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Teenager Documentary Presentation – Script

Slide 1Adam - This is a presentation for a documentary about the unfair representation of teenagers in the media.

Slide 2Oliver - The documentary will be called “Teenage Dirtbags”, a one off, hour long show highlighting the way that teenagers are unfairly represented in television, film and the news. The aim being to make the older generations think differently on how they might currently view the teenagers of this world.

Dan - Currently the media are representing teenagers, but not in a fair way. The generalisation is that the representation of teenagers applies to all, however this is most certainly not the case.

Slide 2&3Adam – The USP is that the aim of this show is to tackle the issue and ask the questions people are scared of asking, so who will we use to ask these questions? (SLIDE TRANSITION) Louis Theroux. Why? He has a track record of putting himself in difficult situations and getting answers out of hard to break people. These people will include people such as school kids, college students apprentice workers army and cadets, to get primary research from the actual teenagers themselves, then ask the people who push forward against these stereotypes, Such as the BBC which we will get to later on and company employers as well as the older generation and police.

Slide 4Oliver - Channel broadcast on ITV. It will also be shown after the watershed because of the older demographic means it can have more content of a mature nature in it and display the realties of the issue rather than sugar coat it for an audience that aren't out intended one

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aswell as being prime time viewing at a 9PM slot, moreover this is a good time slot because it is on ITV, and therefore the channel will roll onto this program from a high viewing figure show before it which usually is shown on ITV at 7pm or 8pm such as the X Factor. And finally it must comply with the valid rules and regulations along with OFCOM ruling so that the program is viewable for live television airing

Slide 5&6Dan – Do you know who they are?17 year old Caitlin Lewis saved the life of one year old Tallulah after she was choking on a hard boiled sweet. After having to wait too long for the ambulance she ran out on the street and desperately asked for help. She ran over to the the girl then used her skills she learnt from army cadets to save her life.

Slide 7&8Oliver - Lydia Ko at 17 became the number 1 ranked woman professional golfer in 2015. The youngest player of any gender to be number one. She still is the number 1 golfer.

Slide 9&10Adam - At the age of 18 Marcus Rashford represented his club and country by scoring both on his club and international debut. Also after scoring against Arsenal on his club league debut the next day he went back to school.

Slide 11Dan - Demos analysed six different British newspapers from 2004 to 2014 and these were the most common words: Binging, Yob and Criminal.

Slide 12Oliver – However the words that should be describing these three teenagers are: Winner, Champion and Hero. (say in time with transitions)

Slide 13Dan – Two thirds of 14 to 17 year olds believe negative stereotypes are ruining their job prospects and self esteem.

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Meaning over half of teenagers believe their careers could potentially be ruined due to ideologies and disrespect in the media Four out of five feel unfairly represented within the Media.When secondary school teachers were asked to paint a picture of teenagers, the characteristics they associated with them were; Caring, Enthusiastic and Hard-WorkingThe Media however use the words Binge drinkers, yobs and criminals. A start contrast between the two different definitions, one coming from someone who works with teenagers on a daily basis and the other is one that just assumes what teenagers are like on a daily basis, the difference being. The one that assumes has a more influential impact on the population.

Slide 14 - StyleOliver - The documentary will consist of number of interviews, to show peoples opinions, mixed with examples from various media sectors such as: - Television Shows - Films - News ArticlesSome of the examples that will be shown in the documentary are as follows:

Jessie James slideAdam - Jessie was a 15 year old boy from Manchester who was gunned down in Moss Side, Manchester.

In the Guardian article about his death, the writer had to define that the kid had absolutely no ties to gangs at all.The fact that this had to be clarified shows the assumption reading it that this kid was part of a gang just because he was a young black teenager.

His case is still not solved to this day.

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Film and TV ClipsOliver – Moving away from the news and press now and into film, initially with attack the block.

Oliver – Attack the blockDan – Bad NeighboursOliver - Catherine Tate ShowAdam – Harry Enfield

Adam – BOTH TV shows were both broadcasted and produced by the BBC.Are teenagers not in their interests to be represented fair? After all it is their job to represent everyone, due to the TV licensing

ConclusionOliver – To conclude our finsdings and pitch we think we have a strong pitch and something with a lot of potential for high viewing figures.

1st point; Enough evidence our snippet of research shows that there is an issue and we have the proof and this can lead t ointerviews and more digging about the subject

Adam – Second point is that we have the best pulling power, we are on a freeview channel, we have a famous host, we have confrontations with people during interviews, we have a controversial topic.

Dan – And finally a slot during prime time TV directly after a big ITV show which usually airs just before 9pm,