:14, 14  75:22, 22   76:23,23   77:8, 8  95:23, 23   101:5,5   102:12, 12  103:12, 12  104:15, 15  105:21, 21  106:22, 22  107:7, 7   110:15talk   80:1   114:5tally   9:6   13:7,9   50:23   78:21  113:15team   48:13  49:9tell   81:23  117:20   122:17tells   111:19Telly   79:22temporary  117:18Ten   16:18, 19  29:3, 4, 6   32:5,6, 7, 9   37:2, 4  54:9, 10, 12  66:1, 2   69:7, 9  74:6, 8   75:7  81:13   84:23, 25  96:9, 11   99:13,14, 16   104:7, 9  105:7, 8   125:12,18Texas   1:14  2:13   123:13  129:1Thank   2:7, 14,22   3:4   4:8   5:2  6:2, 23   7:16, 20  12:17   13:4, 21  43:2, 12, 22  44:4   47:17  49:15   50:13, 24  52:7   79:10, 12,

Page 146: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 17Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

23   80:1, 4, 15,17, 21   82:19  83:4, 10, 11, 18  109:4, 7, 14, 20  110:1, 7, 10, 13,18, 18, 22, 24  112:1, 18, 24  113:5, 11   114:7,24   116:5, 11, 24  117:5, 8, 10  119:7, 13, 25  120:6, 8, 23  121:9, 16, 21  122:7, 11, 21  123:9, 14   124:4,9   125:20   126:3  127:4, 19, 24therapy   123:23thing   49:19, 20  114:9things   111:20  118:16think   13:17  27:7   47:8  114:15   118:8,11   119:1  123:17   126:17thinking   117:23third   5:7   51:7,16Thirteen   94:10,12   97:16, 17Thirty   105:2, 4Thirty-nine  91:15Thirty-six  103:19, 21THOMAS  17:13, 13   19:3,3   23:7   25:18,18   26:21, 21  30:17, 17, 21, 21  31:6, 6   32:18,18   38:7, 7, 11  40:19, 19   55:5,5   56:18, 18  60:16, 16   62:25,25   64:3, 3  67:14, 14, 18, 18  68:1, 1, 5, 5 

 69:19, 19   75:10,10, 14, 14   77:15,15   85:18, 18  87:6, 6   90:25,25   93:9, 9, 24,24   94:10, 10  97:23, 23   98:2,2, 10, 10, 14, 14  100:1, 1   105:11,11, 15, 15  107:14, 14  110:9thought   10:2three   16:24, 25  17:2, 12, 14, 15  19:2, 4, 5   21:21,22, 24   23:2, 5,10, 11, 13   25:17,18, 20, 21, 21, 22,23, 24, 24   26:2  27:20, 21, 23  29:11, 14, 18, 19,21   30:3, 4, 6, 24,25   31:2, 16, 17  32:14, 15, 16, 25  33:3, 12, 14, 15  34:22, 23, 25  35:1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 8, 17, 18, 20,21, 22, 24   36:15,16, 18, 19, 19, 20,22   37:5, 7, 8, 10,15, 16, 18   38:14,16   39:17, 20  40:5, 6, 8   41:1,4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11  44:6   45:24  46:7, 10   50:25  51:20   52:1, 3,17   53:2, 5  54:17, 18, 19  55:4, 5, 7   56:17,18, 20   59:8, 9,11   60:11, 13, 14,19, 20, 21   62:24,25   63:2, 3, 6, 7,10   64:24, 25  65:1   66:7, 10,15, 16, 18, 25  67:3, 21, 24 

 68:16, 17, 18  69:14, 15, 17  70:1, 7, 8, 15, 16,17   71:13   72:2,3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10,11, 13, 22, 22, 23,25   73:1, 2, 4, 20,21, 22, 23, 24  74:1, 9, 10, 12,17, 18, 20   75:17,20   76:18, 20, 21  77:4, 5, 6, 22, 23,24, 25   78:1, 3,16, 17, 18, 18  80:20   81:18  85:5, 6, 8, 17, 18,20   87:5, 6, 8  89:18, 19, 21  90:20, 23   91:3,4, 5   93:8, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 18  95:7, 8, 10  96:16, 17, 19, 24,25   97:2, 10, 13  98:5, 8, 23, 24,25   99:21, 23, 24  100:8, 10, 11, 19,20, 21   102:3, 4,6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,14, 23, 24   103:1,3, 4, 6, 23, 24, 25  104:1, 2, 3, 10,11, 13, 18, 19, 21  105:17, 18, 19  106:17, 20  107:3, 4, 5, 21,22, 23, 24, 25  108:2, 15, 16, 17,17three-minute  46:9throw   42:22thunder   118:11ticket   117:22  125:9, 11tickets   124:15,16, 17   125:2, 5tied   80:7time   2:18   4:4  11:18   12:15 

 13:19   42:14  47:2   49:3  50:20   79:22  80:1, 23   111:16  119:18, 20  120:22   123:21timekeeper  113:20timely   3:20   4:3today   42:12  47:7   50:3  119:1toes   123:22told   13:18Tom   109:15  113:14, 14  119:23tomorrow  109:8   119:10  124:22, 24  128:1touch   117:19, 20TOULOTTE  83:20, 21   86:17,17transcription  129:9Treasurer   7:13  79:21, 22  115:23trip   125:1trouble   112:8try   47:9   50:1  82:4trying   4:2   9:25  42:12   50:7turn   42:10  115:11turning   109:5twelve   23:14, 16  57:7   87:16, 17,19   91:8Twenty-five  90:2Twenty-seven  92:12, 14two   2:8   10:15  11:16   12:6  13:6   19:6, 9  20:22, 23, 25 

 22:11, 13, 14, 15,17, 18   23:25  24:1, 3, 16, 17,19   26:12, 13, 15  27:6, 9, 10, 11  30:20, 21, 23  31:5, 6, 8   32:17,18, 20   33:8, 9,11, 16, 17, 18, 23,24   34:1, 9, 10,11, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 21   35:13, 16  37:19, 22   38:6,7, 9, 17, 18, 20,25   39:2, 4, 5  40:9, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 21, 22, 23,25   41:20, 21, 22  46:11, 16, 18  49:19, 22   50:16,22   52:17   56:21,22, 24   58:7, 8,10   59:21, 22, 24,25   61:7, 8, 10,22   62:1   63:19,22   64:13, 16  67:17, 18, 20  68:4, 5, 7   69:18,19, 21   70:12, 13,14, 18, 19, 20, 25  71:1, 3, 12, 14,14, 15, 20, 21, 22,23, 24   72:1, 18,21   74:21, 22, 24  75:9, 10, 12, 21,22, 24   76:5, 7  77:11, 12, 13, 14,15, 17, 18, 19, 21  78:12, 13, 14  87:9, 11, 12  88:20, 22, 23  90:6, 9, 10, 12,13   91:17, 18, 20  92:7, 9, 10   94:2,4, 20, 23   98:1, 4,13, 16   99:25  100:1, 3, 16, 17,18, 22, 23, 24  101:4, 5, 7, 14,15, 17, 21, 22, 23,

Page 147: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 18Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

24, 25   102:2, 19,20, 22   104:22,23, 25   105:10,11, 13, 20, 21, 23  106:3, 4, 6  107:10, 11, 12,13, 14, 16, 17, 19,20   108:10, 11,13   123:20  125:16   127:25Two-thirds  5:16   52:20

< U >unanimously  14:14   15:3  44:11, 24   45:13understand  3:21   9:12, 23,25   51:5   82:6, 9,10   84:9understanding  3:22understands  84:10underway   14:5undue   112:9

UNIDENTIFIED  7:17   8:15   9:18  11:6, 24   12:3,10   13:9   27:7  51:9   52:15  53:1   79:25  80:17   116:6, 8,20   122:15, 23  124:7   126:5, 16,25   127:6unified   49:7uniform   2:21uninstructed  38:4United   118:3  119:11units   82:4updated   43:24Ursula   114:1USS   119:9  122:25   126:6, 6,11, 12

usually   121:6  123:18

< V >Valerie   83:21VANCE   78:9, 9various   48:20Vatter   113:14  119:15veering   46:21veteran   48:21  81:20veterans   47:25  81:17, 19   82:16  112:22   123:6vibes   109:7Vice   15:10  43:5   44:13, 20  45:2, 9, 15, 22  46:2, 3, 5, 20  47:20   49:18  50:12   79:17, 21  80:6   108:19, 22  112:14   113:24  115:16   119:4  121:4, 20Virge   115:16Virgil   7:8visitor   121:12voice   48:22vote   5:16, 16  8:7, 8, 12, 24  9:11, 13, 17, 19  11:25   13:17  14:14   15:3, 24  16:3   19:16, 18  20:3, 5   44:11,24   52:20   53:4,6, 7, 7   54:3  58:16, 18   60:2,2, 3, 3   64:12  67:10, 11   68:9,11   71:22   75:6,8   78:21, 23  83:12, 14, 14, 15,15, 16, 16   84:3,6, 7   89:4, 6  103:20voted   6:25  45:13   109:5

votes   5:10, 12,15   9:3, 5, 5, 15  16:5, 7, 8, 9, 11,12, 13, 15, 16, 18,19, 20, 22, 23, 24,25   17:2, 4, 6, 7,8, 10, 11, 12, 14,15, 16, 17, 19, 20,22, 23, 24, 25  18:2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,10, 11, 13, 14, 16,17, 18, 19, 22, 23,25   19:1, 2, 4, 5,6, 9, 10, 12, 13,14, 15, 17, 19, 21,22, 23, 25   20:1,2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10,11, 12, 14, 15, 16,18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 25   21:1, 3, 4,5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12,13, 14, 16, 17, 18,20, 21, 22, 24, 25  22:1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 10, 11, 13, 14,15, 17, 18, 19, 20,22, 23, 24   23:1,2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10,12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 23,24, 25   24:2, 3, 4,5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,14, 15, 16, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25   25:1, 3, 4, 5,6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13,16, 17, 19, 20, 21,21, 22, 23, 24, 24,25   26:2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,14, 15, 16, 18, 19,20, 21, 23, 24, 24  27:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 23, 24, 25  28:2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9,10, 11, 13, 14, 15,16, 18, 19, 19, 23,24   29:3, 5, 6, 7,

9, 10, 11, 13, 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25  30:1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,9, 11, 12, 14, 15,16, 17, 19, 20, 22,23, 24, 25   31:2,3, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10,12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 19, 21, 22,22, 24, 25   32:1,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10,12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 23,24, 25   33:2, 3, 4,6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 22, 23, 24  34:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 21, 22, 24, 25  35:1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13,15, 16, 17, 19, 20,21, 22, 24, 25  36:1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 14,15, 16, 18, 19, 19,21, 22, 23, 25  37:1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,10, 11, 12, 14, 15,18, 19, 20, 22, 23,25   38:1, 2, 4, 5,6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13,14, 16, 17, 18, 20,21, 23, 24, 25  39:2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10, 12, 13, 15, 16,17, 19, 20, 21, 22,24, 25   40:2, 3, 5,6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19,21, 22, 24, 25  41:1, 4, 5, 7, 8,10, 11, 12, 15, 16,17, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 25   42:1  51:2, 3, 6, 11, 15,22, 23   52:1, 3, 5 

 53:22, 24, 25  54:1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,11, 12, 13, 15, 16,17, 18, 19, 21, 23,24, 25   55:2, 3, 4,6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,14, 15, 17, 20, 21,24   56:1, 2, 3, 6,7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13,14, 16, 17, 18, 20,21, 23, 24, 25  57:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 10, 11, 12, 14,15, 16, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25  58:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 9, 10, 11, 13,14, 15, 17, 19, 20,23, 24, 25   59:3,4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 19, 20, 21,23, 24, 25   60:5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,13, 14, 15, 16, 18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23,24, 25   61:1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,11, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 22,23   62:1, 2, 3, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,13, 14, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 22, 23, 24  63:1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,8, 10, 11, 12, 14,15, 17, 18, 19, 20,22, 23, 25   64:1,2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10,11, 13, 14, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 22, 23,24, 25   65:1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 15, 16,19, 20, 21, 23, 24  66:1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7,9, 10, 11, 12, 14,15, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25  67:1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,

Page 148: 91ST NATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 FLEET … FRA Natl Conv...Hand salute! Ready, 8 two! 9 Shipmate, rear mic. 10 PNP SCARBRO: Shipmate National President. 11 I'd like to announce that Branch

3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 19Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

10, 11, 13, 14, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 22,24, 25   68:1, 3, 4,5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 22, 23, 24  69:1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8,9, 10, 12, 13, 14,16, 17, 18, 19, 21,22, 24, 25   70:1,2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 24, 25  71:1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,10, 11, 12, 15, 16,17, 19, 20, 21, 23,24   72:1, 2, 4, 5,6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13,14, 16, 17, 18, 20,21, 22, 22, 24, 25  73:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 20, 21,22, 23, 25   74:1,2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10, 12, 13, 14, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 23,24, 25   75:2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 7, 9, 10,12, 13, 14, 16, 17,18, 20, 21, 22, 24,25   76:2, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 17, 18, 20,21, 22, 23, 25  77:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 17, 18,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25   78:1, 3, 4, 6,7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 18, 19, 24  84:1, 11, 12, 14,15, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 24, 25   85:1,3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12,13, 14, 16, 17, 18,20, 21, 23, 24, 25  86:2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,

10, 11, 12, 13, 15,16, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24   87:1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24   88:1,2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10,12, 13, 14, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 22, 23,24   89:1, 2, 3, 4,6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14,16, 17, 18, 19, 21,22, 23, 24, 25  90:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,8, 9, 10, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 23, 24,25   91:2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,13, 15, 16, 17, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24  92:2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9,10, 11, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 20, 21,22, 23, 25   93:1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 18, 19, 20, 22,23, 24   94:1, 2, 4,5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12,13, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 23, 24,25   95:2, 3, 5, 6,7, 8, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 16, 17, 18,20, 21, 22, 23, 25  96:1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,10, 11, 12, 13, 15,16, 18, 19, 20, 21,23, 24   97:1, 2, 3,4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 13, 14, 16, 17,18, 19, 21, 22, 23,25   98:1, 2, 4, 5,6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13,14, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25   99:1, 3, 4, 7,8, 9, 11, 12, 13,

14, 16, 17, 18, 20,21, 23, 24, 25  100:1, 3, 4, 6, 7,8, 10, 11, 12, 13,15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25   101:2, 3, 4, 5,7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 17, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25   102:2, 3, 5, 6,7, 8, 10, 11, 12,14, 15, 17, 18, 19,21, 22, 23, 24  103:1, 3, 4, 6, 7,8, 10, 11, 12, 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19,21, 23, 24, 25  104:1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13,14, 15, 17, 18, 19,21, 22, 24, 25  105:1, 3, 4, 5, 7,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 23, 24  106:1, 2, 3, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 16, 17, 19, 20,21, 23, 24, 25  107:1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 16, 17, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25   108:2, 3, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13,14, 17, 18, 25  109:1, 2voting   5:9, 14  9:24   11:25  12:2   13:5  53:20   80:5  83:13

< W >wait   13:20walk   126:20walking   112:8want   13:19  15:20   42:20, 22 

 43:1   46:19  47:21   49:17  50:4, 12, 20  52:12   53:8  80:1, 4, 14   81:1  83:14, 15   109:4,5   112:9   114:9,16   118:11  122:24   126:18,22wanted   11:11  14:3wanting   3:2wants   11:8  50:18Washington  13:7   14:25  15:4, 11   16:7, 8,11, 12, 15, 18, 19,22, 23   17:1, 3,10, 11, 14, 15, 18,19, 22, 23   18:1,2, 5, 6, 13, 14, 17,18, 21, 22, 25  19:1, 4, 5, 8, 9,12, 13, 15, 17, 21,22, 25   20:1, 4, 6,9, 10, 13, 14, 17,18, 20, 21, 24, 25  21:3, 4, 15, 16,19, 20, 23, 24  22:2, 3, 5, 6, 9,10, 13, 14, 17, 18,21, 22, 25   23:1,4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13,19, 20, 23, 24  24:2, 3, 6, 7, 10,11, 14, 15, 18, 19,21, 22, 24, 25  25:3, 4, 7, 8, 11,12, 19, 20, 22, 23  26:1, 2, 6, 7, 11,14, 15, 18, 19, 22,23   27:1, 2, 4, 5,10, 11, 13, 14, 18,19, 22, 23   28:1,2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13,14, 17, 18, 20, 23,24   29:5, 6, 9, 10,13, 14, 16, 17, 20,

21, 23, 24   30:1,2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14,15, 18, 19, 22, 23  31:1, 2, 7, 8, 11,12, 14, 15, 17, 20,21   32:3, 4, 8, 9,12, 13, 19, 20, 23,24   33:2, 3, 6, 7,10, 11, 14, 15, 17,18, 21, 22, 25  34:1, 13, 14, 16,17, 20, 21, 24, 25  35:3, 4, 7, 8, 15,16, 23, 24   36:2,3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17,18, 21, 22   37:3,4, 9, 10, 13, 14,17, 18, 21, 22, 25  38:1, 4, 5, 8, 9,15, 16, 19, 20, 23,24   39:4, 5, 7, 8,11, 12, 14, 16, 19,20, 23, 24   40:4,7, 8, 13, 14, 16,17, 20, 21, 24, 25  41:6, 7, 10, 11,14, 15, 18, 19, 21,22   42:5, 7  48:21   109:14  111:2, 6   112:4  114:11   127:8waste   13:19water   42:23Watkins   37:2, 2  74:6, 6   104:7, 7WATSON  76:15, 15way   9:16   47:4  48:7   53:4, 7, 9  83:14   84:7Wayman   126:6ways   47:9  49:20   50:7welcome   49:14  52:8   121:16Well   46:11  50:8   80:7, 18  110:1, 4, 12, 18,22, 24   117:8  127:20

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3rd Business Session (Afternoon) Fleet Reserve Association 91st National Convention

CRC Salomon, Inc. - [email protected] Page: 20Office (410) 821-4888 2201 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 Facsimile (410) 821-4889

we're   9:17, 22,23   11:13, 14, 14,16, 19   12:2  13:5   42:10  43:6   48:1  49:25   50:5  52:19   53:19  78:23   80:3, 8, 9  115:7   121:24  127:16West   110:19  113:7, 25  120:21   121:5  122:10   124:18we've   10:5  116:22   119:2Whiskey   51:19,25   53:13White   16:25, 25  18:17, 17   20:20,20   25:10, 10  27:21, 21   30:1,1   33:9, 9   34:13,13, 16, 16   36:9,9   41:5, 5, 21, 21  54:18, 18   58:5,5   62:18, 18  64:25, 25   66:23,23   70:13, 13  71:17, 21, 21  73:13, 13   77:5,5, 23, 23   78:13,13   88:18, 18  93:2, 2   97:8, 8  100:17, 17  101:19, 19, 22,22   103:16, 16  107:4, 4, 22, 22  110:11wife   123:25  127:9WILLIAM  1:18   13:6   14:7,15, 21willing   47:13  48:24   49:8Willis   120:11win   44:3   83:25  124:15, 20  125:21, 22

withdraw   11:22,23   12:1withdrawn  12:22wonder   111:8word   127:13wording   4:24words   9:20, 21  13:17   80:1, 8  111:4work   9:16  10:11, 12, 17, 24  11:1, 20   42:9  47:13, 15, 15  48:7, 10, 18, 24  109:8   111:22  118:5, 6, 18worked   10:14  118:15, 16working   81:23works   9:12workshops   81:9wound   81:16wounded   82:2written   15:23  53:9Wyoming   2:11

< X >XO   117:19

< Y >yeah   97:4year   3:22   4:5  7:2   8:13   10:7,14, 20   12:4, 6, 9,20   13:11   14:17,22   15:6   44:13  45:3, 23   46:20  79:13, 16   81:22  109:7   114:10,23   115:8   123:2years   10:15  12:6   45:16  47:25   49:22  80:20   124:7yesterday   47:6young   42:20  43:1   50:7

younger   50:4youth   126:17

< Z >Zino   18:8, 8  55:25, 25   86:14  117:12, 13