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6 Customer Trust Building Secrets Revealed

The first step in generating a sale is to build customer trust. Customers don’t want to part with

their money unless they feel a sense of trust. There’s a common belief that the need to trust

applies only to online e-commerce sites. It applies to all businesses. There are more scams online

and so the online consumer will have even higher demands in the trust department before

committing, but trust is key to the success of all sales. Here are 6 customer trust building secrets

you should know about.

1. Be the Expert the Consumer Can Trust

Success equals customers that trust your business practices and your staff. Remember, your work

force is often the face that the consumer sees. That’s why it is so important for management to

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both educate staff on the importance of trust and how to build that trust; and then to define

what’s expected of staff when they are dealing with customers.

2. Do More Than Just Provide a Price

Consumers get tired of seeing ads and hearing about how a price is the sale price or the lowest

price. They know ads are just trying to convince them to purchase. A pushy salesperson that just

starts rattling prices is seen as the equivalent of an advertisement. Consumers want more. They

want to know about the product, warranty, and how it compares to other products. Providing

customers with useful information builds trust, and when you build trust you build sales.

3. First Impressions

You get only one shot at first impressions. How you look, and what you say (or don’t say) can be

the difference between building trust or mistrust. Whether it’s a salesperson, a receptionist, a

manager, or another employee, that person needs to be seen by the customer as professional,

knowledgeable, and courteous – that will build trust. Carefully of your body language, which can

say a lot more than your words.

4. Branding

One of the most powerful tools you have, at your service, to create credibility and beat trust is

branding through name recognition and reputation. You can achieve branding by using clearly

defined branding strategies, which serve to build trust and motivate customers. Think of names

like, Wal-Mart, HP, Sony, Proctor and Gamble, we could go on – they branded

themselves, created trust within the consumer market, and that has translated to success for these


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5. Customer Service

Today’s customer wants more than just a good quality product and a good price – they put a lot

of credibility and trust into products and companies that recognize the importance of customer

service. Your company’s customer service policies can make or break your company. This is

because your entire business is dependent on customers, who buy products or services. Strong

customer service from the first encounter with the customer, and long after will build trust,

which will lead to that first sale, and many repeat sales.

6. Build Relationships

To build trust you need to build relationships with the customer. Stay in contact with the

customer. Offer newsletters, special promotions, notice of sales, club memberships, etc. When

the customer believes you care about them and are looking out for them, they will trust you and

what you have to offer, and they will also promote you to their friends and family.

Building trust is the framework for building a successful business. Now that we have revealed 6

secrets for building customer trust, it’s time to put them to work.