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Supercomputers(t)Gordon Bell

Bay Area Research CenterMicrosoft Corp.

Photos courtesy of The Computer Museum History Center

Please only copy with credit!

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Largest computer at a given time Technical use for science and

engineering calculations Large government defense, weather,

aero laboratories are first buyers Price is no object Market size is 3-5

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Growth in Computational Resources Used for UK Weather Forecasting



10T •

1T •

100G •

10G •

1G •

100M •

10M •

1M •

100K •

10K •

1K •

100 •

10 •





1010/ 50 yrs = 1.5850

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What a difference 25 years and spending >10x more makes!

LLNL 150 Mflops machine room c1978

Artist’s view of 40 Tflops

ESRDC c2002

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Harvard Mark I aka IBM ASCC

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I think there is a world I think there is a world

market for maybe five market for maybe five


““ ””

Thomas Watson Senior, Chairman of IBM, 1943

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The scientific market is still about that size… 3 computers

When scientific processing was 100% of the industry a good predictor

$3 Billion: 6 vendors, 7 architectures DOE buys 3 very big ($100-$200 M)

machines every 3-4 years

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Supercomputer price (t)

Time $M structure example

1950 1 mainframes many...

1960 3 instruction //sm IBM / CDC

mainframe SMP

1970 10 pipelining 7600 / Cray 1

1980 30 vectors; SCI “Crays”

1990 250 MIMDs: mC, SMP, DSM “Crays”/MPP

2000 1,000 ASCI, COTS MPP Grid, Legion

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Supercomputing: speed at any price, using parallelismIntra processor

Memory overlap & instruction lookaheadFunctional parallelism (2-4)Pipelining (10)SIMD ala ILLIAC 2d array of 64 pe vs vectorsWide instruction word (2-4)MTA (10-20)

MIMDs… processor replicationSMP (4-64)Distributed Shared Memory SMPs 100

MIMD… computer replicationMulticomputers aka MPP aka clusters (10K)Grid: 100K

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High performance architectures timeline

1950 . 1960 . 1970 . 1980 . 1990 . 2000Vtubes Trans. MSI(mini) Micro RISC nMicr

Processor overlap, lookahead “killer micros”

Cray era 6600 7600 Cray1 X Y C T


SMP mainframes---> “multis”----------->


Clusters TandmVAX IBM UNIX->

MPP if n>1000 Ncube Intel IBM->

Networks n>10,000 NOW Grid

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High performance architectures timeline

1950 . 1960 . 1970 . 1980 . 1990 . 2000Vtubes Trans. MSI(mini) Micro RISC nMicr

Sequential programming---->------------------------------

<SIMD Vector--//---------------


Parallel programming <---------------

multicomputers <--MPP era------

ultracomputers 10X in price 10xMPP

“in situ” resources 100x in //sm NOW VLC


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Time line of hpcc contributions

1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010ProcessorsIBM Interleaving, overlap, Instruction lookahead

CDC/Cray/Supers 6600 7600 VectorDEC mini AlphaIntel 8008 8086,8 286 386 486 Ppro P2,3, Merced

RISC and "the killer micros" RISCVLIW Cydrome & Multiflow XXXSIMD Illiac IV CM1 CM2 Maspar XXXMulti-threaded Architecture Dennelcor? Tera MTA ????????????

MultiprocessorsSMP cabinet mainframes Burroughs, Univac, IBM, etc.-----------------SMP "multis_ Mulits=Sequent,Encore, etc. -------------SMP on a chip X-------------------

SMPv. Cray, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi XMP YMP C T ---------- ??????

Distributed Shared Memory KSR Origin numa----- ??????

Shared address multicomputers BBN T3D T3E

Multicomputers aka clusters aka MPPClusters of minis or mainframes Tandem VAX Clustr Sysplex UNIX ---------------------

MPPs: Intel, Thinking Machines, IBM CalT Ncube Beowulf------------------

Workstation clusters UC/B NOW etc.------- ??????NOW worldwide Grid-------- ??????

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Time line of hpcc contributions

1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

ProcessorsIBM Stretch 360 370 GCDC 1604 6600 7600 Cray 1DEC PDP 8 PDP11 VAX AlphaIntel 8008 8086,8 286 386 486 PproP2,3,MercedRISC all MIPS/Ppc/SparcVLIW Cydrome & Multiflow XXXSIMD Illiac IV CM1 CM2 MasparMulti-threaded Architecture Dennelcor? Tera MTA

MultiprocessorsSMP B5000, Univac, etc. Mulits=Sequent,Encore, etc.SMP.IBM 8090 ….SMP.SUN 10K




Multicomputers aka clusters aka MPPClusters Tandem VAX Clustr Sysplex UNIXMulticomputers CalTech Ncube BeowulfIntel MPPs iPSC1, 2,Par,Delta 1.Tf 2TfThinking Machines CM1,2, 5IBM MPP SP1 SP2NOW UC/B NOW Grid

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Lehmer UC/Berkeley pre-computer number sieves

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Eniac c1946

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Manchester: the first computer. Baby, Mark I, and Atlas

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von Neumann

computers: Rand


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Gene Amdahl’s Dissertation and first computer

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IBM Stretch c1961 & 360/91 c1965


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IBM Terabit Photodigital Store c1967

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STC Terabytes of storage c1999

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Amdahl aka Fujitsu version of the 360 c1975

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CDC, ETA, Cray Research, Cray Computer

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Circuits and Packaging, Plumbing (bits and atoms) & Parallelism… plus Programming and Problems Packaging, including heat removal High level bit plumbing… getting the bits

from I/O, into memory through a processor and back to memory and to I/O

Parallelism Programming: O/S and compiler Problems being solved

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Seymour Cray Computers 1951: ERA 1103 control circuits 1957: Sperry Rand NTDS; to CDC 1959: Little Character to test transistor

ckts 1960: CDC 1604 (3600, 3800) & 160/160A 1964: CDC 6600 (6xxx series) 1969: CDC 7600

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Cray Research, Cray Computer Corp. and SRC Computer Corp.

1976: Cray 1... (1/M, 1/S, XMP, YMP, C90, T90)

1985: Cray Computer Cray 2 from Cray Research; GaAs: Cray 3 (1993), Cray 4

1999: SRC Company large scale, shared memory multiprocessor using x86 microprocessors

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Cray contributions…

Creative and productive during his entire career 1951-1996.

Creator and un-disputed designer of supers from c1960 1604 to Cray 1, 1s, 1m c1977… basis for SMPvector: XMP, YMP, T90, C90, 2, 3

Circuits, packaging, and cooling… “the mini” as a peripheral computer Use I/O computers versus I/O processors Use the main processor and interrupt it for I/O

versus I/O processors aka IBM Channels

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Cray Contributions Multi-theaded processor (6600 PPUs) CDC 6600 functional parallelism leading to RISC…

software control Pipelining in the 7600 leading to... Use of vector registers: adopted by 10+ companies.

Mainstream for technical computing Established the template for vector supercomputer

architecture SRC Company use of x86 micro in 1986 that could

lead to largest, smP?

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1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

“Cray” Clock speed (Mhz), no. of processors, peak power (Mflops)

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CDC 1604 & 6600

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CDC 7600: pipelining

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CDC 8600 Prototype:SMP, scalar,discrete circuits, failed to achieve clock speed

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CDC 7600 & Cray 1 at Livermore

Cray 1 CDC 7600


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Cray 1 #6 from LLNL.Located at The Computer Museum History Center, Moffett Field

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Cray 1 150 Kw. MG set & heat exchanger

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Cray XMP/4Proc.c1984

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Cray 2 from NERSC/LBL

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Cray 3 c1995 processor500 MHz32 modules 1K GaAs ic’s/module8 proc.

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c1970: Beginning the search for parallelism

SIMDs Illiac IV CDC Star Cray 1

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Iliac IV: first SIMD c 1970s

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SCI (Strategic Computing Initiative)

funded by DARPA and aimed at a Teraflops!

Era of State computers and many efforts to build high speed computers… lead to HPCC

Thinking Machines, Intel supers,Cray T3 series

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Minisupercomputers: a market whose time never came. Alliant, Convex, Ardent+Stellar= Stardent = 0,

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Cydrome and Multiflow: prelude to wide word parallelism

in Merced Minisupers with VLIW attack the market Like the minisupers, they are repelled It’s software, software, and software Was it a basically good idea that will

now work as Merced?

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A less costly, CM 1/2 done in silicon chips

It is repelled. S is the fatal flaw

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Thinking Machines:

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Thinking Machines: CM1 & CM5 c1983-1993

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In Dec. 1995 computers In Dec. 1995 computers with 1,000 processors with 1,000 processors will do most of the will do most of the scientific processing. scientific processing.

Danny Hillis 1990 (1 paper or 1 company)

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The Bell-Hillis BetMassive Parallelism in 1995TMC




World-wide Supers




Petaflops / mo.

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Bell-Hillis Bet: wasn’t paid off!

My goal was not necessarily to just win the bet!

Hennessey and Patterson were to evaluate what was really happening…

Wanted to understand degree of MPP progress and programmability

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KSR 1: first commercial DSM NUMA (non-uniform memory access) aka COMA (cache-only memory architecture)

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SCI (c1980s): Strategic Computing Initiative funded

ATT/Columbia (Non Von), BBN Labs, Bell Labs/Columbia (DADO), CMU Warp (GE & Honeywell), CMU (Production Systems), Encore, ESL, GE (like connection machine), Georgia Tech, Hughes (dataflow), IBM (RP3), MIT/Harris, MIT/Motorola (Dataflow), MIT Lincoln Labs, Princeton (MMMP), Schlumberger (FAIM-1), SDC/Burroughs, SRI (Eazyflow), University of Texas, Thinking Machines (Connection Machine),

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Those who gave their lives in the search for parallellism

Alliant, American Supercomputer, Ametek, AMT, Astronautics, BBN Supercomputer, Biin, CDC, Chen Systems, CHOPP, Cogent, Convex (now HP), Culler, Cray Computers, Cydrome, Dennelcor, Elexsi, ETA, E & S Supercomputers, Flexible, Floating Point Systems, Gould/SEL, IPM, Key, KSR, MasPar, Multiflow, Myrias, Ncube, Pixar, Prisma, SAXPY, SCS, SDSA, Supertek (now Cray), Suprenum, Stardent (Ardent+Stellar), Supercomputer Systems Inc., Synapse, Thinking Machines, Vitec, Vitesse, Wavetracer.

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NCSA Cluster of 8 x 128 processors SGI Origin c1999

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Humble beginning:

In 1981…would you

have predicted

this would be the

basis of supers?

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Intel’s ipsc 1 & Touchstone Delta

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Intel Sandia Cluster 9K PII: 1.8 TF

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GB with NT, Compaq, HP cluster

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192 HP 300 MHz

64 Compaq 333 MHz

• Andrew Chien, CS UIUC-->UCSD • Rob Pennington, NCSA• Myrinet Network, HPVM, Fast Msgs• Microsoft NT OS, MPI API

“Supercomputer performance at mail-order prices”-- Jim Gray, Microsoft

The Alliance LES NT Supercluster

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Intel/Sandia: 9000x1 node Ppro

LLNL/IBM: 512x8 PowerPC (SP2)

LANL/Cray: 6144 CPUs

Maui Supercomputer Center– 512x1 SP2

Our Tax Dollars At WorkASCI for Stockpile Stewardship

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ASCI Blue Mountain 3.1 Tflops SGI Origin 2000

12,000 sq. ft. of floor space

1.6 MWatts of power

530 tons of cooling

384 cabinets to house 6144 CPU’s with 1536 GB (32GB / 128 CPUs)

48 cabinets for metarouters

96 cabinets for 76 TB of raid disks

36 x HIPPI-800 switch Cluster Interconnect

9 cabinets for 36 HIPPI switches

about 348 miles of fiber cable

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Half of SGI ASCI Computer at LASL c1999

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 2 3 4 5 6

6 Groups of 8 Computers each

18 16x16 Crossbar Switches

18 Separate NetworksLASL ASCI Cluster Interconnect

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LASL ASCI Cluster Interconnect

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Typical MCNP BNCT simulation:• 1 cm resolution (21x21x25)• 1 million particles• 1 hour on 200 MHz PC

ASCI Blue Mountain MCNP simulation:• 1 mm resolution (256x256x250)• 100 million particles• 2 hours on 6144 CPUs

3 TeraOps makes a difference!

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LLNL ArchitectureSector S

Sector Y

Sector K




Each SP sector has• 488 Silver nodes• 24 HPGN Links

System Parameters• 3.89 TFLOP/s Peak• 2.6 TB Memory• 62.5 TB Global disk



2.5 GB/node Memory24.5 TB Global Disk8.3 TB Local Disk

1.5 GB/node Memory20.5 TB Global Disk4.4 TB Local Disk

1.5 GB/node Memory20.5 TB Global Disk4.4 TB Local Disk


SST Achieved >1.2TFLOP/son sPPM and Problem

>70x LargerThan Ever Solved Before!



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I/O Hardware Architecture

System Data and Control Networks

488 Node IBM SP Sector

56 GPFSServers

432 Silver Compute Nodes

Each SST Sector• local and global I/O file system• 2.2 GB/s global I/O performance• 3.66 GB/s local I/O performance• Separate SP first level switches• Independent command and control

Full system mode• Application launch over full 1,464 Silver nodes• 1,048 MPI/us tasks, 2,048 MPI/IP tasks• High speed, low latency communication • Single STDIO interface


24 SP Links to Second Level


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Fujitsu VPP5000 multicomputer:(not available in the U.S.)

Computing nodesspeed: 9.6 Gflops vector, 1.2 Gflops scalar primary memory: 4-16 GBmemory bandwidth: 76 GB/s (9.6 x 64 Gb/s) inter-processor comm: 1.6 GB/s non-blocking with global addressing among all nodesI/O: 3 GB/s to scsi, hippi, gigabit ethernet, etc.

1-128 computers deliver 1.22 Tflops

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NEC SX 5: clustered SMPv(not available in the U.S.)

SMPv computing nodes– 4 - 8 processors/computer– Processor pap: 8 Gflops– Memory– I/O speed


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NEC Supers

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High Performance COTS Raceway and (RACE++) Busses

– ANSI Standardized– Mapped Memory, Message Passing, ‘Planned Direct’

Transfers– Circuit Switched; Basic Bus Interface Unit Is a 6 (8) Port

Bidirectional Switch at 40MB/s (66MB/s) Per Port.– Scales to 4000 Processors

Skychannel– ANSI Standardized– 320mb/sec; Crossbar backplane supports up to 1.6 GB/s

Throughput Non-blocking– Heart of Air Force $3M / 256 Gflops System

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Mercury & Sky Computers - & $Rugged System With 10 Modules ~ $100K; $1K /#

Scalable to several K processors; ~1-10 Gflop / Ft3

10 9U Boards * 4 Ppc750’s 440 Specfp95 in 1 Ft3 (18.5 * 8 * 10.75”)

Sky 384 Signal Processor, #20 on ‘Top 500’, $3M

Mercury VME Platinum SystemMercury VME Platinum System Sky PPC Daughtercard Sky PPC Daughtercard

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Brookhaven/Columbia QCD c1999(1999 Bell Prize for performance/$)

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Brookhaven/Columbia QCD board

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HT-MT: What’s 0.55? c1999

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Mechanical: cooling and signals Chips: design tools, fabrication Chips: memory, PIM Architecture: mta on steroids Storage material

Page 80: 6/3/2015Copyright G Bell & TCM History Center 1 Supercomputers(t) Gordon Bell Bay Area Research Center Microsoft Corp. .

04/21/23 Copyright G Bell & TCM History Center 81

HTMT challenges the heuristics for a successful computer

Mead 11 year rule: time between lab appearance and commercial use

Requires >2 break throughs Team’s first computer or super It’s government funded…

albeit at a university