Download - 7th December 2021 -

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Little Yarra Steiner School is situated on Wurundjeri Country. We respectfully acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung People of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work, learn, and play, and pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

We are honoured to share in the continued care of this land, with its wetlands and river, its stones that sleep in the depths of the Earth, its plants and trees that reach for the Sun, and all the creatures that know it as home. We respectfully acknowledge the ancient and enduring culture of those who have walked this land in the past, which will continue to enrich the lives of our community into the future.

7th December 2021

Farewell Little Yarra As my time at Little Yarra draws to a close, I find myself reflecting upon my journey over the past twenty years. I was introduced to Steiner Education as a Playgroup Dad early 2002. I fondly remember Rani showing James & I how to make walnut shell boats that we floated for endless nights afterward in the bath. I have loved being part of the Steiner family. Little Yarra has been a big part of my life for a long time I can remember many children that I have seen grow, many families whom I have befriended and so many beautiful warm people I have met, both within our local community and the international community. I am retiring at the end of this year. My sons have grown into fine independent young men, who make me feel very proud. My quest now is to travel this great country again. To get a bit remote and photograph wildlife, experience nature and remove some rubbish from beaches. More sunrises and sunsets – less screens. It is time for me to move on. Love & Best Wishes to you all at LYSS Barry

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Over Stars Is Mary Wandering A Song for Advent

Music by Edmund Pracht, Words by Karl Schubert

Over Stars Is Mary Wandering is from the Festivals chapter of the Waldorf Book of Songs

1. O ver- stars is Ma ry- wan d'ring- In her man tle's- ow ing-

folds, Ra diant- threads of star light- wo ven- For her lit tle-

child she holds. rongs of stars be hold- her pass ing,-

all the sky is lled with light. With her hands she

weaves and ga thers,- bless ings- for the Christ mas- night.






2. Asks the sun to weave the sunrays

For her cloak so full of light,

Asks the moon to light the pathways

For her child and make them bright,

All the stars she fastens, singing,

To her chariot row on row.

Wanders through the heavens ringing,

Comes down to the earth below.

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Nicholas: A Garland of Tales

for the nights before Christmas Long before your grandparents’ grandparents’ grandparents were born, back when years were counted in only three numbers, in the city of Myra there lived a fine and generous Bishop named Nicholas. He was in charge of every church in Myra—every single one. He lived in a fine house in the nicest part of town, and he never had to worry much about money.

When he could not finish his dinner he would say to his cook, “Here, Cook, give these leftovers to some hungry family.”

If he had old clothes he would say to his washerwoman, “Here, Washerwoman! I don’t need these things anymore. Let them be given to some poor fellow!”

Every year on Easter Sunday a grand procession of deacons, acolytes and torchbearers paraded out of the great church at the top of the hill and all around the streets of the city. Bishop Nicholas walked at the end of the procession, the position of greatest honour, wearing a splendid cloak of silk brocade and carrying a mighty silver-and-cedarwood staff. On these occasions, if he saw beggars in the streets he would tell his deacons, “Come, brothers, toss those poor souls a coin or two.”

Oh yes, Nicholas lived in comfort and ease, but it was his daily habit to spend time in prayer. God’s spirit was working a change in him. As Nicholas sat down to his meat and wine he found himself wondering if anyone in the city of Myra had only a crust of bread for dinner. As he went to sleep in his soft bed with its warm woollen blankets, he wondered if anyone in Myra had to sleep on the hard, cold ground. So, Nicholas’s comfort became bitter to him, and one night after church he put aside his splendid cloak and his mighty staff. Over his robe of white wool he wrapped an old, ragged cloak. He took up a plain wooden staff and slipped out, unseen and alone, into the streets of Myra.

Nicholas walked through the clean, quiet streets near the church. “Look at these fine houses! These people must certainly have enough to eat,” he told himself. Down the hill he walked, down to the harbor, where the city was livelier. He had never seen this part of Myra after dark. “How different things are!” he said to himself. “All the noises seem so particularly loud.” He pulled his old cloak tight around him and wished he’d brought a deacon or two for company. No one in these crowded streets paid any attention to Nicholas. Without his silk and brocade cloak and his silver-and-cedarwood staff, who could possibly know that he was the Bishop of Myra?

Golden lamplight spilled out of every tavern door, along with the smells of garlic and olive oil. The sailors in the taverns sang and shouted for more wine, and there were streams of laughter from the tavern girls. “Look at those children running around. Why are they awake? Surely it is past their bedtime,” Nicholas thought to himself. “Can it be that they have no place to sleep? Can even little children be hungry and in need?” Near the docks men sat alone with a wineskin or slept on the ground, drunk. “Why don’t they go home? Do they have homes?” Nicholas wondered. “Are they happy? I don’t understand their lives at all.”

At last Nicholas found a stone bench and sat and looked out at the ocean, considering all the people he had seen. “I want to help them,” he said to himself, “but they are so different from anyone I have ever known before. Suppose I do the wrong thing! I could make them angry—I could even make them ashamed. And it seems to me that there are more problems here than one person can solve, even if that person is the Bishop of Myra.”

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Sorely troubled, Nicholas turned his heart and mind to prayer, waiting for guidance. After a while he got up and walked to the street market, where a few stalls were open late. First, he bought a big, strong sack. Then he went to the stall that sold bread and asked to buy twenty loaves of bread.

“Are these all for yourself, old fellow?” asked the baker.

“Oh, no,” said Nicholas, “no, no — — they are for — several people.”

“Hah,” thought the baker to himself, “this old man must have a big family. I’ll tuck in a few extra loaves.”

At the stall that sold old clothes, Nicholas asked to buy ten old blankets. “Are these all for your own bed, good sir?” asked the stall keeper.

“Oh, no,” said Nicholas nervously. Why did these strangers keep asking him questions? “No, they are not all for me.”

“Hah,” thought the stall keeper, “he must know someone who needs help. I’ll put in a few extra.”

When Nicholas hoisted his sack at last, his shoulders ached at the weight of it. “Never mind,” he told himself. “All this will be of help to people, I hope.” And he walked off all alone into the shadows of the city.

And—that very night——curious things began to happen among the people who lived down by the harbor. This young mother, sleeping with her babes in an alley—how did she happen to find a beautiful loaf of new bread in her arms? She and her children ate it for breakfast and shared it with their friends. And that shiftless old man who passed out in the middle of the street—how did that warm blanket get tucked around him, from his toes to his whiskery chin? All over the city, people were getting presents—but nobody knew where they came from!

Night after night, Nicholas wandered. The baker sold him bread, always with a few extra loaves. Clearly this old man must be feeding a houseful of hungry people! The other stall keepers filled up his great sack with clothes and blankets and little odds and ends.

Late one night he came to a small, shabby home where the lamp still was lit. Inside, people were talking. Or —— were they weeping? He stopped to listen.

It was a mother and father, grieving together about their oldest daughter. In those days a young woman needed a certain amount of money to get married, and these people were so poor that they could not set up their daughter in a decent home. “What will become of her?” said her mother. “She’ll never have a husband, or a little house, or even a garden to grow roses and herbs.”

Nicholas said to himself, “Now, I have a small bag of gold that would help this family—but I don’t want them to feel that I expect something in return. How can I get it to them without being seen? He leaned against the wall of the house and prayed for an idea. There was a hole in the roof of the house where smoke came out from the cooking fire (houses in those days didn’t have chimneys), but at this time of night there was no fire on the hearth. Nicholas tossed the bag of gold straight into the opening.

There was a terrific puff of ashes. “Mercy on us, husband,” yelled the wife, “the hearth is exploding!” “No, no, wife,” said the husband, “look, it’s gold! Gold! Soon we’ll dance at our daughter’s wedding!” And they ran outdoors to see where the gold had come from, but Nicholas had already hurried away into the night.

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A year passed, and another, and Nicholas still walked through the streets of the city at night, wrapped in an old cloak and carrying a great sack filled with secret presents. A coin here, a coin there, a few loaves of bread inside this gate; he found many ways to ease the sufferings of the poor. But no one knew who was doing it!

One night he happened to walk past the home of the family whose first daughter he had helped with a bag of gold. The lamps were lit, so he listened by the window. There were the mother and father, weeping and worrying. “Dear wife, here is our second daughter, just as precious as our first. What’s to become of her? We have no money for a dowry. We barely have enough money for food!”

And the wife replied, “If only we knew who helped us before! He must be a good man, a kind man. We could go and be his servants for the rest of our lives if he would let us have a little gold.”

Nicholas heard, he smiled, his hand went to the pouch of gold at his belt. Poof! went the ashes, and the mother and father jumped for joy. “Come in! Come in!” they shouted out into the darkness, but Nicholas was already gone.

It was good to be alive in Myra when Nicholas was Bishop. The city prospered because the sailors loved it and came there to trade and to repair their ships. The people who ran the city knew that Nicholas was keeping an eye on them. Those who were kind and wise grew stronger, and those who were greedy and wicked were ashamed and tried to mend their ways. And, year after year, a remarkable thing kept happening in Myra. Someone gave secret presents that eased the sufferings of the poor. But nobody knew who was doing it!

The poor couple whose two daughters had received those mysterious bags of gold had one more daughter, and when she was all grown up and ready to leave home they decided to find out who had helped them. So it happened that one more time as Nicholas walked down by the harbor he came upon their lighted window and heard the mother’s voice weeping and worrying.

Nicholas looked in the window. Only the mother was awake. The youngest daughter slept with her head in her mother’s lap. The two older daughters and their husbands slept on the floor with their children next to them. How many grandchildren were there now? Surely he could see at least three! In his heart he spoke a great word of thanksgiving to God who created them, loved them, and knew their names. Then once again he tossed a bag of gold onto the cold hearth.

But the father of this family was hiding and watching in the garden, and when he saw the ashes fly up, he ran to greet Nicholas. “My friend, my benefactor,” he exclaimed, “Please let me see your face!” And then the whole family came streaming out with torches and plates of sweet cakes and pomegranates. No one had been asleep at all!

Nicholas knew he was caught. He threw back his hood. “It’s Nicholas!” they shouted. “It’s Nicholas the Bishop! Come and see! Come and see! Bishop Nicholas is the one who’s been helping us!”

All the neighbours woke up. Soon the street was full of people saying to one another, “The silver, the loaves of bread, all those blankets — look, it was Bishop Nicholas who brought them! See? See his great sack of presents?” More and more people joined the crowd, thanking Nicholas for gifts without number. As for the sailors, when they heard the news they shouted it all over the harbor. The crews of every ship ran to join the commotion. They brought food and wine from the taverns to place a great feast around Nicholas, their friend.

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After that night, it became the delight and joy of the people of Myra to surprise one another with secret presents. How they loved to pretend that Nicholas had given them! That warm shawl that appeared around the shoulders of an old woman in the market? Of course, Nicholas gave her that! Didn’t you see him, sneaking around with that sack of his?

The great pot of soup that appeared on a sick man’s table? Nicholas brought it—no question about that. He hung the handle on his great staff and carried it down the hill from the church. And he didn’t spill a drop!

The doll that seemed to drop from the sky into the arms of a child? Ah, well, Bishop Nicholas must have been flying by. Didn’t you see his cloak, blowing in the wind?

When Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, came to the day of his death and returned to God who loved him and knew his name, there was great weeping among the people of the city. “Our helper is gone,” they said to one another. “There will be no more presents from Nicholas now.”

But the presents did not stop! Indeed, hundreds and hundreds of years have passed—and the secret presents have never stopped. All over the world, every December, there are more and more mysterious secret presents.

And Bishop Nicholas has never been forgotten. People call him Papa Noel, or Father Christmas, or Saint Nicholas, or Sinter Klaas, or Santa Claus. They say he sails in a fine, great ship, or walks along with a dog team, rides a white horse, or flies in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. But he always has his great sack full of presents!

Certainly, at my house at this time of year, mysterious secret presents arrive. People say that Saint Nicholas brings them. What do you think?

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Sweet Porridge edition - Term 1 2022

Closing date for submissions

TERM 1 2022 Friday 11 February

Date of Publication

TERM 1 2022 Tuesday 15 February [email protected]

Advertising Rates for Sweet Porridge

Small ad – 25 words $ 3 Business card size or 100 words $ 6 Quarter page $ 10 Half page $17 Full page $30 Community Notices Free of Charge All year by arrangement All revenue raised from Sweet Porridge benefits the Parents & Friends Association of Little Yarra Steiner School. Advertising payments can be made via EFT BSB 633 000 A/C 14 284 4166 LYSS P & F or at the School Office. Please email all content to [email protected]

Carawah Nursery in Hoddles Creek is looking for some summer seasonal workers for a few school leavers or summer holiday students. The work required is Nursery Hand Work, involving propagation, potting, tubing, grading orders, making trays and other nursery related jobs. The work environment is very welcoming, and we are very proud to have on our current staff many former Steiner students that started once finished school and are still here many years later. Ability to work in all weather conditions, particular outdoors and in summer heat is essential, as is a good work ethic, punctuality, and a can-do attitude. The role/roles may potentially continue after the summer period with the opportunity for the right candidate’s to be offered a permanent role. Please contact Grant on 0448 482 821 if you are interested.

If you require any further information Barry please let me know.

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MUSIC REGISTER Instruments for Sale Term 4 – 2021


1/8 size “Prima 100” violin, fair condition, $130. Malini 0491 641 693

¼ size violin with case and bow, $50, Tricia 0402 421 782

¼ size “Hofner” violin with bow and case, $80, Tammy 5967 2182 or 0490 402 331

½ size violin, with hard case & shoulder rest. $90 ono. Olesia 0403 763 953

½ size, “Joseph Violti” violin, hard case, shoulder rest, bow, $99, Susan 0400 980 463

½ size violin with case and bow, $100, Tricia 0402 421 782

½ size “Chamber student” violin, with case and bow. Good condition. $140. Marilena 0448 995 538

½ size “Chamber Student” violin. Model 101. Woodend “teka” chinrest. Tonica strings. FOM ½ shoulder rest. Bow and Case. Excellent condition, as new. Purchase from Bows 4 Strings. Only used for few lessons, light use (minimal practice). Selling due to change of instrument. Instrument in Croydon. Happy to meet at a mutual location for inspection. $400. Alistair 0434 499 010

¾ size “Dolfin” violin with bow and case. $90. Tania 0490 794 930

¾ size “Hofner” violin, with bow, case and stand, $120, Tammy 5967 2182 or 0490 402 331

¾ size “Chamber 2 student” violin, bow and case. Good condition. $150. Marilena 0448 995 538

¾ “Prelude Stradivarius copy”, Chinese handmade instrument. Comes with a hard case, bow and shoulder rest. The violin case has a crack and could be mended. The sound is very good as it is. $200. Kelly 0414 391 039

¾ size “Capriccio” violin. Very good condition with shoulder rest. $250. Malini 0491 641 693

¾ size “Rafel RV 1203” violin, High quality. Beautiful tone. Comes with hard case and quality bow. $350 Gareth 0433 662 088

¾ size “Amore” violin. Very good condition with Kun shoulder rest. $350. Malini 0491 641 693

¾ size “Chamber Student 101” violin, with bow and case, $400. Ingrid 0415 261 932

¾ size “Gliga I” violin with hard case, $750 ono, Andrea 0425 658 522

¾ size “Stradivarius” violin. Built in the 20th Century in Germany. Excellent condition for its age. Selling for $1150 ono. Ness 0407 186 043.

Full size 4/4 “Huxley” violin, with bow and case. Good condition. $60. Marilena 0448 995 538

Full size “Chamber Student” violin, with bow, chin rest and hard case. Good condition. $300. Rachel 0427 726 969

Full size RV5 Raggetti 2015 violin. Bought new for $645. In excellent condition. Comes with bow, chin rest and rosin. Selling for $480. Ness 0407 186 043.

Full size “Suzuki NS-20” violin, Excellent condition. Hard case but no bow. $600 ono. Olesia 0403 763 953

Full size 4/4 “Prelude” violin. Copy of Stradivarius. High quality, very good condition. Comes with bow &case. Valued at $2500. Selling for $1500. Aladdin Jones 0490 123 199 or Tessa Priest 0405 390 348.

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¼ size viola (violin strung for a viola because violas are not made this small). Good condition. $60. Anna 0424 308 472

¼ size “Raggetti” viola, good condition. Obligato strings. Good bow and shoulder rest. Nice mellow tone. Light weight hard case. $250 negotiable. Damien 0418 622 647

½ sized Viola, great sound. may need some new strings and/or new bow. I am happy for you to take it to school to have it checked with music teachers. $200, Lisa 0411 243 673

13 inch “St Antonio” viola. Very good condition with a new shoulder rest and hard case. A new bow is needed. $150. Dana 0418 210 656

14 inch “Chamber” student viola with shoulder piece and bow. Excellent quality including case.

$500. Contact Murray 0458587942.


¼ size cello, good condition, perfect tuning, semi hard case $480. Edo 0437 240 590

¼ size cello with case and bow, $500, Tricia 0402 421 782

¼ size “Skylark” cello, hard case, and bow. Excellent condition. $550, Rebecca 0449 810 015

1/2 size cello- Hoffman- beautiful sound. $900. Includes recently purchased new bow and a hard case. Contact Liz: 0419 774 566

½ size cello with Jargar strings & black hard case. Has had a repair, been recently tuned & checked by our cello teacher Jenny Rowlands – all in great working order. $600. Jan-Leigh 0438 697 365

1/2 size "Salieri SC 2" cello with light weight case. Lovely sound. Good condition. $690. Nicole 0402484106

1/2 size “Salieri SC4” cello, purchased a year ago, has been serviced yearly since new. Comes with a hard case. Great quality instrument, $700, Helene Pouwels 0400 282 671

1/2 size "Chamber Student" Cello & bow. Excellent condition, lovely sound. Some cosmetic wear and tear on hard case. $800 Sara 0414 551 896

½ size “Montanari Deluxe” cello. Deluxe set up in excellent condition. Originally bought from Cellissimo for $1600 with a hard case worth $200. Selected by a professional cellist. Selling for $980 ono. Ness 0407 186 043

Full size student cello, with hard case. In excellent condition. Please call Ness for more details 0407 186 034.

Full size 4/4 “Samuel Eastman VC100” cello. Beautiful instrument. Comes with quite new carbon fibre bow and soft case. Originally purchased from Cellissimo in Kew for approx. $1500. Selling for $900. Jo 0404 014 704.

Full size “Enrico” cello, beautiful tone, hard case with wheels. Both cello and case are in excellent condition. Only a couple of years old. Selling for $1000. Madeline 0411 160 612.

Full size 4/4 “Gliga 1” cello, Label Romania 2002, Includes an older style very usable hard case and bow. Inspection welcome. $3200. Chris 0413 924 877


Large ¼ size double bass with soft case and bow, excellent condition, professionally set by the wonderful luthier Nicholas at Bows for Strings, $1100, Glenn 0434 006 089

Full size double bass with case, bow and leather bow holder. Purchased from Bows for Strings, picked professional pick up, very nice sounding and easy to play. Used for recording too. $2800 ono, Woody 0420 925 448

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“Artley” clarinet, student model in good condition. $100. Marek 0421 582 438

“Yamaha” YAS-26 Alto Saxophone, gold lacquer. 2 years old, perfect condition. Has 1 year warranty left on it from Ozwinds in Ormond, $1300. Dan 0402 726 750

Euphonium, excellent condition, includes case. $300. Adam 0413 016 040


Trombone - good used condition. Soft case & mouthpiece included. $195. Contact Liz: 0419 774 566

Full sized red piano accordion, excellent condition, with hard case. $400. Kim 0417 312 602

Bongos, Tycoon percussion Series 8 6” & 7”, black hardware, mahogany colour. Bought new, never used. $40. Trudy 5966 5270 or text 0439 817 508

Red “Ashton” electric guitar, near new condition. Comes with small amp and lead. $150 ono, Josh 0488 164 638

Kawai Upright Action Piano (CE-7N). The combination of a soft, warm tone and a rounded full sound offers an exquisite encounter with music. This piano offers a wide dynamic range with control over demanding piece, whether it be slow and solemn or fast and eccentric. Recommended for beginner to intermediate level. This piano was built in the 1980s, has a metal frame, comes in a medium/dark rosewood colour - some minor cosmetic wood damage consistent with age. The piano has recently been tuned and some worn felts replaced. Cost $1200. Contact Ellen 0432 070 559, evenings or between 1pm-2pm Mon-Friday. Happy to receive a text at any time.

If you wish to add an instrument for sale, please email details to [email protected]. Once you have sold or bought an instrument through the Music Register please advise us via email and we will remove the item from this list.

Please note that music teachers are happy and able to view or value instruments being purchased by LYSS students during their child’s individual lessons or after hours in consultation with the child’s music teacher. Please do not leave instruments for inspection or collection by a potential buyer at the music department or school office as we cannot ensure the instruments’ safety and have limited storage room.

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Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar

Full-time and part-time courses in Rudolf Steiner Education

Part-time certificate courses. Each evening we have a movement or artistic activity,

supper and then a lecture/discussion. The evening also offers an enjoyable social experience. These are non-accredited courses.

• Nourishing Early Childhood (Certificate), which explores the life of the very young child from 0-7. Duration: 1 year.

• Understanding Child Development and Rudolf Steiner Education (Certificate), which considers child development and education during the Primary years. Duration: 2 years

• Rudolf Steiner High School Education (Certificate) • Biodynamics (Note: this will be offered from 11:00am – 3:00 pm on a Thursday, subject

to numbers). Enrol for these courses on-line at: Full-time accredited Steiner Teacher Training course: the Advanced Diploma in Rudolf Steiner Education (course code 10527NAT) Many students complete this course and go on to complete further tertiary study to become teachers, or undertake it for their own development and interest, or incorporate what they have learned to their own field of work in a range of settings. This is an accredited course, offering a rich and comprehensive grounding in the picture of the human being given by Rudolf Steiner in the first year, with a focus on the pedagogy and curriculum given in Steiner schools in the second year. VET Student Loans and Austudy are available for eligible students. This course offers a pathway to a Bachelor of Education at the Australian Catholic University, Deakin, and Charles Darwin universities. Places are still available. Information: tel. 03 9876 5199 email: [email protected] Address: Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar, 37A Wellington Park Drive, Warranwood, 3134

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C a r i n g f o r t h e A d o l e s c e n t –E v e r y D a y i n t h e N o w

A f t e r t h e f o r c e d h i a t u s i n 2 0 2 1 , w e a r e h a p p y t o a n n o u n c e t h e 2 0 2 2 o n - c a m p u sI n t e n s i v e f o r H i g h S c h o o l T e a c h e r s . O u r k e y n o t e t a l k s w i l l a d d r e s s t h e s p e c i f i cq u a l i t i e s a n d n e e d s o f t h e v a r i o u s a g e g r o u p s f r o m C l a s s 8 t o C l a s s 1 2 s t u d e n t s i nt h e c u r r e n t t i m e .

W e a l l u n d e r s t a n d t h a t t e e n a g e r s t e n d t o l i v e i n t h e p r e s e n t a n d w e a s k t h eq u e s t i o n s : H o w c a n w e u n d e r s t a n d t h e c u r r i c u l u m a s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o b r i n g n e wc o m m a n d i n g e x p e r i e n c e s e a c h d a y t o d e v e l o p t h e c a p a c i t y o f j u d g e m e n t ? W h a t a r et h e r e a l a n d m e a n i n g f u l e n c o u n t e r s t h a t s p e a k t o t h e i n n e r l i f e o f a d o l e s c e n t s ?W h i c h s k i l l s a n d c a p a c i t i e s a r e r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t ? A n d – m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y : W h a t i st h e r o l e a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f t h e t e a c h e r i n a l l t h i s ?

T h e f i n a l p r o g r a m w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e o n o u r w e b p a g e t o w a r d s t h e e n d o f t e r m 2 ,2 0 2 1 . W e l o o k f o r w a r d t o s e e i n g y o u h e r e w i t h u s f o r t h i s i n t e n s i v e o n c a m p u s ,o n c e a g a i n o r f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e .

I n f o r m a t i o n : M e l b o u r n e R u d o l f S t e i n e r S e m i n a r 0 3 9 8 7 6 5 1 9 9w w w . s t e i n e r s e m i n a r . c o m

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Steiner Education Teaching Foundation Course EarlyChildhoodFoundationCourse(ECF)

Parents, carers and aspiring Steiner early childhood teachers, join us in this annual course and engage in webinars that explore Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental concepts in Anthroposophy and gain an understanding of our journey through life in 7-year phases. Our seminars delve into the realm of the young child, their growth and development, the importance of play, the care of the senses and how to create a nurturing environment. In the 2 seminars we offer experiences in eurythmy, water-colour painting, clay-modelling and craft linked to story-telling, the seasons and festivals. 3 options to engage – you choose. All welcome. No previous experience needed. All enquiries to Linda St Clair [email protected] More details and to enrol for 2022.

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SPECIAL INVITATION to Rudolf Steiner students, parents and

teachers. $30 DISCOUNT off your first

healing session. “Nurturing Healthy Mind,

Body and Soul” Elizabeth Buceto Practitioner of:

Kinergetics, Integrated Healing,

Liquid Crystals and PSYCH-K®. Practising modalities of Kinesiology allows you to effectively listen to, and heal your mind, body and

soul. I welcome the opportunity to respectfully work together. Please call to arrange an appointment

on 0479 169 795.

Natural healing therapies which positively and powerfully transform your life. We all have an incredible ability to heal ourselves. Together we effectively release trauma, and replace subconscious limiting beliefs with positive conscious wisdom. Ultimately, empowering you to be your true best; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Assists and support the following and more: Examples of balance types plus many more: -Learning difficulties and co-ordination -Brain Integration -Anxiety / Sleep and confidence -Clearing and replacing Negative Belief Systems -Depression -Healing the Inner Child -Stress / overwhelm -Clearing Redundant Vows -Muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, fascia -Clearing Sabotage Programs -Physical and emotional trauma -Temporal Mandibular Join Correction -Headaches and migraines -Clearing Survival Programs -Digestive system / food sensitivities -Clearing Shock Programs -Weight control and management -Trauma Balance -Addictions -Spinal Alignment Balance -Toxin elimination -Clearing Negative Generational Programs -Vision problems -Clearing Emotional Bruising -Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Fibromyalgia -Healing Relationships with Self and Others -Immune system -Clearing Negative Memories in the Amygdala -Grief -Deep Emotional Balance -any issue you desire to improve - Many, many or balances

Reviews on Facebook: Address: 198 Killara Rd, Gruyere Vic 3770

“A doll is an image of a human being and is therefore the toy most suited to develop and enliven the self-image in the growing child.” Freya Jaffka – Toymaking with Children Liz Mynes is a mother of two boys in our school who makes beautiful dolls. Liz would like to offer them for purchase to our school community. Each doll is made of natural fibres and often comes with a little wardrobe set. There are many varieties and Liz is happy to talk about making something to your specific needs. If you'd like to gift a child with one of these dolls, please contact Liz [email protected].

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Liz Myne’s beautifully hand-crafted dolls have come to stay in the craft cupboard at the admin office while they await to find their forever homes with their children. There are also many other gifts and stocking fillers here, largely made by parents in our school community. Please feel free to call the office if something in the cupboard catches your eye. We can arrange payment and pick up for you. [email protected] or phone 5967 1953

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We have some great markets to enjoy in the Upper Yarra. Pop on down, support locals and connect with your community. Please check market websites for updates as market schedules may change due to weather or COVID-19 restrictions.

The Valley Market Warburton 1st Sunday 11am-3pm Thomas Avenue, Warburton

Warburton Community Market 2nd Sunday 9am-2pm St Mary’s Anglican Church, Warburton

Upper Yarra Community Market 2nd & 4th Sunday 8am-2pm Car Park adjacent to Recreation Reserve, Yarra Junction

Millgrove Community Market 3rd Saturday and 5th Sunday 7am – 3pm Memorial Park Reserve near CFA, Millgrove

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CHRISTMAS SHORTBREAD STARS RECIPE 250g unsalted butter (room temperature) 125g icing sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 300g plain flour Icing sugar to dust • Preheat oven to 160°C. Grease 2 baking trays. Using a wooden spoon, cream the butter, icing sugar mixture and vanilla in a bowl. • Add the flour and stir until the dough comes together. Knead on a lightly floured surface until smooth. Form the dough into a disc, wrap in plastic film and refrigerate for 15 minutes. • Roll out the dough to 5mm thickness on a lightly floured board. Cut out 5cm star shapes and place on trays. Freeze for 15 minutes. • Bake until golden (12-15 minutes). Allow the biscuits to cool on the tray before

Fill Good Bulk Foods Hello dear Little Yarra Community You may know us, heard of us or we're news to you. Feel Good, Buy Better. The feel-good vibes as bodies thrive, consciences are alive, affordability and sustainability done right. Feel good for our ourselves, each other, and our great mother.

We're locals who have answered to call to serve our community with: ü Fresh whole foods ü Plastic Free ü Local producers and farmers all easy to find in the one spot.

And we're seriously delicious! Local artisan cheese, sourdough, croissants, bagels, local organic fruit and veg, artisan roasted nuts and dried fruit and so much more. All these guys are right on our doorstep, and they are all easy to find with Fill Good. Ordering online is easy and quick. We pack all your goods by hand into brown paper bags. Pick up is from Don Valley or we Deliver to you. Free Delivery for orders over $120 or a 5% pick-up discount. We have newsletters and blogs where our local news and connections thrive. Fill Good is very much our communities co creation to stay connected, eat well and support our locals in every way. We welcome you to come and enjoy our space. We love it, and each other and look forward to serving you! I'm always happy to chat, it goes a long way knowing where your food comes from.

For a call or an email, I am found here: Chris [email protected] or 0413 593 570. Or shop away dear friend via the link and share in our local bounty

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[email protected]


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Children’s Books / Parent & Educator Literature

The Little Christmas Tree

Loek Koopmans

The little Christmas tree hates its sharp needles, and longs to have soft leaves like all the other trees. But will it be happier when its wish is granted? Perhaps it’s not so bad being a little Christmas tree after all...

This is a charming story about learning that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Beautifully told with clever illustrations in a traditional style. Each page depicts the same subject in the same place... but Koopmans has managed to create a new feeling and energy by changing the surroundings on each page, making subtle use of colour and detail... it is a lovely book to read aloud with young children... This is a refreshing Christmas book with a difference.

Advent and Christmas Stories: A Treasury of Stories, Verses and Songs This treasury of over fifty stories, verses and songs range from Advent through the twelve days of Christmas, ending with the flight to Egypt. The authors draw on their lifelong experience as Waldorf kindergarten educators, storytellers, puppeteers and as mothers to share these magical stories. They tell their favourite Christmas stories simply and profoundly. These stories will both delight young children and invite parents to become more confident storytellers. Estelle Bryer was a Steiner Waldorf kindergarten and eurythmy teacher for over forty years. She is best known as South Africa’s foremost puppeteer for children, founding the only permanent puppet theatre in South Africa in 1992 and performing to over three quarters of a million children. Together with her daughter, Janni Nicol Estelle has compiled and edited two books for Hawthorn: Advent and Christmas Stories: A treasury of stories, verses and songs and Celebrating Christmas Together. Janni Nicol trained as a Steiner kindergarten teacher in South Africa where she was a pupil at, and then taught in the first Steiner school in Cape Town. She started a parent and child group and kindergarten in Cambridge, now a Steiner primary school and early years centre. She has written many articles and books on creative play, crafts, puppetry and Steiner early years education. She is also a Steiner teacher trainer, lecturer and early years consultant. She gives talks and workshops internationally and is on the board of the International Kindergarten Association IASWECE ( Her great love is puppetry and storytelling.

As the shepherds make their way to Bethlehem with gifts for the Christ child, a shepherd remains behind because she does not have a gift for him...until she discovers the Christmas Rose.

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Cindy Howells (Steiner Art and Craft and Prep teacher) and Lou Harvey-Zahra (Steiner teacher and parenting author) have teamed up to create a set of Australian themed beautiful seasonal cards.

It is our aim to bring the wonder of nature into homes and centres with seasonal tables and cards (and to create an Australian feel).

• Designed and Printed in Melbourne • Australian themes • Six cards per pack (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, plus

Birthday and Christmas Table cards) • And a separate Advent Card.

All cards are beautiful on the front AND back, the back of the cards provides instructions on how to set up a seasonal table with coloured cloths and nature items, seasonal craft ideas and a verse.

Packs of 6 cards are with free postage at the moment ($24.95) and the Advent card is $5 (needs to be ordered separately), please go to to order.

Call 5962 6635 or email us, if you have a question or need help with your yarn, fabric or haberdashery selections - we can even show you products via a virtual shopping experience using facetime!

Open 7 Days Monday – Saturday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Sunday & Public Holidays 10 am - 3 pm 236 Maroondah Hwy, Healesville VIC 3777

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Flourishing individuals, thriving organisations A journey of discovery and growth for Steiner school directors, administrators, college

members, faculty heads, teachers, board members and parents Steiner schools and other initiatives for cultural renewal are faced with key challenges if they are to survive and thrive. The program addresses the following issues:

o Building dynamic and resilient communities that are alive and responsive, through proactively engaging with emerging futures

o Creating energised and purposeful workplaces based on individual responsibility and autonomy, communal support and continuous learning

o Establishing healthy and vibrant group dynamics, cooperation and collaboration o Developing individual capacity for initiative-taking and shared leadership, and shaping

organisational culture to enable each person to flourish through discovering their virtues and strengths, and their potential to make meaningful and fulfilling contributions to the community

Some comments from participants on previous programs run by David

“I’ve found it incredibly helpful, and it has really changed the way I work.” “I found it one of the most enriching and educational courses that I have done.” “David’s program was holistic, enlightening and affirming.”

Program structure and outline

The program is interactive and will be conducted online (Zoom), with the format including: Conceptual input, dialogue and learning from each other’s experience; Small group work, artistic work and experiential exercises; Self-awareness and inner development processes; Reflection, evaluation and integrating the learning; A workbook with exercises and handouts will be provided.

Program schedule 2022

The seven sessions of the program will all take place on Saturdays from 10.30 am – 1.30 pm (Melbourne time), as follows: February: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th; March: 5th, 12th, 19th

Program facilitator

David Liknaitzky has had decades of experience empowering people to think creatively about individual and organisation development, to build ethical and collaborative workplaces and to flourish at work. He has had a long-standing involvement with the Steiner school movement in Australia and other parts of the world. He has a Master of Arts in Professional and Applied Ethics and is currently completing a PhD at the University of Melbourne. David is a Professional Support Panel Member of Steiner Education Australia. He runs spiritatwork, a consultancy with a strong anthroposophical foundation, and works with Steiner schools around the country on customised approaches to address their needs.

Cost of the program: $1 160 per person (no GST payable); Concessions / terms negotiable.

How to register your interest: click here.

Contact David for further information: [email protected]; 0415 529 120;

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Growing Strong Together: Coaching and Mentoring Skills

A spiritual, transformative approach

Teachers who have worked in a Steiner school for many years invariably have a range of skills and a wealth of knowledge that may be lost when they move on. This could be invaluable to younger colleagues who are still finding their feet in Steiner pedagogy, and who in turn could also offer fresh and new perspectives to teaching practice. Mentoring is a highly effective way of transmitting capacity and wisdom through generations of teachers and can be a mutually edifying experience for those involved.

Further, to have someone with whom we can share and work through our strivings, needs, aspirations, fears and challenges can be a great blessing. Through enhanced empathy, listening, reflecting and questioning, Coaching is a means of guiding others to develop their insight, knowledge and skills to become more rounded, accomplished and aware educators and colleagues.

Some comments from participants on previous programs run by David

“I’ve found it incredibly helpful, and it has really changed the way I work.” “I found it one of the most enriching and educational courses that I have done.” “David’s program was holistic, enlightening and affirming.”

Program structure and outline

The program is interactive and will be conducted online (Zoom), with the format including: Conceptual input, dialogue and learning from each other’s experience; Small group work, artistic work and experiential exercises; Self-awareness and inner development processes; Reflection, evaluation and integrating the learning; A workbook with exercises and handouts will be provided.

Program schedule 2022

The seven sessions of the program will all take place on Saturdays from 10.30 am – 1.30 pm (Melbourne time), as follows: April: 30th; May: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th; June: 4th, 11th

Program facilitator

David Liknaitzky has had decades of experience empowering people to think creatively about individual and organisation development, to build ethical and collaborative workplaces and to flourish at work. He has had a long-standing involvement with the Steiner school movement in Australia and other parts of the world. He has a Master of Arts in Professional and Applied Ethics and is currently completing a PhD at the University of Melbourne. David is a Professional Support Panel Member of Steiner Education Australia. He runs spiritatwork, a consultancy with a strong anthroposophical foundation, and works with Steiner schools around the country on customised approaches to address their needs.

Cost of the program: $1 160 per person (no GST payable); Concessions / terms negotiable.

How to register your interest: click here.

Contact David for further information: [email protected]; 0415 529 120;

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Native Pollinators in the Garden by Claire Gilbert

Summer is a great time to be spending in the garden and outdoors. Flowers are blooming which attracts a variety nectar-feeding insects to your garden. And, if you’re still enough, you may spot some native beauties.

The blue-banded bee is a stunning solitary native bee that lives in burrows in clay and masonry. I have spotted this bee buzzing and hovering around tomato flowers on a sunny day. This is a great thing because blue banded bees pollinate in a special way called ‘buzz pollination’. Buzz pollination is important as some native flowers rely on this method of pollination to produce seeds. It’s also the most effective form of pollination for tomatoes, eggplant, chillies, potatoes, blueberries and kiwi fruit.

Another beautiful and common native bee is the reed bee which takes its name from its habit of nesting in hollowed out stems. These bees are small but easy to spot due to their amber coloured abdomen.

Reed bee

When you think of flies you may not think of them as being important pollinators, but did you know that flies are primary pollinators for many plant species. And don’t overlook them as being unattractive and plain, many nectar-feeding fly species have stunning patterns and colours. Below are a few examples of these which include the beautiful hover fly, the flower-feeding march fly (which doesn’t bite), and the native drone fly.

So, if you happen to be near a flowering plant this summer why not take some time to notice what’s feeding and flying about - you might be surprised by the beautiful things you see.

Blue-banded bee

Beautiful Hover Fly Flower-feeding March Fly Native Drone Fly

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The perfect balance between sustainable and modern, contemporary living

The entire home is at peace with nature and shares a seamless connection with outdoors. The focus of the property has been to create a place for Health, Wellbeing and Healing and

aligns with principles of permaculture and observes natural eco systems.

Call Property Partners today!

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Events in December 2021

Handle with Care™ Webinar for Yarra Ranges Community Groups & Organisations Tuesday 14th December 10am-12pm via Zoom

Over the past 18 month, our lives have changed significantly due to COVID-19, and it has never been more important to be conscious of both our own mental health and to develop new skills to cope as well as possible in our changed environment.

In recognition of this Yarra Range Council is offering this webinar to Yarra Ranges community groups and community organisation staff and volunteers.

This 2-hour webinar, entitled Handle with Care ™, will cover: • Preparing psychologically to work in a difficult environment • Keeping yourself safe in potentially difficult environments • Managing difficult conversations with people who may distressed and/or angry

Registering your expression of interest does not guarantee a place. The first 35 registrations that meet eligibility criteria will be successful. Register

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Free Christmas Devonshire Tea Bring you friends and family down to the Warburton Presbyterian Church for a jolly community event, Free Christmas Devonshire Tea with sing-along Christmas Carols. When: Wednesday 8th December 11am-1pm Where: Warburton Presbyterian Church Click the link to find out more or contact Julie Szabo on 0455 268 457. FindOutMore

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Christmas Food Drive! Community Bank Warburton and Yarra Junction Tis the season for giving. The Community Bank Warburton and Yarra Junction are seeking donations of non-perishable items. All items will be distributed to local charities in time for Christmas. Donations are accepted in branches at Warburton and Yarra Junction until the 15th December.

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Cire Community Hub Yarra Junction Centrelink Access Point A local service can provide access to Centrelink, Medicare and other government programs and services. You can also use the Wi-Fi to download and install the Express Plus mobile apps. Our staff can even certify your identity documents for you. Yarra Junction First Impressions Clothing Exchange store has just celebrated its first full week of being open If you're in town, make sure to pop in.

Gingerbread House Workshop- Thursday 9th December 7pm to 8.30pm

Craft Junction - Wednesday 1pm-3pm Join a group of like-minded people to share ideas and bring your projects to life. From beginners to experts, we can help you find your inner artist. Website | Facebook

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Koha Café – Every Thursday evening, last dinner on 16th December, back first week of February 2022. Edible Warburton Community Gardens - Saturday mornings 10am to midday at the Community Gardens (High Street, opposite the Chook House, next to Warburton Wellbeing) do a few tasks in the gardens, pick a few veggies to take home. No membership, no cost. A good way to share your skills with and/or to get some new skills. A volunteer is often at the gardens on Tuesday mornings from 10.30 to 11.30. For gatherings Saturday or Tuesday, just turn up or contact us via Facebook (Edible Warburton) or email [email protected]

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Sweet Porridge edition Term 1 2022

Closing date for submissions

TERM 1 2022 Friday 11 February

Date of Publication

TERM 1 2022 Tuesday 15 February [email protected]

'DanceintheValley'PracticingtheArtofReleasewithJoWoods - Open Floor Movement Teacher- Saturday, 11 December 2021 | 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM Authority 27 November 2021-06 February 2022 Authority displays a variety of works surrounding the connotations and figures that relate to the word ‘authority’ in some way.

Residents encouraged to take part in re-imagined Garage Sale Trail Garage Sale Trail 2021 events will be hosted online over three weekends from 6 to 21 November. Powered locally by Council, the online festival encourages residents to sell, shop and learn about the circular economy. “The Garage Sale Trail team have made it easy with tips, tricks and free promotional materials and incorporating secure, online payments via PayPal.” Host a virtual garage sale or shop the Trail online at Grants for Community 2022 Council will provide almost $500,000 in funding for festivals, events and community projects, through its 2022 Grants for Community program. 68 projects were approved for funding, to find out more about these exiting community lead projects click here.

Marysville - Music in the Park Thursdays 09 Dec 2021, 16 Dec 2021, 23 Dec 2021

Live Music - Every Thursday 5.30pm to 8.00pm in Burrengeen Park, right next to MiRa, Marysville. Filling the air with music and making a space for everyone to enjoy, outside. Whether you’re passing by, having an impromptu family gathering, or meeting a group of friends. With some restrictions still in place, they are only able to provide the music. You will need to do the rest. That means, bring along your own picnic/family/rugs/chairs and keep a safe space between your group and others. Check in every time and sanitise.

Come and support one of our own students with her return to the Music in the Park stage.

Thursday 16th December 2021

5.30pm – 8.00pm

Steph Scott & Guest

Burrengeen Park, Murchison Street, Marysville, Victoria, 3779