Download - 60 Basic Tactics

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Basic Chess TacticsBack Rank Tactics, Checkmate, Discoveries, Forks, Pins and Skewers

    By: Mike Breuer

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    Copyright 2008 Mike Breuer. Neenah, WI

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    1. 2.

    3. 4.

    5. 6.

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    7. 8.

    9. 10.

    11. 12.

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    13. 14.

    15. 16.

    17. 18.

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    Find the best move for WHITE

    19. 20.

    21. 22.

    23. 24.

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    25. 26.

    27. 28.

    29. 30.

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    31. 32.

    33. 34.

    35. 36.

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    Find the best move for WHITE

    37. 38.

    39. 40.

    41. 42.

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    Find the best move for WHITE

    43. 44.

    45. 46.

    47. 48.

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    49. 50.

    51. 52.

    53. 54.

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE

    55. 56.

    57. 58.

    59. 60.

  • 8/8/2019 60 Basic Tactics


    Find the best move for WHITE


    1. Qh5+ (Discovery) 31. Re4 (Fork)2. Re4 (Pin) 32. Kg2+ (Discovery)3. Bd3+ (Skewer) 33. c5+ (Discovery)4. d4 (Fork) 34. Re5+ (Fork)

    5. Qa8# (Checkmate, Back Rank) 35. Bc4 (Pin)6. f4+ (Discovery) 36. Ne5 (Fork)7. Ba3 (Pin) 37. Bb4 (Pin)8. Rh2 (Pin) 38. Nf6+ (Fork)9. Bc5 (Pin) 39. Re3+ (Skewer)10. Rf4 (Skewer) 40. Nf5+ (Fork)11. Be5+ (Skewer) 41. Nf2+ (Discovery)12. Bg4# (Checkmate, Discovery.) 42. Rf8# (Checkmate, Back Rank)13. Bb6 (Discovery) 43. Qf4 (Pin)14. Bd2+ (Discovery) 44. Rb8 (Pin)

    15. Qxe5+ (Fork) 45. Re8# (Checkmate, Back Rank)16. e8=N+ (Fork, Promotion) 46. Qc4+ (Fork)17. Rc5 (Pin) 47. Nf6+ (Fork)18. Bh4 (Skewer) 48. Qd4 (Fork)19. Rd1 (Skewer) 49. Bb5 (Pin)20. Bc3 (Skewer) 50. Rh2+ (Discovery)21. Rc4+ (Skewer) 51. Ra8# (Checkmate, Back Rank)22. Qc6 (Fork) 52. Rc8# (Checkmate, Back Rank)23. Ke4 (Fork) 53. Qh5+ (Fork)24. Re1+ (Skewer) 54. Nc7+ (Fork)25. Rxh8+ (Skewer, Back Rank) 55. Bf3+ (Discovery)26. Rf1 (Skewer) 56. Be5 (Skewers)27. Bf3 (Fork) 57. Rc1 (Pin)28. Bxb6 (Discovery) 58. f6+ (Fork)29. Nxe5+ (Discovery) 59. Bd5+ (Skewer)30. Bc4 (Fork) 60. Rd1 (Pin)