Download - 69 - Ulster University · buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur.:: e of actio.!. , could also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n. s~''"1'·ence, II said tne statement f rolll

Page 1: 69 - Ulster University · buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur.:: e of actio.!. , could also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n. s~''"1'·ence, II said tne statement f rolll


;90') HODI{S ~HUH3DAY -:;' JULY

"0 -1 l' t, --1 n <::>. '1 fl ·, f' .. ~. 'r " ..... ... .1).' J •• " r ' c -j • .., ( B \ ..J..: _ . .J... Iv 0 ,._ < ' ., ..\.. ...~, ...... ." _ • • J . _. I ... \. . )


1 .. 1 IvIa z e l\I.D O: ~ r ).} ..Jr il:.e The condition of Lynch h :.~ ~' n c w b ecom :, eritical [Did he 1 "'psed -lrrf~aoL_~~l;.co·i~sc i--:Ylsne sE) y-esterds ... , <> The . oeto'(' Has d ou'-,tf'u-,- if h e would l act t hroushou t t,h e n i ght l qlt La \ri D,g done s o 11,8 is ~xpecting Lynch I s death ....:ometi,l . tor~ "" Y Dohorty i s c linical p:.c· o Fl'e SS ~ or. c ont i nue s '·' 0 b ~ el'r-ati · altLoup;h i t h as reT7I ained 18.rgel~y ;~ t"';tic 8.JJ.d "l e r emains luci ~ c;, .... ryl . b le t o con~{r(;,~~· e fre ely a.l though he has virtunl1J lo s t 'b.i s vi.s i ons Unconsciou.3nec:;:., an d de a t h o.-"e tLcugnt t o b~~ ac l ea.s t: 1. ·8 ti.()IJrS a \'!ay or t b _, r emaining .::: t :c i}:. et:~s onl y ( Ui"1'u t s condition ,give s all.y c aUS6 f ) 1.: c o:ncern e II.' 8 l.i1wil: h ave a h i s.toX'.I of k id:r ey t l'O Ib) e dIld Quinn ",,rat') i..!. a v:i r t .8.1 f?'i; (3.t e o f co'l.St.pse a.f ter .t he t BJJ{S 'tzJ j t h ~~-dams '1 e t c ( 6e e ':) '" 1 ) ..

Th~ p riso:Gsr s I. vlcight s ar e : ,.-

Day of

.Str ii:e

vjeigh t or

first ,. ;':/, ~

ex: auG.n-at i on

11s t 11 I bs

" . ~ \'/5 it::,~ 1t;

t oday

vleight . lo ss during



OV8J:"a ll \oi' c i ght

"1 "" ~,...." ..L. ~;· h.JO

"' 3st r t __ < los K · eran Doh er -+-y Yevin IJyn ch TLomas l'lcI l ·'le E.~ Patrick Quinn I'Iicbael Devin e IJau r enc. e I'IcKeo\'Iu I)at r i ck r-l ~Geo ~ m

Nat t h e -I Devli -L

70 69 53 46

get 7 11)8 ITA ., ",,_ Nil. HA

61bs 5~·lb8 3 Ib s 4 1h s 4-1bs

;I:2st /1 ?..1 "\ h (.~ I <_? ..... . ~ .•• .1

39 32 21 16

>I< last vieighe d OL. 1LJ.,, ? .. 81 ~ las t Y-le i gh-.-u on 19 ,, 7 .. 81

10 s t 10 ~3t

9s t 10 s t

9s t 11 [·:;t

,..., los 0

1 }lbs &~: bs c_ .~

8 ~l~b s

8 lbs 1 '> 1 "j" . C-2 .1.. OS

7Dt 3 1 1' 8 '1st 6Jlhc 7st ;101bs Ss t 1 2108 Sst 11b

10 s t 8~-l u c. t::: 11 ..... ,... \..F;2 ' U U

38'~ 2st -1 s t 1 s t 1 st; 1 ':.Jt

c:. lbs ..J

9 .Lbs 12i l b s 10 lbs

7 l bf:3 1 "I ...... -,

..... . .J ~

On 29/7 a ch aplain a t the I"ia78 p as ;oecl on a r ' qu est from Card i I a I , 0 ' F i aich asking that p er .!_issi o 1 b r, g iven fO l" a. visit 1 ?- -:OI' trat day to t1J.e; !' s t r ilrers and Br en dan II,Ic.T'3rl8,118 h ;y- Ger:cy _A~ .. J~ al}lS of "PS:B' and_ 2 oth8:r8", It \,t2.S

c lai med tha t t he meetinG ffi:~ght r ·.<;ul t in t he vnd iD~~ " 1" t h e hunge.(. Btr I) After consid ~rat ion it ~r~ s a~re~ d 0h~t the vi~it could t3kc pla c e en t h e c le ~r unders t anding that n either the IT'" O nor t he Govern''):.'' were to b e i:-avol v ::;d " ),1ja' 8 5 '1' . as a Ct c' ()ml lp.n-i (.~r~ "'lo· "1' O'f,.r e't'} ( '! '=3 "X' , y. { ~ R "" '-"t<''' ~ f 'Y'l~Ue'"(' e ' ~ (' +- "L O' " ", C' c:.ll +- ) ~:; 1'1r1 h , ... ..... v' ...... "' v- lr V'.. .. t.. , \......l J J \., ..l ~ c~ _ .L. , j-",J __ . J.....L .... ~_) _ ~ ~ __ .~ '-- v v V . '''-_1. _ v v ~ '-.,

Seam'ls Rud.dy , IR.SP~. 1'111:0 vi Bi t l asted f oY' j ust ov er 4 L.ours and j t is 11,Ude:r'-0+ 0' 0 0' -!-'r (1.1- 8 CUi QT"erl c i 0 O.t' · ! ~l e· I l l --r l ""n r S'+· ...... l' 'j," ~' . f' r 3 ..1- 0 t;) l""on+-h C' .,'- r, ,~ "I -I O~ · f f' O"(' 0 v . l) _ c . ... . L' .... J.I. ...... ;~ __ • • ~ ~ _ J. V J...J. ' _. - 4 j- b~ ~. \,J . L. : ':.. 1::', _, • . ' L- I;.. ..:.J. ... .. \.;1. .1.:;> VV c ·. J .. . .i. __ ~ .J... ,' -

the intro~Lction and rG.oni t ori ... g of p riL") oll refor ms v,rOB Si. ggc~:;;t; (.; ~ but; i.;hcd:.~ + 'D l' ," ~ ta c."" ] " -i o c··i-ecJ 'b~r .l - ~[, '" T' ~-" ~ C'C~ ""1C' 1-"-' ·J-·n·' ( .J Y'-', r ! (!::"'i l ::'l> /'i -' '''''':''L-ar O"} ''''8 '~i llQ'·".1-:11 S ~ -'- . ':) {~ .;) . " U ",v l / . , . \, \';· .l. '-·; .. . L~.L ." . , )J .. .. '~.' " .. ; .. ' , ~ .\ ..L _' }~ l;:: , \..L • • 1.0_ ~':::' . ~ .~: -"-',-L _ :- '0 ... .

:L"} 'Y'~ t hn t h e , t '')1d t n G t::....nF~ [;.J.. f3trJ.kc:' :: t l."~0.t It()~UD]_lC B.r..Z 0 1 v C l d e !! \"rC)1' ''l. d'·· ·l ~·liQ~O "'''''''-:-~ ·;~l· n J' f ~- h L" -?' r ~ . "l' f ~ -'(~ --'I' '' ('' ,~:.,,~ !"1 ... .. " .;, 'h·, · np -.' J' :;'I '7-r -i } "','~ }Tcy ,,:·C'·"t T,::> Y> r, " ~ ... ....t ... · \ :-; .L.-. ..... 1 """' 1,...) \.. -. .. _ V J...t. ~· l) \..... l \.. ... '"-.. . lJ..! .1 I .... _ • .!~ J. ' ... J . V 4> ,.i. V J., )'~ ;. J.. .~ (. .... J .,..1 l.l ~..,t..". \... \ .... C' "" .....-It' , \; lo.. .... .L

st atement fr Ill "l;h e Rcpu'bli ~; f:..n l:-'re:J D Gon t:r-o;i" i Obuted to .... ,Acl am':' thc::; t ~"

© PRONI CENT/1/10/52

Page 2: 69 - Ulster University · buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur.:: e of actio.!. , could also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n. s~''"1'·ence, II said tne statement f rolll


nr:L'r.6;.:t (+b.e prisonerC') ·~(.I.d us ildividualJ .. r tl:..lJ.d collectiv'el"' that ~}v;y \'.rer e r:. 'j L J:i:Llin8d to ';ontinue VJit'r ... " .he b.u" ger dt ::..-- ike 'lmtil the Bri J

,' st. Go~ 8.L'j1118nt \';as .,..;res<:~tD.'?is~_d int o m(~etiDg ir F .... common-..:::el1se manner Hi tJ. t he prot,-~st ing's f and lluD/?'er stril-""81:'S t. ,po i..::ition as out l i ned i n -J-heir J ly 4 t l. stateme:u:- t'!l

2 r.< 2 .Ot1t~e .. .:.._ Vi~ -1 . t_--; t:.S?~. H' ~U;'~~~ S~....i lrcJ:~?: (..1 se r elatives of DoheT' :y and J.Jy-l1C 11 remai n cn11stru"~l"G _ i" in tll~ prO: son hosJ)i tal throur;';ho1it t his c r ~.t ical perio i " Quinn aJ:ld I\"cI11"ee \'! r also visitsd by Jim G "bney- CPS]?) end. l.Ll.embero of t heir f a',:lilies 11 a t her rIcI.LdoVlneJ E!Jld :Fa '-he F l ano.ghan visited IJY11ch and IicIlv,f ... 8

r especti\ely

. __ ~-:--~~. Sta-t-erJ.en . Fo""lo'V' recene Ave. ,0 i ne1uding Lhe V': sit tl}8 Taoise: ch ' 8 S b .. ~ equent

lithe priS0!1 I's tl ::'.ssuBd t de followinG statemelJ.t on 21+ J-u~_ r:_

fl\,Jer the SDLP to vli vh-draVl from the Coullcils , it \'lou.ld force t he British t o r e c')nsid ·~r on not s e tt .i ng the i ssue ; and vhe Church ~ buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur .:: e of actio.!. , c ould also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n.s~''"1'·ence , II said tne statement f rolll the i.~Blocks PRO ..

I! Until moves along t hese linss h a-opel\, G the J~,.2 it i sh · "y-il1 remain complacent to the deaths , and t he a Gony \1il1 continue

tlAt pres':lnt the Br·iti . hare lookine; for vJhat amolmt s to an absolute sUT-render <> l\hey are offering us r.l0thi .')g tllat remount s to nIl

honour-a· I e solu cion ; ar:!.d they h ave c r ' at erl. r d herro' no's , such 0.8

thei.r ref~~Bal to all" 11 13renaan IvIc FarlaJ]c to represGnt -'-he pri soners ~ to C07 r t he; r infle::::ibili '~y , ti the S'vat8Esnt Vlcnt Ort .

!1 ~~he DOlder to E10"\. e them li e"" "'i t h the Na.t iono.l·.j st l~" der:::: ~ \vsre tb.s vu.b ?Ln Government to be cou.r 'l.r.~e ouc enough to stand aga inst t h;...m then the British vlould have to reconsider pos '- ~ion e

I'But JVlr Ii' i t .zGerB.ld has t aken a decision not to strain Anglo-·Irish l elatiors , an he ~as decided to get out of the H-Block issue a t

- tl'le firdt opportlLuity (>

t"rhat h e has u sed sneh a t raTlsparent mo "'t t:; as the Brit publicity stULt illt O the Ca1llP llosplta]_ fJ cr!.O\1u b .01i deS1J el~ate 11 8 i ~ .

"Cons 'derine; tll . Y\egime in Portlaoise , where i-he fiv e dem~"1d 1'ICI' ­

given by }' ';.ne Gar--l to Ropub1ican ... riGOn8:r's, does J:'Ir li' i tzG(·rald supp .... r t the contents of our J-uly L+ s tat "->7i,Or t ..

IlAt this stage he ""honld stat e his Governme!l', f s pos i tio... honestly and i n a fortb.l. ... ight D1clnner He should state t h a t he do es no t support the prisoners t d eJrLnds , a.nd t _at he is mor .., c-o:ncerned about offending the EX"'; ti s)} Gov erru.rler t t . an he is '=bou-l- savi ng th · hunP'or strikers lives ~

' If the British w~re gerrline ' y di ~poGed to see~ing a solution , ,..., - ,.. ('\ ) 0.,..1 .4 . ) 1. -' t~, w - .!-b a c~ . ",,,, : 1- ::;"''''0 "1::;1 (J -; ~... fl· l' c' .1 ::lo"V". -.....,-r IJ.Lv)OSt,U. meeL. _ g OC ,·l ,/ en l'.I.e; t..i vL_'i..eJ.. ,.Jj .1v._,L . lIn. le ,.:> ~ ..LI. ' ,J t he Northern I roland O+'fice 1dOU.\...: be of 'oenefi t; 811.(1 ~, :~:; \":01.11d it 80 ~ on~ as tl~ e striker =:! Vy "j<"', adequatelJ yo present eu in the Brendan k]arlone~

© PRONI CENT/1/10/52

t "h.e and

pe:...son of

Page 3: 69 - Ulster University · buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur.:: e of actio.!. , could also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n. s~''"1'·ence, II said tne statement f rolll


!lis., pErma.nel1( ending ... '111 prJ.sol. p .O·':CEt can only c me vJhen the :Brit; 811 Gove2nrLL 'nt is pressl).riBcG. into meetin(i' 0 l1' simple reaSOlJ,? Ie and j £;t de:--uan- S Q 11

lj. .. 1· I~s;.z~J:?ro"t-est T:lis r ,t:l;:L~ 1"1.5 u:nchanc:: .. · ; numbers fell. to J-l.(;S fol1o\~ing 2 re leu.scs and the ·t;1'&n < • t..._' of a nriso':' to he PDych.." atric U: it O.1~ \'iaze (C mp l11cl ; HospitaJ .. e Numbers·lsirl~ to \'J(Jrk c1ropped L·Y 2 "GO 15~

Un·~ho.nge 1 at 28.

5... :J.,:-icons A.:->BC3S aent ffhe contiut.ed suvi'\i a l of --:.YT1C and D()h A rty'1 very mUGfl . gr irls-r-ho paftern of t he other t'unger st- i {ers COl to cauos co~meDt, although there is no concluci \e evidenc n that they ar~ r eceiv­ing or h ave received assi stanc e f rom -LD\./ 'ov.1'c e.. Des. J: ce hOv-le PI' \J~1e . rarilinr-;:nt deatb '")f JI:TDch « i C' r:1 si gr of 'eake.J. ing amoDG th hunger Rt l. ... ikers an.d the leads:r'sl ; P "'Ii -:hi.n the prison The int .rvcnl.J ion of 1 1e. rns 9 C-::orron and Ruddy may y,,1el1 reflect doubts about the v'isd .;:Gl of the pr::sent tB.c·-ics b:.y t ~ e lea-iE::1."ship out sid ~" p€~I'h&ps cncCiurag d by vho hostile Cl '~ ti t ,Ide of some of tne relatives ~ but thel e '.",ould "":Ccill to be no (.~"ric~ Lee of t his a.mong the hunger strike:i.. S o.nd the i r leaders in the pri son < ,: yet

t ~

6,, '1 N I~J~,ll~"n_ -=.l:.~_l§32.Q. An H.,,·-Bloclc rally in J~i...."l ~.sFil l. cr1 on 2'") :..lU.l:;r c:d:;tr?,('.ted 2 1 000 peoj..,le vIho 1'01 o,'led a pi~el'" ar.d 4 mqn carryin'~ coffin along a 3~mil-=; route 0 :n rvlagh8r e . .fel t a Iharch by tl e ~Gl~th lJerry and Sou '_. 11 \\ies-c Antri m Re ati ve,;;;) Acticn Co. il:lit'vee a!ld a c ounter-d ellionst r·atio.u. by the DUP ,,{ere both postponed from ~unday LO Monday (27) ~ The rallies took p l ace withou~ t rouble

602 Tbe d a;y of the Royal. '1-,/ dd -~ng ( 29 tJ ul:y ) was mar 'ked by H-l.J1 oek ffibTC I 'PS

i n Be l fast" I'lore than 2,,000 demOtl.Jtl-'at 'rs from 1:l o.11s Res.d and. And8rson~Tt;()l,·al -. I . -- ~ .J. C · t 1 .l. ~ dd'"' J ,. -I ' [~ r~ ~.., '-, conv""rged. on 1111.COHYl eme--' ery v.~1er8 Guey were a lreSS8a oy · 06 .i-tUSC J_D ,, ";" 01' ) 0

Ab OlJ.t 1 <; 500 peop e took .,:-Jart in a rally in 1\~ e\'J Lodge a:'C8a of Belfa · ... t aft e-(' a maEcL from the Ardoyne There were nlso small ~e etings and ' ~arches in J~h r NortherL. I reland to"<Jns .. All paesed off without i n cide"lt ~

6,,3 Aft er his visit t o the prison· n 29 JU~J, r erry Ad r ns ( Vic ~-Dresident of PE3F ) -" id t hat he h a d bOYle inc· o the j a":'l I t , eluc;vt...r.t~ly !l., He cl r' i rre d · tho.: L.s h o.d t ol d the p i soners t hat there "'da s absolutely no p _ oblem \-,!it~l an: ·one Oil t he out s :i.c e i f t hey 'di shed to enrl th':. :Lr hungt-r otrike & 'I-he hUJJger Qtrike ('.PeD

end whenever· t ll.e prisoners \Vi sh to ' end i t" \tIe a .-'8 prt::>pared to do WHa-,ev '··r ·t-he pri":'Gner :" d e c ide" 11 He cou"vinued that t h ,'.) pri s oners had t o ld h i m tlindividually and collect:' vely ~ t h(At they le ......... e detCT'L,_ined to con-cin"e lith vhe hunse~' stri ;::e ' 1ntil ·the Goverrnne:nt were pressuri sed i n t o a meeting'] i n u c omIlior ... :Jense L'1;.1 nn er vri th the protesting prisoners an d 1 u.:l,f?er .. "trikers posi tiOl}. 8.5 outl ".ned i n their Ju' .f Lt· state ~!lent It 'rhe 1: tUJ'L>er strikeTs also II ag8i.n c a lled up on t he Homan Cal,l o lic hier8.I""hy, thQ Dublin Government and t:ht- STIJ? l e8.dershi1J t o COllie 0 t c learly CLlJ.d to publi 1 { Dr ·.osuy·i se the Gover :o .... '1lent , or ·.., t- ler-.c·t -'-to -h0 Y1 8 -- l y cd-:a+- ".r!-'\]" +b18 "'1:- r r;e- 110 - d


O'l' ;l0- '-' Ofl 0. 0..,.) J..J. • ,", .J- . ;.J v _ v e ~ ,.J..r.J v tY V.l b U {i

6,.4 I n a s t atcnent smuCgle~1 out of the prisons th0 He.!!,A.' ~j. can "yr'o t ~.:t ' .ne; pr i snners in the Naze en -lo:r08 tl mina.t".on of 01-!en Carron as NH.AC C<l} di(~ate for the Fo:rm2.n~gh/South!~or.!.e b;y",~r.:;':""):rt .".:L.,". r;~_ vd,: , ta'-:, pJace OIl

. ).~",..; C"'-:~ ' '''a"r-' ''''-' -,.., c , r::> ";d +- ·h,)·!- '\.-1 ' .1. C~ C::-!-0 1)'..;J ...L·~Y\C" ~C' It 1 .... 0 'TT 'T'\r"\l ·~+: lc <;:; · .p,.,.....: ~{ ... '('p r {":T C-. .... '..)_ t'~ !'J \ .... e V ~ _ _ ..1 . II o .. ...L .. V1. .J. (.).. J." \,w c..v ....... ,00_ .. (J. .,l..-\L) {......L,; 1- .J 1./ \ ...... .l.. ~ Ct .~-, J.L ~L.;',-_J:. ~ __ ...L '-"

the f-tve dem.alldr:; fI '- cnd empho..s ised that he \'13.8 8--;,3 .C i l(-?; as the c anJ~dat(, 0: t?H-~ NIIAG ':' nd not PfF I.e':'8 ... ~ing opposed b./ llr Ken I'Jla~tiDn8':;8 ooL' thE: Off i ... i '. l U:n":'()n ist Par -y: the SDLP L.C1S alf30 anno ~D. c 6d itE' int e:ltion to field a c '-3nd":"~' ~te rt

c PRONI CENTI1110152

Page 4: 69 - Ulster University · buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur.:: e of actio.!. , could also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n. s~''"1'·ence, II said tne statement f rolll


6.,5 On 30 .. Bi..:hop ECl~\TctI'd Daly of ..,~o Jcl;-~Y.idE;l·.t'~r L.~ac1e .:hat~ the relfast Telee;ra)h o.c .... ·cy' :. ;:ied as a Pd reJD.'1ti c app .j-(} ' It t the I-)riSOn(;l'L~ to end t 11eix hp.D2'er stri}'"e befor.:; on'?' r1'Jl'e d'~aths 'c,c ok placee Eiqhop DillY 8.l.pealea to T'l~rs rp a+',c 'r:l~~r' !=lY) ' _v",_ t-~ e -[J ~ ~rJ.-.)} ~-.1""'n T".... 1 '='n,:! 0 .f~f '-c GA ·t- II T\ ..... (. iIi' O' ('~ .. '- t:> v 1 .... ,~ t . -r"ea.!- i . I""" .1 _1_\.; .... , ~ _ ~ ,,_~ '-"-'-_ v_ ~.\.... _ u~ C;.,.J __ ..... ..... J..v. \{ .! '_ 0>_ v ... 1;.,,,,,_ _ '_' <'~ V"" ~J: ..L. lI_. J. b .IJ. .... LI.J

as ~ ulOst UY'gent ann hibh.l:y i m:r:or't2ill ; problem that ne .;dl;) i:. l.s.s tinrz: so l.ut i on .. '" II

7 <S '1 Polit~ ca Fol1o'\,Ji g r '. ;n ; inued NIO opr-; 51.1; .on t \. B!:'endan 11c::'l~. L"1 e s , 1" _,--'(1 £ -" o{-- ;::.-~~. -- - t'"<r , ~ .. ,C>.\.\ ,'- ...! "' ro,. I-ric "H'r yof"<t" <" DC ..... " "\'Tl~ r..-!." 1 ..t_ r:;. T'!"' "'I . ~cr ~ "\ . { . __ !1VO_ 6 li • ..;::nl, .LD 8J.J.J·] . .l.....L.c a ..l. ll.1 J.. .. .... u....L. .. a.k c:t \._ bt.--:(1 I.., \... J.) : lc )n a "::C1.l("rJ_·,::Les o i!'::,:r the ~'( :/e ' r~:r.1d that he V[:lS no·J 'Nill inC ..1- 0 p ' rtici}late ].11 a.ny ~eeti.Li.g in'fro. r · ng l • . UYlge.: s·vril .. and off 'vic:..L c i n a !!nf)l~ nego-ia- ' ing role !l The offe r Has turl cd dO~'ln in a NIO ctate.nent of 27 tJulY 'V-!hieh re·j terated that T-1eFarl ane no r ,le to pl":t -tn any hlli1. 7 er stril',:e taJ.ks but that the Governm ,nt r(~m.9.ill.e "~illing to .lar.:.f· ! matte.clc' . 0 the 11 lDP'tr 'str'iLers d.! ·-·8etly ..

7 .. 2 The 88JJl8 \,./8 ~ {CIJ.d I'lr s ~rhatche:.r it.p"ot-·c to th~ IPour Hor~~er,len rr;u.i.t.:..; t-l-lat

h er Go IE.:rnru. _.nt bad acted honourably a:nd 8ho1'4.d g:·.>at'vY t1-1l'oughout t 18 h.unr;c r st""'ik8¢ 1he 11.0':lS l;}ed i a p c:d.d pf::>.I'tiGulD.r c.':l.t '.,en tion to t he folJo'\AJin3 e:x:tr'3.ct: trycu .,ril .... no dou- ·J have seen t hat 0. sp ·kesman .1.: 0 1" the Prim"" Iii n':"st!:'r' r,f Ir c. l ctnd said t..hat Dr I!i· .zgeral' b e"'ieved che J~ri-:-ish GOlernment 11 ' ... d met his su,-;gestions tha -' j an official should Qpeak t o tIe hunG ,r s t rikers? t .. .!.B.t h e dee" Jy r-Ge;l" tt -;d the hunger st:c ' kerF 11[1 i ,rejeeted the offer from offj_cials tc

~_orj fy i_t,[b,t=l.t Gond: .. tio .. dS would apply if the " stri}r~ ended. ~ . Yld 'lJhat in his ViC H

respon:3ib:ility fo r iil.ding a s01-ution no,", restGd uith t118 prisoner,q .. !!

On 28 July the Taolseac.b Gf:t11 0d i :Ll the Dr i ,ish Ambassador> c;il" L ,ol~D..~"" d Pi""g, and c omp ~)ined <~hat hi, posi l/ion ove r the ~ unger f;; tl i}~ e \V8.S cer '.ou,Jly 1. is:" T'cpre ,_cnted i n -;h(~ Ivtter" Hs exnrec.:ed COI .. CCl"'n tl1dt this slJOLJ.ld t.ave OG(1).r j .... eCl and ~"if \- s learned l ai-er t ha t Dx' Fit~~gE,l ald . ad llcOInnn).llicc.:.ted his t r ue T)O C-'li- }' ()rl -;- 0 ,'Lr\E" reel·· ... . ~ any-c' of' ·Jl-- 'l~ e ... . ::.+:.l-l. ~ ]" !! 0. !I..un ·v~ ·J-l, a "; Il' ~r'laQ rlO~- c r-CIHn c'" C-+' ~ (>'i en+' .J~ 0 ... v '"""_ ...... .,L _ ""I v i.J.. , 1- . ... vJ ...... uw J...L 1 . .1. '-' v v... .1....L ~ ••. L . _~C . I I D U . \ . ... .... t:,:)l.(.J..-L .... .... '-.-' ...... .,. __ .v

1.L'gerlCY 2.nd .' lexibi3_ity at v nr-: -us . ;::Lm s dUTing t-r18 crisis ; h e di..:l r~ot 38.7 that r e spo"",.sibility for finding a solutio.u. now r esteo. \·.r i th the pTi L:OJ1e- . s~ The /rris~ ~7 GO"errllne It ! l.., cOTilm :~ -ment to finding a ,,~ oluti on is oYltin'J ... l 8J1<.:

or) r'(I-' I1a' I!~-'~O""'~ (., (3

8 1 I n J..he He"")ub ic Th e C· v 8. .. - Yl()D. ap;~:2.ric-nst~-i t u en cy D.j):'J6al to his 0upporters. on

HOi thern S ,anda.rd, pri' lcipal loc a l paper f, the or which Kieran Doh .:;:rty is 'l.'D publ~shecl an

2; J 1"'«1' -1- 0 POI-' S-l' 'C\O' 0 1-)· j r l" " '; - 0' 7 ·\ ll.· ~ q fa Qci 'T'h p ./ J v \..1' ...- .(. c ... ~'", L,j . ..... J...!..l \-, oJ .J. .... - t-' ~ $O.J 'J v __ ... ____

editor uaid the Ol~l S \as on the peop le who votec for him to m~ce a move to , ' " • -+ J..\. flK ' D - ~ ~, } h " d 1-'1 • . a ve nlID ... olnxl~.I.g OU t; ullR u . ler~·)n o i1.erllY a . ..lU ..;nc ..:; ..::; '''':10 .1o.'t re (1]_ 8 . ,.1 Vv 0'lVeYl

anple p..:'oof of their COU..i. age 8.nd convict~_ on".. Doherty him381f GPpealed _ througb h :' s father "0 members of the Dail to support th~ five demand;' ..

8e>2 f r om P ovine ia1 cl-;nt r e B i ),}c ludinrr 13 fa".;d:;~ I liner": ck, J~'.terfo:L'd and 11ol1aghan met up in Dublin on Satu::cday 25 July for a m:~rch from the Gl)l; Building t o Lei ~ste._ Hou . ..;e The nUluber..::; v.ere estim.:1"l1ed val'iously at L~/5 'i 000 (Gard~ ) , 6/ 7 ~ 000 ( Irish T·j mes) 1 15/20, OOv ( or 6aI iser c ) " ITo erupt: was ILad e to r eavh t Le British. Em1)assy "nel in ( .... ontrast to the pre7 i ou,] '!8ckel1ctr3

preh the demoD Ptration was e ssentially peace~ 'l th'ugh the Irish Authorit ies )·' 8 .... ' 8 +:a'l·;;-.1.~ y] n " 110 cb ,-,r, c e (~ "-'JJ d '1 r:.OO Gar' "0' "l' 1-Jere 0 1''' 0"1' +:y ~ 'Jl' .;- 1-1 ':-rr o r ) 0 c,t "-'r1Qi l' "nry ·~ -T·. , y <_L I. .... ~o . C\..J.1. ~ ,.) 0.... , / " ,... J _ _J. •. <!. v YO_v! v __ v ~"-' C> CA ~. "' 0 k. v ;;

8 A Sl' x +- Y1 rp - Q ..!~ l'F'e '" of' h'11-1~'"" r .strikers l et the T<'1 ()";.2., P~t:h in D"b J"'.-1 ::1 on "' / >. V ., ,J. . C-A l,_·,,: t.> _ .~l.~'!. , _.I _ ~ , ._ u~ _.J... __ .......

2'7 J\11 T ( t he t .tird·lg but some :eft in frustrati ~n b efu.ce the end of the moetinG.. Tney .ad -:.,.,::8d tl e Tc;.ois(' t o Gup .. ort the . ..0ive dOlT~.:rldf.: [j21d

t o l'ece.ll the:; ]· r" . ,..;~.l .h :lbasE~Hdor ir Lar dO:'l ~ eX e1 the .~ -~;it;ish AmbD.ssc:.:tC ,:'1:- in DJ.blin and"Hr ~l ~ " roops from t b.c order arc a:' .. Pat T\Tc Ceow.J. ( wife of Pt~tric~ r'1cGeovrn ) c ond ~YClc.e i the d r: ... c · sian t o a.l loH thG Irisb Ambo.G sa (y to att~nd the Royal Wedding~

© PRONI CENTI1110152

Page 5: 69 - Ulster University · buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur.:: e of actio.!. , could also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n. s~''"1'·ence, II said tne statement f rolll


)., L~ On 2g J-u l\i,;T 811 )l'l)O:ct GL'S .Jf t ~lS h')D~~er E. cr:U'::E-X'S it:Cl'E: ", ... r,.... t 00.' f - ~ ~:-I~J. \1,.\~)·._,.~.~ , ... ),r" f.·(\,-.l..~eO;.:.;~.;!;.~ ... r,.:, .... ,:! -_~,. ~,q.l.~O ... ~l C"l:ti ' :ng . t?-.blj television i_ ' 21ks :near ~)t-blin ~' .. L - _ , • __ 'A~"-'_ ' •• &~ J _ o.

event s leading up to t1.. e Hoya ..... \..; ec d inc; Ce:L' (;l;"iOn~" l"le'S;" 1,75, evter .:.:' i"() the E·:;:lfllbli .. , ;'l l:,; re u..l18.ff'eut ed and Here able to He.tC{l on ·TJ:.E", A f:)D:la.l~_ DJ.lmber of cl(':;m"n~j;;ra\.J r.:..; (accord5.r'p' ' ,0 the :Ne~Jsl (;tt;e_ le~, ... 1 ' :ho.1] 20C) \" urn~d 'tIP o'\.1.tside l-:i.Er"';fr; J) l:l'p ' '', C·,';,'L\':'~'~V>S t·() pY'OTPc~t . '1- t} po 1y, ·r.~!·lc.'·:lci-1Y)(" Ol!"" .~11(-"> \..,,'-:"~('Q'inp" c..!e'V"v': CD m1.11;« ' '', . ......, • :~v_ ....... '_ v~_-I_L,.... ~\ __ ... _ '.J.:J <- v . J ... "" ;..,..>'...a... ~._""",, .. ... . J-.. J,.J.~ Vk .. J \. ~\.. __ •• C:J 1...J..L C -- a . L_-,,_ ~

"1'""18 als smt:J.ll p'cket ,) Cft). '-:bide the _lomes of ~e2.dinc; .n polit·ci8 . .!:;-:·i inc'" 1 1i nS tho se of the r~'(~ois(=-ach '.i ])r fi t ~~t.;(;! J:D_ld ~ i.,he '.Lla.naiste 'i l'rir 0 r LC ~Ar-\;r and the leader of the Oppos i t~on, Nr Haughey ~

9","'\ __ 11 Gr e8:t. Brita~Yl Over the \leelc~nd ( c.::.5·- ' ~ 6) leefle\:s S'cl.~)portinG t:"2.8 ->-.----~---.-.-7'~ . ~ , . L' . . ... " ,. Hlli"1.ger \t,rere dlS·t ':'J_bu:ccd to pa.:-' -'8J .. 'C"-by .. :n ,onrjon and B:trmlngn'lT.J. " \ .. r,:-~

27 !Jul" 13 menib· . .['s of t..hc 1"lan~ h.el::::·v8r }i1..Ul<e:r' £3trike vl o~.aD.ittee occupied tl1c.~ 11·'" chester Gffi,'t'8S of .f..Jjr J-tin\.::;us ..

932 1J:he .~'ol.J_ oYJing day (~8) five H· :Sloek ~3lxcpur - e~ b ''''o!I!lD_encc'd a L+8- hO-:'lI'

f ast outs': c'e C 01..ln~ y ILJ.l in _ ·ondO_l . (~rhe;y \)'31 e l a ter- ·ioin!.~c< b~/" 10 m.Ol·~ .'''as T (:1'S ~ . 1 '/' 17 I- " " 1.f' -l "\ ('T (' '\ I ' \ " , ~. • f' .., ~ :-l). C_ . 1 . .l(l. l ng ,\..e"l Jl'lJ.ngi:J"C;OliL. ., Oi 1.~1. .. ~e .t .. V'.! ) '.Ln~ OSIJ.O:"'_3'vr-8,t:.on ~\ as pC8.CC '0.1.

C-,~c 8pt for a Ir i noI: fr ac(:Ah:) 1-.rhich led t one I:~at ioD.a~L I'rort sUP7X:U."-l; .,r b GiJ.1g ar'''' e .... ·t· eo' Ace ~)rc' l' o' t ," t_1.~ ~. I 1'J' ah 1\1' ... 'le ('7.,0 '\ c:nO "'D"l 0(,1(" 1'''' i ., 0 .... "" r.. ( -'40.0 In r Po D r. 1 • -'- -,i:;) ' '" \. 1. ..It.::: V i tc:-; • _',.'. l.\\-:;. \ ~ ,;.:> '-../ ,; av' .l.o ... l ~ .) 0.. . J . I.Jl.J.C' IU J ·,.-~A I.. ,

C'l r}~Q" l.i-1Un CJ e ....... S-!--("') " l"-,C),r"' ') 1);:(..:;,-.· .... (~""" ·~e " e!:J C"id.'t (}"'t .Tf.?..1 .. ••• T ·C) 1"l ( ) n.n a!~ "p 'J' ''; '('l",,"P r~"-l~· .. .-."1 ( _' C '1 (::>l~1-Co .'.. ... ' ..... .1. • , I.J.. .L>-'-, ,..' H ~,J ~ _ _ d .... ;::; ·.J' ._ , _ ..w ..... .! .... Lt)J. ,:> J.. ~ ...... _ .LV..... I../.u.<:1. .1. .L ~ 0 ..L - "

BuckinZ_1~ PR.lnce for the vledding~ ~. "T' . "'" - t • t .. ~ ., CI ... ..,'" q :;; II lI j"' at- l ",(., ', j'l err.A. Y18'''-'Y>n -l- , o,n l. -n T Q ;:~ .. d ~ °r<;r)rl'-."'p.ri l-, -, i - t- h';') T r;;E·. nc:;: nY') ~'J'('

." ~ ~_ ' .L""').. ... 'l; .ua ....... . -.._\ .... ' ..... _ t.l.Cl. l/.'!-. .A~ .!. J.. ....... ..!....;"-"t .... . ~ ___ l::._J-...,.,....a... "-.., .................. ~ fJ VL .!.. · ..... _J. ___ ,"-" ___ _ \o..A-.:--"-l'-.:;_ ......

S'VL ike COlnlGit t ee on t he d ClS" of th E- ".,redding ( 29) vJas '''attended -t)y 3eO J)cople f r 111 II-I') l ock cO:;Il.!u i tte 8S (l ll )V -I" 'h e C OUJ,tJ, Y 8 .... c1. D. .U:";() ,_·uet.. eli rc:cs e e; ·:" ()~). .d::~ e.s the r~os18m Sl,U/' ents So .. il.:;;ty -"CJ.d t hE:: Ir8J1iau ,('"~tunente f o? tbb Freedom o f the \Jorking Class "

10 .. 1 "'7'lseHhe' e The II .Lri sh Echo !! pllbl~shGd in the Un.iced I 'tnte s r'cpcrt ed -!-lr, l ".l '~ ,: . "Q'r-:-::-:' c.' , ~...,~~ OQl ''''n l-«~ll" >' W' " 8 11/ p'Y\-r!~ 1 l .... llr· .; . ... ..; t'><'-< ~. ' 1'"1 '"1[' )1 '1,7 8 --\0. t'll!')+: ?r,n '-' ''''' _ , -< v a_ ._ .1 .1.. ... )1.. £ .... el.;· Vll ~CJ •• ~-,J ,d. J_ u.u. _U -v .. \"- i.'..t.. ~'(.. -l)) .. ,_,. c .o' f,.J. J -..... , _ U- 'J l.._ ~.J \;.;;

th8TI 5,000 ~eop-,-e 1:.:eJ.:\..o 2zpE. cted GO attend 1l~lh 1'e aJ)11car0 to 11 13.'1,;'" '" er..:-i1 l:Lttle acti\~ ity i n the U~ o. els8\-:here l:L:o.ked S )6cif :'_cal1y to the H'uJ.ger StriJre issue hou~h t he dai:y defuonstratioLS out s~ae B~ it~sh Miss 'one in Bosto~ pn~ Hew Yor~ ' cont':'.l.lur.:> c

'1092 ,On 28 J1J~Y re~ paint \'V~s . t1?-.L'" -JTI c.:t th \{al v o f -t- -'8 British };~jllr)8£:; sy :in }?uris lrl :r;J:'ot-;r';-C ag8 i Df.;t te brlt: f3h Government's r e ius <..,l to brant pol ~~\.;~ cal p.t 8.tus to Rern)_b l i c an priosnerF ..


11 ~ 1 Pres~ bscssio with the Royal Wed~inG, particulctrly i n Gre at Brit a i n, ' but .. 1 so to SOhle ex-tent i Irc l ar-d has cr il~. ed out cov eX'3.o e of the 111.mger stril\:e :Edi.toria -, co:' ~lent on th disp·.lt l~ has been ne i·~:ligible 6

..... 110 2 T1 e fI risJ.. I ndepende1. .... t t (25) pub liR}v-;d B. 1 ,.S '7l.rtiele on Ghe SO' l ;b.ern GovE.rnment f!"" llC:llL.ilint:~ of b().!~ h the eu; l'P"l ' hUJ1ger stri_ke and t hat o f t he (~.+: tcr l)a. .. :·t of 1980, 1 Y Bruce Ar nold , It c ncluded that '1 II t v;i" 1 n ot d I f or . he Tao-l seach to b e Ch8~~ C 't- .. 'ri. ed by Lis pI e~3 f3 secret ... ·:.c-y , L';' p.JD. HO'tJ.ricLn ,} a '" fe ,ling " -}-hat L ~ has d ne . -11 Le c(.?x ! and H~,:l nOH en 1 his effc.l'ts to solve t Le r c " .... i ke ... ~ ., \ill .... t: ic cc:r',; .. - y 118cdGd ~s 8.

r est e.tement of p l ':· rciplc; contil .. t·~·~d vlork ehind the scenes,} and VJitLolJ.. L: ~ns'pireri .l..eak ), '~he = 'C-'J· .... tivat .. ·_on . d ' the .A.J.J~:: _f)-~j.I·~ . c;}} 1-; ,;.1 h. E;; an c al \.:' JL.ef,t;<i ng with I'~a~cgcn" v t Tll':"At cheJ . ., jl

a PRONI CENT/1/10/52

Page 6: 69 - Ulster University · buT providing and pursu':' '1[; a vi~orou.s C Jur.:: e of actio.!. , could also affect Briti . ...-n intra.n. s~''"1'·ence, II said tne statement f rolll


"'.1_4 T 1 ' , "It"'" . , q ' ) vI ' - or ~ "\ I (-'0' • _ ... 1.,. a _,ea H: .. I' lLec~a.eQ l'lJ.f3T'Cpref-,eJJ.-ca ~LDn ' '1 t; i8 r1Sil .Ln0.epenoent ' ) .. ) acc"L1..sed lvirc That JL;I'I of JJiSl ea.ding tLc pecJ;lc in the United S'~ at es in't: lJeli evirl.g that ;;1: }j\it7(!'el.c:.ld t :Lil1.k:s a S)]'IJt:ion to ''-he LU11ger s+-J..'il:e lie s ox}ly Ni th :h8 hUI1Eer striJ';:er ~; , th::'Ol ~~b. her letter to .;"he ! }o ~ 111' HOTf-5emen ! .. The led.del' declared t no'- "The most c'::.ari.)-s.·ble interpretation 11e c a.n r:;8j-~. i..:.; trH.d~ she is bein.g 1 aQl~r advisee b:\/ p'::"c})le li:'lO d ,) no ·'- . !lfJ.C ~J~'S .,:B.nd ·L;b. ::: ;~·it1. nt.' on .. If this is c;o she Sh O~lld- ge back to h'"r uc3,",. :l._ er~.:;; !:i.sain 1 this time ':Tith tb.e kno',.Jle ge -cr.!.at her letter har- Go.u8cd ress;.i"t;men-c eV - :1 :9.r:lf~n~~ the peOI)le i j.~ t he C OD.:l't;~·:"f ,ito kn'\~,'l theJ11scl vas 8.S mods], c? te~3 .. Tl

/1'1" 5 An:de.-2sonstO\ffi NeVIS ( 25) d ec lared l! , t~ i s l'.l.ctrd to i~T1('gine a lythinrs lnore cYH':'c. a l thaD th(~ d~~ '; l}1 t h i f3 he\:~h. l)~y ,J--;ne D0..tJli:i-l d; Cove:t'nE!~ll t. t lEtt it !I hes dOD G ~ll i t c2.-:n !! on the H~~block isnu~,.. The D'_olin s..J-8nc e 3f;tu -both the T I ,"; 8 '1"" <:~-"r! ..1_~~. ('I -:~), ,,';-4- .~ .... "}.., (~(YTC~r 1~Il:~' 1-"'; .1.- C'6·c·.l...P. -t-}'Ir. 1-·,c· r -". . r, y! '. t;....· ... ·/- n...., ·,·'·'::"' +-0 ·br.. a ll -l-'(-I"'t ...Jr... • ..1... • .L c ... ..!..-L......L l.; 4.. J.. ,-" ..L..L V .. .L~ A- J. ~v ,e; .L.:...LI ..... ..I l.v .... ) . -.. v~ .... v l-.1. · v .)..~ <.7__.,.J .:..J..c~. v c:t_,,~ .... Iv t:; V ~ ..... U.

mat , ,1'8 1 never mind. '"".l)O~lt tIle lives of meD v·-rho ar '3 at th~s mOlTl2nt helJ:less and pO"v'eI'less with nothing to gi ",TG b ·Ii.l th8ir cuffel in0~ 211G. the.' lives t! '"

.. -.....

11 .. 6 in Pllo"b1~cht ( 25 ) prono'c"Tlced on i'-; s ll:ont p ag.:., that t~l~ h nger stJ ike 11has produ ... ,c--1 ch e first 11 '- [;h nati r nal hercGs S":""lCG t he t-vJe 1tiec ., l~o other (1' e rJ ->-;'n" ;" 0 f' C' 0 Jj'1a'ny bra'\r'~ T(l en a-l" c' ' ,1 h TI ''-'' ll O ' C, ...... +:'1' r... I r~ r,.+: /12 "lTe 0 .... ' 8 OIr:- o+-Y'l' r'r;- 'lc> c ... v , .L J .- .... J_~ C \...; _j, J. .1.._ C . ..l. 4. \i \,J.d.l \.:,, _ ,.).. v.J... (A • ...; U - r.;Y O . .J... , t-' V .. J_ ."..J.. -ICJ--" ..., ,

h ctve had .!-:he , ame eff ,ct n '" Also i n the iSSt12 'i:Jas 8.. 2 , ~,pa(1'8 profile of Th(l::'.2a.s I'ic 1 1 :'jee; !! sine (~T'e , e2. L=)\T.,~going ftll(l :ull~ of fun 11 G

12 " In sr:ite of the immin -nee of t he '.eaths of Doh ;rt::-{ c"::i ,Ld Lynch thr:: '1:r.'i ,3o._1er- , have 1l1a .Lnt'· ine d a Vt::!.:.: .., har·d l positio:o" 1.\he ,~. I' i"'e ~iect:~ ().,...; of tLe

p o ._,s ibl e Hay out off ,T".d t o them h :r t he Adams f :' ntcrven -iOfl. '';01 ld L:;eem to p r .. ;~~l:Ll( .. u :; 2,...l'.1Y poss.l.b~ ! it.)" of si r~n~ f:i. c.8.nt rnovement ))~l heir part in t he i mmedi· e ~ lture o Thi s i c despit~ ev~dcnc~ of ll~unGing pre s'u~e on t~e l")rov ' ..:;ional .:3 .. . nc lu ·· '1 ng f roB t b.e f _milie s of s ~ I1--> of che hUlls er strikers 'J for

r n enr t o the protest . Au far <"'IS -;be 0 r ':(,8.1 1_ C8I:.l>CligD . s c( ncerne '1 +-he p e .9.ceful nat; re of t he NHAC deY.G.oD .. :;tr:-.~tio::J. i. .. l Dubll. ·l 1 act Heel<.:end probably r ~flects t he fact t hat the prev~ouG week ss incidence was ~nDs ~~e, Gn t o h~ve b eAn c-ounter ··-TH.'od i C-t..l.\tC e 110;:18"re1' vrith ft:..rthcr d c a .. ·-h .... no"[ 8.pp~·renl/ly inevi ~~c:. ble < nd Hi t h a c onsequent·· 31 by .. ~,e..Lecti ~\] in ;. .. [ e Repl..lblic as \~!el as ,J.J1.

Fe._ mana g- / 2'-"utl , T;yrol1v r ·/L8'\<Jed ... olitico.l acti ri ty and}; r8f),) re i. s l ikely to buil up over the ne~t few we··ks&

j /--:/ If h {I If ,}

l-1 · \ :/1 , I f I{~[. f{l)L.f / A B IvlJ~ \ .1 IL-.. Y 1.

/ 1 V L'T:' ( "1 '\

.f. 1 • .D "- )

Nf1rcher.l1 :AlL.e} '')n ald

Ire land House

1' ) 60 July 1981 © i RONI CENT/1/10/52