Download - 8 Reasons your blog is failing and how to fix them.

Page 1: 8 Reasons  your blog is failing and how to fix them.


1 – Blogging Tips To Help You Make Money Online

Blogging Tips to Help You Make Money Online

Page 2: 8 Reasons  your blog is failing and how to fix them.


2 – Blogging Tips To Help You Make Money Online

Why Your Blog

Is Failing

And How You

Can Fix It!

Page 3: 8 Reasons  your blog is failing and how to fix them.


3 – Blogging Tips To Help You Make Money Online

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4 – Blogging Tips To Help You Make Money Online

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Read This First – Legal Stuff .......................................................................................................................... 5

Why Your Blog Is Going To Fail! .................................................................................................................... 6

Here are 8 reasons your blog will continue to fail if you don't address them now! .......................... 7

1. Your Blog Is Not Your Business. ................................................................................................... 7

2. You're not consistent. ..................................................................................................................... 7

3. Your Blog Marketing Is a NO NO! .............................................................................................. 8

4. You depend on FREE. .................................................................................................................... 9

5. You're blogging for Adsense. ......................................................................................................... 9

6. You don't have Enough Time. ....................................................................................................... 9

7. You Lack of Creativity. ................................................................................................................ 10

8. You're Not Social Enough. ........................................................................................................... 10

Things I wish I had known before I Started Blogging and want To Share with You. ................................... 13

What Traffic Level Do you need to start Monetizing Your Blog?................................................................ 18

Monetizing Your Blog Later. .................................................................................................................... 19

Downside to Early Blog Monetizing. ....................................................................................................... 19

Blog Monetization. .................................................................................................................................. 20

1. Adsense. .......................................................................................................................................... 20

2. Affiliate Program. ............................................................................................................................ 20

3. Direct Advert Placement. ................................................................................................................ 20

4. *Sell Your Own Product and Services*. .......................................................................................... 20

How to Become a Better Writer. ................................................................................................................ 21

1. Accept That Your Writing is bad. ............................................................................................... 21

2. Read Top Blogs. ............................................................................................................................ 22

3. Practice Every Day........................................................................................................................ 22

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5 – Blogging Tips To Help You Make Money Online

4. Write The Way You Speak. ......................................................................................................... 23

5. Like What you're doing. ............................................................................................................... 23

6. Read Books. ................................................................................................................................... 23

7. Keep a Journal Always. ................................................................................................................ 24

8. Don’t force it. ................................................................................................................................. 24

9. Create Your Rules. ........................................................................................................................ 24

Read This First – Legal Stuff

You’re NOT allowed to reproduce, reprint, modify or resell this guide or any part of it without express written permission from the author. You may distribute this eBook providing it is left unaltered. While the author of this guide has gone to great lengths to verify the information contained herein, the author along with any affiliates or partners assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions due to the ever changing landscape of the internet. You and only you are responsible for your success or any income you make or don't make, this book makes no promises nor comes with any warranty or guarantee as to income or your success in following the strategies and tactics contained herein. You understand that each individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, background, effort and motivation to work. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital. Any income statements, examples of earnings are only estimates of what you could possibly earn; we provide no guarantee that you will earn these amounts. You acknowledge that these are not to be considered as "average earnings" and you accept responsibility and the risk of not doing as well as any of the examples provided. Prior successes cannot be taken as an indication of future successes. Any and all links contained within are for educational purposes only, the content and data of linked websites is not the responsibility of the author or publisher nor will they be liable for any form of loss as a result of the using of the information within these linked websites. In addition any images or screenshots used are also for educational purposes only. You should assume that any and all links contained within this book are affiliate links, if you visit any of these links it may result in the downloading of a cookie file by your web browser, this in turn will allow us to receive some form of compensation if you make a purchase. We only recommend products that we believe will help you but despite this you should always do your own due diligence before making a purchase.

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6 – Blogging Tips To Help You Make Money Online

This book is not intended to form any sort of legal advice, for that you should seek the advice of a legal


Why Your Blog Is Going To Fail!

According to a source, there are more than 300 million blogs on the internet already, and about

70 to 80% of those figures are inactive blogs or better put they're complete failure. And the rest

30% too - about 15 to 25% of it doesn’t get more than 1,000 unique visits per months.

Only about 5% of total blogs on the internet get 99% of search engine traffic.

That's a very terrible stats if you ask me - if you don't want your blog to be in the 70 to 80% of

blogs that are categorize as inactive or the ones that get less than 1,000 visits a month’s then you

have to do more than what you're currently doing. You have to step up your game and stop doing

what you're doing at the moment; if you continue doing what you're doing, you will always get

same result.

Most people who took to blogging want to create a popular profitable blog; at least that was their

initial expectation and believes. And also, they are ready to put in the required work to see their

dream come true.

But what happen next?

After few months of hard work and serious blogging burns out fast, laziness

set in, they get frustrated and soon discover that most of what they're doing are absolutely waste

of time and energy.

The lack of reward to show for what you’re doing is the beginning of frustration and eventually

gets unmotivated. I know first-hand how this feeling could be, there were times I wish I could

just delete my blog and never come across anyone who will whisper the word "internet" in my


My early days into blogging was never an easy task (I still struggle even now) but at least I now

have a vision, plans and goals am working toward achieving in my blogging career.

The more you continue to blog without knowing the direction at which your blog is heading to,

the likely hood you're going to quit soon, and a major reason why your blog is going to fail.

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7 – Blogging Tips To Help You Make Money Online

If I should ask you reason(s) most bloggers fail to build their blog to where they had wanted it to probably will say "TRAFFIC".

Yes, that's what most people rant about and struggle with, but you know what?

Traffic isn't why your blog is going to fail, and I can say that again and again and again till you

completely agree with me. Getting 10,000 unique visitors a month doesn't guarantee you're going

to be making more money than the blog that generates 1,000 or even 500 unique visit a month.

So what the big deal then?

Here are 8 reasons your blog will continue to fail if you don't

address them now!

1. Your Blog Is Not Your Business.

Allow me to ask you a question......what is the meaning of a blog to you?

A hobby right?

Or an online journal or that online space where you express your thought and opinion?

If one of the above is your definition of what a blog is, then you probably will fall into one of

those categories of blogs that never live up to their full potentials.

The moment you start seeing your blog as an online company, office apartment or a rented shop

where you carry out your day-to-day business activities; your approach and strategy to blogging

will change for better because you will start focusing on what really matters and stop celebrating

in other metrics that really don't add value to your pocket.

Your blog is your business treats it as such! ASAP!

2. You're not consistent.

I know is hard to overcome this and that's the reason I made mention above that your blog is not

your business. Believe me if your blog remain a business to you, you will find all possible means

to be consistent and ever-present.

But since most blogger consider their blog as an online journal or hobby - they write only when

they feel like writing. If nothing pops up in their mind to put down in the text editor....that's it for

the day.

“A good writer will always write because he must write”

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To be consistent and maintain such level, you have to cultivate the habit of writing either you're

ready or not. This may sound awful or not an ideal advice to you but let take this for an many employee do you think perform their expected task at work because he is

ready to work?

NO! Most employee don't even like what they're doing not even to say ready to do it.

But for the fact that he is going to get paid for doing the job at the end of the month, he put in all

he got into it and execute the task perfectly - that's what I called professionalism.

Knowing that your blog is your business and you're aiming to make a living out of it will

possibly change your attitude towards how you manage your blogging task for the better.

3. Your Blog Marketing Is a NO NO!

I bet this must be how you go about your blog posts promotions once you hit the publish button.

Step 1. You hit the publish button.

Step 2. Post goes live and it automatically gets published on your social network -

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

Step 3. WordPress automatically ping major search engines on your behalf.

Step 4. You take it over from there and share it across your entire social media group,


Step 5. You send out tweet a couple of times daily or even weekly.

Step 6. You hunt for ComLuv enable blogs to leave link back to your posts.

Stop! That's not blog marketing.

How many of your so-called 20,000 plus Facebook group members are active in the group?

Don't tell me they're because even if they are active users, they're there for same reason as yours

- dumping latest post on the group's floor that no one is even care to see what the headline is.

I know how it works - I too do it, but not for driving targeted traffic - these people are not your

potential ideal blog readers or customers. They are blog tourist, and never will buy from you.

Focus all your energy on what matter most - the kind of traffic that put a smile on your face and

makes your pocket "BIG". To run a blog business requires money, and I don't think you'll be

happy to see you at the end of the year not being able to renew your hosting plan.

Effective blog marketing required that you spend some decent money on paid advertisement and

not just anyhow paid ads but well targeted and affordable advertisement like StumbleUpon paid

discoveries, Reddit advertisement, Facebook ads and Google adword.

To build a blog beyond 1,000 daily visits is not an easy task, you need to do more than your best

- Just go all out!

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4. You depend on FREE.

Well, at the beginning of your blogging career...granted you can do this and learn how blogging

works with free stuffs, but as soon as you get some belt under you, do what professional bloggers

do - go for premium tools, premium WordPress themes, premium seo software, premium auto-

responder services etc.

Free stuffs can only take you far but not to your dream land; they will only add more to your

frustration and in most cases gives you half way services.

You see the reason I said in point #1 that you'll need to see your blog as a business and not a

hobby. When you take in to account how much you're spending on your blog yearly, you will

understand why it is and must be a business that you invest in with the aim of getting returns.

Free stuffs won't catch it!

5. You're blogging for Adsense.

This may sound funny but it is the cold hard truth.

I know of dozens of bloggers who set up their blog back on the mind that they want to make

money from adsense program with the blog.

Why setting up a blog all because of Google adsense program?

That alone has shown that you don't love blogging and only looking for money. Don't get me

wrong here, I don't advice that one should be blogging for nothing but also, you need to love

what you're doing to remain relevant, consistent and creative.

Without the loving passion for what you're doing, surely it won't take long before you call it quit.

Stop building your blog for adsense program; build a solid business with your blog. Lay the

foundation to true lasting business that will take you to the next level in internet marketing.

CopyBlogger started out as a blog that publish content, today they're one of the best software

company that produce WordPress themes, plugin, courses etc.

You too can do it!

6. You don't have Enough Time.

I mean this one.

Blogging is one of the most time-consuming tasks I ever come across. The sales gimmick

internet marketers will tell you that spending one or two hours weekly on your blog will

skyrocket your blog to the roof top in no time.

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But here we are live and direct....things is never so. The other day I read Harsh Agrawal of

Shoutmeloud interview on Aha-Now, he said in the early days of his blogging career he used to

spend almost 16 hours on his blogging task a day, and this days he work less either six to eight

hours depending on the work flow.

Despite the growth of Shoutmeloud and its popularity, Harsh still work 6 - 8 hours daily, that

mean you might still have a very long process to follow.

Time is one of the biggest obstacles facing many bloggers and leading to quitting their blog

because they could not manage it as it supposed to be managed. If you don't have enough time to

dedicate to your blog, you can as well out source most of its task to freelance writer or those

guys in the Philippians.

The Philippians are good in such task; speak good English and well internet savvy. You can hire

someone to help you manage your entire blog provided you both agree to terms.

Here is a link to a place where you can have these guys work for you at an affordable price.

7. You Lack of Creativity.

Blogging is all about writing and being creative in the process of doing it. Many bloggers

couldn't cope with the fact that they have to write to keep the blog going and eventually, they lost

momentum which resulted into quitting their blog.

You should see what some of the early articles I wrote over on my blog looks like, and then you

will realize that writing too can be learned and improved upon. I'm not telling you here that my

work is now anywhere near perfect or better than everyone else.....NO!

But if you walk yourself through the archives of the blog, you will understand what I’m saying

and how over the years things have completely changed.

With patient and constant practices...anyone with the ability to think and visualize things in their

real form can master the art and science of creative writing. Don't let lack of creative writing

scare you away from fulfilling your dream of becoming a better blogger.

There are lots of blogs out there to learn how to improve on your writing skills and one of which

is CopyBlogger. There you will have more than what you need to become a better writer.

Right there on my blog I wrote a post not too long ago that walks you through the basic guide on

how to improve your writing skill. Check it out here.

8. You're Not Social Enough.

One of the essence of coming online to market your goods and services is to reach global

audience; people you wouldn't have reached if only the off-line world is your main place of


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And to reach this global audience, one very tool you will use to leverage your tactics is the social

media sites.

It is not enough to open Facebook account, Twitter profile, Google+ Page or your LinkedIn

business profile and leaving it like that to let it take care for itself. No, you need to be proactive

in these places. Learn how to create awareness for your blog, make friends, promotes your blog

in an ethical way, help people, and establish meaningful relationship with people who can help

you reach your goals.

Having 5,000 Facebook friends or 20,000 twitter followers is not what should make you proud -

survey your followers’ lists and see how many percentages of people on these lists are really

interested in what you're sharing.

If more than 25% of your Facebook friends are your family members, old school mate, ex-

football club colleagues, etc. If this is the case, then you probably don't have followers for your

blog business.

If you care about keeping tabs on what your family members eat last night, what cloths are the

dogs putting on this morning, then consider creating a separate Facebook account mainly for

categories of people like that.

By doing this your social media status updates will be more targeted and relevant to your


How You Can Fix It!

Now let's go through each point one after the other and see how you can re-engineer your blog

and save it from falling.

1. Take your Blog As your Business - From now on deviate from calling your blog as

your hobby and see it as a business. Dedicate your time to it and focus on all positive

actions that can lead to achieving your dream goals. Stop wasting your time on pointless

social media engagement/marketing and focus your time, energy and resource on positive

things. There are mainly two things you need to build a profitable blog - Quality services

and effective marketing channels. Focus on delivering these two things perfectly and

your blog will never be the same again.

2. Be consistent - Consistency is the key to success in online marketing. What I mean

here by being consistent is to have a plan and stick to it. If your posting scheduled is to

regularly post five times per week, stick to it. If yours is to post twice a week, lets your

readers know that and never disappoint them by not posting as at when expected. But I

will not advice posting once or twice a month because that alone in itself is an evidence

that your blog is not your business and it doesn't even help in SEO.

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3. Marketing your blog - Go over to one of the so-called "A" blogger and if possible ask

him or her a few simple question like "how was last month expenditure look like with his

blog? You will be surprise at what figure you'll be presented with. The truth is, making

money online require money to be spent. To set up a blog maybe close to nothing but

managing and building a profitable blog require that you make an initial investment of

money. Spend money on essential things like blogging tools, marketing, courses, books,

seminars etc.

4. Buy Premium Tools - This won't happen from the start especially if you're dead broke

when you started blogging but as time goes on and you're making little money from your

blogging activities, invest such money back on your blog so it grow faster and reach more

people possibly. On top of that, your blog will have the look of professionalism.

5. Blog to Solve People's Problem - People will put their money in your wallet willingly

when they know you can be trusted with solving their problem. Blogging because of

Google adsense program is a complete waste of time, low self-esteem and lack of

positive thinking. What if Adsense continue to reject your applications? What if you can't

make big money from the program? What if are just too many and if anyone comes your

way, so you'll delete your blog? The way to make wealth is to find a group of people with

a problem and solve it for them.

6. Manage your time wisely - No one has more than 24 hours per day, so spend yours

wisely. If you're currently holding a day job, kids to care for and need to blog by the side

- create time and space during the hours family members have went to sleep or weekends.

You can schedule to write three to four posts during the weekend to be published on

week days automatically. WordPress makes this feature easy to achieve. And on

weekdays you can spare 30 minutes daily on your social media engagements and blog

marketing. This can also be done through your smartphones while at work.

7. Practice Makes Perfect - No one was born with a pencil and paper in his hand - every

great writer you see today started somewhere - from the scratch. By regularly reading

other blogs, constant writing, reading good books, discussions, etc. You will see it that

writing epic content is never within your reach; you're just being scared to see your true

self. One piece of advice though....without the love for writing, it may be frustrating and

a daunting task to write. Love what you're doing!

8. Socialism Is the Key To Networking - Pick one or two social media sites and learn

how to utilize the tools and the platform to your advantage by establishing a group of

mastermind that are determined to help each other achieve success. It does takes time to

achieve this, but not impossible either. Don't stretch yourself too thin by trying to be in

all social media places promoting your blog, that won't make you a better internet

marketer rather, cause you many sleepless nights.

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Things I wish I had known before I Started

Blogging and want To Share with You.

I don't mean to turn you off from starting your own blog - neither do I intend to instill fear into

your heart believing that blogging is hard and only meant for the brave heart. NO! My wish is to

share with you things I wish I had known ever before I started my first blog - maybe the blog

would have been 10 times popular and profitable than it is at the moment.

So if you're on the run to start your own personal blog and want to skip some pit falls then this

content might be of need to you.

1. Nothing Is Going to Be Perfect.

I could remember vividly when I first heard about the word blogging and how it can be used to

leverage online marketing and earn passive income consistently. I kept day and night, weeks

after weeks, learning about how to blog - attending several seminars, reading eBooks on how

to build a WordPress blog and you know what?

I didn't even own a computer - neither desktop nor laptop.

But I just keep learning and learning about how to blog and make decent money from it. Six

months had passed; I was still learning and never start a blog. Then one day it occurs to me that I

would never be called a blogger if I don't create one and start managing it.

Stop reading further and go start your very own WordPress blog. There are several web hosting

companies out there clamming the best but among them, Godaddy is one of the most reliable

ones and most internet marketers prefer hosting their blog with Goddady. Check them out.

The journey of a thousand miles always starts with the first step.

2. You only get better at what you're doing.

This is one of the best advices I would give you - especially if you're thinking your writing style

is bad.

The only way to be a good, further become better and if possible the best blogger is if you don't

give up and consistently applying positive changes to what you're doing - blogging. There are

many tasks ahead waiting for you in blogging; each day in the life a blogger there is more than

enough to handle.

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Be consistent and never give up - it doesn't matter how small it is, never let each day pass you by

without doing something that have the potential strength of adding more value to the quality of

your blog.

Things you can do include:

Blog commenting - even if it's just one blog - do it!

Updating of plugins.

Reading other blogs.

Checking your content archives to see which post needs updates.

Convert your older post into pdf format and submit to document sharing sites.

Sign up for one bloggers community.

Participate in forum discussions.

Find opportunity.

Write 500 words article and save it as a draft.

Read your own blog post.

Find and follow one influential blogger on twitter.

Research etc.

You will be amazed at what impact these small tasks can have on your blog.

3. Blog Marketing.

I only wish for this!

But the truth is, except you're coming from an internet marketing firm already well-established

or you study marketing in the university(which is even slightly different from internet

marketing)....everyone down here battles their way out of blog marketing with lots of trials and

errors, years of hard work, revisiting, money spent, energy, time etc.

Yes! That’s the cold hard truth of blog marketing - you'll need to spend some decent amount of

money on marketing your blog if you're aiming to accelerate the progress of your blog.

Know this and your blog would see 10 times faster progress than it would experience if you want

to depend on the FREE way. I use the word FREE loosely here not because it's free in actual


Most of what many bloggers depend on marketing their blog doesn't cost money to be spent, but

when you consider the amount of time spent, energy it takes to get such system rolling your will agree it is not FREE.

For instance, if you want to depend mainly on blog commenting and all its potential

opportunities it could bring to make your blog popular and profitable - Guest Blogging,

Networking, endorsement, relationship building, traffic, community etc. You might have to wait

for a long period to see your blog grow into what you really want it to be.

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I wish I had known for long even before I started that blogging is a business and that if you're

looking to make money from your blogging activities, you will need to treat like a business.

How does a business man treat his business?

Start with your mindset - Your mindset is the foundation that builds the direction at

which your blogging career will go. If you consider your blog as that traditional thing

most people called "online Journal" or "hobby", then so shall you treat it. But if you on

the other hand consider your blog as a business tool that handles your business activities,

then your blog remain a business for you.

Be Organize - Vision, Plan, Execute, Re-visit - It is easy to get confused and dis-

attracted online; making sure you don't get drone in information overload and stay focus

to your goals are one of the core principles you should uphold in internet marketing.

Keeping records of your activities and tracking your progress is one of the key important

tasks to master in internet marketing.

Exhibit Top Quality - The blogosphere is filled with millions of blogs competing with

each other on different levels and engagements; you'll need to provide top-notch quality

services in other to stand out from the crowd. The noise around here is too much that if

you're not sounding clearly and one will ever hear you talking.

Invest In Premium Tools - Plugins, Themes, Software, and Communities etc - Like I

said above, relying mainly on free stuffs to build a profitable blogging career will not

catch it. A business man doesn't expect to set up his business on free tools - he set out to

acquire sophisticated tools that will ensure he get the best of return on his investment of

time, energy and money.

Invest In Online And Offline Courses - Only the dead are exempted from learning -

investment in learning is an ongoing activities and you should commit a huge amount of

your time, energy and money into learning how to better your blogging career. If you

have all the resources in the world to build the most profitable blog but lack the

knowledge to work each one in the right're good as not having any tools.

Invest In Paid Traffic - Traffic is the life line of building a profitable blog online,

without an effective relevant targeted traffic, a blog would certainly not survive. And the

more you realize that to generates good solid traffic that add value to your blog, the more

you'll come to terms that you need a paid advertisement of your blog. Getting thousands

or even millions of eye balls viewing your blog is not an easy task to conquer if you want

all things the FREE way.

Attend Live Blogger Submit - No one survive living in Island. Attending live meeting

with other professional bloggers gives you an added advantage of

networking, opportunities, recognition, experts status, Jobs, etc.

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Be Bold - Take The Risk - Every business I know under the sun comes with its own

potential risk of losing it all. If you're afraid of taking the giant step, then you might never

achieve any great feet. Blogging is no exception, there would be times you'll need to take

the bull by the horn.....when this moment arrive and you fail to nail it, you might have to

wait a bit longer for such opportunity to showcase again.

4. SEO Is a mystery, Content is King.

SEO is an evolving issue, don't let it scared you off from starting your own blog.

You might have probably been reading about all the noise around how important search engine

optimization is to your blog visibility, but hey! Forget about it.

When I was in high school, my economics teacher used to say this, "many of what we're reading

in the books are "paper tigers".....many won't apply in the real world". Think about SEO in this

manner...there are lots of theories on SEO that are meant to scare you off and push you into

taking up some so-called SEO expert services.

SEO is the prince ......quality content is the king.

Focus on writing quality information that addresses the life problems your potential customers

might be facing. Human beings are the ones to visit and read your content not spiders.

And to put your mind at rest, SEO is not as hard as you have been made to belief. Who would

ever taught that "I" could write "posts" that would hit the first page of Google and even a post

that would stay on the very first position for as long as I can tell now.

If I can do can do it better!

5. Don't Believe Everything You Read.

Oh my!

One of the very syndromes I notice and that nearly ruin my blogging career in the early stage is

believing in everything I read on blogs. I taught anyone that manages blog is an expert in the

subject they're writing on.

I soon discover that this is not always so and in most cases, many who manage blog are using it

to develop their very self. Believe me some SEO top blogs you see today writing mostly on

search engine optimization topics and Google are once a complete novice about what SEO is all


Many of the top blogs you see today writing on specific topics are born out of the authors years

of trials and errors, personal experiences, ups and down, case studies, obstacles, success, etc.

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Learn how to distinguish what is real from hard but with time and constant reading,

learning and discoveries you will soon know who is who in the blogging industry.

6. Relationship Building and Networking.

The first time I created a blog and hit the publish button, I was very excited and very optimistic

that my blog would soon hit the sky in no time. Days went by, months passed away and the only

visit I could see each time I log in to my admin dash-board is that of mine, or maybe someone I

told during the day about my blog.

I became sad and completely depressed and wanted to throw everything back and walk

away....but you don't have to quit.

To make a blog popular, you have to build your social media profile and be very active over

there. At the early stage of your blog, it won't receive any love from search engine and the only

way you can get traffic is from social media, forums, and blogger’s communities and so on.

How you leverage these places to drive traffic back to your blog is through relationship building

and networking with other bloggers. Make friends with lots of bloggers and expand your reach

beyond one social network because you're in the testing stage in blogging.

No one can tell you what social media sites, bloggers community, forums best fit your blog

marketing - recommendation can only be given, is up to you to test what works for you and what

is not working.

One more thing I'll like to say here is - focus on one task at a time and stop doing things

randomly. It will help you a lot attending to a task first and finish with it before moving on to


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What Traffic Level Do you need to start

Monetizing Your Blog?

One of the very regular questions that always come up in the blogging world is the above one.

I believe you need no traffic level to start monetizing your blog from day #1., unless you're not

planning to monetize in the future, then you can wait to see something happen first before testing

out with blog monetization.

If you're aiming to make money from your blog, then the right time to do that is now regardless

of whatever traffic level you're generating to your blog at the moment. Let your visitors know

that your blog aim at making money for you right from their first visit.

There are downside to not monetizing from day #1 if you aim at making money from your blog

later; when your readers have accustom your blog with text only and later you start placing

banner and text links ads everywhere, this may turn off some readers and eventually lose your

loyal readers.

Your blog may lose its overall look and style and this will eventually give "you" the blogger,

another hectic work to do, possibly you will settle for another blog theme entirely. So, if you

desire to keep your blog image and style for a long-term, start with everything in mind from day


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Monetizing Your Blog Later.

Monetizing your blog later on will give you an advantage of focusing on the more core aspect of

blogging, "writing content". You can take your time at this stage to perfect your writing skill

and build steady stream of traffic flow.

While I was starting out as a "newbie", I made so many errors and did lots of funny things with

my blog like changing theme 5 times within a week, writing horrible content that looks like a

bricks of wall.

I didn't even know which affiliate program worth the try to which is not. All these while, I was

figuring out what works and what doesn't.

I won't say monetizing later is better, but I would conclude that is better to focus more on

learning how to blog during your early days of blogging than looking for ways to earn blog

money right from onset.

But like I said, it has its own downside and disadvantage too, especially if you're planning to

monetize in the future.

Downside to Early Blog Monetizing.

Mostly, the negative effect of early monetizing of blog comes down to two key elements. You

either get frustrated or quit half way or you will never become a better blogger.

Wait, don't start throwing stones at me, I know there are tens of hundreds of thousands blogs out

there that build their blog upon affiliate program, self-product or ads placement at the very start

of their blog.

It may interest you to know that these are already established bloggers who have tested their

weight and strength out with previous blogs and have discover another better way to skin a cat.

For a new blogger, it will have a negative impact on him. Making money from blog is one of the

most easiest and the hardest thing I have ever come across. Easier, if you have been there and

know how, hardest if you're just stepping into the game and still testing the sea to see how deep

it is.

So, is better for a new blogger who is determined to build a successful blog overtime to keep

away from blog monetization from day #1 and focus on how to start a successful blog from


There are more than a million tips and tutorials in blogging, though with no absolute or concrete

rule, but there are certain rules of thumbs to abide with and follow strictly, if you desire to build

a successful blog.

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I have seen two months old blogger complaining of low or no income on his blog, this doesn't

have to be like that. Learn the tricks and tips in blogging and at least master what you do and the

money will flow easily than you imaging.

Blog Monetization.

Now that we've talked a lot about the ups and down of early monetizing, let talk about ways or

how to properly monetize a blog for decent blog money.

1. Adsense.

This usually the most sort after among web masters or publishers when planning to monetize

their blog. *But for obvious reasons I do not down with Adsense*. If you endeavor to read

through, you will understand my point.

Adsense top the list and to make good significant money from adsense program you will need

good quality massive amount of traffic to make money from Adsense program, but worth the try

from day #1.

2. Affiliate Program.

A real legitimate business if you ask me.

Many internet marketers live on the back of this internet business model and lots of them have

found life worth living from it. Affiliate marketing is perhaps one of the very best ways to go

when it comes to blog monetizing.

You don't need to own your product and don't have to worry over customer services, all you need

to do is recommend a product to your readers and if they buy through your affiliate code, you get


And the good news is, with little targeted traffic you can make good significant money from

affiliate program provided you promote high in demand affiliate products.

3. Direct Advert Placement.

With this, you will need to build the readership and traffic level of your blog to something more

reasonable and significant before contacting advertiser directly and leaving out the middle men

such as Google.

Direct ads placement on your blog could bring a huge income for you enough to start another

business in the real world if approach with the right attitude and patient.

4. *Sell Your Own Product and Services*.

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My reason for not down with Adsense. I have always evangelize that the best and the most

lucrative way to make money on your blog is to sell your own product and that's why affiliate

program is part of my arsenal for making money on the internet.

If you want to make good decent income on the internet consider selling your own product to

your audience and if you don't know how to make product or you don't have the time to do it,

then consider marketing affiliate products to your loyal readers.

You make big money from both internet business models than running Adsense program on your

blog if you know how. And the fact that Adsense program is considered as a time bomb, you

need not to put all your eggs in that (adsense program) basket.

Here is a list of reliable affiliate program you can Join and find high in demand affiliate product

that you can market on your blog to your readers.

StudioPress By CopyBlogger

Strong Future International – SFI

Share a sale

Submit In Me - $10 Sign-up Fee

SEOBook - $20 Sign-up Fee

How to improve your writing Skill.

If you've been struggled to write a better blog post, and you're ready to learn the art of is

a list of what I did ( I still do them) when I was in that situation and hopefully, they work for you

if you work on them long enough to see the rewards.

Note* Am not claiming my writing is anywhere near good; I still learn, practice and hope

to always better my current standard.

But if you’re in that stage I was some years back, here is a list to help you get on the right track.

1. Accept That Your Writing is bad.

Yes, the first thing I did was to accept that my writing is bad.

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I don't need anyone to tell me that. After reading a few blogs and seeing what they published - I

came to realize how badly my writing is.

If you fail to accept it when you're guilty of something, then you're not open to greatness, and on

top of that, you'll cause more harm to yourself than you can ever imagine.

2. Read Top Blogs.

You're what you read. If you want to be a top writer, then read top blogs. Especially top blogs

and those that deal with copy writing.

Reading alone with two naked eyes will not bring any significant improvement to your writing

skill, but reading with your brain thinking and your mind open to suggestions will increase the

quality of your writing ability.

While reading other people's works, take note of certain things: The use of "I", "You", "We", and

"Us". These words can easily make or break a blog. Learn how to make use of them to better

your writing skill. Take note of how they structure their contents that makes it easier for reading.

Tone at which they speak; know when to use "Do not" and "don't", one sound robotic while the

other looks more humane. The use of capital letters both at the beginning and within a sentence

i.e - "I". See how they try to engage readers with their content.

3. Practice Every Day.

This one is logical. In one of my blog post, I argued that three posts per week are enough to

build successful blog if you really know and understand what you're doing and have strategically

marketing plan to complement your posting schedule.

And here I am telling you to write every day. (If publishing on your blog every day is what will

bring you success, then fine go ahead) Everyone has its own strategy that works for him.

What I mean by writing every day is not publishing post on your blog every day, I mean you

should engage yourself in constant practice either a way of writing and saving it as a draft or you

could tend to devote just 30 minutes a day writing a never to be published eBook.

I used the latter very well; I have many never to be published books sitting on my hard disk. I

just constantly practice this way and it helps a lot in learning how to write.

What I do most is to pick a topic, research about it online from different sources and start putting

words on paper. This strategy could help you in the feature when you start producing your very

own books.

Some never to be published books may become your best-selling products when you've become

a master at what you do.

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“Mind you, I assume you’re the sole author of your blog and in the early stage of blogging, that’s

why I advise not publishing every day. If you already know what it takes to publish quality

content on constant basis, publishing every day won’t hurt in any way.”

4. Write The Way You Speak.

One of the best ways to write an article that cut deep into your reader's mind is to imagine or

visualize it; think your audience sitting in same room with you and he asked this question - the

topic you're writing about.

Imagine every point, lessons, case studies; illustrations you're giving in your article are being

directly delivered to your audience in same room with you. He is right there in front of you while

you're speaking to him.

Think about how you use to have those regular conversations with someone; and write exactly

the way you talk. Put down everything that comes to mind as a draft and later see how you can

weed out unwanted words, and tweak it around to make it interesting and educating.

5. Like What you're doing.

This supposed to come first on my list but, anyway still on the list. It doesn't matter what come

first or last. If you don't like writing, I mean you just don't like the idea of sitting down for hours

crafting words on paper - I don't think you will master the art of writing not to say, become a

better writer.

Writing takes greater effort on the part of the writer, and to really craft out something good for

your readers to enjoy you have to think through, meditate, brainstorming, creative, entertaining,

and educates them on the subject.

Without falling in love with what you're doing, I don't think you can achieve all these qualities.

6. Read Books.

If there is one powerful method of becoming a better writer, I would say is by reading great

books written by great authors. There is logic to why this has been proven to be working:

1. It prepared someone on what to write.

2. Getting ideas on what to write become easier.

3. It serves as a weapon of motivation.

4. It inspires to give out best so you can have your name written among these authors.

5. It shapes your mind into right directions.

6. Your level of reasoning becomes different from others and you start acting differently.

7. You're exposed to different style of writing and tones......the benefits are just endless.

And good to know that the internet and the smartphones producers have made it more than easy

to have unlimited books read on the go.

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Now you can have your favorites books read wherever, whenever and however you want it. Just

install the app and bam! Hundreds of books are just right there on your palm.

7. Keep a Journal Always.

Ideas don’t give notice; they strikes in a flash of seconds and when they do, if you don’t quickly

tie them down some where either on your mobile phone, or in a word doc or better if you always

keep a journal with you always, that’s it….. It’s gone forever.

Don’t trust your brain to hold on to something for as long as you’ll need it. We’re human not


8. Don’t force it.

Sometimes idea will spring in and you just want to start writing immediately and what more?

You discover you lack points or supporting information to make up your great idea.

If you try to force everything at a go, you may end up not having all the necessary point that post

deserve. Leave it for a while or probably days, and as other ideas jump in, jot them down.

This makes it easier to have your post written quickly and gives opportunity to touch every

necessary points need to be touched.

9. Create Your Rules.

It's very easy to get thousands of advice on how to become a better writer - but I tell you the truth

- there is no one size fit all as far as blogging is concern.

Some great writers will tell you to write every day, and some will tell you something's

all up to you to find what works and what doesn't work for you.

I have found out that trying to publish blog post everyday doesn't work for me, while it does

work perfectly for some. So when taking advises, make them as a starting point to find your own

creativity and style and not the basis of your article template.

Closing Remarks.

The most important thing here is to take a look at how each advice I give here could be apply to

improve the quality of your blog and make it more profitable.

Taking action is the key to success, but remember not every action taken could lead to success.

Some will even result into disaster, so evaluate what action you’re about to take and see in what

positive way will it affect your blog business.

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In reality, not every of my advice here will be of benefits to everyone that reads this book for

some obvious reason(s). We’re in different stages in our internet business career. But I implore

you to take what best fits your tactics and implement it.

However, no matter your current stage in internet marketing, the fact that you’re reading this

book and you’ve read up to this paragraph proves you want something out of it.

So feel free to get in touch with me if you have further enquires or want to socialize with me.

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