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PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!


John  Chave  

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

Austria  Belgium  Bulgaria  Croa4a  Cyprus  Czech  Rep  Denmark  Estonia  Finland  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Ireland  Italy  Luxembourg  Malta  

Netherlands  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Slovakia  Slovenia  Spain  Sweden  United  Kingdom  Bosnia  Herzegovina  Kosovo  FYR  Macedonia  Norway  Serbia  Switzerland  Turkey  Ukraine    

Pharmaceu5cal  Group  of  European  Union  Members:  Professional  Bodies  &  Pharmacists’  Associa8ons      

2013:  34  Countries  

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

Minimum  Requirements  

Minimum  pharmacists  traineeship  requirements  are  established  In  the  RPQ  Direc4ve:  

§  The  RPQ  Direc4ve  establishes  a  minimum  of  six  months  traineeship  during  the  undergraduate  studies;  

§  Traineeship  must  be  undertaken  in  a  community  pharmacy  seXng  or  in  a  hospital  pharmacy.  

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

How  Important  is  the  Traineeship?    §  Most  pharmacy  undergraduate  courses  in  Europe  are  

orientated  toward  ‘hard’  sciences  with  limited  emphasis  on  prac4cal  skills  (for  example,  communica4on);  

§  Theore4cal  educa4on  is  considered  by  many  to  be  part  of  the  ‘university  character’  of  pharmacy  educa4on  (note  RPQ  Direc4ve  in  this  respect);  

§  In  our  view  the  traineeship  is  a  necessary  prepara5on  for  interac5on  with  pa5ents  and  is  thus  in5mately  related  to  the  public  health  mission  of  the  profession.  

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

General  Points  About  Pharmacy  Training    

§  A  number  of  countries  go  beyond  the  minimum  six  months    e.g.  France,  Ireland,  Germany,  Greece,  Sweden    and  UK;  

§  Traineeship  is  mainly  in  community  pharmacy(58%)  with  26%  in  hospital  and  16%  in  industrial  seXngs;  

§  Traineeship  is  mainly  in  the  fieh  year  (74%)  but  some  countries  such  as  Finland,  France,  Germany,  Hungary  and  Malta  start  traineeship  early  -­‐  in  the  first  or  second  year  (this  was  an  issue  during  the  re-­‐cast  of  the  Direc4ve);  


PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

General  Points  About  Pharmacy  Training  §  There  are  diverse  approaches  to  supervision,  monitoring,  

content  and  assessment;  

§  In  some  countries  there  is  no  prescribed  content  or  formal  supervision  /assessment  mechanism;  

§  Structure  may  be  a  more  important  factor  than  dura4on;  

§  In  some  countries  the  traineeship  is  paid,  but  not  all.  

§  As  a  general  observa4on,  supervision,  monitoring,  content  and  assessment  are  beier  organised  and  structured  in  those  countries  with  a  stronger  tradi4on  of  prac4ce  regula4on  (e.g.  UK  and  France).  

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

Structure  of  Traineeship    Case  Study  UK  (1)  

§  Dura4on:  12  months  

§  Usually  en8rely  in  community  or  en8rely  in  hospital  seXng,  with  very  few  places  for  “split”  (6  months  each)  community-­‐hospital,  hospital-­‐industry  etc  

§  On  the  job  training  and  mentoring  

§  Some  employers  also  offer  structured  training  (e.g.  prac4ce  exams,  workshops,  seminars,  role-­‐play  etc)  

§  Regulator  sets  na8onal  syllabus    

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

Structure  of  Traineeship    Case  Study  :UK  (2)  

§  3  reviews  with  tutor  (at  13th,  26th  and  52nd  weeks,  checked  by  regulator)    

§  Need  to  meet  76  performance  standards  (and  document  evidence)    

§  Tutor  must  “sign  you  off”  that  they  believe  you  are  competent  at  the  end  of  the  year    

§  Must  sit  and  pass  final  registra8on  exam  (one  open  book,  one  closed,  part  calcula4ons  with  no  calculator  –  pass  mark  for  calcula4ons  =  70%)  

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

Supervision  –  Case  Study    from  France  §  Formally  organised  under  a  Pharmacist’s  supervision;  

§  Evalua4on  done  by  University  together  with  the  supervisor;  §  Supervisor  needs  to  be  accredited  by  the  faculty  aeer  

recommenda4on  from  the  Regional  Order;  

§  Accredita4on  lasts  5  years  and  need  to  be  reassessed  subsequently;  

§  Supervisor  needs  to  sign  the  charter  of  commitment  etsablished  by  the  Na4onal  Order  

§  There  is  a  guide  on  good  supervisors…  

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

Mobility  and  Traineeship  §  Member   States   are   obliged   to   recognise   professional  

traineeship   in   another   member   state   (see   Direc4ve).  However,  it  is  rare  for  pharmacists  to  undertake  traineeship  in  another  Member  State;  

§  Some  countries  impose  restric4ons  (ie  Malta  and  France  only  allow   part   of   traineeship   to   be   spent   in   another   Member  State).   In   some   cases   students   (e.g.   Netherlands)   report  difficul4es   in   undertaking   a   traineeship   in   another   Member  State;  

§  Language   is   a   possible   impediment   for   ‘pa4ent   facing’  pharmacy  prac4ce.  


PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!

Some  Conclusions  §  The  Direc4ve  sets  down  the  basic  framework,  but  approaches  

to  key  elements  of  training  differ  significantly  across  Europe;  

§  Traineeship  is  an  essen4al,  non-­‐subs4tutable  element  in  pharmacy  educa4on,  and  closely  linked  to  the  health  professional  mission;  

§  Mandatory  CPD  for  pharmacists  (as  for  other  health  professionals)  is  rela4vely  limited  in  Europe  –  ‘learning  on  the  job’  is  essen4al  to  personal  professional  development;  

§  In  pharmacy  there  is  some    (growing)  support  for  emphasising  prac4cal  and  competency  based  training  over  more  tradi4onal  theore4cal  approaches,  although  this  is  by  no  means  accepted  by  all.  


PGEU GPUE! Pharmaceutical Group of European Union!Groupement Pharmaceutique de l’Union Européenne!