Download - 50utb €tbical SOci~tPt South Place, ' Mo~rgate,...Non·Members oan 01ltaln this publloatlon from the Hon. Seoretary, P08t free, 2/· per annum AUGUST, 1922. 50utb Plac~ €tbical

Page 1: 50utb €tbical SOci~tPt South Place, ' Mo~rgate,...Non·Members oan 01ltaln this publloatlon from the Hon. Seoretary, P08t free, 2/· per annum AUGUST, 1922. 50utb Plac~ €tbical

Non·Members oan 01ltaln this publloatlon from the Hon. Seoretary, P08t free, 2/· per annum

AUGUST, 1922.

50utb Plac~ €tbical SOci~tPt South Place, ' Mo~rgate, E.C.2

Oblect or tbe Soolety •

.. The Object of the Society is the cultivation of a rational religious sentiment, the study of ethical principles, and the promotion of human welfare, in harmony with advancing knowledge. "


Any person in sympathy with the Objeot of the Society is cordially invited to hecome a Member. PartIculars of Membership may be obtained in the Library before and after the Sunday service, or on application to the Hon. Registrar, A1iss L. BURKE, South Place Institute, Finsbury, E.C.2.


. Wy person interested in the Society's work, but not wishing to hecome n Memher, may join ns nn Associate. Pnrticulars may be obtained from the Hon. Registrar as above.

Durintr the month of AU8'u.t the Chapel will be clo.ed. The Service. will be re.umed on Sunday, September 3rd.


Sunday. July 30.·-Caterham to God8tono &c.-Conduotod by Mr. F. M. OVERY. Train from Charlng Cross 10.20, London llrltlge (S.E. & C. Uy.) 10.29. Cheap returD ticket to Caterhnm 2/3. Driug lunch. Toa at GOdstODl·.

Sunday, August 5.-Stoke Common aud District. Conducted by ~r. N. LrnSToNE. Train from MaryleboIle to Gerlar"·. Cross 10.20. T"ke return ticket to Gerrard·. CrosB 3/11~.

Sunday, August 13.-Welwyn and Ayot. Con,lucted by Mr. W. T. W,XClIY. Train from King'. Cr08B 10.30, T"ke cheap return tlckot No. 18, returning from Knebworth, 4/8.

Sunday, August 20.-Loughton, &C. Conducted by Mr. F. A. RIOllAnDS. from Liverpool Street 10.30. Che"p return to LDughton 116.


Sunday, August 27.-0rpington to Chevening. Conducted by Mr. F. M. OVERY Trnln from Victoria (S.E. &: C.IL) 10.16. or Holborn Vladucc 10.7 (ebange at Horne Hill). lheap return to Orplugton 2/1.

Plea8echeck Hmes of trains, In case of "Iteration. Ramblers "re reminded that tbe subSCription 1/- lor1922 i. now due.

W. T. WUOEY. RaJ!. SeG. 63, Grevolands Road, N.13.

VlliwrI are in~it.d W obtain informatUln Ih. 80.i.11/ in the Libr.1'J/ '"' 8Uftdal/ morning •.

A Coll •• t,on i. mllde al eaoh Se,..,i •• , W enable tho .. pre •• nt W oontribute 10 th • • "'pon •• ' of the Sooiet"

CI/oli't. de.iring to attend the S ..... ice. ar< informed that the Oommitt •• /11"" mad. arrangem.nt. for 1I0tUling macILinCl in the ba.sment.

The Building Is to be let for Meetings, etc. Forms of Application may he had Of the Caretaker, 11, South Place, E.C.; and when filled up should be sent to Mr. N. Lldstone, 98, Blackstock Road, Flnsbury Park, N.4.

The Chapel Is licensed for Marriages. Arrangements can be made lor the conduct of Funeral ServIces on application to

the Socretary.

Page 2: 50utb €tbical SOci~tPt South Place, ' Mo~rgate,...Non·Members oan 01ltaln this publloatlon from the Hon. Seoretary, P08t free, 2/· per annum AUGUST, 1922. 50utb Plac~ €tbical


Lending Library.

The Lending Library is opcn free to Mcmbers of the SocIety on Sunday morll111gs before and after the Services. Associates and Non.Membcrs of the :Society may under certllin conditions be granted the use of the Library upon payment of a subSCriptIOn 01 Z.. bd. per annum. The CIltalogue. including a supplement Ior 1905.7, IS on sale. price bd. Subscriptions towards the purchase and repair of books are mVlted.

{ W ALLIS A1ANSFORD. Cberry Tree Court. 53. Aldersgate Street. E.C.1.

Hon. Librm'ia"s F. JU,IES, 302, Dalston Lane, Hackney, E.B. Miss n. L..l.NGELA.Al'i, ~O, Dougta!:i Huud, .N.I.

Treasurer... Mrs. STn"&"". Hin. Clnpt.on Oommon, E.S.

ehildren's Socials.

Efforts are bein2' made to orn'noise a number of Evening Socials for children duJ'in~ the winter montlu. It 18 probable tbat tllcy will tJe held on FrillaY evenillgs Irom about. 5.30 p.m. to 7.11' p.m. It I. hoped that all chUdreu connected \I ith :;OUI h l'1.ce will come an.t bring their young friclldtl. A small chnrge will be macte to cover COtlt of hght.l'etl'e~.u­ments. l"urther particular. may be obtained h'om Mrs. OV.ERY or Miss liURKE.

Sunday Vopular eoncerts (ebamber Muele).

The THIRTY-SEVENTH SEASON will begin on SURdny, OetoOber I, with the 877th Ooneert. Door" open At 6.10. commence at 6.30 p .m. Admission Free. with Oollection.

Transferable Reserved Seat Ticloots 38. each. including Tax (or including Programme wookiy 2/0 extr~) for Half-Season iroIr' October 1 to Deoomber 17. will be r eady on September 17. Applientions ahould be mo.c1e to the Hon. 1'rea.snrer of the Ooncerts, F. A. Hawkins, 13. Tburlow Park Road. Dulwich. S.E.21, accompanied by remittance nud stamped addres""d envelope. Tickcc. will aloo IJc on sale at :South 1'Ince lustitute 011 Sunday mornings, September 17 and 24. and on la.tter dnte from 4 to Y p.w.

Hon. Trea8. : FR~K A. HA.WKINS. 13. Tburlow Park Hoad, Dulwieb, S.E.21. Hon. Sec. : ALFRED J. OL~'{KN'l'S, 8, Flochley Way, N.3. Hon. A88~ Sec. : Mrs. OLEMENTS, 8, Finchley Way, N .3.

THE GERVASE ELWES ' MEMORlAL FUND.-This Fund has heen founded" in memory of a great artist," whlASe goodwill Ilnd kindly interest in the South Place Sunday Populnr Oo~oerts wme evidenced by his singing to us, in his own incomparable way. on many OC0D..810ns.

It is hoped thnt DJI lovers of musio will send at a small donation to help the Fund. which i. designed to be of assistance to struggling mu~icians and musical Boeieties. l!'or 10s. you oan becrune n Irc mber and vote at every ballot of the General Me.eting. .

M.emberahip Subscriptions and DODAti"ns will be gllldly received by ALFRED ,r. Or.EM1lNTS. 8, Finobloy Way, N.S, .. member of tlte General Oommittee; or Iray he scnt cl.iroct to the Hon. 'freas.. Gerv",.. Elw<>s M.cmorilll Fund. St. Katharine Dock Hou ....

. Tower Hill. E.l.

South Vlace C!)rchestra. Conductor: RIOHARD H. W ALTHEW.

LOOies and gentlmnen delril'OW! <>f jotining the Orch"",tr" are ~eqno8'tled to scnd nnme, e.ddreaa nnd name of inetrumem.t to the Hon. Seorl.'to.ry,

AllTnUll A. JEllMY, 6. Or()ss",ay. King>oland. N .16.

eonway Memorial Lectures. The Oonway Memorin.! Lrotures, whi<>h are delivered Annually in March, werelnaugurnted

In 1908, as n Memorial to Dr. Monoure D. Oonway. The Oommitteoe is not y~t in po.sJless,i<>n ot the necessary oa.pitDJ for th~ permanent endowment of the Lectureship. alld in the m~=time it makes lLIl earnest append to 0.11 r eaders of the MONTnn REcoRn oitller for subscriptions or wmations, toO ensure the continuance of the lootures. These &bould be .. nt toO the Hon. Treasurer. M~s. OOCKDUllN. PerOOeniya. 18, Northampton Road., Oroydon.

1'llirteen lecturea have boon given. o.nd copies of these can bR obtained in the Library.

H SI' {Mra. O. FLETClIEll SMITH. 17, Sydenhnm Park, S.E.26. on. ecre artt8 EnNEST CARll, .. LyndaIl," ESBenden Road. Sanderstend, Surrey.

The GENERAL OollMITTEB will meet on Thursday, September 7th. Correspondence dealing with matters for consideration 8hould be forwarded to F . M. OVERY. Ron. Sec., 86, Oat&rhtur. Road., Lewisbam. S.E. 13, at th .. earliest possible moment. All matteI'& relating to fillJJ.IJOO should be addressed to the Trea,surer.

Secr<;taries of sub-committees are reque·si>ed to note thllt MY mo.tter which they wish to ins.".t in the MONTHLY LIST .houid be In tbe hands of the Secrotary (Mr. F. M. OVERr) not latoOr tha.n 15th of the mont!l. The in.....-tion of any notioos wbich are not hnndcd in by the Sunday following dato cannot be guaranteOO..

Page 3: 50utb €tbical SOci~tPt South Place, ' Mo~rgate,...Non·Members oan 01ltaln this publloatlon from the Hon. Seoretary, P08t free, 2/· per annum AUGUST, 1922. 50utb Plac~ €tbical

DEATH OF MRS. MANSFORD. It is with very great regret that we have to announce the dea:h of

Mrs. Mansford, who passed peacefully <!.way on July 12 in her 91st year. The remains were cremated at Golders Green on July 15, when a consider­able oompany of Svuth Place and other friends assembled to pay their last tribute of respect to one whom they_ had loved and honoured.

The musical par>t of the service was supplied by the South Place Organist and Chvir. A Largo by Handel was played as a Voluntary after which the Anthem" 0 for the wings of a dove" (Mendelssohn) was sung. Mr. Samuel Fenton, an old and valuetl friend of the deceased, then delivered an Address, in the course of wbich he said:

"These pilgrimages to take leave of the dead are always sad, but there are occasions when we are justified in saying that <the sorrow of leave­taking is softened, the aching pain of separatiun reduced by the thought that the life now brought to a conclusion was long, happy, and noble. We can, to ~me extent, console ourselves for the terminativn of a good life by countlng and recounting the joys that life has brought to us and others.

" These feelings are stronger and deeper when the period during which some of us have known vur departed friend, Ann Mansford, stretches to forty or fif,ty years. Her own long life of over ninety years, with faculties of mind unimpaired, and capacity for lvve and enjoyment of a high order continued right up to the end, leaves little eXCuse for mourning. It is in accordance with the tenor of her life that this last ceremony hvuld be of a simple character, graced with music, and that one of her

friends should say a few words to the others who come to join in the farewell.

" Mrs. Mansford was born and lived most of her ninety years in Lvndon; about fifty being passed in the heart of the City. She and her husband were members of the Old Gravel Pit Chapel at Hackney, and there she became a fnend of that beautiful soul, Miss Josephine Troup. Mrs. Mansford lvst her husband many years ago, wben all the children were very young. They were not well-ta-do, and so the brave mother had to go into business and provide fvr the family. It says much for her character and capacity tbat, despite the handicap of the chihlren, ilie legal disabilities, and the hindrances to women's career imposed by convention, much greater than now, she graonled with business affairs and succeeded well, brought up and educated her family, and was able to retire at sixty years of age. What more need be said of a good woman? I think it was Kingsley, who said that the greatest hero was the common mvther-their lives often display a quiet heroism, not of one dav. not of vne hour of glorious strife in the presence of applauding comrades, but in a cvntinll­ance of unnoticed, unselfi h labour. During her long life Mrs. Mansfvrd has been in full sympathy with liberal thought; she read a great deal, and appreciated beautv in life, nature and art, and advances in science and politics. Her connection with the Unitarian Church, and later with

outh Place Ethical Society, of which she was a member for over forty years, shvws her steadfast' adherence to progr~ssive ideals. She could perfectly agree with George Eliot' that there is one comprehensive church whose fellowship consists in the desire to purify and ennoble human life, and where the best members of all narrower churches may call themselves br(,ther and sister, in spite of differences.'

"To all ber friends Mrs. Mansford was warm-hearted and sympathetic, and she had a capacity for understanding, and a sense of humvur that was delightfu l to witness."

Mr. Fenton concluded by reading Rupert Brooke's Sonnet "Tbe Treasure." During the cc,mmittal Emily Josephine Troup's setting of George 'Eliot's words "0 may I join the choir invisible," was rendered by the Choir.

Mrs. Fletcher Smith writes: "In the passing of Mrs. Mansford, many of us, I amon'!' the number. have

to deplore the 1('ss of a real friend. I have been privileged to know her

Page 4: 50utb €tbical SOci~tPt South Place, ' Mo~rgate,...Non·Members oan 01ltaln this publloatlon from the Hon. Seoretary, P08t free, 2/· per annum AUGUST, 1922. 50utb Plac~ €tbical

for a great r;pany years, and . I owe her much, for to me she was an inspira. tion. What a wpnderful woman she was-how kindly and cheerful. T0 me Mrs. Mansford in her personality showed forth the cardinal virTtues, Faith, Hope and Love, in a marked degree, and she also showed forth the solid virtues of social, domestic and business life. In the course of my life I have. met few to compare with her. Mrs. Mansford is gone from us, but I hO(le that her example, and perhaps her influence, remains.

H~N~R1\RY ~FFH~ERS. Trea8urer '" ... C. E. LISTEn, 21, Abbotts Park Rnad, Leston, E.IO. S6."tGri., {Mns. C. FLETCHER S~IlTH. 35, Station Way, Lelchw<Jrth.

_. F. M. OVERY, 36, Caterbn.m Huad, Lt:wiabo.m, :,.ll.13, S!<ndall Lecture Secretary E. W. Run, 65, Hnrl.y ltoad, Harlela..n, t<. W .IU. R.glltrar Of 1l.m~6" and} .

Auociate, ... MISS L. BunK., 131 Sunderland Road, Forest Hlll, S.E.2:I


BuUdtnc Concert Discussions Member8 ... Music Publicatlona Rambles SOiree


New Members:

{ WA!.LI8 MAN.roRD, Cherry Tree Court, 53, Alderalrate St., B.C.I.

_. F. J AMRS, 302, Dnlston Lane, H4l.ckney, E.B. MISS H. L.u<GELAAN. 26, Douglas Hond. N.l.

Secretaries of Sub.eommIUee •• F. HRRDIRT MAN.roRn, Wa.lden, Kings.nd, Rui.Up. AunRn J. CLIM&NTS, B, Fincbley Way. Finohle,-, N.S. J. J. MURPHY, 12, Oavershnm Road, N.W.5. Miss A. OARPENTER, 356, Oamden noad, N.7.

E. SNRLLING, 8, Amberl.y Road, Leyton, B.IO. W. T. WIXCEY, 63, Grovelnnds Road, Palrncrs Green, N.13. Mrs. F. JAMES, 302, Dalston Lane, Hackney, E.B.



Mi6s W. JARVIS, 44, Lyndbur6t Grove, Peckham, S.E.IS. Mr. S. J. BMI1'H, 45, Higb Street, Sydenbam, S.E.26.

Changes of Address: Mr. A. J. BURTON, 7, Oxford Road, Sic1cup. Mr. P. HOPKINS, c/o Labour Age, 41, Union Square, Now York, U.S.A. Mrs. S. A. SKJ£:LLOBN, 42, Wnrrington Crescent, W.9. Mrs. L. WADE, 43, Tufnell Park Road. Holloway, N.7. Mr. H. WU.BY, I, Aubert Bulldings, Shoreditch, E.

Deaths: July 12. Mrs. AWN MA.NSFORD of Cherry Tree Court, Aldersgate, CIty. June 19. OHARL_S H. JOHNS (formerly Hon. Sec. Hampstead Ethical Institute), 8, Park

Villas, Chad well Heath.

THE HUMANI ST. An Organ of the Ethical Movement.

Issued under the ausplcos of the Ethical Union. tho South Place Ethical Society, and the Ethical Olturch.

E ,Hted by G. A. S~UTR and O. J. POLLARD. Published monthly, Price Threcpence. On Sale at the Book Tables.


6 Ramble: Stoke and Dis. trict. Train from Mary-lebone ... IO.20a.m .

13 Ramble: Welwyn and Ayot. Train from King's Cross ••• 10,30 a.m.


20 Ramble: Loughton.

Train from Liverpool St. IO.30a.m.

27 Ramble : Orpinglon to

Chevening (see Rambles).