Download - 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1

  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


    Exemplar Script 1

  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


    GCE Physics 2008 marking grids AS Script 1A: Summary of case study or physics-based visitCriterion Mark

    Ref Criterion Mark Comment

    S1 Carries out a visit OR uses library,consulting a minimum of three differentsources of information (egbooks/websites/journals/magazines/casestudy provided byEdexcel/manufacturers data sheets)

    0 All resources for case study are internet based.

    S2 States details of visit venue OR providesfull details of sources of information

    0 Details of the precise locations of the data on the websitesare not given

    S3 Provides a brief description of the visitOR case study

    0 It was not clear what the case study was about, e.g. whichaspects of thixotropy were being studied.

    S4 Makes correct statement on relevant

    physics principles

    1 S4 for the shear rate is the rate of change of velocity at

    which one layer of fluid passes over an adjacent layer.S5 Uses relevant specialist terminology

    correctly0 S5 not given because other terms are not defined, e.g.

    shear stress, viscosity, etc.S6 Provides one piece of relevant

    information (eg data, graph, diagram)that is not mentioned in the briefingpapers for the visit or case study

    0 No additional data

    S7 Briefly discusses context (egsocial/environmental/historical)

    0 No social implications

    S8 Comments on implication of physics (egbenefits/risks)

    0 No benefits or risks

    S9 Explains how the practical relates to thevisit or case study

    0 No discussion of practical work

    Total marks for this section 1

    B: Planning

    Ref Criterion Mark Comment

    P1 Lists all materials required 1 List of apparatus givenP2 States how to measure one relevant

    quantity using the most appropriateinstrument

    1 Stopwatch used and details of start time and stop timegiven

    P3 Explains the choice of the measuringinstrument with reference to the scale ofthe instrument as appropriate and/or thenumber of measurements to be taken

    0 No explanation of the choice of the stopwatch withreference to the scale or the number of measurementstaken

    P4 States how to measure a second relevantquantity using the most appropriateinstrument

    0 No other measuring instrument discussed

    P5 Explains the choice of the secondmeasuring instrument with reference tothe scale of the instrument asappropriate and/or the number ofmeasurements to be taken

    0 No other measuring instrument discussed

    P6 Demonstrates knowledge of correctmeasuring techniques

    0 No discussion of correct measuring techniques, e.g. eyelevel with marker when stopwatch started, etc.

    P7 States which is the independent and 1 Identifies dependent and independent variable

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    which is the dependent variable

    P8 Identifies and states how to control allother relevant variables to make it a fair


    1 Using steel spheres of constant diameter

    P9 Comments on whether repeat readingsare appropriate in this case

    1 Reducing uncertainty by repeating readings stated

    P10 Comments on safety 1 Relatively high temperature of water bath statedP11 Discusses how the data collected will be

    used0 No discussion of what is to be plotted etc.

    P12 Identifies the main sources ofuncertainty and/or systematic error

    1 Temperature changes of the honey when it is removedfrom the water or ice baths identified

    P13 Draws an appropriately labelled diagramof the apparatus to be used

    1 Labelled diagrams of apparatus drawn

    P14 Plan is well organised and methodical,using an appropriately sequenced step-by-step procedure

    1 Good sequenced step by step procedure given

    Total marks for this section 9

    C: Implementation and Measurements

    Ref Criterion Mark Comment

    M1 Records all measurements using thecorrect number of significant figures,tabulating measurements whereappropriate

    1 Good table of results

    M2 Uses correct units throughout 0 Units correct in table, but incorrect units for viscosity in theanalysis section

    M3 Obtains an appropriate number ofmeasurements

    0 4 sets of readings in the table is not sufficient

    M4 Obtains measurements over anappropriate range

    1 Even though there were insufficient readings, the range ofreadings was good

    Total marks for this section 2

    D: Analysis

    Ref Criterion Mark Comment

    A1 Produces a graph with appropriatelylabelled axes and with correct units

    1 Axes labelled and units

    A2 Produces a graph with sensiblescales

    1 Sensible scale, data occupies more than half the page ineach direction

    A3 Plots points accurately 0 Two points plotted at 60 degrees C, even though there is onlyone value in the table

    A4 Draws line of best fit (either astraight line or a smooth curve)

    0 Curve is not smooth enough.

    A5 Comments on the trend/patternobtained

    0 Incorrect statement. As the temperature increases, the timetaken to fall through the honey decreases not increases.

    A6 Derives relation between twovariables or determines constant

    0 The analysis is incorrect. The candidate finds (average)velocities but then assumes that the sphere is accelerating.

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    E: Report

    Additional comment

    The title of this investigation, 'To investigate the effect of temperature on the viscosity of honey' will makeit difficult for the candidate to obtain full marks. In particular marks P11, A6 and A11 are going to bedifficult to achieve. Although at least 6 sizes of ball bearing would be needed, it would have been better tohave a title such as 'Determine the viscosity of honey at a given temperature'.

    A7 Discusses/uses related physicsprinciples

    1 Mark given for the discussion of change in viscosity withtemperature due to the change in the change in kineticenergy of the molecules

    A8 Attempts to qualitatively considersources of error 1 Sources of error discussed e.g. dropping spheresimmediately after honey taken out of water bath or droppingspheres into centre of cylinder

    A9 Suggests realistic modifications toreduce error/improve experiment

    1 Greater distance for fall of sphere is a good improvement

    A10 Calculates uncertainties 0 No calculation of percentage uncertaintyA11 Provides a final conclusion 0 There is no evidence for the conclusion that the viscosity is

    inversely proportional to the temperature

    Total marks for this section5

    Ref Criterion Mark

    R1 Summary contains few grammaticalor spelling errors 1 Summary has correct grammar and spelling.

    R2 Summary is structured usingappropriate subheadings 0 No subheadings in the summary.

    Total marks for this section 1

    Total marks for this unit 18

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  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1


  • 8/12/2019 6PH03 Exemplar Material - Script 1
