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The kinds of missions

Many of these categories are the same as for those applied to the discovery of


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A conscious versus unconscious missionThe church is on a mission whether it knows it or not - it is going somewhere that its values are taking it. In such situations the church needs to discover and articulate its mission.Work out the core values - then ask the church SLT, where have these taken you? Put this into a statement and you have the mission.

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2. Personal or organisational

The church has a mission - but most individuals also have one in mind for the church too. The personal side often happens early in life - e.g. When someone gets born again they are likely to adopt the mission of the first church they attend. Pastors will bring their own personal vision to a church they work at.The church’s mission must be superior to any personal mission.

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3. Shared or unshared missionOnce a mission is stated by a church you find out which people disagree with it.Unshared ministry missions pull people apart, create disunity and can cause disaster. A church has to address this situation and ensure all people are on board with the church’s mission.A new members class is a helpful way of ensuring all who join the church agree to this.

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4. Correct versus incorrect missionChurches might have a ministry mission - but Malphurs suggests most of them are wrong. They have to be about the Gt. Comm - making and maturing believers.Anything other than this, no matter how noble, is wrong. Worship, fellowship, community are all found in the Bible but are not the Gt. Comm. If your mission is not the Gt. Comm - then change it!

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5. Actual versus aspirational mission

If a church has a wrong mission then it needs to change to the Gt Comm model - however this does not then become their mission but is their aspiration. Changing the mission takes time - and key to the change is examining and changing values. Malphurs suggests those of Acts 2:41-47 are the correct ones with evangelism most important.

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The development of a mission

Being convinced of the need for a mission you then need to

craft a dynamic memorable statement for the church

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The personnel

The SLT develop the mission as they did with the values.Again you must involve the congregation - ask their ideas, get their feedback, develop trust...

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1. Determine what your church is supposed to doEssentially the church should ask, “What business are we in?” Malphurs suggests this is summed up for all churches in the idea of making disciples.“Whom will we serve?” who are the people we are targeting - as Christ died for people (sinners) those are the people we should be looking at.

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There are two groups within this - the churched and the unchurched (potential members.) Malphurs suggests you look at the people who are already part of your ministry to get an idea of what new people might (will probably) look like.“How will we serve these people?” what is God telling you to do for them? Salvation and then sanctification - all else we do, even in serving felt needs, should aim towards these two aspects.

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Malphurs give two examples:Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the people of New Hope community and beyondThat answers both the who and how questions.Our mission is to lead the people of North Tarrant County to faith in Christ and growth in Christlikeness.

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2. Write your mission statementWrite down what you are thinking - use the words that best communicate with your congregation - does it need a traditional or modern approach, something catchy or cliched etc.?Do people understand what you have written? Is it clear?Willow Creek turned Matt 28:18-20 into: Willow Creek exists to turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

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2. Write your mission statementWrite down what you are thinking - use the words that best communicate with your congregation - does it need a traditional or modern approach, something catchy or cliched etc.?Do people understand what you have written? Is it clear?Willow Creek turned Matt 28:18-20 into: Willow Creek exists to turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

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The mission of Northwood Community Church is to be used of God in helping people become fully functioning followers of Jesus Christ.

Make sure the format is good - Malphurs suggests the following 3:The mission of (church name) is to __________________________Our mission is to _____________(Church name) seeks to _______

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3. Make your mission statement broad but clearHolding boldness and clarity in tension.Is it broad, overarching and comprehensive? A poor example does not include the Gt Comm:Our mission is to teach the Scriptures so well that people will hunger and thirst for righteousness

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Is it clear? Easy here - ask people if they can understand and then explain it. A poor example:Our mission is to glorify God by responding to the Saviour through exalting him as Lord, edifying his church, and evangelising the world.The problem is using the world glorify - what does it mean, how should it be interpreted? Additionally the mission leads to glorifying God - it is not the mission.

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4. Make your mission statement brief and simpleDoes it pass the T shirt test? Say more by saying less!Faith community church exists to make disciples by loving Christ, loving one another, and living to reach our world for Christ.This should be changed to (the by is part of the strategy):Faith community church exists to make disciplesFinally - is it memorable? Too long makes it hard to remember.

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The process of developing a


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Option 1: identify your current mission statement

- then, if necessary, correct this - if not be happy with it!However if it is not the Gt Comm then you have to follow steps 2 or 3

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Option 2: develop a new mission statement

This needs to focus on what your future mission should be.Address your current values - will they support and accomplish the Gt Comm?Use the Matt 28:19 model - what is a disciple (using the terms your congregation understands) - follower of Christ, Christian, believer etc.

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Refine your term for disciple: Malphurs suggests Jesus was looking for mature disciples - fully devoted, functioning, committed, totally committed etc. Which term in your church most suggests maturity?Use the right verb - willow creek talked of turning people into followers - assist, empower, develop, follow, fulfill, help, influence, lead, promote, provide, transform etc.

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Remember you always need the work of the Holy Spirit to do this - but we are told to make disciples!Who are you working with?Malphurs suggests this part is optional - it might include the unchurched, irreligious, religious, unsaved, ordinary etc.

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Option 3: adopt an existing mission statement

Our mission is to provide living proof of a loving God to a watching world.Our mission is to present Christ as saviour and pursue christ as Lord.Our mission is to follow and make followers of Christ.Our mission is to help our community find real life in Christ.Our mission is to lead ordinary people to extraordinary life in Christ

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The mission challenge

Is to remain on track - there are many many distractions.Malphurs suggests that passion is a key - the senior leader must be pasisonate - and from him passionate people live and breathe the mission. Passion is the difference between mediocrity and excellence.Are you passionate about your mission statement?

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The communication of the mission

The mission must be communicated or it is almost pointless.Use every opportunity you can - and every good method you can think of.

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Guidelines for the Mission Statement

1. Determine your church’s purpose. Who will you serve? How will you serve these people?

2. Write your mission statement. What words communicate best with your target group?

3. Make your mission statement broad and clear cut.

4. Make your mission statement brief and simple.