Download - 9 Weather Idioms in Portuguese You Need To Know



Chover canivete Literally: rain pocketnife

Meaning: raining cats and dogs

Onde o vento faz a curva Literally: where the wind makes a curve

Meaning: a very far place


Quebrar o gelo Literally: break the ice

Meaning: to start a conversation

Águas passadas não movem moinhos Literally: past waters don't power mills

Meaning: don’t worry about things of the past.

Tapar o sol com a peneira Literally: Cover the sun with the sieve

Meaning: to sugar-coat

Chover no molhado Literally: rain in the wet

Meaning: take sand to the beach

Estar com a cabeça nas nuvens Literally: to have one's head in the clouds

Meaning: (same meaning as in English)

Tirar o cavalinho da chuva Literally: take your horse out of the rain

Meaning: don't hold your breath

Fazer tempestade num copo d'água Literally: make a storm in a glass of water

Meaning: make a mountain out of a molehill Photo by Juliana Coutinho Flickr CC