Download - 7 Habits of Successful Figure Competitors


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7 Habits of Successful

Figure Competitors

Written By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT, Author of

“Figure Competition Secrets” at

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You MAY freely distribute and share this report, provided that all the links, copyright, and author’s

name remain intact.

Disclaimer The material presented in this book is for general educational purposes only and not intended for any specific condition or medical ailment or condition. The supplied information does not constitute as medical advice; therefore it should not be relied upon as such. This eBook is provided on the basis that the reader is responsible for making his or her own assessments and decisions about the material presented with full knowledge that he or she should consult a licensed primary care physician for medical assessment and clearance. The author of the provided material is not a licensed physician. The knowledge acquired has been obtained through years of extensive research and personal experimentation. The reader understands that the author is not held responsible or accountable for furnishing medical claims, assessments, advice, or diagnosis. The author shall not be held liable for any loss or damage, including consequential or incidental. This book is being released with the understanding that the author does not engage in rendering any warranty to the accuracy or completeness of this program. While the contents may be factual and may assist the reader in taking weight off properly, the information is general, and results may vary. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Karen Sessions Inc., Figure Competition Secrets, Winning Figure Competition Diets and any other names or material provided, including written text and photos, shall not be copied. No part of this eBook may be reproduced in any form. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material without prior written consent from the author is prohibited.

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About the Author I’m Karen Sessions, a mult i-certified fitness instructor, 6

time eBook author, success coach, and a NPC nationally

qualified natural female


I have been in the fitness industry

since 1988. I started weight

training severely underweight due

to a mild eating disorder, anorexia.

The weight training was part of one

of my personal tactics toward

recovery. Within months I was able to put on lean muscle

weight naturally and totally reshape my body.

Amazed with what I was accomplishing, as well as enjoying

it, I dove in and dedicated a lot of time thoroughly

researching and educating myself on nutrition of quality,

muscle physiology, and every aspect in-between.

I took my physique to the competition level for several

years, mastering the art of competitive women’s

bodybuilding. After a few years of dabbling with various

tactics of dieting, cardio, and training I was able to perfect

the formula to bring me to 7% body fat naturally. For those

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of you who are aware, that’s quite an accomplishment

without the use of steroids. I have won many bodybuilding

contests and have qualified nationally in the NPC


I have now taken my knowledge and experience and jam-

packed it into eBooks to help you on your fitness endeavors,

whether it is muscle building, fat loss, bodybuilding or figure

competition, overall health, or a simple body transformation.

The body transforming systems I create are to give you the

raw, uncut facts to achieve your ultimate goal.

You can check out my full, in-depth figure competit ion prep

system here at my figure prep website: It’s the ENTIRE



To Your Success,

Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT


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Introduction STOP! Don’t make the mistake of just breezing though this

report glancing over each heading for that “secret key”

that’s going to get you your winning figure competit ion


There IS a working system that goes into figure prep, and

this free report covers part of it. If simply eating right and

exercising is the road to a figure competition body, wouldn’t

everyone have a figure competit ion body?

I don’t have to tell you that to lose body fat, gain lean

muscle mass, and to get on stage to compete in a figure

competition you need to diet right and train hard. As easy

as it sounds, there’s a LOT more that goes into figure

competition prep than just dieting and training.

Dieting and training are only scraping the surface, giving

you that fit look. To get lean, cut, ripped and STILL hold

that muscle to create that mouth-watering definition the

judges are thirsting for, you NEED to implement a few

strategies to ENSURE your success.

This report will give you the guidance you need to NEVER

fail again! You will find that when you implement these 7

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habits used by successful figure competitors you WILL make

progress AND accomplish your dreams.

You use weights in the gym to train your muscles. Use this

report to train your mind so you can dig deep down and

really make the changes you want and make your dreams a

reality. Put this information into action and watch changes


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Your Arrangement Will Lead to Your Success If you don't know where you are going, how can you expect

to get there?

- Basil S. Walsh

What a POWERFUL statement, and its so truth in anything

you do. When you embark upon the challenge to lose body

fat and get in figure competition condition, it is absolutely

ESSENTIAL that you create an action plan.

Figure competitors who want to compete, yet fail to get in

the condition they need to be in generally have one thing in

common and it’s the

failure to plan. To

successfully lose fat

and get in figure

competition condition

you NEED to plan your

diet and exercise

program so you have

a set schedule to follow. If you don’t have any direction you

will be running around in circles and not accomplishing


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I see it all the t ime in the gym. People training day in and

day out for years, yet they still look the same, never making

any changes or progress. It’s due to not having a plan, not

having a set direction to go in.

If you were told to drive to a destination you never been,

you would need a map, well a GPS these days. ☺ If you

didn’t have a GPS to guide you along the way it could take

you days, weeks, or even MONTHS to get to your

destination. If you have a little guidance you would make it

there much faster and with a LOT less stress!

A well thought out figure competition plan including diet,

training, cardio, supplementation, etc. will give you the best

possible fat loss and muscle gain results in record time.

That’s a FACT!

Part of planning will be to look at a few key points in you


• How long have you been training? It’s a good idea

to have AT LEAST a good year’s worth of training under

your belt before attempting prepping for a figure

competition. You will need a good solid muscle base

for the prep work involved, and for stage presentation.

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• Can you afford it? It’s going to cost a little to prep

and enter a figure competition. Not only do you have

the cost of your current gym membership, you will

have to also account for your entry fee, supplements,

coaching, posing suit and heels, competition jewelry,

tanning, skin dye, travel and hotel, etc. It can add up.

• Do you have time? Competition prep, when

combined with real life (family, work, errands, etc) can

become an intense juggling act! Your competition prep

will involve you pre-cooking meals and packing them to

take with you so you can eat your scheduled meal on

time. Also, you will need to exercise 5-6 days a week

from 1-3 hours. And then there’s tanning that you will

need to schedule in.

Can you see why it is VITAL to plan your days, weeks, and

even months to be a figure success? A goal without a plan

is just a wish.

Figure Competition Secrets will take you by the hand and

show you exactly how to plan and what you need to do to

prep for your figure competition.

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Create Attainable Goals You are reading this report, therefore you are motivated to

enter and compete in a figure competition. Your sheer

passion for exercise and figure prep can make you work

even harder. However, keep in

mind, all that passionate hard work

won’t get you ANYWHERE unless

you implement the first step,

creating your plan of action.

To get desired transformation

results worth of stepping on the

figure stage, you have to have

realistic goals. If you think a few

months of dieting and exercising is

going to magically make you look

like Nicole Wilkins-Lee, think again.

Prepping for a figure show isn’t an

overnight project. You will have to

invest time, effort, and money. But, it’s ALL worth it in the

end. There’s nothing like competing in a figure competition!

Here are a few key notes to keep in mind if you want to be a

successful figure competitor…

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* Have a clear understanding of figure competition dieting.

Just any ole’ figure competit ions diet plan may not be the

right one for you. Everyone’s body is different and everyone

will respond to macro-nutrient amounts differently. What

works for Nicole Wilkins-Lee may NOT work for YOU!

* You really need to take some time out and find out how

many calories YOU need for YOUR body weight and body

fat percentage (stats). Far too many newbie’s are following

diet plans they read online, on forums, or what

inexperienced competitors suggest. This Is A Tragic Error!

Just as you are an individual, your figure competit ion diet

MUST be individualized.

* You need to also have a reason to compete in a figure

competition. So, what’s YOUR reason for wanting to


• Looks fun?

• It’s challenging?

• You want to accomplish something great?

• You want to look freaking FANTASTIC and show it off?

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What is your reason? Find your reason and keep it in your


* Create a specific and measurable goal. Well, you want to

enter and compete in a figure competition, and with the

right figure prep, you can win.

* Now, make your goal achievable. Winning your figure

competition is realistic. Earning your pro card your first

show is unrealistic. Now, can you see the difference

between the two?

* Put a deadline on your goals. With figure competitions,

the deadline is usually decided for you. Find an organization

you want to compete in, choose a contest location and date,

and there’s your deadline.

* Write and chat positive affirmations. Doing so will turn the

idea or dream of competing into a reality. Such things as I

am prepping for my figure competition, I am prepping to win

my figure competition. Notice how it’s in the present tense.

Think, act, and believe it’s already true.

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Emile Coue

(1857-1926) Emile Coue, a physician formulated the Laws of

Suggestion. He is also known for encouraging his patients

to say to themselves 20-30 times each night before going to

sleep, “Everyday in every way, I’m getting better and

better”. He also discovered that when giving patients their

medicine and delivering positive suggestion at the same

time, proved to be a more effective cure than prescribing

medicine alone.

Figure Competition Secrets provides the complete

blueprint of how to set attainable goals that Gets RESULTS!

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Select a Figure Competition Diet That’s Right For You Figure competit ion diets are a dime a dozen. The tricky

part, and the part that is going to make ALL the difference

in the world, is choosing the right figure competition diet for

YOUR body type, shape, weight, and body fat percentage.

Not all figure competition diets are created equal! You

really have to be cautious about what you choose because

your figure competition diet will make you or break you.

The general

fitness or


dieting rules for

figure prep are

MUCH different.

Dieting down to

get on the

figure stage is a

completely different concept. While there is a lot of debate

about figure competition dieting, the proven, hard, and true

facts are that a figure competition diet is precisely

structured and strict.

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It’s wise to invest in a figure competition diet plan that

starts you off slowly, allowing you to wean off the obvious

junk food, not cut it out cold turkey. Also, find a figure

competition diet that allows you a much needed cheat day

once a week. The scheduled cheat day will eventually turn

into a re-feed day, and in some cases the re-feed day should

eliminated the final few weeks before your competition.

Protein is necessary for proper muscle growth, but many

figure competitors are eating far too much protein for their

stats, causing their body fat to stick like glue. You don’t

need as much protein as a dude. If you are only 130

pounds soaking wet, you do not need 150 grams of protein

dieting down!

Veggies are GREAT for leaning up and getting cut. You

know the saying, “green makes you lean.” It’s true. You

NEED to have lots of veggies in your figure competition diet

to drop the body fat and keep your muscle. Such veggies

could include steamed broccoli and cauliflower mix or grilled

asparagus. Raw baby carrots are great on the run. < Oh,

but carrots cause the insulin to rise. Actually, cooked

carrots cause your insulin to rise. Raw carrots are fine,

since they still contain their fiber.

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Essential fats are CRITICAL in your figure competit ion

diet, too. Essential fats supply energy on your low-carb

days. Knowing when to eat your essential fats is the real

key in fat loss. Such fats to include are natural peanut

butter, nuts and seeds, healthy oils, fatty fish, avocados,


There are several methods of calculating your calories and

macro-nutrients, and most work well. The trick is to use

just one method. Don’t keep bouncing back and forth

between dieting tactics. You MUST give your body time to

adjust to the current one before you try something else.

Figure Competition Secrets shows you EXACTLY how to

construct the BEST diet for YOUR dietary needs for YOUR

stats to ignite fat loss.

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Select Figure Competition Training That’s Right For You Figure competit ion training can be confusing for most

newbie’s. They think they need to do HOURS of weight

training every day with multiple exercises, sets, and reps.

A proper figure competit ion training program needs to be

based on a specific goal which is to keep as much muscle as

possible and even build some, while losing body fat.

Now, what a lot of newbie’s get confused on is they think

excessive weight training (lots of exercises, sets, and reps)

will get them cut. First, your diet is where the fat loss and

cuts occur. Your weight training builds and maintains

muscle, that’s it.

Proper Figure Prep Diet = Fat loss

Proper Figure Training = Lean Muscle Mass

A figure competition training program needs to have

Anaerobic Intensity. I see a lot of newbie figure

competitors lacking anaerobic intensity in their training.

Anaerobic intensity is NOT high-volume training.

Training intensity (anaerobic intensity) is the poundage and

force used against the weight. If you don’t challenge your

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muscles in a figure competit ion prep workout as much as

possible, you will lose muscle.

Since you will be entering a figure competition, it is

expected that you have some muscle mass built. DO NOT

make the mistake of dieting off some of your muscle, and

burning off the rest of your muscle with a poorly structured

training program.

Excessive exercises, sets, and

reps will only build muscle

endurance. To have the

muscle mass required to step

on the figure stage to

compete and win you NEED

to train in a zone that allows

you to build and keep your

hard-earned lean muscle


Ideally, you want to train as

heavy as possible for as long

as possible to acquire that long-sought after figure

competitor’s body.

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The chart below represents the results you will receive with

various rep ranges.

Rep Range % of 1 Rep Max Results

1-5 85-100 Power and strength, little

muscle growth

6-8 75-85% Strength and muscle


9-12 70-75% Muscle growth and some


13-20+ 60-70% Endurance, some muscle

growth, little strength

Notice fat loss is not a result of weight training. Your fat loss

results will come in your properly prepared figure

competition diet and added cardio work.

Your first several weeks of your figure competit ion training

you will be full of energy, power, and strength and getting

8-10 reps would be fairly easy. As you diet down and lose

some weight your strength will be affected.

When you lose some strength due to the structured figure

competition diet, only then do you adjust your training to

compensate for the strength loss. Before lowering your

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poundage and increasing your reps, try reducing rest time

between sets from 2 minutes to 1 minute. The small task of

reducing rest time severs as a training tweak and can amp

up your metabolism.

When your rest time hits a plateau, then compensate the

poundage and increase 1-2 reps. NEVER purposely lower

your poundage and increase reps in hopes it will get you

cut… It won’t.

Figure Competition Secrets provides training to keep and

even build lean muscle mass while you diet off your body

fat, giving you that HOT figure competition body that


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Observe And Evaluate Your Progress To really get the figure ready body you want and need for

stage, it is 100% ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL that you

monitor your progress. If you are not keeping accurate

records of your figure prep fat loss

journey, how will you know if you

are actually making progress?

A body weight scale is a helpful

tool. But keep in mind that a scale

weighs your body fat, lean muscle

mass, water weight, organ weight,

bone weight, and blood weight. A drop on the scale does

not necessarily mean fat loss.

Taking your body fat is another tool to gauge your progress.

Many competitors like the trust ole’ body fat calipers. It is

better to have an experienced person trained to use calipers

to test you. An additional hint is to use the same person

each time and test your body fat under the same conditions

each time, such as the same time of day. You can have

slightly different stats first thing in the morning as opposed

to late in the evening.

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Another great way to monitor your progress is to take

photos and videos of yourself. Being able to actually “see”

your progress in photos and videos will give you the real

picture of how well you are doing, your strengths, and your

weakness you need to improve on. Keep all photos and

videos and compare them often. It also helps to hang them

where you will see them a lot.

In addition to the scale, body fat testing, photos and videos,

the mirror is a great tool to implement to gage your

progress. Due to stress, dieting, training, hydration level

shifting, there will be days your stats will be off. If you have

an off day with your stats, rather than get upset about it,

thinking your program is not working, stop and take a look

in the mirror. The mirror doesn’t lie.

Also, using constructive crit icism from a qualified coach or

competitor can be extremely beneficial. Don’t use your

general friends or family for this task. More often than not

they don’t know what to look for, how to judge, and what to

suggest. Use an experienced person, figure coach, or a

trained eye.

There’s no one way or no right way to monitor your

progress. Your best bet would be to use all the methods

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available to you such as the scale, taking stats, taking

photos and videos, watching the mirror, and getting

constructive feedback from a trained eye.

Figure Competition Secrets shows you EXACTLY how to

monitor and track your progress, and how to make tweaks

or changes when you need to spark MORE changes.

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Consistency Leads to Ultimate Success I-90 is the longest Interstate Highway in the United States.

It runs from Seattle, Washington to Boston, Massachusetts.

If you drove I-90 from Washington to Massachusetts in one

straight shot without

any detours you

could get there much

faster than you could

taking all the side


One of the secrets to

successful figure

competitors is their consistency. Consistency is the ability to

maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task

with minimal variation. Being consistent on your figure

competition program trains your body what to expect. This

is a good thing.

The benefit of training your body is that you consistently

maintain a particular diet format. When you hit a plateau,

stop losing fat, you implement a small dietary tweak, which

is just enough of a jolt to make your body respond – burn

fat once again. This exact same principle also applies to

your training and cardio.

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I could lie to you and tell you that you can have a small

cheat every day on your figure competition diet and it won’t

hurt you. That’s probably what you want to hear. However,

the truth is, if you want to look like one of those

OUTSTANDING figure competitors and even win, you NEED

to maintain consistency on your diet.

One SCHEDULED cheat day is acceptable, provided it is

limited to one day. Don’t make the mistake of starting your

cheat day ½ a day early, taking your full cheat day, and

then ending it at noon the next day. This kind of irregular

dieting would be ok in your off-season, but if you are this lag

in your figure prep, you will be costing yourself a top


Also, missing cardio or training here or there due to feeling

overly t ired is ok, provided you are not abusing it and

missing 2-3 workouts a week.

You HAVE to be dedicated and you HAVE to be consistent.

Consistency means sticking to your program and following

though with it no matter what.

You MUST have faith in your program. Too many newbie

figure competitors rely on a boat-load information and end

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up teetering between 2-3 different programs, which will lead

to a train wreck.

While many different figure programs may work, they most

usually DON’T work with combined with other programs and


Understand that speed bumps will occur on your figure prep

journey. It would be wise to formulate a back-up plan in

case something comes up.

Figure Competition Secrets is the PROVEN formulated

system that delivers and gets you the results to step on

stage with confidence and WIN!

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Identify Your Next Step You don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first


~ Martin Luther King

Many women dream of competing in a figure competit ion.

Perhaps you’re one of those women. You’ve thought hard

about what competing might be like, how it

feels to be on sate. You’ve wondered how to

make that figure transformation. And in the

final analysis, you probably didn’t do

anything about it.

Most women who consider competing in a figure competit ion

never do it, primarily because they don’t know where to

start. They also expect to know exactly how to prep from

start to finish, and in the absence of that certainty, fail to

take any action.

Although top-level figure competitors and figure pros will

know what their next figure prep step is, it’s unreasonable to

expect that it will come easily for the newbie. You’ve

probably been trying to diet and train in such as way to

transform your physique, but not doing so in ways that will

actually transform you. There IS a proven figure competit ion

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prep system and you’re not likely to know your next step if

you are a newbie.

You don’t need to see the entire stair case to take the first

step. However, a way to create a manageable staircase you

can use to get to your destination is to have a plan to know

what your next step will be.

Create a future plan of:

• How and when your cardio will advance

• When you still start practicing your posing

• When you will select a posing suit

• When you will select your posing heels

• When you will start tanning

• And so on…

Customizing a plan ahead of time will keep your focus on

your figure transformation. It keeps you from panicking and

worrying about how and when you will implement

everything. This future plan will also have you prepared if

anything comes up unexpectedly.

Also, use Proven Methods for figure competit ion

preparation. Winging your diet and training can make you

look like a complete novice on stage. You want to look like

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you’ve danced the dance before, even if it’s your very first

figure competit ion!

Figure Competition Secrets IS a Proven System that will

provide you with the EXACT figure competition prep

blueprint used by IFBB figure pros. If you want the

secrets of the top figure competitors, it’s in FCS!

With the right information in the palm of your hands you can

override all the misinformation and fluff, avoid the tragic

figure competit ion prep pitfalls, and FINALLY make your

dream of competing in a figure competit ion and even

winning a reality!

You can have INSTANT ACCESS to THE figure competition

secret weapon. All you need to do is apply the principles

outlined in “Figure

Competition Secrets”.

Go ahead… Take the first step

in faith and climb that stair

case, step on that figure stage,

and WIN your show!

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What Follows is Very Important…

Many trainers and “experts” use the “bucket” theory of

“calories in, calories out” to lose weight. However, there is a

huge difference between weight loss and fat loss.

Weight loss can be in the form of a loss of water, fat,

muscle, organ weight, etc. Fat loss is simply a sheer loss of

body fat.

The “calories in, calories out” method can work successfully

in the beginning stages of dieting, but can fall short when it

comes to getting cut and defined for the competitive stage.

For figure competitors and bodybuilders, the same general

dieting tactics apply for both. The idea is to feed the body in

such a way that it holds on to as much lean muscle mass as

possible, which allows body fat to be melted off. These

dieting practices have been learned and proven by

bodybuilders and gurus, years before everyone else. So,

when the first phase of dieting using “calories in, calories

out” hits the wall, that’s when you begin to understand that

calories are not created equally and that you have to use a

manipulated system to conquer body fat.

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The REAL KEY to figure competition fat loss is eating the

right amount of calories AND macros for YOUR body stats

and activity level. This is why pre-made diets can only get

you so far. Once pre-made diets stop working, you need a

customized diet for your genetic build, stats, activity level,

and hormonal responses.

I feel that I would be doing you a HUGE injustice by not

mentioning that I have sat down and taken my 20+ plus of

knowledge, experience, research, and genuine pig studies

and jam-packed it ALL in an easy-to-read Figure

Competition System that works for you and not against you.

“Figure Competition Secrets” is THE System you NEED

to be a Figure Sensation and WIN!

Learn from someone JUST LIKE YOU, a female that has

competed in a physique show, won, and has

successfully trained others to do the same. By applying

the concepts outlined in “Figure Competition Secrets”

you will be able to successfully prepare for your figure

competition and even win.

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This exciting new figure competition system will enable you

to achieve DRAMATIC RESULTS in the shortest amount of

time possible with POWERFUL techniques for getting


Learn how you can tweak your diet for dynamic body fat

slashing results.

“Figure Competition Secrets” Shows you how to

individualize a diet for YOUR stats containing a HUGE food

database of healthy foods that build muscle and burn fat.

“Figure Competition Secrets” reveals underground

secrets used by the top-level amateur and professional

figure competitors. (Underground simply means not

generally known by mainstream. This is why mainstream is

out of shape and overweight.)

Learn TESTED and PROVEN strategies for minimizing

muscle wastage. Most ladies prepping for their figure

show are literally EATING up their hard-earned lean muscle.

Find out how you can keep ALL your muscle and lose your

body fat!

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Get THE Blue-Print to break through stubborn

plateaus! Are you lost when you hit a wall in your dieting

and your fat loss comes to a dead STOP? I can let you in

on the trouble shooting and tweaking elements to pull you

out of the rut and get fat moving RIGHT OFF!

Discover the REAL TRUTH about weight training in

your Figure Prep Program… Sadly, many “experts” and

“gurus” steer Figure Prep athletes AWAY from weight

training, the sole source that built the muscle in the First

Place! Don’t go down this DEADLY, Muscle Wastage

Path! Get on a Weight Training System to keep your

muscle while diet and cardio burn off your body fat!

Find out how to Systematically Manipulate Your Cardio

to Trick your body into burning fat longer! All too often

a figure athlete will jump on the cardio bandwagon, killing

the cardio the first month. There IS a cardio format to

make cardio a fat-burning tactic throughout your figure prep


Uncover weight training Secrets for your Figure

Competition… Many Figure athletes severely overtrain

in their Figure Preparation. They are at a Total Loss when

it comes to how often to train, how many exercise to do,

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how many sets, how many reps, how to group body parts…

Figure Prep Weight Training doesn’t have to be Rocket

Science. I can show you Weight Training formats that


The Biggest Piece of the Figure Prep Puzzle is Peak

Week. If you are at a loss for what to

do the week before your Figure

Competition, asking yourself “what can I

eat,” “how much can I eat,” “How much

water should I drink,” “when do I lower

water intake,” etc. then you NEED the

Figure Competition Step-by-Step

Program to Guide you through your

entire Figure Prep plan all the way to competition day and

stepping on the Figure Stage…

You will find these and MORE figure prep secrets right

now at

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Oh Yeah! One more thing… Order “Figure Competition

Secrets” RIGHT NOW and I’ll toss in this COOL recipe

eBook that you can use in your figure prep. It’s written by

David Ruel, “The Muscle Cook.”

Hey… You only live once. Make it the BEST!



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Natalie Valenzuela – First Time Figure Competitor

“Figure Competition Secrets” allowed me to change my

body and make my dreams come true!

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Tashia Summers - 39 year young mother of 3!

Thanks to Karen and her "Figure Competition Secrets"

eBook, I just competed in my FIRST figure competition on

August 14th, 2010 in Arkansas.

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Lisa De LaRosa – Total Newbie

“Figure Competition Secrets” tailored my diet, cardio and

training specifically to my goals. I started to see results

within the first 3 weeks. I was so thrilled with the

progress. In a matter of months I literally saw myself

transform. I am very happy and I feel and look better than I

ever have.

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Kimberly Dickson

I purchased your eBook at week 6 prior to my first figure

competition and as you can see it helped me prepare for my

first show successfully.

I took a 2nd place trophy in the 2009 Orange County Muscle

Classic for the Masters 35+ Tall and 3rd for the Open D

Class, very graciously considering 1st and 2nd went to a 27

and 30 year old and I am 43.

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Six months later, with continual prep from Figure

Competition Secrets, I placed 1st in Open Class D and

2nd in Masters 35+ Tall in the Border Stats Classic.

Your eBook and its information were

invaluable....right down to how to prepare my

"tan".....thanks so much.

Download Figure Competition Secrets

Jennifer Kline

Just wanted to drop you a note

and tell you how much I

appreciate your eBook “Figure

Competition Secrets” for my

figure prep diet.

I'm preparing for my first

Figure event and your eBook

offers the most

comprehensive information I

have found on the net. You

are such a valuable resource for

those who have the dream to

compete. Thank you!

Jennifer Kline

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor

Scottsdale, AZ

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