Download - 67% of American’s surveyed claim to have a “personal relationship” with Jesus 72% of women claimed a personal relationship 62% of men 82% of Protestants.


67% of American’s surveyed claim to have a “personal relationship” with Jesus72% of women claimed a personal relationship62% of men82% of Protestants72% of Catholics72% of adults 64+70% of adults ages 46-6465% of adults ages 27-4552% of adults ages 18-26

How does Jesus communicate with them? 52% by influencing or connecting directly with their mind, emotions or feelings41% through the content of a Bible passage36% by providing a sign34% through a teaching concerning their immediate situation or need31% through miraculous or inexplicable circumstances or outcomes31% through words spoken by someone else who was speaking from God18% through a passage they read from a book other than the Bible16% through an audible voice or whisper they could hear


1. Who led Jesus to return to Galilee? (Luke 4:14)

The Holy Spirit led Jesus.


2. Are you influenced by the Holy Spirit? Why or why not?


3. In (Luke 4:15) Jesus’ popularity is growing. Why?

His teaching was dynamic and He taught with unique authority.


4. When Jesus went to His home town (Nazareth) what did He do first? (v. 16)

He went to the synagogue.


5. What were the regular activities in the synagogue?

a. Old Testament passage read and discussedb. First the lawc. Second the prophetsd. Third someone would speak about the text


6. Jesus read from (Isaiah 61:1f) and (58:6). Why was this a powerful and controversial passage?

This passage was a prophecy about the ministry of the coming Messiah.


7. What ministries did this passage state that the Messiah would be actively doing? (vs. 18-19)

a. Bring good news to the poorb. Release the captives, both physically and

spirituallyc. Cure the blind of physical and spiritual

blindnessd. Set free the oppressed (physical/spiritual)e. Proclaim the Year of Jubilee


8. What was the significance of the Year of Jubilee?

It marked the year of total forgiveness of debt and the release of slaves. Jesus was saying He

had come to release people from their sin debt.


9. What caused the home town people to get “filled with rage?” (vs. 20-28)

He claimed authority as the Messiah who had been prophesied in the very passage He read. He also made the point that the Messiah had come

not just for the Jews but for all.


10. What were the intentions of the home town people in (v. 29)?

They wanted to murder Jesus and throw Him off a cliff and stone Him to death.


11. Have you ever encountered rage from the lost because of your Christian walk?


12. List the different miracles Jesus did in Capernaum. (vs. 31-41)

a. Taught with unique authorityb. Cast out demonsc. Healed Simon’s mother-in-lawd. Healed otherse. Cast out more demons


13. What was the significance of demons even identifying Jesus as “The Holy One of God” in (v. 34)?

They recognized that Jesus was the opposite of them. He was holy and could defeat them.


14. Why would Jesus silence the demons in (v. 41)?

The time of disclosure had not yet arrived and He had not accomplished His purpose yet.


15. When dealing with the lost is it ever appropriate to remain silent about the truth of Christ and wait for another opportunity? Why or why not?

"Out of the night that covers me, black as a pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor

cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody but

unbowed.Beyond this veil of wrath and tears clings but the harrow of

the shading.Yet the menace of the years finds in self I meet unafraid;

matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.“

William Ernest Henley

"Out of the light that dazzles me, bright is the sun from pole to pole.

I thank the God I know to be, for Christ the conqueror of my soul.

Since he's the sway of circumstance, I would not wince nor cry aloud.

Under that rule which men call chance, my head with joy is humbly bowed.

Beyond this place of sin and tears, that life with him. And he's the aide

that spite diminished of the years keeps and shall keep me unafraid.

It matters not, though straight the gate, He cleared from punishments the scroll.

Christ is the master of my fate. Christ is the captain of my soul."

Joshua Bell