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TABLE OF CONTENTSOVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 4SYSTEM COMPONENTS .............................................................................................. 5COMPATIBLE MOBILE PHONES ................................................................................ 5ACTIVATING THE HANDS-FREE KIT ...................................................................... 6PAIRING YOUR MOBILE PHONE AND THE HANDS-FREE KIT FOR THE FIRST TIME .................................................................................................... 6PAIRING WITH OTHER ADDITIONAL PHONES ................................................ 6CLEARING THE MEMORY .......................................................................................... 7PAIRING PRIORITY ........................................................................................................ 7COMMUNICATING ...................................................................................................... 7ERICSSON/SONY ERICSSON PHONES .................................................................... 8NOKIA 6310, 6310i, 6650, 7600, 8910 PHONES .................................................... 10NOKIA 3650, 3660, N-GAGE, AND SIEMENS SX11 PHONES .......................... 11TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................. 13

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Bluetooth® wireless technology en-ables wireless connection betweenyour mobile phone and the hands-freekit installed on your car.

Communication is based on thetransmission of radio shortwaves, thatexchanges data and voice at a speed ofapprox. 1 Mb/sec. within a range ofabout 10 metres.

The radio frequency used by Blue-tooth® wireless technology is not sub-ject to restrictions or limitations andis free of charge.

– automatic storage of your tele-phone directory (only available withEricsson/SonyEricsson phones);

– use of different telephone numbersfor each contact (e.g. home, work, cel-lular according to mobile phone type);

– starting/answering/refusing callswith voice command (according tomobile phone type);

– volume adjustment through phonemenu and through sound system vol-ume controls (see the Sound Systemmanual);

– “confidential” conversation mode,to switch from hands-free mode tophone mode (according to mobilephone type);

– echo and background noise reduc-tion.

The hands-free kit with voice recog-nition enables to make and receivecalls safely and securely under what-ever driving condition without re-moving your hands from the steeringwheel as required by current regula-tion.

The system installed on your car of-fers you the following functions:

– automatic mute of the car radioduring calls;

– hands-free conversation;

– conversation diffusion through carspeakers;

– pairing of up to three mobilephones with activation of one mobilephone at a time (for connection pri-ority see next pages);

– voice recognition (according tomobile phone type);

HANDS-FREE KIT WITH VOICE RECOGNITION AND Bluetooth® wireless technology

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The hands-free kit consists of the fol-lowing main components:– electronic control box – microphone– keypad

The electronic control box, locatedin the dashboard, houses the Blue-tooth® wireless technology radiotransmitter, the signal processing mi-croprocessor and the operating soft-ware.

The high-grade microphone housedin the front roof lamp has been de-signed to guarantee optimum com-munication under whatever condition.

The keypad fig. 1, located on thepanel housing the rear power windowcontrols, features two buttons, A andB-fig. 1, to be used for controllingevery function of the hands-free kit.

Press button A-fig. 1:– to activate voice recognition;– to answer a call or dual call;

– to redial the last number called;– to activate the “confidential” mode.

Press button B-fig. 1:– to end the communication;– to refuse a call.

Press buttons A and B-fig. 1 si-multaneously for at least 2 sec-onds for clearing the systemmemory.

IMPORTANT Clearing the mem-ory will disconnect all stored phones,will clear any phone number stored inthe system memory and will requireto repeat the pairing phase.


Compatible mobile phones are thosetabulated below:

Make Model

Ericsson R520, T39m, T68m

Motorola V500, V525, V600270C, 280i

Nokia 3650/3660,6310, 6310i, 6600,

6650, 7600,8910, 8910i, N-Gage,

Panasonic X70

Philips Fisio 820, Fisio 825

Siemens S55, S56, SX1

Sony Ericsson T68i, P800,P900,T606/T610/T630,Z600/Z608

PDA/Smartphone E200, XDA II

fig. 1F0



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After first pairing, just turn the igni-tion key to MAR to activate the sys-tem. To pair your phone and thehands-free kit after first pairing, get in-to the car with your phone on and theBluetooth® function active.


To pair your mobile phone with yourhands-free kit for the first time youshall activate the Bluetooth® functionon your phone as described on yourphone user’s guide. The correspond-ing icon is displayed on your phonewhen the function is active.

When pairing for the first time, themessage “Accoppiare l’apparecchio”(pair kit) will be heard (the message willalways be in Italian since it is the defaultlanguage). Phone/hands-free kit pairingprocedure described in the phonemanual shall therefore be carried out(follow the pairing instructions givenon your phone user’s guide).

IMPORTANT When the use ofthe hands-free kit with Bluetooth®

wireless technology is not desired,message “Accoppiare l’apparecchio”(pair kit) can be prevented from beingrepeated by setting car radio channelPHONE minimum volume (see SoundSystem manual). Turn the sound sys-tem on to hear message “Accoppiarel’apparecchio” (pair kit).

During the pairing procedurethe message asking for the pass-code will be displayed; enter“1234” as passcode and then con-firm it.

Once this done, connection betweenyour phone and your hands-free kitwill take place automatically as soonas the two devices are less than a fewmeters apart. A “beep” will be heard,indicating that connection is estab-lished. Here follows an example of firstpairing procedure for the most com-mon mobile phones.

IMPORTANT The system oper-ates only when the ignition key isturned to MAR. Pairing procedureshall be performed only the first timeyou pair your phone and your hands-free kit. Should instruction “Accoppi-are l’apparecchio” (pair kit) not beheard at first pairing, reset the systemby pressing simultaneously buttons A-fig. 1 and B-fig. 1 on the keypad for2 seconds at least.


If you decide to pair another phone,you just have to follow the ordinarypairing procedure described in theprevious paragraph, in this way youcan connect up to 3 mobile phones.To pair other phones you shall resetthe system (any phone number storedwill be cleared).

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Press the green A-fig. 1 and red B-fig. 1 buttons simultaneously for at least2 seconds for clearing the system mem-ory.

IMPORTANT Clearing the memo-ry will disconnect all stored phones, willclear any phone number stored in thesystem memory and will require to re-peat the pairing phase.


If 2 mobile phones at least are paired,the first phone paired (in chronologi-cal order) will have highest priority.This means that when getting into thecar with system active (key at MAR),this will be the first phone to besearched and, if present, to be con-nected. Should the priority phone notbe found, the system will then searchfor the other phones.


Find below a description of the maincommunication procedures valid foralmost all mobile phones.

Making a call manually:

– dial the number on the mobilephone keypad;

– press directly the phone button tostart the call;

– the call will be switched automati-cally to hands-free mode (on certainphone models, e.g. SIEMENS S55, but-ton A-fig. 1 must be pressed to shiftthe telephone call to hands-freemode).

Making a call using the voicerecognition (after assigning avoice tag to a phonebookentry):

– press button A-fig. 1 on the key-pad;

– wait for sound signal to be heardand/or “PHONE” writing to appear onsound system display;

– pronounce the name of the personyou wish to call;

– the system will repeat the name forconfirmation and then will start thecall;

– if the name pronounced by the sys-tem is not the required one, press but-ton B-fig. 1 on the keypad and repeatthe procedure.

Call through voice recognition is pos-sible only if voice tags have been as-signed to phonebook entries.

The hands-free kit recognises allvoice tags recorded on the phone thusenabling to call with voice recognitionany voice tagged number.

It is however possible to store (ac-cording to mobile phone type) voicetags directly in the hands-free kit mem-ory but, in this case, the hands-free kitwill recognise just those voice tags.

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IMPORTANT Voice prompts arerecognised by the system only if prop-erly recorded, for this reason you haveto speak out naturally and clearly.

To obtain optimum operation,please, comply with these recommen-dations:

– close the doors and windows;

– turn off your engine and ventilation(key at MAR);

– make the recording from the dri-ver’s seat;

– if using long names (e.g.: “JohnBrown” instead of “John”) notice thatthe system will record a voice tag formax. 2 seconds.

IMPORTANT Before using voiceprompts check that Bluetooth® wire-less technology, “Voice recognition”and “Wordspotting” functions onyour phone are active (according tomobile phone type). Voice recognitionperformances are available and de-pending on mobile phone model used.

– to end the call, press button B-fig.1 once.

IMPORTANT The second call canbe accepted or refused only if the“Avviso di chiamata” (“Call waiting”)function on your phone is active.


Assigning a voice tag to a name

– From the “Connectivity” menu, se-lect “Accessories”;

– select the system menu;

– select “Phone book”;

– select “List” (the list of your phonebook entries will be displayed);

– choose a name and select it;

– you will hear the system prompt,then you have to pronounce clearlythe name displayed towards the mi-crophone located in the front rooflamp;

Answering a call:

press button A-fig. 1 on the keypad.

Refusing a call:

press button B-fig. 1 on the key-pad.

Ending a call:

press button B-fig. 1 on the key-pad.

To redial last number called:

press button A-fig. 1 on the key-pad and keep it pressed up to redi-alling of the number.

Dual call (according to mobilephone type):

– press keypad button B-fig. 1 torefuse the new call;

– press keypad button A-fig. 1 onceto pick up the new call;

– press button A-fig. 1 once again toreturn to the first call;

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– the system will repeat the nameand ask you to repeat it for confirma-tion.

Repeat the procedure for each nameto be voice tagged.

For proper recording of voice tagscomply with these recommendations:

– make recording in quite place;

– close the doors and windows;

– turn off your engine, radio and ven-tilation;

– speak out clearly and naturally to-wards the microphone.


The hands-free kit has two presetvoice prompts (“Telephone” and“Hang up”). “Telephone” is used tocall or answer a call (function of but-ton A-fig. 1 on the keypad, whereas“Hang up” is used to refuse or end acall (function of button B-fig. 1).

You need to record keywords foruse with “Wordspotting” option, pro-ceed as follows:

– from the “Connectivity” menu, se-lect “Accessories”;

– select the system menu;

– select “Voice recognition”;

– select “Keywords”;

– select the word to be recorded(“Telephone” or “Hang up”);

– you will hear the system prompt,then you have to pronounce clearlythe name displayed towards the mi-crophone located in the front rooflamp;

– the system will repeat the nameand ask you to repeat it for confirma-tion.

Making a call using the“Wordspotting” option:

– pronounce the keyword “Tele-phone”;

– wait for the beep;

– pronounce the name you wish tocall;

– the system will repeat it for con-firmation and then will start the call;

– if the name pronounced by the sys-tem is not the one you desire, say“Hang up” or press button B-fig. 1 onthe keypad and repeat the procedure.

Answering/refusing/ ending acall using the “Wordspotting”option:

IMPORTANT The “Wordspot-ting” option (for answering, refusingor ending a call through voiceprompts) is variable and it depends onthe type of cellular phone being used.For certain models it may thereforebe necessary to press first buttons A-fig. 1 and B-fig. 1 and then pro-nounce the “Wordspotting” requiredto answer, to refuse or to end a call.

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menu and select the Bluetooth®

wireless technology option and then“View paired devices”; when the sys-tem name is displayed select “Op-tions” and then “Request conn. Au-thorisation”.

Storing names

To assign a voice tag to a name, ac-cess your phone book, find the desiredname and click in sequence on “De-tails”, “Options” and “Add voice tag”.The following message is displayed“Press Start then speak after thetone”. Then press “Start” and say thename.

To remove the voice tag for anyname, access your phone book andclick in sequence on “Details”, “Op-tions” and “Voice tag”.

By clicking “Change” you can re-record over the voice tag.

By clicking “Erase” you will delete thevoice tag recording.

Clearing the system memory

– Press and hold simultaneously bothbuttons A-fig. 1 and B-fig. 1 on thekeypad;

– reset will be announced by the sys-tem.

IMPORTANT Clearing the mem-ory will disconnect all stored phones,will clear any phone number stored inthe system memory and will requireto repeat the pairing phase.

Adjusting the volume

Use the keys of the handset to adjustthe volume of the conversation.

NOKIA 6310, 6310i, 6650, 7600, 8910 PHONES

IMPORTANT After getting intothe car and turning the ignition key toMAR, your phone should ask youwhether to establish the connection.If you want to, you can disable thisfunction. To do that, go into the phone

– to answer a call say “Telephone”;

– to hang up say “Hang up”;

– to refuse a call say “Hang up”.

Copying the phone book tohands-free kit system memory

Bluetooth® wireless technology en-ables to copy the cellular phone bookto the hands-free kit system memo-ry.

IMPORTANT You can only copythe entries stored in phone memory,therefore before copying your phonebook to the system memory, you arerecommended to transfer all entriesfrom the SIM card to the phone mem-ory.

Copying the phone book:

– from the “Connectivity” menu, se-lect “Accessories”;

– select the system menu;

– the system will start data transferand display a message on the phone;

– at the end of operation anothermessage will be displayed.

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Making a callmanually

Use the phone keypad to dial thenumber. Your call will be connectedautomatically in hands-free mode. Key-pad buttons A-fig. 1 and B-fig. 1 arethe tools for making and receiving calls.

Making a call using the voicerecognition

Press button A-fig. 1 on the keypadand wait for the tone. Then say thename of the person you want to call.

To redial last number called

Press button A-fig. 1 on the keypadand keep it pressed up to redialling ofthe number.

Answering a call

Press button A-fig. 1 on the keypad.

Refusing a call

Press button B-fig. 1 on the keypad.

Dual call

– Press the keypad button B-fig. 1to refuse the new call.

– Press the keypad button A-fig. 1once to communicate with new caller.

– Press button A-fig. 1 once again toreturn to your first caller.

– Press button B-fig. 1 once to endthe communication.

Adjusting the volume

Use the keys of the handset to adjustthe volume of the conversation.

Conversation in “confidential”mode

Press the keypad button A-fig. 1 briefly to switch the conversa-tion to hands-free or handset mode.

It is also possible to activate the“confidential” mode directly from thetelephone set: see telephone set man-ual.

Clearing the memory

Press and hold pressed simultane-ously both buttons A-fig. 1 and B-fig.1 on the keypad.

IMPORTANT Clearing the mem-ory will disconnect all stored phones,will clear any phone number stored inthe system memory and will requireto repeat the pairing phase.


IMPORTANT After getting intothe car and turning the ignition key toMAR, your phone should ask youwhether to establish the connection.If you want to, you can disable thisfunction. To do that, go into the phonemenu and select the Bluetooth® op-tion and then “Linked equipment”; se-lect the system name, “Options” andthen “Def. as authorised”.

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Dual call:

– press keypad button B-fig. 1 torefuse the new call;

– press keypad button A-fig. 1 onceto communicate with new caller;

– press button A-fig. 1 once again toreturn to your first caller;

– press button B-fig. 1 once to endthe communication.

Conversation in “confidential”mode

Press button A-fig. 1 briefly toswitch the conversation to hands-freeor handset mode.

It is also possible to activate the“confidential” mode directly from thetelephone set: see telephone set man-ual.

Auto answer

From your phone, display the “Mainmenu” and select “Tools”.

Then select:

– “Settings” for Nokia 3650, 6600and Siemens SX1 telephones;

– “Tools” for Nokia N-GAGE tele-phones.

Select in sequence “Settings”, “Ac-cessories” and “Handsfree”.

Select in sequence “Automatic an-swer”, “Options”, “Change”, “On”and confirm with “OK”.

Adjusting the volume

Use the keys of the handset to adjustthe volume of the conversation.

Clearing the memory

Press and hold pressed simultane-ously both buttons A-fig. 1 and B-fig.1 on the keypad.

IMPORTANT Clearing the mem-ory will disconnect all stored phones,will clear any phone number stored inthe system memory and will requireto repeat the pairing phase.

IMPORTANT You can select therequired hands-free kit system settingsfrom the accessories menu.


Answering a call:

– press button A-fig. 1 on the key-pad.

Refusing a call:

– press button B-fig. 1 on the keypad.

To redial last number called:

– press button A-fig. 1 on the key-pad and keep it pressed up to rediallingof the number.

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TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEMThe system is not workingThe system says that the Bluetooth® wireless technology is not detectedYour telephone does not detect the hands-free kit

Your telephone is not detectedThe person you are calling complains of the bad sound quality during communicationThe person you are calling complains of an echoduring communicationYou cannot hear the voice of the person you are callingNo connection after entering the passcode “1234”Your telephone is detected too slowlywhen switched onWhen making a call with voice recognition the system says that the name you desire is not voice taggedDual call failingCertain phone book entries are not copied in the system memory The system does not recognise voice prompts


SOLUTIONCheck that the ignition key is turned to MARSwitch off your telephone and then switch it back on again (if the hands-free kit is notoperating)Switch off your telephone and then switch it back on againCheck that the connection of the Bluetooth® wireless technology of your telephone isenabled (refer to the manual of your phone, if necessary)Repeat the connection phaseMake sure that you are speaking clearly and according to microphone direction

Lower the volume on the mobile phone. Also lower the volume of car radio channelPHONE, if necessary (see Sound System manual)Adjust the volume on the mobile phone. Also check the volume of car radio channelPHONE, if necessary (see Sound System manual)Go back to the main menu and repeat the pairing procedure

Set user priority (refer to paragraph “Pairing priority”)

Check that the required name is voice taggedRepeat the name clearly towards the microphone

Check that the “Avviso di chiamata” (Call waiting) option on your phone is enabledCheck that these entries are present in the phone book and not only in the SIM card memoryCheck that Bluetooth® wireless technology, “Voice recognition” and “Wordspotting”options on your phone are enabled

IMPORTANT System checks and repairs, if required, shall only be performed by Fiat Dealership.

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Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A. - Servizi al Cliente - Assistenza TecnicaIngegneria Assistenziale - Largo Senatore G. Agnelli, 5 - 10040 Volvera - Torino (Italia)

Print no. 603.83.430 - 11/2007 - 1st Edition


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