Download - 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 [email protected] Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements

Page 1: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


Page 2: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor©Walk/Run


It was approximately 2 P.M. this June when a call came into OLGC Parish Office. It was from a woman who desperately needed financial help. The call was immediately passed on to a St. Vincent de Paul volunteer who spoke briefly with her. A “Home Visit” was then scheduled to assess her needs. The following day, two SVdP volunteers arrived at the address and climbed up three flights of stairs to her apartment. Susan, not her real name, met them at the door. She was neat and well dressed. As the volunteers walked through the doorway, they shockingly realized that there was no furniture in the kitchen/dining area or the carpeted living room. On further observation, they saw only a small bed and bureau in the tidy bedroom. They gently asked, “Where is your furniture?” To which Susan replied, “I have none. I read, relax and also eat on my bed.” “How long have you lived here?” they inquired. Susan answered, “Two years.” Surprisingly, the lack of furniture was not the reason she was seeking assistance. The SVdP volunteers stood and talked with Susan. They learned that she was single, in her 30s and a college graduate. Susan was employed, though not in her field, by an out-of-town employer. All too often her weekly paycheck amount varied, dependent upon the incoming workload of the company. Her monthly income was barely sufficient to meet her monthly ex-penses leaving no extra money for emergencies. Although Susan was atypical of the clients the Society of St. Vincent de Paul generally helps, her needs were genuine. In this case, Susan was behind in her rent and in fear of being evicted. Therefore she was seeking rental assis-tance and St. Vincent de Paul was able to help. Though Susan did not request it, the volunteers also arranged for a kitchen table and four chairs to be delivered to her apartment. After the delivery the volunteer made a follow-up call to Susan. She expressed her gratefulness for SVdP’s help and especially for the table and chairs. “I placed a table cloth on my new table. I sat down and ate my 1st meal in my apartment at a table,” Susan proudly and enthusiastically stated. We the SVdP volunteers, thank you the parishioners of OLGC for your donations and support. Your generosity

gives us the continual ability to help Susan and numerous other neighbors in need. God Bless you.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run Saturday, September 24, 2016

Join Father Chris by Supporting this Worthy Cause

Please make checks payable to: OLGC – SVDP. Simply drop the pledge form along with your contribution in the mail to the parish office or in the collection basket over the next 3 weekends. If you are interested in joining Father Chris on the walk and would like a sponsorship form to collect your own pledges, please call or stop by parish office for a pledge form.

OLGC Parish, 22 Plymouth Street, Methuen, MA 001844 Tel: 978-686-3984

The Society St. Vincent de Paul is registered 501c3.

Sponsor's Name Address Pledge

Page 3: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Intentions For the week of September 11, 2016

Saturday Sept. 10 4:00 pm Lu Moynihan (4th anniversary) Irene & Stephen Fortuna Edward & Angelina Pentalla DM of Davis family Elmery Lefebvre (anniversary) Wendy Theberge (birthday remembrance) Blanche & John G. Thibault George Carter Glenn Marshall And living members of our parish

By her family By their children By their children By their family By his daughter By her family By their family By Pauline Halloran By Mary & Wil Belanger

Sunday Sept. 11 8:00 am 10:30 am

Fr. Richard Gosselin & Bill Gosselin Wendy Theberge (birthday remembrance) David Lane

By their family By her family By Vivian & Harold Tinker

Monday Sept. 12 7:00 am

Tuesday Sept. 13 7:00 am Frank Judge By his family

Wednesday Sept. 14 7:00 am Charles Avallone By Arthur & Marge Brien

Thursday Sept. 15 7:00 am John Powers (15th anniversary) By his family

Friday Sept. 16 7:00 am Doris Dion By her sister

Saturday Sept. 17 4:00 pm Charles Chory (birthday remembrance) By his family

Sunday Sept. 18 8 am 10:30 am

DM of Third Order of Mary DM of Cantwell family Vincent P. Foley, Sr. (30th anniversary) Aline Boisvert (birthday remembrance) And living members of our parish

By the members By their family By his family By her family


For the week of September 11, 2016

The Sanctuary Light—donated by his family In Memory of John Powers—15th anniversary

The Altar Bread—donated by his family In Memory of Paul Kroeter

The Altar Wine—donated by his family In Memory of Thomas G. Sabbagh, Jr.

The Altar Candles—donated by their family In Memory of the George Ouellette Family

St. Vincent de Paul Society

September 4 will be in the next bulletin

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the shepherd rejoices when he finds one lost sheep. The story tells us that nothings and no one is insignificant to God who is compassionate and loving

to all. Is here a neighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary need because of a loss of a job or an illness Please leave a message for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul….we want to help.

Thank you

for your generosity to our parish.

Please realize how important it is that you use your envelopes and that you “make-up” your weekly contribution when you are not present at Mass for a particular weekend. We appreciate all that you do for our parish.

For September 4, 2016 Will be reported in the next bulletin

PARISH OFFICE HOURS Beginning this week

the parish office will be open Monday—Thursday

8 am to 3 pm Friday

8 am to Noon

Page 4: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish

22 Plymouth Street, Methuen, MA 01844

Phone: 978-686-3984 Fax: 978-686-8300 Email: [email protected] Web:

Office Hours: 8 am to 3 pm Monday ~ Thursday

and 8 am to Noon Friday

Parish Staff: 978-686-3984

Very Rev. Christopher Casey, V.F. Pastor — Ext 25 [email protected]

Jimmy Massie Facilities — 978-697-4701 [email protected]

Lori McLaughlin Coordinator of Music Ministries 603-432-8656 [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Steven J. Murphy Deacon — Ext 10 [email protected]

Mrs. Pearl Ouellette Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 [email protected]

Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 978-686-3984 [email protected]

Religious Education — Ph: 978-686-3985 Fax: 978-686-8300 Mr. Mark Friedrich — Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation [email protected]

Mr. Mark Houle — Coordinator Grades K-8 [email protected]

Weekend Masses: Church & Chapel are handicapped accessible (elevator in Church, ramp at Chapel)

Sat. 4 pm at St. Theresa Church 22 Plymouth St., Methuen, MA

Sun. 8 am at St. Theresa Church

Sun. 10:30 am at St. Au-gustine Chapel 128 Ames St., Lawrence, MA

Daily Mass: 7 am Monday — Friday at St. Theresa Church

Eucharistic Adoration: every Thursday, 4:00 pm — 9:30 pm at St. Augustine Chapel

Reconciliation: Saturdays, 2:30—3:30 pm at St. Theresa Church or anytime by appointment

Baptism: Previous arrangements neces-sary

Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance

New Parishioners: Welcome! Please come to the Parish Office to meet us and to register


Catholic Academy

101 Parker St. Lawrence, MA 01843



Children age 3 through

Grade 8

Dear Parishioners, This week’s Gospel is the famous Parable of the Prodigal Son. The story has become synonymous with mercy when we focus on the welcome the father gives the son who is returning to him after leaving and going into a life of sin. The story often reminds us of our own journey in life, some-times straying away from God into sin, and sometimes find-ing our way back. Whenever we find our way back we find a God whose love for us has not diminished in spite of our own turning away from Him. This is a great grace, and we need to be reminded of that grace from time to time. When we have been hurt, how do we respond? On one lev-el the story is about the Father’s forgiveness of the son. On another it is about the son’s own recognition that he is in the wrong place and needs to go back and beg mercy from his father for the evil things he has done. But on still anoth-er level the story is about a brother who seems angry or at least jealous of the father’s mercy shown to his brother. There is a lot to think about in the Parable of the Prodigal Son! What do you think is going on with the older brother who is not happy that his father has welcomed the younger brother back? We are called to be like God is in our for-giveness of others. When we pray the Our Father we say “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” These words mean that I pray that the Lord will be merciful to me in the same measure I am merciful to others. If I measure out my mercy with a teaspoon rather than a bucket, shouldn’t I expect God to use the same tea-spoon in measuring out His mercy for me? The elder broth-er makes some reasonable arguments… but they are rea-sonable by a worldly standard, not by a Godly standard. In its simplest form the Parable of the Prodigal Son is about

conversion, mercy and restoration. It gets messy when we

add in the human side of the story. It might get messier still

when we make the story our own and add our own twists

and turns and personalities to the mix. That being said,

there is a reason why the father embracing his son has be-

come the iconic image from this parable for the mercy of

God… a picture that hangs in confessionals throughout the

world. Let it also remind us all of our call to be merciful to

one another, encouraging one another to turn away from

sin and to believe in the Gospel.

Father Chris

Page 5: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Mission Statement Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish

Lawrence ~ Methuen

Our Lady of Good Counsel is a diverse multi-cultural parish serving the Catholic community

of Methuen and Lawrence. We are committed to building a community of faith intent upon God, in unity of mind and heart. We are a family of believers, joined by our Baptism, and nurtured by the Eucharist. As children of God, we endeav-or to bring the love of Christ to all we meet. We are com-mitted to be the Body of Christ, rooted in the tradition of the Catholic Church. Together we worship and praise our God. Guided by prayer and the counsel of the Blessed Mother, we minister to the community through faith for-mation, fellowship, and service. With diligence, compas-sion, and love we endeavor to help others come to know and love Jesus. Empowered by grace, constant in our mission, we strive to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Women of Faith Meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 20

OLGC’s Women of Faith Group will meet on

Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 PM in the parish office. We will continue our Study on Divine Mercy in in Second Greatest Story Ever Told, and will view episode 7 New members are always welcome. Come and join us and see what our Women’s Group is all about. Call Kathy (978 685-6908) or email [email protected], for more information.

CHRISTMAS FAIR! Next meeting Wednesday

September 14 at 6:30 in the parish office

Plan to join us—All are Welcome

It is time to start looking ahead to our Parish Christmas Fair. If

you are thinking about donating to our Fair, now is a great time to do so. Why, you ask? Be-cause now is the time that most of the stores (Sears, Target, Hallmark, Home Depot, Lowes, etc.) are having sales, getting ready for Fall and Winter items. We are looking for “new” items for the Penny Sale, and raffle items. If you de-cide to donate an item or would rather donate the money instead, please bring it to the Parish Office during the week. Your generosity is great-ly appreciated.

Searles Estate Tours ~ Saturday, October 1 ~ 9 am – 3 pm PMA Campus/209 Lawrence Street – Methuen, MA 01844 Methuen’s Hidden Gem: Discover it yourself! Discover Pine Lodge, the private realm of the philanthropic millionaire Edward F. Searles. His Stunning architectural landmarks define the city of Methuen. Journey through the labyrinthian corridors and marvel at architectural works that embody the finest periods of art and interiors. *This is a walking tour. Narrow corridors and stairs cannot accommodate strollers or wheelchairs. $20 per person. Pur-chase tickets on SEARLES.EVENTBRITE.COM on or after September 1. Find us on Facebook at Searles Estate Tour. For more information email [email protected].


Letters have been sent for Religious Ed-ucation Registration for the coming school year. If you did not receive a packet please come to the parish office. Registration will take place this weekend Saturday, September 10th after the 4pm Mass and Sunday, September 11th after the 8am and 10:30am Masses. Classes will begin on Sunday, October 2nd for all grades. It is not too late to register—please come to the parish office Monday thru Thursday 9-3 or Friday 9-Noon.

Page 6: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 11, 2016

Page 7: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

for the week of September 11, 2016

11 SUN Ex 32:7-11, 13-14/1 Tm 1:12-17/Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10

12 Mon 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33/Lk 7:1-10

13 Tue 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a/Lk 7:11-17

14 Wed Nm 21:4b-9/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17

15 Thu 1 Cor 15:1-11/Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35

16 Fri 1 Cor 15:12-20/Lk 8:1-3 17 Sat 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-

49/Lk 8:4-15 18 SUN Am 8:4-7/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk

16:1-13 or 16:10-13

Page 8: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Donations of soda ~ water ~ or cash to help would be greatly appreciated as well as donations for children’s game prizes such as Happy Meal toys, clean stuffed animals, ribbons, large lollipops, stamps & stickers, coloring books & crayons any Dollar Tree toys

and Candy bars can be brought to the parish office. ANYONE DONATING $10 CASH WILL GET ENTERED INTO A CONTEST TO WIN BREAKFAST FOR 4 AT THE APPLE

FEST! Look for envelopes at the doors of the church.


Page 9: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements


September 11, 2016 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Methuen~Lawrence Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Extraordinary Ministers

Of Holy Communion

and Lectors

Prayer Requests for Priests ~ We ask you to remember in prayer the following


Sept. 10, Fr. Clifton Thuma ~ Sept. 11, Fr. Patrick Kelly ~ Sept. 12, All Marists ~ Sept. 13, Fr. John

McNeil ~ Sept. 14, Fr. Matthew Conley ~ Sept. 15, Msgr. Paul Garrity ~ Sept. 16, Fr. Joseph Fagan

September 17/18

Extraordinary Minister of Holy



4 pm Deacon Steve Dianne Vogler

Linda Murphy Paul DeGagne

Sue Fink

8 am Maureen Haley Conrad Karcz

Paula Doherty

Ed Lane

10:30am Mark Friedrich Sherry Labrecque

Mike Bradley Steve Gallant

Larry Hall


Please come and visit the Lord in the Eucharist any Thursday, 4 to 9:30 p.m. Stay a few minutes or longer. Consider committing to an adoration hour on a weekly basis--we are looking for people to take any hour, especially between 4:30 and 8:30 p.m. Call Michele Brown-Hall

at 688-6301 and leave your name and phone number.

Bob McCarthy, Bonnie Guy, Dionne DeJesus, Teresa Wheeler, Dot Lane, Janet Solomon, Tom McGuire, Darlene Stikeman, Baby Atlas Schalank, Bryanna Simpson, Bruce & Sarah Mackie, Jody Cormier, Evelyn Schelling, Ginger Blanchette, Phil McKinnon, Roger Martineau, Marie

Lanouette, Yvette Shevlin, Al Savastano, Rose Goudreau, Anita Watson, Fr. Gregory McCormick, sP, Irene Condon, Carmen Pizarro, Sarah Acevedo, Gerard LeBlanc, Patty Thompson, Nicole Garcia, Brian Bowes, William Eskel, Patrick Scanlon, Linda Murphy, Tom McGuire, Phillip Hersey, Jean Moysenko, Michael Russell, Michael Donovan, Sheila Meservey, Joe Howanski, Baby Ava Gagnon, Michael Culpon, Regan Sforza, Rita Ducheneau, Robbyn Culpon, Martha Ouellette, Claire Vasapolli, and all those on our Parish prayer line, and at the Woodmill, Nevins, Mary-Immaculate and Berkeley Nursing homes. Those who have died: Amber Cleveland, Joseph Squeglia If you have a friend or loved one that you would like us to pray for, please call the parish office and leave the name. If you want your loved ones name back on this list please call the parish office.

Babysitter Wanted….Local family looking for a person to babysit a 2 year old—15 hours per week in Methuen—Riverside Drive area. If interested please call Stephanie at 978-601-9025.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish 22 Plymouth Street Methuen, MA 01844

Fr. Christopher Casey, Pastor

Luncheon Speaker Series OLGC, Duperry Hall, St. Theresa Church

Scott Schaeffer-Duffy Author of

Nothing Is Impossible Stories From the Life of A Catholic Worker

Monday, September 12, 2016 11:30– 1:00 PM

Scott Scheaffer-Duffy is a peace activist, Catholic Worker and long distance runner, Come and meet him, and hear stories from

his new book !

Reservations Required

Please call or e-mail Kathy Callagy (978 685-6908 or [email protected]) to RSVP by Wednes-day,September 7, 2016 So that we can plan accurately for the food. There is no charge. Voluntary offerings will be gladly accepted to help cover the expenses. Bring a friend!

Volunteers are needed to assist in setting up, pre-paring the meals and cleaning up. If you are able to help, please let Kathy know.

Middle School & High School Admissions Fair Sunday, September 11, 2016 12 – 2 p.m. With more than 40 schools attending, parents and students can explore academics, athletics, arts and extracurriculars all under one roof. Register: Hosted by: Boston College High School, 150 Morrissey Blvd., Dorchester, MA 617-474-5010

Page 10: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements

For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins

Booklets & Newsletters

Business Cards &



The Standish Wellness Series

Pro-active Tips for Women

Early Detection and Prevention of Gynecologic Cancers: Presented by leading minimally invasive

gynecologist Dr Purnima Sangal.

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

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Dr. Purnima Sangal has a private practice in the Merrimack Valley, and is

affiliated with Saints ter and Lowell General Hospital

where she served as

in Gynecology, s

Pelvic pain and e


The Standish Wellness Series

Pro-active Tips for Women

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

on May 22on May 22ndnd, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

Dr. Purnima Sangal Dr. Purnima Sangal

affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints

where she served aswhere she served as

in Gynecology, sin Gynecology, s

Pelvic pain and ePelvic pain and e

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints

where she served aswhere she served aswhere she served as

in Gynecology, sin Gynecology, sin Gynecology, s

Pelvic pain and ePelvic pain and ePelvic pain and e

, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

Dr. Purnima Sangal Dr. Purnima Sangal Dr. Purnima Sangal

affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints

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Ramp up

Your Game

Program Designed by Nick Bolle eri



Ramp up

Your Game

Program Designed by Nick Bolle eri

PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER45 Wingate St. Haverhill, MA Tel. 978-372-9555www.thepeddlersdaughter.comAuthentically prepared Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-Sat 11 a.m.–1 a.m. & Sun Noon – 1a.m.

BISTRO 4545 Wingate Street, Haverhill, MATel. 978-469-9700www.bistro-45.comWednesday to Saturday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. / Bar until 1 a.m.Cuisine: Tapas & European influence

Relax, rejuvenate in a Massage or Spa treatment.

Pop into the pub for a pint or treat yourself to a Tapas Bar.

CARING HANDS Center for Massage and Wellbeing55 Wingate StreetHaverhill, MATel.

Massage, Energy Work & Opportunities to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit

AVEDA CONCEPT SALON62 Wingate StreetHaverhill, MATel.

Studio @ 13 Salon and Spa13 Railroad SquareTel.

Maria’s Family Restaurant8 Locust Street Tel.

Project Sound Recording Studio45 Wingate StreetTel. 978-374-4339www.projectsoundrecording.comEssex Street Grille25 Essex StreetTel.

Additional Places to Wander:

Design: Jim Fonseca •



Downtown Map of Wingate Arts District

80 - Angles and Art63 - Second Thoughts62 - Mizan Aveda Concept Salon61 - Positive Images Gallery 6157 - Wei Chi

55 - Caring Hands45 - Peddler’s Daughter &

Bistro 45 Restaurant21 - North Star Yoga19 - Wicked Big Cafe

Wander on Wingate!We invite you to explore the Wingate Street Arts District, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centrally located yet slightly tucked away.

Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown’s Washington Street, adventure awaits you!What ties it all together is our love of the Arts. Keep an eye out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city.Check out the exhibits in the various businesses; the Arts District supports local artists by inviting them to show and sell their work in a variety of venues. And watch for upcoming events... There is always something in the works on Wingate !



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Page 11: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements

For Adverti sing Informati on, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Adverti sing www.PilotBulleti

Good news.Good works.Good faith.

Boston Priests. There for us.

At Saint Stephen Parish in Framingham, the lively multicultural community with a strong Hispanic presence has become an extension of Fr. Francisco “Paco” Anzoategui’s family. “We may speak di�erent languages and have di�erent traditions, but we are not two separate communities,” said Fr. Paco. “We are one family of believers with the same faith, and we are united in a wonderful bond that we call our spiritual family.”

To help ensure a continuum of care for Fr. Paco and all our devoted priests who faithfully serve our Catholic family please support the special collection on September 17-18.

To see Fr. Paco’s full video story, visit

Meet Fr. Paco—Bringing Together the Parish Family

Clergy Health and Retirement TrustCaring for the Well-being of our PriestsClergy Health and Retirement TrustCaring for the Well-being of our Priests

Give online at or text PRIEST to 56512. Msg. & data rates may apply.

Page 12: 9~11~16 . 15 YEARS OF REMEMBRANCE · Business Manager — Ext 17 978-686-0728 Mrs. Carol-Ann Ramirez Assistant to the Pastor— Ext 10 Previous arrangements

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Our Lady of Good Counsel, Methuen, MA 21516

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