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8 Surprising Facts About Arthritis Most People Don’t Know

Have you or a family member been living with arthritis for a long time and think that you know everything about the disease? If you said yes, here are some facts that might leave you surprised.

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Not A Single Disease

Arthritis is a term used to refer to more than 100 different diseases which can affect muscles, soft tissues, or joints. Different types of arthritis include the following:

Psoriatic arthritis Juvenile arthritis Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Infectious arthritis Ankylosing Spondylitis The most common type of arthritis that affect Fort Myers residents include:

Fibromyalgia Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Osteoarthritis

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More Than Just Hands And Knees

So, you thought that osteoarthritis generally affect the hips, hands, or knees of a person. Well, did you know that this category of arthritis can also affect your toes and ankles? People in their 60’s and 70’s are more likely to be affected by this disease as compared to people who are in their early 30’s or 40’s.

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Animals Are Affected Too

Humans are not the only living beings that are affected by arthritis as a majority of animals also suffer from this disease during their lifetime. Dogs and cats are among the most common animals that develop this disease. They are generally affected by osteoarthritis, which causes cartilage breakdown, joint inflammation, and different pains experienced by humans. This pain can lead to loss of appetite, in turn leading to weight loss. However, apart from osteoarthritis, chances are that animals can also develop other types of arthritis.

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Injuries Can Increase The Risk Of Developing The Disease

Are you into sports or like to play a game just for fun? There’s a chance that the joints that have been injured are at a higher risk of developing arthritis. Fort Myers young adults with knee injuries are six times more prone to develop osteoarthritis in that particular joint as compared to individuals that haven’t been injured.

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Unusual Treatments

After years of treatment, Fort Myers residents are moving toward natural remedies, including some that are unusual, for the treatment of arthritis. They have turned to natural treatment methods because they wish to avoid surgery.

In Fort Myers, one of the more bizarre treatments that arthritis patients have tried comes from ants, bees, and snakes. Sounds outlandish? Well, according to a research conducted in Brazil in 2010, it was found that bee sting venom contains something that could actually relieve the signs and symptoms of arthritis.

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However, a less extreme and widely recognized natural remedy for treating arthritis pain is with the help of Chiropractic Care.

Arthritis is basically dysfunction of the joints, thus mobilization of the joints can help. Mobilizing them through manipulations can reduce the pain to a great extent. Licensed Fort Myers chiropractors are also known to treat muscle spasm associated with this disorder. While there is no typical cure for this disease, the pain can still be eased with the help of chiropractic care.

Therefore, you must consult an expert doctor when you first experience the symptoms. While you may be thinking that you are young and cannot be inflicted by arthritis, the diseases may be affecting your joints. So be careful and remember that early treatment is essential to manage arthritis.