Download - 6 effective ways to reduce weight

Page 1: 6 effective ways to reduce weight


➡1 Home Remedy by using black pepper, lemon juice and honey:

1. Take 1 glass lukewarm water2. Add 1 teaspoon black pepper powder3. Add 4 teaspoon lemon juice4. Add 1 teaspoon honey5. Mix well6. Drink every day for a month

➡2. Cumin seeds helps to reduce the weight


Take 2 table spoon of Cumin

1/2 Lemon

Take 1 and half glass of water


Take 1 and half glass of water put 2 table spoon of cumin seed in that and soak it for day morning, boil the soaked cumin seeds with water. filter this water and leave to cool down once its cools down add 1/2 lemon juice and drink. Do this every morning with empty stomach for 2 weeks for speedy weight lose.

➡3. Lose Body Fat with Carrot Beet Juice


take 2 Carrots

1 Beetroot

1/2 Lemon

1/2 Tsp of Black Salt


Take carrot and beetroot wash them and peel off the skin and cut into the small pieces and take 1/2 cup of water and put it into a blender and blend until it becomes smooth. Use filter to filter it .take that juice add lemon juice and black salt.Have this juice daily for break fast up to 1 week for speedy weight lose

➡4. Cabbage

Cabbage, this is known to burn body fat effectively.

Make sure that you eat a bowl of raw cabbage everyday before your lunch to burn fat.

➡5. Curry Leaves

Page 2: 6 effective ways to reduce weight

Eating 10 fresh curry leaves daily in the morning works as a great remedy to deal with obesity and diabetes caused by obesity. Continue this treatment regularly for at least three to four months.Research shows that curry leaves contain mahanimbine, an alkaloid that has anti-obesity and lipid-lowering effects. Thus, it helps lower body weight and reduces total cholesterol

➡6.Cinnamon Powder to loss weight

Ingredients :

1 Tsp of Cinnamon Powder

1 Tbsp of Honey

Direction :-

Mix honey and cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water.When it cools slightly, sip it.Take this two times in a day, 1 hour before having your lunch and 30 minutes before bedtime for fast weight loss.

Try these simple remedies and loose your extra weight.

- Honey is the best method to lose weight. Drink at least 10 grams of honey with lukewarm water. This is one of the best home remedies for obesity.

- Another proven home remedies forobesity is eating cabbage.

-Oats : Its not only tastes great but also reduces your hunger. Oats contains fiber which helps and stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.

- Eat raw tomatoes early in the morning for a period of three months and see how it helps you to lose weight.

- Eat at least a 10-12 curry leaves for a period of four months.

- Drink three tsp of lemon juice in water; add some black pepper and honey. Do this for at least a period of four months.

- Drink tea made up of dandelion root. Drink this tea at least three times a day. This is one of the best home remedies for obesity. Similarly Green Tea is the most effective one which helps you to lose weight. It contains Antioxidants which helps and stabilizes our body weight.Take daily 2 cups of tea for a better results.

- Boil some pieces of ginger and add some slices of lemon into it. Drink it when it is lukewarm. This controls the habit of overeating andprevents obesity.

- Mint is also one of the best home remedies of obesity. Eat a paste made up of mint with meals.

- Drinking carrot juice on a regular basis also helps in treating obesity.

1 bitter gourd/melon, 4 celery ribs, 1 and a half cup parsley, 2 cups spinach, handful of brussel sprouts, 1/2 lemon