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  • 8/14/2019 5[1]. Stores Location & Layout


    Stores location and layout

    For arriving at rightstores location andlocation followingfactors are to bediscussed.

    How is the storesorganized? Is the storeorganized as centralizedat one location? Or is itlocated at different

    locations closer to thepoints of consumption?This decision is primaryfor location.

    Is there a common receiving

    station and thendecentralized?

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    What product is stored?Nature of the product,

    whether inflammable,poisonous, hazardous,physical state.

    Store as a suppliershould be close to the

    customer, the consumptionpoint.

    Minimum movement of Acategory items fromunloading bay up to theuser should be ensured.

    Maximum Safety of employeesand also general publicshould be ensured,

    especially with respectto hazardous goods.

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    For ease in materialhandling, adequate space

    for movement should beensured.

    As a measure of goodhousekeeping, place foreverything and everything

    in its place should beensured.

    Optimum utilization ofstorage space must beensured by following govertical principle forspace utilization.

    Preservation of contentsstored from weathering


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    Compliance to all rules andregulations must be

    ensured.Principle of ergonomicsmust be born in mindwhile planning thelayout.

    Provision for adequatelighting should be made.

    Adequate fire fightingfacilities must be


    Location of items as mustbe planned as per FSNanalysis.

    Provision for futureexpansion must be kept inmind.

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    Value Analysis, Value


    Value Analysis is a processof improving the value ofa product already sold inthe market. And valueengineering is the same

    process done at thedesign stage of the


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    Value is a the concept inthe minds of customers

    that makes them chooseone product incompetition. Every

    manufacture likes toimprove the value of his

    product so that hiscustomers remain loyal tohim and more customersare attracted.

    Mathematically, value is

    equal to function/cost.Value of a product can be

    improved by any of the

    three ways listed below.

    Reduce the cost withoutcompromising thefunction.

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    Improve the functionwithout increasing the

    cost.For a small increase incost make a largeimprovement in function.

    Genesis, history of valueanalysis

    Value analysis like so manyOperation Researchconcepts came from

    military. L D Miles,popularly known as fatherof Value Analysis,developed this concept,for American Navy. After

    the war this concept cameto business.

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    Selection of products forValue Analysis

    Products in the maturitystage in product lifecycle will yield extendedlife if value improvementis made.

    To select items for valueanalysis, ABC analysis interms of usage/consumption is done onall the items. Productwith maximum weightage ischosen for Value


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    Contribution analysis, interms of contribution

    [sales price-variableexpenses] is conductedand product with minimumcontribution is chosenfor Value Analysis.

    Why poor value exists?

    Why do products becomeunattractive tocustomers? What adds poorvalue to a product?

    1. Lack of review ofproduct design

    2. Product was designedunder urgency. And

    subsequently it is notreviewed.

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    3. While launching theproduct factor of safety

    was fixed based on thelevel of technicalknowledge available atthat time. Subsequentreview did not take


    Lack of awareness aboutalternate materials,cheaper in price butquite adequate in

    function, changes intechnology are alsoresponsible for customerseeing value in productsof competitors.

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    Reluctance to change withtime. Attitudes, beliefs

    and such behavioralproblems add costs toproducts.

    Value tests to identify

    poor value areas

    Some simple tests toidentify poor value areasare as below.

    Can the design be changed

    to eliminate a part? -Door handle is eliminatedin modern refrigerator.

    Can you purchase it at alower cost? Can this

    part be outsourced at acheaper cost?

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    Does it need all itsfeatures? - Lock as a

    feature on refrigeratorwas found to be not needand hence eliminated.

    Is there anything betterfor intended use? - Less

    expensive, more effectiveand low volume

    polyurethane, asinsulator, in arefrigerator replaces

    Glass wool.Can a usable part be madeby a lower cost method?Change of process

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    Can a standard part beused? Bolts and nuts are

    standard parts. It ischeaper to buy themrather than make them.

    Is it made on propertooling considering the

    quantities involved? Arethe tools chosen takinginto account tool lifeand impact on quality?Ceramic tools in place of

    carbide tools.Are there any newly

    developed materials thatcan be used? E.g. specialalloys, plastics

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    Can two or more parts becombined into one? - ball

    pen top, AM/PM mouthwash.

    9. Can any specificationsbe changed to effect costreduction? Change in

    materials specifications

    Value Engineering Process

    Seven steps in Job plan due

    to Mudge

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    General phase: convertresistance to assistance.

    This is Human ResourceDevelopment phase whereone has to win over

    people. In this phasepotential resistance toanything new must beconverted into interestin something new.

    Awareness sessions andtraining programmes lead

    by senior management arefeatures of this phase.

    Information phase:

    Gather authenticinformation about the

    product. Technicalspecifications,dimensions, grades.

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    Environmental conditions inwhich product should

    perform. Whether in outerspace, underwater, insidethe human body, etc.

    Engineering drawings.

    Production data eg.operations, speed, feed,outputs and stock levels

    Cost data eg. material,labour, overhead costs.

    Work specifications eg.workplace layout,standard times etc.

    Features preferred by

    customer. What does thecustomer like most in ourproduct?

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    Development and servicerecords

    Quantities involved

    Scrap generation and rates

    Fix costs onspecifications and


    function phase

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    Every product has a primaryfunction and secondary

    functions. Customer buysthe product mainly forits primary function.Product cost should notdisproportionately leanon secondary functions.If this happens products

    become expensive for thepurpose they are bought.

    The technique to identify

    primary function is todefine the function

    product is expected toperform. The definitionof function should always

    be in one word like asbelow.

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    mirrorreflect light

    brakearrest motion

    clutchtransfer power

    electron tube covershield tube

    cigarette lighterprovide ignition

    light bulbemit light

    screw drivertransfer torque

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    coffee cuphold liquid

    4. Creation Phase:

    creation of ideas on whatelse we can do?tosatisfy basic function.

    How value can be added? Howcost can be reduced?Generally brain stormingis done to generateideas.

    5. Evaluation phase:

    Select most promising ideafrom brain storming forfurther analysis

    6. Investigation phase:

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    use company or industrialstandards that closest to

    the selected idea. Use ofstandards reduces thecost. Consult vendors orspecialists for findingsuitable standards.

    7. Recommendation phase:

    present facts collected andanalyzed withrecommendations and

    motivate action.

    Scope for Value Analysis inmaterials management

    material substitution

    supply size standardizationto reduce scrap

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    standardization and varietyreduction

    Vendor Development

    New tools and technology


    Learning CurveLearning curve is amathematical expressionthat indicates fall inlabour cost for every

    doubling of productionoutput.

    Learning &skillsimprovement:

    As learning takes placeskill improves anddefects reduce raisingthe quality of product.

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    Reduction in labour cost isanother manifestation of

    improved skill.Learning curve shows scopefor improvement inproductivity.

    Expected level of output ata later date can beassessed by usinglearning.

    Significance of learning

    curve is that humanelement in work is thescope for learning andimprovement.

    Concepts and principals of


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    Only humans learn. Largerthe human element in work

    greater is the scope forlearning.

    Learning and familiarity

    familiarity results intoinstant learning

    Learning and skills Whenthe production quantityis doubled, the labourcost falls by learning%age

    Learning and quality - aslearning improves skillsthe defects in workreduce improving the

    quality of the out put.

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    Learning and cost

    learning results in

    reduction of costs. Allthe improvements statedabove cause reduction inthe cost

    Phases of learning

    Phase I familiarity,learning is very fast.Instant benifits

    Phase II skills

    development, learning isslower. Benefits continueat a slower rate

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    Phase III reverselearning, as learning

    continues the reductionin man hrs result intoexcess inventory andabuse of the machinecausing breakdown

    Managerial utility oflearning curve

    1. Cost projection forfuture projects.

    When to start workmeasurement in a company?If measurement is made inPhase I of learning curvework standards become

    very loose.

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    Transfers and promotions. Aperson in phase II of

    learning a skill he isready for a for apromotion or transfer foranother area of job.

    Material requirement

    planning. Materialrequirement for a personin his I phase oflearning is quite large.This drops down with

    improvement in skills.If skill improvementfollows learning curve,we can say learning isgood and training is


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    Raising productivity. Allthe features studied

    above lead toproductivity improvement.

    Price negotiations

    - vendors learn at the cost

    of customer- with learning his/hercost drops

    - prices can be fixed ontime scale based onlearning cure projection

    - scientific base forpricing and negotiations

    Limitations of learning


    Benefits run out withobsoletion of product.

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    Only human beings learn.

    Attitudes come in the way

    of benefits of learning.In the absence of

    positive attitude humanbeings refuse to learnand improve themselves.

    Inventory constraintslimit the benefit oflearning

    As the speed of the

    workmans machine becomesincompatible with thespeed of learningemployee, employee slowsdown his work due to

    equipment constraints.

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    As a result of learningcost per unit goes down

    and organization tends tobecome mass productionoriented and vulnerableto the competition.