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6 Habits to face the day with the best mood

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Page 2: 6 habits to face the day with the best mood

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As freelancers, we know the importance of training our minds for self-discipline. Without a fixed routine and no one to watch what we’re doing, it can be easy to become distracted with a bad mood and that can be all the more apparent when we set off on the wrong foot.

Habits can be hard to establish but they are not impossible and the benefits we achieve from forming positive habits can be the difference between facing the day in a negative and detrimental way or a positive and encouraging one.

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Having a bad day every now and then is part and parcel of being human but there are some good habits we can establish to minimize negativity and maximize the positive feelings that go towards encouraging that better mood, getting into that positive mindset and promoting a more productive day.

With that in mind, here are 6 habits that will support you in achieving that good mood.

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Being thankful every day for the abundance we have in our lives is one of the most important and easiest ways to cancel out negative feelings. However you feel when you wake up, take 5 minutes to think about what is going right in your life in the present moment. It could be big things like a new client or a great income, or it could be simple things like having enough food to eat every day, constant access to electricity to power your house or your ability to walk easily from your bedroom to your home office without giving it a second thought.

Making a habit of doing this every day will transform your perspectives and get your mindset into the best possible position to start off your work day. Believe me, doing this on a regular basis will train the mind to always look for the positives in every situation including any problems that arise with clients and customers.

1. Practice Gratitude

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Consider incorporating meditation into your morning routine as it is well known for lowering blood pressure and relieving stress. Just 10 minutes in the morning or at any point in the day can make a difference and can offer extra support if you’ve woken up in a negative mood.

Focusing on the breath allows your mind to open up and get a sense of calm. This is especially good if you have a problem that needs solving and it’s often the perfect time when we get flashes of inspiration. This is because the brain goes into diffused mode where it stops focusing on work, relaxes and the subconscious mind is open to inspired action and problem-solving.

Alternatively, you can use mediation to visualize how you want your day to go. Imagine a smooth, easy day with no problems and really experience the positive feelings that come with it. More often than not, this is the type of day you’ll end up attracting.

2. Meditate

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3. Eat A Healthy, Substantial Breakfast

This is a no-brainer. Fuelling the mind and body with a healthy breakfast will start your day off on the right foot. Stabilizing your blood-sugar levels is important to get into a good mood and eating the right foods to nourish your brain like eggs, oily fish and avocado will give you the best advantage.

It’s also important to eat slowly and be mindful of how you eat because the sensitive and complex digestive process can really influence your hormones which need to be well-balanced for an optimal working body and good, positive mood.

A cup of morning coffee isn’t bad and can help stimulate your brain but try not to overdo it. Consider a more subtle hit of caffeine such as green tea to keep you pepped up throughout the day.

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Endorphins are our best friends when it comes to getting ourselves into the best and most productive moods. While some of us are more than keen to get up early and go for a run or get down to the gym, most of us may struggle to do this if we haven’t already got an established exercise routine.

The good news is just moving the body for 10 minutes in the morning can be enough to start releasing those wonderful endorphins. Try dancing around the room to your favourite uplifting music, do a yoga routine (there are many good apps and videos that show you how to do simple routines), sit ups, press ups, squats while you brush your teeth – anything that will get you at least sweating slightly will be beneficial in lowering cortisol levels in the brain and encourage a good mood.

4. Exercise

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Believe it or not, jolting the body with cold water is an amazing way to wake up all your senses and actually puts you in a better mood – it has been known to be a depression reliever, to decrease stress and increase alertness.

If facing a whole icy shower is just too much, just turn the temperature to its coldest for the last 10-15 seconds of your shower and try this every day to notice the benefits. Of course, please consult a doctor if your health isn’t completely at its peak just as a precaution.

5. Take A Cold Shower

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Think of this as giving yourself a pep talk. The way we perceive ourselves and the world around us can greatly affect our working day more than we may realise. Just spending a few minutes a day reciting affirmations like “I will accomplish all my goals today”, “I am a successful freelancer and I’m great at what I do!”, or simply “I will have an amazing day!” can do more wonders than we think. Getting into the habit of saying statements like this to ourselves each day will eventually get embedded into us and we actually start to really believe them.

We are all too often able to do this with the negative ideas and beliefs we have of ourselves and our capabilities that it feels very strange to turn the tables and actually tell ourselves the positives. This is why it may feel uncomfortable at first but if you can easily encourage others then you are able to do it for yourself and this is very important for your daily mood and general happiness levels.

5. Recite Affirmations

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Starting off the day in a good mood is essential for flow in our daily tasks and interactions. The success of a day could mean the difference between a negative mindset or a positive one. The ability to build habits whereby we promote positivity and happiness in our day will not only benefit us for those work hours but for the days, weeks and months ahead.

Keep in mind that happiness, positivity and good moods spread so setting yourself up in the best way possible will not only help you personally but your positive energy will reach your clients and customers too improving your overall business.

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