Download - 7 Things We Can Learn About Social Media from Nicki Minaj.

  • 1. Nicki Minaj Things We Can Learn About Social Media from Nicki Minaj 77

2. Nicki Minaj Is HOT 3. Her new video "Anaconda" was viewed 19.6 million times in just 24 hours beating Miley Cyrus for the record on Vevo. 19.6 million 4. Sorry Miley! #SadFace 5. So why is Nicki Minaj killing it in social media? So why is Nicki Minaj killing it in social media? 6. Talent Nicki's unique rap style has set her apart from all other female hip-hop stars past and present 1 Talent 7. Talent Nicki is not afraid to take risks and put it all out there for the world to see. She is consistently experimenting and trying new things. 2 Controversy 8. Nicki's fan base calls themselves the 'BARBZ' and they are loyal to her. She consistently connects with her following via social media. 3 BARBZ 9. From Drake to Beyonce. Nicki is always working with the hottest artist and exposing her music and image to new audiences. 4Collaborations 10. Nicki has become a part of pop culture with fans creating meme's of her Anaconda album cover which generated earned media. 5 Pop Culture 11. Photos are the digital currency of the social web. And she has created a rich body of stunning and sharable visuals. 6Strong Visuals 12. Nicki has a unique voice, rap style, and POV on Hip-Hop that is all her own. When she comes on the radio or TV you know it's her. 7 Unique Voice 13. What can you learn from Nicki Minaj? 14. Be Original or Copy What works from the Greats 15. Experiment! Experiment! Experiment! 16. Know what your audience likes and DO MORE OF THAT 17. Develop a unique brand voice with the help of your fans 18. Work with brands/influencers who have a similar fan base 19. HAVE FUN and don't take yourself too seriously 20. Questions? Email me at [email protected] or send me a tweet at @mrmikestreet #AskMikestreet 21. SeniorDigitalStrategist [email protected] Mr. Mike street Follow Me: @MrMikeStreet