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9 tips to have a great smile

By David Traub

Dentistry Guide

Page 2: 9 Tips to get a better smile

9. Electronic Tooth Brush

Electronic toothbrushes can clean more thoroughly and many of them even have a timer so you won’t brush your teeth for a short period of time.

Buy one with a removable head rather than a fixed one so you can get longer use out of it.

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Electronic toothbrush and floss

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8. Use dental floss every day

It is firmly established in people’s minds that brushing twice a day can help guard against gum disease.

However, flossing often gets over looked despite several studies concluding that using floss to clean between teeth is more effective at reducing gingivitis than tooth-brushing alone.

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7. Drink your way to good oral health

Your teeth are under attack for about an hour after you consume a fizzy drink, tooth decay and dental erosion can often result from excessive exposure to sugar.

All dentists agree that water and milk are both far more kind to teeth than those sugar-laden liquids which come in cans.

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6. Give up smoking

If you don’t actually smoke skip to the next slide, if you do smoke take a look at this!

Using nicotine products increases your risk of staining your teeth yellow and suffering from gum disease and tooth-loss.

If you need any further motivation bear in mind that a survey conducted by National No Smoking Day found that 57% of people are put off by the idea of kissing someone with smoker’s breath

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Smoking causes mouth diseases also!

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5. Establish a routine

Try to get a daily routine in place so that looking after your teeth becomes a second nature.

Your routine should include brushing your teeth at least twice a day and waiting a while after eating or drinking before picking up the tooth brush.

Brushing too soon after a meal might damage your teeth as this when your enamel is at its most vulnerable.

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Brush your teeth twice a day!

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4. Book a dentist’s appointment

Just because you feel no pain in your mouth doesn’t mean that you don’t have tooth decay or other dental problems.

That’s why it’s always best to see your dentist regularly so that problems can be detected in an early stage when they are easier to treat.

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3. Check out teeth-whitening

Home whitening involves molds of your teeth being taken so that teeth whitening trays can be constructed and used at home.

In-office whitening normally involves teeth-whitening gel being applied to your teeth before the light of a powerful lamp is directed at your mouth.

The procedure, which takes place in the dentist’s chair, normally takes about 90 minutes.

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Check with your dentist at least twice a year!

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2. Consider cosmetic treatment

Teeth-whitening is just one of many popular modern dental treatments which are available. Others include procedures involving veneers, crown and aligners.

Braces are also popular and thanks to technology, they are now far more discreet than they were in the previous years.

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1. Don’t worry be happy!

And the most obvious way to improve your smile is being happy.

Be healthy, enjoy your life and let the world see your smile!

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Further Information

For further information about dental care in a dental guide way go to

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