Download - 6 Content Marketing Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Marketing Managers


Value Guest Blogging Headlines

Rich Content Calls-to-Action Social Sharing

In the past, the term "hack" had a very different meaning.

Back then, a hack was someone who wasn't very good at their job.

They either phoned in their work every day or simply lacked the

talent to do good work in the first place.

No one wants to be known as that sort of "hack," which the

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines as "working for hire...with

mediocre standards."

These days, hacks are much cooler.

Instead of putting out huge volumes of mediocre work, they

make the complex seem simple and the impossible seem


Modern hacks are most definitely our friends. (Not including

those who “hack” others computers! Totally different type of


Let’s explore six content marketing hacks that can dramatically

improve your lead generation and conversion metrics.

Craft short, catchy headlines

that attract the attention of

visitors and fully display in

search results.

Focus on engaging graphics,

images, video, text formatting,

and navigation features in

each page's "above the fold"


Nothing conveys

authority and subject-

matter mastery like a


whitepaper on a

particular aspect of

your business or

trend affecting your

industry, particularly

if you're the first

thought leader to

write at length on the


Put together a major

piece of authoritative

content (case study,

white paper, video)

then use secondary

content (shorter blog

posts and email

marketing blasts) to

promote the primary

piece of content


Share your own

content, plus

relevant curated

content from other

sources. And don’t

forget to ask your

audience to share

your content with

their friends and

followers as well.


calls-to-action direct

the website visitor to

take a specific action

on your website such

as downloading a

white paper, reading

a blog article, or

subscribing to an

email newsletter.

Build authority among

target audiences and

indirectly drive traffic

back to a particular

website. As long as

your guest posts use

"nofollow" links, you're

likely to see a qualified

traffic boost from a

sustained campaign.

Keep these content marketing hacks straight and

you'll be well on your way to success.

If you find that you need help along the way, don't be

shy about asking for tips.

We're here for you!

Xcellimark is an award-winning Inbound Digital

Marketing agency that focuses on growing its client's

business through an inbound marketing approach that

includes custom web design and integrated search

engine optimization, social media, email and content

marketing solutions.

The result is more inbound traffic, qualified leads

and customers.