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    Only the Strong Shall Survive


    and MightBeef Up Your Squats, Pullsand Presses by Bill StarrPhotography by Michael NeveuxMARCH 2007 \

    Building a strong, functional

    physique is a process that re-

    quires constant scrutiny. Since

    certain exercises are more enjoy-

    able than others, some bodyparts

    or areas of the body get consider-

    ably stronger and better devel-

    oped than others. Some disparity

    in strength doesnt pose a problem.

    Should that

    difference get way out of proportion,

    however, then some changes are in order.

    Your relative weakness may not reveal itself

    as an injury or even cause pain, but you could

    experience diminished performance. Lets say

    your squats have hit a standstill because your

    back rounds excessively when you get to the heavy

    work sets. The form breakdown causes you to get

    out of the proper positioning needed to grind the

    bar up through the sticking point. Same deal for the

    deadlift. When you get to the max poundage, your

    back rounds so much that youre no longer in a posi-

    tion to bring the bar to the finish. \ MARCH 2007 2
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    Those are common problems ifyoure handling heavy weights onsquats, deadlifts or any other heavypulling exercise, and theyre causedby weakness in the middle back. Sothis month I want to focus on thatfrequently overlooked area of thebody. Not only will a relatively weakmiddle back adversely affect a num-ber of exercises in your program,but if you dont give it the properattention, youll eventually experi-ence pain in that area. That could bea boon to M.D.s and chiropractorsbut not much fun for you.

    To be sure, the back is one con-tinuous plane, with the various

    muscles oftenoverlapping, but Ibelieve that whenyoure setting up aroutine, it helps ifyou think of it ashaving three parts:upper, middle andlower.

    Anyone I talkwith about mid-dle-back exercisesinvariably thinksIm referring tomovements forthe lats. True, thelats are one of the

    major groups in the midback, butthere are lots of others. You may notrealize that the traps form a largeportion of the middle back. Theyoriginate at the base of the skull andspread out and downhence thename trapezius, a type of quadrilat-eral. It sweeps down and connectsto your spine at the last thoracicvertebra, right in the middle of yourback. The traps extend over someof the latissimus, too, which meanswhat works for one group usuallyworks for the other.

    Another muscle that makes upa part of the middle back is alsonamed for its shape, the rhomboid.It lies beneath the middle of thetrapezius. Here are the others: ser-

    ratus anterior, serratus posterior,teres major, infraspinatus. They allextend into the upper back and arestrengthened when you work thatarea. Anytime you work your middleback directly, youre also strengthen-ing your rear deltoids and the smallgroups that comprise the rotatorcuffsanother excellent reason fordoing some specific exercises forthat area of your body.

    Thats especially true if youreinfatuated with the bench press tothe extent that you forsake all backwork. The combination of ham-

    Only the Strong Shall Survive





    Building moremidbackstrength canhelp improve

    your dead-lifts, overheadpresses andeven benchpresses.
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    MARCH 2007 \ \ MARCH 2007 3

    arms dangle. That tells you whereyou should place the bar. Its one ofthe few pulling exercises done withthe bar away from your body.

    The grip: Use straps. Althoughyou may not need them for thelighter warmup sets, you will oncethe weights get heavy, so you mightas well get used to them on the wayto the higher numbers. I have myathletes vary their grip on each set.I have them start quite wide and,as the weight increases, slide theirhands in a few inches until they

    end up using a clean grip, whichis approximately a thumbs lengthfrom the smooth center knurl onan Olympic bar. I alter the grip fora couple of reasons. The changeworks the back muscles in a slightlydifferent manner, and the closergrip will be a bit stronger than thewider one, thus enabling you tohandle more weight. More weight isalways a good thing.

    After youve set your feet firmlyinto the floor and made sure yourback is flat and parallel, grip thebar, taking care that your grip is

    even. Look straightahead, and pull thebar upward untilit touches yourchest. It shouldbe hitting right atyour nipples. Dothe first few repsdeliberately untilyou get the feel ofthe line, and thenstart being moreaggressive with theupward motion.Try to bang the barinto your chest, butlower the bar backto the floor in acontrolled manner.Never let it crashdownward. Thats

    potentially harmfulto your shouldersand elbows. Pausea brief momentat the bottom tomake sure yourback is flat andparallel beforedoing the next rep.The hardest partof doing bent-overrows is learningto keep your back

    in the same position throughoutthe lift. Your torso should not benddown to meet the bar or rise up atthe end. Ill amend that advice later;for now, maintain very strict form.

    If you have bumper plates, usethem. Theyre easier on your joints,bar and floor. With bumper plates,however, theres a tendency to re-bound them off the floor to get ajump-start on the next rep. Dont dothat. It will adversely affect your lineof pull and cause your back to moveout of position or to round.

    Start out with light weights soyou can concentrate fully on yourform. Do as many sets as you needto find the best way to lock yourback in place, where to set the barrelative to your feet and where youwant to grip the bar. During thelearning stage, while youre usinglight weights, use the same grip forall your sets. Theres a score on mostOlympic bars 10 inches in from thecollars. Its there to help Olympicweightlifters find their correct gripsfor the snatch. Grip the bar so thatyour ring finger is around the score.

    Thats the ideal bent-over-row gripfor most people.

    The bar should travel in a straightline from the floor to your chest. Iveseen many pull in a backward strokeso that the bar touches right at theirnavels. Thats not nearly as effective.

    Another important point is oftenabused: Your knees must be bent.Not much, but they should neverbe locked. Models in magazinesare frequently shown doing bent-over rows with locked knees, andyoung readers copy their form. Itsnot only less beneficial, but it putsundue and unnecessary stress onthe hamstrings as well. Youll be ableto handle much more weight whenyou bend your knees and at thesame time will be lowering the riskto your hams.

    I mentioned that your torso needsto stay parallel throughout the lift.After youve been doing rows for sixto eight weeks and have added aconsiderable amount of weight toyour final sets, you can cheat a bit.

    Breaking from strict form mightbe a better term than cheating.When you cheat on a lift, you getinferior results. In this case, you getbetter action, and its safe. On yourheavy sets do the first couple of repswith your back parallel to the floor.On the final sets elevate your torsoat the end of the row. Not much,just enough for you to move heavierweights higher. Thats helpful be-cause youre still working your targetmuscles, and the upward movementis a means of overloading thosemuscles and attachments. Dontadopt the technique, however, untilyouve established perfect form andbuilt a solid base.

    If you have a very weak middleand lower back or are in the processof rehabbing those areas, dumbbells

    might fit your needs more than abarbell. You can do dumbbell rowsone arm at a time or both armstogether. You can use more weightwith one hand, but I believe doingthem together is useful as well, sinceyou force all parts of the middleback to work at t he same time. Ofcourse, theres no reason you cantdo both styles, alternating themfrom week to week or workout toworkout.

    I have a friend who was recover-ing from back surgery. The bar wastoo heavy, and he felt that rowing

    mering away on bench pressesand neglecting to keep your backproportionately as strong leads youdown the path to shoulder and rota-tor cuff problems that could easilyhave been prevented by includingone or two core exercises for yourmiddle and upper back.

    You must have a strong middleback in order to squat, pull orpress heavy weights. Yes, I includepresses. If you doubt that you needa strong middle back for overheadexercises, try doing some when thatarea of your back is hurt. If you cando them at all, youll be restrictedto very light weights. Should yourmidback injury be severe, youll dis-cover that even some of the tamestexercises, like curls and crunches,are impossible to do.

    A strong middle empowers you tomaintain a perfectly flat back dur-ing the execution of a max attempt.A weakness may not show up untilyou try a really heavy weight. Onething is sure, though: If the signs arethere that your middle back is lag-ging way behind and you dont dosomething about it, youre asking foran injury. Not only that, but a hurtmidback has no mercy. You wont beable to find a comfortable position:Standing, sitting and lying will all bepainful.

    Even if youre quite sure that your

    middle is as strongas your upper andlower back, its stilla smart idea to haveat least one spe-cific exercise in yourprogram for thatpart of your body.Cant hurt, and itmay save you somegrief later. Ive neverheard anyone com-plain that his backwas too strong. Anounce-of-preven-tion idea.

    Some of my ath-letes were unable to handle muchweight on specific exercises for theirmiddle backs because their lumbarswere too weak for them to hold the

    proper position on such movementsas bent-over rows or long pulls on amachine. Thats especially true forolder trainees and those trying torehab their middle backs. In thosecases I lay out a program of specificexercises for both the middle andlower back in equal doses. It worksnicely. As their lumbars get stronger,they can handle more resistance ontheir midback exercises.

    Which reminds mesince thelower back is involved in any exer-cise for the middle back, its alwaysa good idea to warm up your lower

    back thoroughly before movingto whatever you have planned foryour middle back. A high-rep setof hyperextensionsback hypers

    or reverse back hyperswill fill thebill.

    My favorite exercise for themiddle back is bent-over rows. Youcan do them with dumbbells, butunless your back is very weak oryoure rehabbing it, use a bar. Itsmuch more effective simply becauseyou can use so much more weight.Its an easy lift to learn, yet there areseveral key form points. Place yourfeet at shoulder width, toes straightahead. Bend your knees and leanforward while keeping your backtight and flat. Very flat. Let your



    BENT-OVER ROWSOnly the Strong Shall Survive





    Vary your grip on eachset of bent-over rows.

    Too much bench pressing withoutcomparable middle-back workcan lead to shoulder problems.

    Hypers are a goodwarmup move.
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    302 MARCH 2007 \

    the dumbbells simultaneously wasmore advantageous than doingthem separately. His problem wasthat his back was too weak for himto hold the bent-over position longenough to do any reps. So he restedhis forehead on the padded back ofhis recliner. That gave him the sup-port he needed, and he was able torebuild his back.

    Another good midback exerciseis long pulls done on a machine.As with all exercises, form is every-thing. If you let your upper bodyswing back and forth and use yourlegs to provide much of the force,then youll only get marginal re-sults. Keep your upper body lockedin an upright position, and make

    your middle back do all the work. Ifpossible, vary your grip on the sets.Start wide, and move your handsin as the poundage gets heavier.I prefer higher reps on this one,four to six sets of eight to 10 reps. Ifyoure really piling on the resistanceeither in stacks or plates, though,lower the reps to five. Fewer repsdone right are more productive thanhigher reps performed in sloppyfashiona truism for any exercisein weight training.

    What about T-bar rows? My an-swer has everything to do with the

    design of the machine. If the liftercan release the weight without hav-ing to twist sideways, fine. On theother hand, if he has to swivel hisbody in order to move the weightfrom the side and position it directlyin front of him before commencingthe rows, then I dont like it. Twist-ing your torso while moving anyamount of weight is potentially dan-gerous, and when youre attemptingheavy weights, the risk factor soars.

    Against my advice, that type ofT-bar rower was put in the Hop-kins weight room, mostly for crewand swimmers. Not surprisingly,a number of athletes from thosesports began coming to me andthe trainer complaining of dings

    to their backs. Since I couldnt getrid of the machine or discouragethem from using it, I suggested thatthey get someone to assist them inmoving the weights from the sideto the starting position. Those wholistened to me did all right. Thosewho didnt continued to end up withaggravated backs.

    Then theres the method of doingT-bar rows that was used longbefore the various specialized ma-chines came along. One end of anOlympic bar was fixed against thebase of a wall. Weights were placed

    on the other end, and a bar from alat machine or something similarwas locked above the weights orunder the collar of the bar. The lifterstraddled the bar and proceeded todo rows. Sometimes, when a crossbar wasnt available, the lifter justgripped the bar and rowed.

    Heres my view: If the bar and wallbelong to you, well and goodgoahead and do them. If youre train-ing in someones facility or a uni-versity weight room, however, dontdo them. They wreck the expensiveOlympic bar and damage the wall.Why not just do bent-over rows?

    Rowing machines are especiallygood when youre rehabbing yourback, since the resistance isnt that

    great. You get your workload inthrough the repetitions, which iswhat you want when youre dealingwith a hurt area.

    Although the lats are very muchinvolved in all of these exercises,you might want to focus on themeven more. Wide lats add to anyphysique, and strong lats are ex-tremely valuable in a great manysports activities, such as Olympicweightlifing, crew and swimming.

    Chins top my list of lat exercises.There was a time when everyonewho trained did chins, yet I rarely

    Only the Strong Shall Survive


    Keep your upper

    body locked in an

    upright position,

    and make your

    middle back do

    all the work.

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    see people do them now, unlessthey have a special reason. Somejobsfire departments, police andgovernment securityinclude chinsas part of their physical fitness tests.

    If youre looking for a wide flair,do chins with a very wide grip. Fewdo enough chins to warrant theneed for straps, but if you feel theyhelp, by all means use them. Alwayschin to the front, never behindyour neck. As Ive stated before, theshoulder girdle isnt designed todeal with behind-the-neck move-ments. You can do more reps in the

    front, so to me its foolish to temptfate. Why invite trouble? Youll findplenty without asking for it.

    I dont much like helping some-one through the sticking point whenhes chinning, just as I dont likegiving anybody the all-you duringany other exercise. Weight trainingis not a team sport. Either you makethe chin on your own, or you dont.Otherwise, your numbers are basedon false assumptions. When you gettested, no one is going to help you.Get used to it.

    So how can you improve your

    chinning ability? Iveknown some who didweighted chins, but theywere very advanced andalready doing 20-pluswithout any resistance.The average person isntgoing to benefit fromadding weight. Heresthe formula I give myathletes. Its simple, andit works. Do four sets ofas many as you can do,and then add the totalnumber of reps. Oursample athlete did 10,8, 7, 6, a total of 31. Thenext time he chins. hisgoal is to add at least onerep to his previous total.The increase is generally

    accomplished on thefirst set, although somedo better after a warmupset. The athlete did 12, 8,7, 6 for a total of 33 at hissecond chinning session.And so on and so forth.Should he not be ableto add to the total on acertain day, hell do anadditional set.

    An athlete at Hopkinscame to me requesting a programto improve his chinning strengthbecause he was going to be testedin six weeks at the FBI Academy. Hewas able to do a dozen at the firstworkout. At the end of six weeks, hewas up to 28 and breezed throughthe test.

    There are several other reasonsI like chins. Theyre great for build-ing bigger, stronger biceps, and whodoesnt like that? As they enhancestrength in the biceps and the primemovers of the upper armbrachia-lis and brachoradialisthat new

    strength can be used in all of yourpulling exercises.

    Chins also help me self-adjust myback. Just before doing my first rep,I exhale, relax my lower body, thenexplode upward to the bar. I canfeel my back pop and the tightnesslessen.

    As I recommended for bent-overrows, move your hands in a tad oneach set. Not much, because youwant to hit your lats. About a thumblength is enough to make a differ-ence.

    Of course, pulls done on the lat

    machine hit the lats directly. Youneed to do them in a smooth fash-ion, not herky-jerky, and always tothe front. Again, you can handlemore weight in the front; why irri-tate your shoulders and rotator cuffsfor no good reason?

    An exercise that builds strong latsis the wide-grip high pull. Olympicweightlifters do lots of these to helpthem snatch more weight, and thetop athletes in that sport have someof the most impressive lat develop-ment in the world. Use straps forthese and stay with five sets of fiveuntil youve perfected the form andstart handling heavy poundages;then do three sets of five, followedby three sets of three. Switching tolower reps will help you maintainyour form.

    Speaking of form, one of the mainpoints to remember when doingany exercise for your middle backis to keep your entire back rigidlytight. Anytime you round your back,you diminish the benefits. The bestway to maintain a locked back isby squeezing your shoulder bladestogether and keeping them in thatposition throughout the perfor-mance of the exercise. I realize thatsome rounding is inevitable whenyou get tired or load up the bar.Some is okay, but when it becomesexcessive, stop. Lower the resistanceso you can do the next set flawlessly.

    A strong middle back is criti-cal to long-term progress for anybodybuilder or strength athlete. Thepower generated by the legs, hipsand lower back has to be carriedthrough the middle in order for theupper back, shoulders and arms touse it. When the middle is weak, thattransition doesnt occur properly.

    In addition, a strong middle isnecessary for you to support heavy

    weights on your shoulders, backand overhead. It also enables you tomaintain perfect technique on allpulling movements, front and backsquats, jerks, snatches and presses.On the more practical side, keepingyour middle back strong will saveyou a great deal of physicalandfinancialpain.

    Editors note:Bill Starr was astrength and conditioning coachat Johns Hopkins University from1989 to 2000. Hes the author of TheStrongest Shall Surviveand DefyingGravity. IM

    Only the Strong Shall Survive

