Download - 9-10/4/03AK1 Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer Ghent, Belgium 9-10 April 2003 Andrej Kranjc Ministry of the Environment, Spatial.

Page 1: 9-10/4/03AK1 Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer Ghent, Belgium 9-10 April 2003 Andrej Kranjc Ministry of the Environment, Spatial.

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology

transfertransferGhent, BelgiumGhent, Belgium

9-10 April 20039-10 April 2003

Andrej KranjcAndrej KranjcMinistry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and EnergyMinistry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy


Page 2: 9-10/4/03AK1 Workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer Ghent, Belgium 9-10 April 2003 Andrej Kranjc Ministry of the Environment, Spatial.

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


What is technology transfer?What is technology transfer?

““Technology transfer is a broad set of processes Technology transfer is a broad set of processes covering the flows of know-how, experience and covering the flows of know-how, experience and equipment for mitigating and adapting to climate equipment for mitigating and adapting to climate change amongst different stakeholders such as change amongst different stakeholders such as governments, private sector entities, financial governments, private sector entities, financial institutions, NGOs and research/education institutions, NGOs and research/education institutions.”institutions.”

(IPCC SR: Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer)(IPCC SR: Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer)

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


What is the role of technology transfer in addressing What is the role of technology transfer in addressing climate change?climate change?

““Achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC will Achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC will require technological innovation and the rapid and require technological innovation and the rapid and widespread transfer and implementation of widespread transfer and implementation of technologies for mitigation of GHG emissions. technologies for mitigation of GHG emissions. Transfer of technology for adaptation to climate Transfer of technology for adaptation to climate change is also an important element of reducing change is also an important element of reducing vulnerability to climate change.”vulnerability to climate change.”

(IPCC SR: Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer)(IPCC SR: Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer)

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


Three major steps in technology transfer:Three major steps in technology transfer:

1. Technology needs assessment1. Technology needs assessment

2. Creating enabling environments2. Creating enabling environments

3. Transfer/deployment of a given technology3. Transfer/deployment of a given technology

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


Decision 4/CP.7:Decision 4/CP.7:

““The enabling environment component focuses on The enabling environment component focuses on government actions, such as fair trade policies, government actions, such as fair trade policies, removal of technical, legal and administrative barriers removal of technical, legal and administrative barriers to technology transfer, sound economic policy, to technology transfer, sound economic policy, regulatory frameworks and transparency, all of which regulatory frameworks and transparency, all of which create an environment conducive to private and create an environment conducive to private and public sector technology transfer.”public sector technology transfer.”

For developed and developing countries and for IETs!For developed and developing countries and for IETs!

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


Ten dimensions of enabling environments:Ten dimensions of enabling environments:1. National systems of innovation 6. National legal institutions1. National systems of innovation 6. National legal institutions

2. Social infrastructure and 2. Social infrastructure and 7. Codes, standards and 7. Codes, standards and

participatory approaches participatory approaches certification certification

3. Human and institutional 3. Human and institutional 8. Equity considerations 8. Equity considerations

capacities capacities 9. Rights to productive 9. Rights to productive

4. Macroeconomic policy 4. Macroeconomic policy resources resources

frameworks frameworks 10. Research and technology 10. Research and technology

5. Sustainable markets 5. Sustainable markets development development

(IPCC SR: Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer)(IPCC SR: Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer)

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


More focus on three out of ten dimensions:More focus on three out of ten dimensions:

3. Human and institutional capacities3. Human and institutional capacities

Capacity building is required at all stages in the process Capacity building is required at all stages in the process of technology transfer. Must ensure there is a broad of technology transfer. Must ensure there is a broad national commitment to environmentally sound national commitment to environmentally sound technologies and that those most appropriate for technologies and that those most appropriate for national circumstances are selected. national circumstances are selected.

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


More focus on three out of ten dimensions: (cont’d.)More focus on three out of ten dimensions: (cont’d.)

6. National legal institutions6. National legal institutions

Governments must strengthen national legal institutions Governments must strengthen national legal institutions for intellectual property protection; strengthen for intellectual property protection; strengthen administrative and law processes to assure administrative and law processes to assure transparency, participation in regulatory policy-transparency, participation in regulatory policy-making, and independent review; and strengthen making, and independent review; and strengthen legal institutions to reduce institutions to reduce risks.

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


More focus on three out of ten dimensions: (cont’d.)More focus on three out of ten dimensions: (cont’d.)

8. Equity considerations8. Equity considerations

The principle of cost-effective reduction should not be The principle of cost-effective reduction should not be uncritically applied in all cases, but rather be examined uncritically applied in all cases, but rather be examined on a case by case basis to see what the social impacts on a case by case basis to see what the social impacts will be. Governments should develop criteria for will be. Governments should develop criteria for ensuring that technology transfer projects do not ensuring that technology transfer projects do not disempower or negatively influence weaker social disempower or negatively influence weaker social groups in a society.groups in a society.

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Workshop on enabling Workshop on enabling environments for technology environments for technology


Impact of joining EU on technology transfer in EITs:Impact of joining EU on technology transfer in EITs:

Expected to be positive from different perspectives:Expected to be positive from different perspectives:

- strengthening national legal institutions by the - strengthening national legal institutions by the transposition of acquis communautaire;transposition of acquis communautaire;

- strengthening human and institutional capacities - strengthening human and institutional capacities during accession process;during accession process;

- access to several EU programmes, e.g. LIFE for - access to several EU programmes, e.g. LIFE for environment and nature, ALTENER and SAVE for environment and nature, ALTENER and SAVE for energy, SOCRATES for education,, SOCRATES for education, etc.