Download - 823 Bulletin Issue 16-44 20130512

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Rotary Club of Magill Sunrise Page | 1

The weather made sure it was a quieter market on Sunday but club enthusiasm shone bright at our

Mothers’ Day Market. Thanks to all who helped out on the day, it was good to see so many of you there.

Talking of seeing people it was great to see Wayne and Christine Abbott there doing a bit of shopping.

Hopefully they will be back at our meetings soon. After an initial shower the sun came out and so did a

steady flow of customers who knew where to bag a Mother’s Day bargain. We even ran a Mothers’ Day

raffle which was won by one of our stallholders, Shelly Craig from Butterflies and Beetles, a worthy winner

seeing she is a mother of 4.

We were lucky to have D’arcy Lunn from The Global Poverty Project speak to us about their End of Polio

campaign at our meeting on Tuesday. He gave us an amazing update to a program that is synonymous with

Rotary International, the End Polio Now campaign.

D’arcy has spent the last 13 years, travelling the world, teaching and working in developing countries such


• Canada – With Dr Bob Scott promoting Polio advocacy

• Pakistan – Looking at Polio programs there, working with Rotaract vaccinating people

He told us how The Global Poverty Project works with organizations supporting them and their Polio

projects like Rotary’s End Polio Now Project. We heard some statistics that are amazing in how we have

nearly eradicated this disease from the planet but also heard that the threat will always be there as long as 1

person has the disease. For example:

• We are down to the last 1% of people to be vaccinated in countries like Nigeria, Afghanistan and


• Last year 232 cases of Polio were recorded world wide

• This year saw the 1st outbreak of Polio in Somalia since 2008

• There was a shortfall of $1 Billion in funding last year alone which partly equates to 144 Million

vaccinations not being produced

He left us with the thought that “small actions by many people will make a change”.....I think change is

good!! An insightful presentation on a program that sometimes gets overlooked, thanks for coming in D’arcy

and reminding us that there is still plenty of work to be done.

P.S.....Happy 17th

Birthday RC Magill Sunrise!! President Greg

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6pm – 7pm

Function Room

Tower Hotel Magill

Pay As You Go

Dinner Afterwards Is Optional

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Australian History

1855 – Australia's first branch of the Royal Mint (London) commences operations in Sydney.

World History

1948 – The State of Israel is proclaimed.

1973 – Skylab I is launched.

Thought for the Day 1: Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the

most live the longest.

Thought for the Day 2: The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to

the left.

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It was Round 7 and 7 games correct with a 7 point margin had Greg Schuetze in 7th heaven. The

Magill Club President led from the front this week. Many found it a tough week, with 11 people

failing to score as well as the tippers who forgot to submit tips this week.

Meanwhile, it’s currently tight at the top of the leader-board with only 3 points separating the top

half of the field. To date there has been a lot of focus on the top score. For something different

this week, the prize will go to the best (lowest) “Margin” from the West Coast v North Melbourne

game (ie. the difference between your selected margin and the actual margin for the game,

regardless of who wins). Your total tips will only be used if a tie-breaker is required.

The scores will be a tie-breaker if required. So pick your Friday night margin with care. Good luck.

Editor’s Note: You can always download an algorithm from the net to help come up with the

solution to Lindsay’s ‘something different this week’.

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Greg - for getting confused as to which 70th birthday celebration was first, Kevin's or Ian's.

Mark M - for going to the kitchen looking for serviettes the put on the tables this morning, only to

be reminded that they were already on the tables - and he'd put them there.

Bronny & Licaria - for getting to the meeting on time.

Me - for being late.

President Greg - for winning the footy tipping this week.

John K & Julie - for both separately trying to coerce Bronny into saying her 'Glasses to the bar'

speech early, for the sake of a bingo square.

Mina - cross fined by Mark M for running in the Mother's Day Classic and still making it to the

Market in time for her shift

Mark M - paid for the speaker he had to endure at another club's meeting

All of the sons and daughters who didn't see their mothers (or mothers in their lives) on Mothers’


Fines this Week: $40.65

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Greg SchuetzeGreg SchuetzeGreg SchuetzeGreg Schuetze

Licaria ScheepersLicaria ScheepersLicaria ScheepersLicaria Scheepers

Tuesday 6.50 for 7.00amTuesday 6.50 for 7.00amTuesday 6.50 for 7.00amTuesday 6.50 for 7.00am

Hectorville Sporting Club, Fisher Street, MagillHectorville Sporting Club, Fisher Street, MagillHectorville Sporting Club, Fisher Street, MagillHectorville Sporting Club, Fisher Street, Magill

[email protected]@[email protected]

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6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm CampbelltownCampbelltownCampbelltownCampbelltown Athelstone Football ClubAthelstone Football ClubAthelstone Football ClubAthelstone Football Club 150 George St, Paradise150 George St, Paradise150 George St, Paradise150 George St, Paradise

1.00pm1.00pm1.00pm1.00pm NorwoodNorwoodNorwoodNorwood Norwood Town HallNorwood Town HallNorwood Town HallNorwood Town Hall George Street, NorwoodGeorge Street, NorwoodGeorge Street, NorwoodGeorge Street, Norwood 6.15pm6.15pm6.15pm6.15pm St PeterísSt PeterísSt PeterísSt Peterís Kensington HotelKensington HotelKensington HotelKensington Hotel 23 Regent St, Kensington23 Regent St, Kensington23 Regent St, Kensington23 Regent St, Kensington 6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm Kent TownKent TownKent TownKent Town The Royal HotelThe Royal HotelThe Royal HotelThe Royal Hotel 2 North Tce, Kent Town2 North Tce, Kent Town2 North Tce, Kent Town2 North Tce, Kent Town 6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm UnleyUnleyUnleyUnley Unley Sports ClubUnley Sports ClubUnley Sports ClubUnley Sports Club 39 Oxford Tce, Unley39 Oxford Tce, Unley39 Oxford Tce, Unley39 Oxford Tce, Unley

7.15am7.15am7.15am7.15am EastwoodEastwoodEastwoodEastwood Royal Coach Motor InnRoyal Coach Motor InnRoyal Coach Motor InnRoyal Coach Motor Inn 24 24 24 24 Dequetteville Tce, Kent TownDequetteville Tce, Kent TownDequetteville Tce, Kent TownDequetteville Tce, Kent Town 6.15pm6.15pm6.15pm6.15pm Hyde ParkHyde ParkHyde ParkHyde Park Hyde Park TavernHyde Park TavernHyde Park TavernHyde Park Tavern Park St & King William Rd, Hyde ParkPark St & King William Rd, Hyde ParkPark St & King William Rd, Hyde ParkPark St & King William Rd, Hyde Park 6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm BurnsideBurnsideBurnsideBurnside The Feathers HotelThe Feathers HotelThe Feathers HotelThe Feathers Hotel Glynburn Road, BurnsideGlynburn Road, BurnsideGlynburn Road, BurnsideGlynburn Road, Burnside 6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm MitchamMitchamMitchamMitcham Edinburgh HotelEdinburgh HotelEdinburgh HotelEdinburgh Hotel High Street, MitchamHigh Street, MitchamHigh Street, MitchamHigh Street, Mitcham 6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm MorialtaMorialtaMorialtaMorialta The Rezz HotelThe Rezz HotelThe Rezz HotelThe Rezz Hotel 20 Hamilton Tce, Newton20 Hamilton Tce, Newton20 Hamilton Tce, Newton20 Hamilton Tce, Newton

No MeetingsNo MeetingsNo MeetingsNo Meetings

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The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of a worthy enterprise aThe Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of a worthy enterprise aThe Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of a worthy enterprise aThe Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of a worthy enterprise and in particular to encourage and fosternd in particular to encourage and fosternd in particular to encourage and fosternd in particular to encourage and foster

The development of acquaintance as an opportunity The development of acquaintance as an opportunity The development of acquaintance as an opportunity The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.for service.for service.for service.

High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occuHigh ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occuHigh ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occuHigh ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by every Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.pations; and the dignifying by every Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.pations; and the dignifying by every Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.pations; and the dignifying by every Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

The application of the ideal service The application of the ideal service The application of the ideal service The application of the ideal service by every Rotarian to their personal, business and community every Rotarian to their personal, business and community every Rotarian to their personal, business and community every Rotarian to their personal, business and community life.

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of buThe advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of buThe advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of buThe advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.siness and professional people united in the ideal of service.siness and professional people united in the ideal of service.siness and professional people united in the ideal of service.

The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the truth?Is it the truth?Is it the truth?Is it the truth? Is it Fair to all concerned?Is it Fair to all concerned?Is it Fair to all concerned?Is it Fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?Will it build goodwill and better friendships?Will it build goodwill and better friendships?Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?Will it be beneficial to all concerned?Will it be beneficial to all concerned?Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

For good food, good fellowshipFor good food, good fellowshipFor good food, good fellowshipFor good food, good fellowship And the opportunity to serve through RotaryAnd the opportunity to serve through RotaryAnd the opportunity to serve through RotaryAnd the opportunity to serve through Rotary

Öwe give thanks.Öwe give thanks.Öwe give thanks.Öwe give thanks.