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9th Grade Regents Review

Mrs. Meaney

Global 10

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Early Peoples

• The earliest people lived during the Old Stone Age, also called the Paleolithic Age, which began more than 2 million years ago.

• Paleolithic peoples were nomads, who moved from place to place in search of food.

• Migration – A group of people moving together.

• Migration led to cultural diffusion which means the exchange of ideas, customs and goods among cultures.

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Neolithic Revolution

• Neolithic Revolution – Time period marked by the start of farming leading to the creation of permanent settlements.

• The Neolithic Revolution led to the creation of Permanent Settlements, New Social Classes and New Technology.

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The Rise of Civilization

What are the five characteristics of a civilization? (ASCAR)

1. Advanced Technology

2. Specialized Workers

3. Complex Institutions

4. Advanced Cities

5. Record Keeping

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River Valley CivilizationsEgypt:

Geography – Nile River, Silt (Gift of the Nile)

Predictable – July overflows, October recedes

Social Structure – pharaohs, priests, nobles, merchants, peasants, slaves

Notable Accomplishments – mummification, pyramids, surgery, calendar, hieroglyphics

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Mesopotamia(The Fertile Crescent):

Geography – Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, SiltUnpredictable – Did not know when rivers would

overflowSocial Structure – City States were divided into social

classes (upper, middle, lower)Notable Accomplishments – wheeled vehicles, irrigation,

cuneiform, algebra and geometry, Hammurabi’s Code (ruler of Babylonian Empire)

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Geography – Indus and Ganges, Silt, subcontinent, monsoons (seasonal winds)

Unpredictable - Did not know when rivers would overflow

Social Structure – Mostly farmers, little is known because we cannot translate writing

Notable Accomplishments – Cities: Harappa and Mohenjo Daro, Roads were laid

out in a grid pattern, indoor plumbing

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China:Geography – Yellow and Yangtze, Silt

Unpredictable - Did not know when rivers would overflow

Social Structure – Noble Warriors, Merchants, Peasants (Feudal Society)

Notable Accomplishments – Written language including 10,000 characters

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Classical CivilizationsChina:

A. Zhou Dynasty: Helped establish the Mandate of Heaven which is the right to rule given by gods.Contributions: 1st books, calendar, astronomy, silk fabric.

B. Qin Dynasty: Accomplishments include the Great Wall of China

C. Han Dynasty: government was a civil service system, society was based on the teaching of Confucius, accomplishments include paper, wheel barrow, acupuncture and ivory carvings.

D. Three causes of the fall of the Han were that they were unable to control warlords, economy suffered due to unmaintained roadways, they were overthrown by warlords.

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A. Geography – India is a sub-continent, the varied geography made India difficult to unite.

B. Aryans – The Aryans were Indo-European warriors who moved from Asia to Europe. The Vedas was a collection of sacred writings.

C. Mauryan Empire – The government was a Bureaucracy (divided into departments and run by officials). Asoka’s Legacy was that tolerance united diverse people and brought peace. The accomplishments included a united India, spread of Buddhism, schools and libraries.

D. Gupta Empire – Government was made up of a strong central government and powerful leaders. The caste system was a rigid social class system. The Untouchables were the lowest caste. Contributions include the decimal system, herbal medicine and folktales (written in sanskrit).

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Greece:A. Geography: islands, harbors,

mountainous terrain, land was not arable, isolation led to the creation of different city-states.

B. City-State: smaller than a country but larger than a city.

C. Sparta: Military based society, boys began training for a life in the military at age 7. During the Peloponnesian War, Sparta declared war on Athens and crushed the Athenian Empire.

D. Athens: Cultural center of Greece, Direct Democracy (males participated in govt., women and slaves did not participate).

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Greece continued:

E. Philosophers: Socrates (Socratic method, question everything), Plato (government should control people’s lives and social classes), Aristotle (people learned through reason).

F. Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture: Alexander the Great (empire builder through military conquest, spread Greek culture = cultural diffusion), Hellenistic Culture (Persian, Indian, Greek and Egyptian).

G. Greek and Hellenistic Contributions: Plays (drama and comedy), Epic Poems (Homer), Parthenon (columns), right triangle, pi

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Rome:A. The geography of the Roman Empire

played an important role in its history because it helped with unification due to its central location in the Mediterranean Sea. There were few natural barriers.

B. The Roman Republic was the governing body of Rome with three branches (similar to the US). The officials are chosen by the people, most powerful body is the Senate.

C. The Patricians were the upper class.D. The Plebeians were the lower class.E. The Pax Romana was 200 years of

peace in Rome.

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Roman Contributions:

• Law: created stability (basis for system of justice today), 12 tables (written laws).

• Art and Architecture: borrowed from Greeks (arches, domes, pillars), Coliseum, murals, realism (portraits).

• Engineering: Aqueducts (carried water to the cities).

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Four Causes of the Fall of Rome:

1. Invasion – Huns

2. Economy – Inflation (prices went up)

3. Military – Mercenaries (armed forces)

4. Politics – movement of capital to Constantinople (because of location between

Asia and Europe)

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Belief Systems:

Animism and Shintoism

1. Polytheistic (belief in more than one God)

2. No founder

3. Major Beliefs – all living and non living things in nature have a spirit, spirits of ancestors could impact life in a positive or negative way.

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Hinduism (India)

1. Polytheistic2. No one founder3. Major Beliefs: Brahman (universal spirit),

Reincarnation (soul is reborn), Karma (cleanliness of soul), Dharma (moral duties), Accepts Caste System.

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Buddhism1. No Gods2. Founder: Siddhartha Guatama

“Buddha” 3. Major Beliefs: Four Noble Truths

(central philosophy, desires), Eightfold Path, Nirvana (paradise), Reincarnation, Rejects the Caste System.

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Confucianism1. Philosophy

2. Founder: Confucius

3. Major Beliefs: The Analects (book containing Confucius’ teachings), 5 Relationships (ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, older brother and younger brother, friend and friend), Filial Piety ( respect for your elders).

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Daoism1. Philosophy

2. Founder: Laozi

3. Major Beliefs: Live in harmony with nature, Learn “the way” of the universe, Yin-Yang.

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1. Monotheistic2. Founder: Abraham3. Major Beliefs: Torah

(sacred text), Ten Commandments, Prophets (spiritual leaders).

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Christianity1. Monotheistic

2. Founder: Jesus

3. Major Beliefs: Bible (Sacred Text), Teachings of Jesus, Ten Commandments.

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Islam1. Monotheistic2. Founder: Muhammad3. Major Beliefs: Koran

(Sacred Text), Five Pillars of Holiness (“There is one God Allah and Muhammad is his prophet”, pray 5 times a day facing Mecca, Give Charity, Fast during the holy month of Ramadan, and take a hajj to Mecca)

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Tang and Song Dynasties1. During this time in China

the social structure was strict (a strict social pyramid). Gentry (top), peasants (middle), merchants (bottom).

2. Contributions to literature and arts: calligraphy, pagodas and porcelain.

3. The Chinese used Korea as a bridge to expand their culture into Japan.

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Byzantine Empire and Russia1. The Mediterranean Sea linked the Byzantine

Empire.2. The Byzantine Empire preserved the culture of the

Greek and Roman empires.3. Justinian was the Byzantine Emperor from 527 to

565.4. Justinian’s Code was the “Civil Law” including

legal writings and a student handbook.5. The Hagia Sophia was a church in

Constantinople. 6. A mosaic is a picture or design formed by stone

or other material. 7. The Orthodox Christian Church was the Christian

Church of the Byzantine Empire. 8. A schism is a split in the church.9. The 1st Russian state was established in 800’s

around the city of Kiev.10. The Russians adopted written language,

Orthodox Christianity, Art and Architecture from the Byzantine Empire.

11. A czar is autocratic Russian leaders.

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Islamic Civilization1. A caliph is the

successor to Muhammad.

2. Islam spread to Middle East, North Africa, India, Spain, Sicily and Southeast Asia.

Art- Non religious subjects- Domes and Arches

Literature-Koran is most important

Learning- Algebra- Astronomy- Translate Greek writings

Medicine-Creation of hospitals and emergency rooms- Study Diseases- Require testing for doctors

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Medieval Europe/Middle Ages/Dark Ages

1. The geography of Europe influenced the time period because of vast natural resources, location which led to spreading of Christianity and Roman ideas.

2. The Franks were successful, powerful tribe in France.

3. Charlemagne, a Frankish King built an empire that stretched across modern-day France, Germany and part of Italy.

4. Feudalism is a political system of loyalty and social classes in Europe.

5. Chivalry is a code of behavior for knights.

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6. The basis for medieval economy was manorialism, an economic system structured around a lord’s estate.

7. Most peasants who lived on the manor were serfs.

8. The church was the only unifying force during medieval life. It also preserved learning.

9. Secular means separated from the church.10. People who became nuns or monks and

devoted themselves to Christianity entered monasteries.

11. Jews were persecuted, Anti-Semitism grew.

12. Gothic Style of architecture: used pointed arches, flying buttresses, stone supports, and stained glass.

13. The bubonic plague, also called the Black Plague, was a highly contagious disease spread by rats that spread during the Middle Ages.

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The Crusades

1. Causes: increase the Pope’s power, sins forgiven, gain wealth, travel and excitement, escape oppression (serfs).

2. Effects: increased trade (cultural diffusion), encouraged learning, Pope ultimately lost some influence, Feudalism weakened.

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Japan1. Geography: mountainous,

difficult to farm, islands led to isolation/ sometimes acted as protection.

2. Writing – adopted the Chinese system

Buddhism- Zen Buddhism (peace, nature)

Confucianism – family loyalty

Customs – Tea ceremonies, gardening

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3. The feudalism of Japan was similar to feudalism in Medieval Europe.

4. A shogun is the highest military commander.

5. Daimyo are landlords (vassals).

6. Samurai are warriors.

7. Bushido is the code of behavior of a samurai.

8. The Tokugawa Shogunate was known for bringing peace and stability to Japan for almost 300 years.

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The Mongols1. Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes in

central Asia in the steppe.2. The Mongols invaded Eastern Europe and

even reached the Byzantine Empire.3. Kublai Khan, conquered China. He founded

the Yuan dynasty.4. The Mughal Dynasty ruled India from 1526 –

1857.5. Akbar the Great was the greatest Mughal

leader.6. Pax Mongolia is the period of stability for the

Mongols.7. The Mongols declined because the land was

too large and diverse, and had little experience governing.

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The Renaissance1. Renaissance means “rebirth”. It was a golden

age in the arts, literature and science.2. Humanism is a movement in which thinkers

studied classical texts and focused on human potential.

4. (skip to 4) The printing press was such an important development because literacy increased, books are cheaper and available and ideas spread quickly.

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Italian Artist, architect, “David”, Pieta, Sistine Chapel


Italian Artist, David at Bargello (bronze statue)

William Shakespeare

English author, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet

Leonardo da Vinci

Italian Artist, scientist, Vitruvian Man


Italian author, The Divine Comedy

Niccolo Machiavelli

Italian philosopher, father of political science, wrote the “Prince”

Raphael Santi

Italian artist, School of Athens

Miguel Cervantes

Spanish author

Geoffrey Chaucer

English author, Canterbury Tales

Johann Gutenberg

German inventor of the printing press

Galileo Galilei

Italian inventor of the telescope

Nicolas Copernicus

Polish scientist

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Sistine Chapel

Vitruvian Man

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The Protestant Reformation1. Causes: Renaissance, problems with the

church (corruption)2. Martin Luther was a German monk who led the

reformation, founded Lutheranism.3. The 95 Theses were Luther’s list of

complaints/problems with the church.4. John Calvin was a French reformer who

founded Calvinism.5. The Counter – Reformation was the movement

that took place within the Catholic Church to answer the Reformation.

6. The Council of Trent was a meeting called by Pope Paul III to guide the reform movement.

7. Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuits.8. Effects: religious and political divisions,

religious wars, Holy Roman Emperor was weakened.

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West African Civilizations

Civilization Years Religion Contributions

Ghana 800 – 1000 Animism

Gold and Salt trade


1200 – 1450


Gold and Salt trade, Timbuktu becomes center of learning and



1450 - 1600


Gold and Salt trade, Largest

W. African state

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Mesoamerican Civilizations

Civilization Years Contributions Decline

Mayas 300 – 900

Farming, pyramid temples, 365-day calendar

Mayas abandoned cities for no

known reason

Aztecs 1200 – 1500

Aqueducts, medicine, dentistry, floating gardens

Cortes and the Spanish

Incas 1400 - 1500

Record keeping, 12,000 miles of roads (tunnels and bridges), Temple of Sun

Pizzaro and the Spanish

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Ming Dynasty

1. China traditionally thought of itself as the Middle Kingdom.

2. Ming rulers brought back the civil service system to reform the government. Confucian learning became important once again.

3. Zeng He, a Chinese admiral, established trade links in Asia in the 1400’s.

4. Art and Architecture: landscape paintings, porcelain jars, Confucian poetry.

5. How did China influence Korea?: celadon glaze for porcelain.

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The Ottoman Empire

1. The Ottoman’s were able to expand into Eastern Europe due to effective military strategies and well armed forces.

2. The Byzantine capital of Constantinople was changed to Istanbul.

3. Sulieman the Magnificent ruled the empire from 1520 to 1566 and used the title Sultan.

4. Millets are religious communities of non-Muslims.5. Janissaries are members of an elite force in the

Ottoman Empire.6. Muslims houses of worship are called Mosques.7. Reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire:

Internal disorder, European advances.

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Age of Exploration1. Printing Press – Information spread

more quickly.Gunpowder – Helped the Europeans win control of various regions.Maps – Aid further exploration.Astrolabe: determines direction

3. (skip the chart for now) Conquistador – Spanish explorer and conqueror.

4. Effects of slave trade: 11 million Africans sent to America, local African wars.

5. Encomienda System: Spanish social class system in Latin America.

6. Columbian Exchange: global exchange of people, plants, animals, ideas and technology.

7. European nations adopted the new economic policy of mercantilism.

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Prince Henry


Vasco da Gama

Portugal, traveled to India

Bartholomew Dias

Portugal, Sailed to Cape of Good Hope (Africa)

Christopher Columbus

Spain, Discovered the Americas

Ferdinand Magellan

Spain, circumnavigated the globe

Henry Hudson

Dutch, Northwest Passage

Hernando Cortes

Spain, conquered Aztecs

Francisco Pizzaro

Spain, conquered the Incas

Amerigo Vespucci

Italy, cartographer and explored

S. America

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Leader Country Policies/AccomplishmentsAkbar the

GreatIndia Expanded empire, promoted diversity,

modernized the army, encouraged trade

Ivan the Terrible

Russia Harsh ruler, slaughtered rebellious nobles, extreme absolutist

Peter the Great

Russia Centralized Russian royal power, westernized Russia

Philip II Spain Divine Right, god given right to rule

Frederick I Prussia Holy Roman Emperor, united empire, enlightened despot (dictator)

Maria Theresa Austria Improved the tax system by using Enlightenment ideas, established primary education

Louis XIV France “The Sun King”, built palace of Versailles, disciplined army, persecuted Protestants

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1. Oliver Cromwell was a military commander who established English Commonwealth.

2. The restoration was when Charles II was invited to take the throne.

3. The Glorious Revolution was non-violent overthrow of British King James II by William and Mary.

4. The English Bill of Rights is a set of laws that gives Parliament superiority over the King/Queen.

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Scientific Revolution1. Geocentric means the sun

revolves around the earth (earth is the center).

2. Heliocentric means sun is the center.

3. The scientific method was created by Descartes and Bacon and focused on experimentation and observation rather than on past authorities.