Download - 5-Vlad Tepes Dracula



 He was not very tall, but very stocky and strong, with a cruel and terrible appearance, a long

 straight nose, distended nostrils


 , a thin and reddish face in which the large wide-open green eyes

were enframed by bushy black eyebrows, which made them appear threatening. His face and chin

were shaven but for a moustache. The swollen temples increased the bulk of his head. A bull's neck

 supported the head, from which black curly locks were falling to his wide-shouldered person.

Nicholas of Modrussa

 VladTepesDracula Count Vladimir III  (Vlad Ţepeş  ['tsepe ] in Romanian, also known as ʃ  Vlad Dracula) was born in November or

December, 1431 and died in December 147! "e was #rince (voievod) o$ %allac&ia! %allac&ia sed to be a state w&ic&is now part o$ Romania!

lad is best known $or t&e leends o$ t&e ver* crel pnis&ments &e ave! +&ese pnis&ments ma* &ave iven ideas $ort&e vampire main c&aracter in ram -toker's poplar Dracla novel!

"is Romanian srname, Dr.clea, comes $rom &is $at&er's name, Dracl! +&e word /dracl/ means /t&e Devil/ in

Romanian! +&e 0atin word Draco means /dracl/ and /draon/ as well! "e also ot t&e name epe2, w&ic& means/mpaler/! "e was called t&is becase o$ t&e wa* t&at &e wold kill &is enemies, impalement! "e &ad an older brot&er

ircea and a *oner brot&er Rad, t&e "andsome!

lad's $at&er was nder considerable political pressre $rom t&e (trkis&) 5ttoman sltan! "e ave a promise to be t&evassal o$ t&e -ltan and ave p &is two *oner sons as &ostaes to prove t&at &e wold keep &is promise! lad

s$$ered mc& at t&e &ands o$ t&e 5ttoman, and was locked p in an nderrond prison! +&ese *ears &ad a reatin$lence on lad! +&e* s&aped lad's c&aracter! "e was o$ten w&ipped b* t&e trks $or bein stbborn and rde! "e

developed a well6known &atred $or e&med, w&o later became sltan!

n 14, lad became #rince o$ %allac&ia! -oon, &e was at war aainst t&e +rks and s&owed reat crelt*! "e lost t&e battle aainst e&med's arm* in 148, and escaped to "nar*, w&ere &e was imprisoned! "e was set $ree in 1474!

+&ere are several variants o$ lad t&e mpaler's deat&! -ome sorces sa* &e was killed in battle aainst t&e +rksnear c&arest in December o$ 147! 5t&ers sa* &e was accidentall* killed b* one o$ &is own men! lad's bod* was

decapitated b* t&e +rks and &is &ead was sent to stanbl preserved in &one*! +&e sltan &ad it displa*ed on a stake as

 proo$ t&at lad +epes was dead!

adapted version $rom t&e simple 9nlis& %ikipedia article lad t&e mpaler &ttp:;;simple!wikipedia!or;wiki;lad<<t&e<mpaler 


stock*: trap, rabl= nostrils: narines were en$ramed b*: =taient encadr=s par (a $rame: n cadre)

reddis&: roe>tre, tirant sr le roe (brownis&: brn>tre, *ellowis&: ?an>tre!!!) bs&*: =pais, brossaille@e*ebrows: sorcils t&reatenin: menaAant (t&reaten: menacer) s&aven: ras= (s&ave: se raser)

swollen: en$l= (swell: en$ler) locks: mBc&es de c&eve@ wide6s&oldered: wit& wide;bi s&olders pressre: pression ive p: abandonner mc&: a lot s&aped: $ormed (a s&ape: ne $orme)

w&ipped: beaten wit& a w&ip ($oet) stbborn: t=t well6known: conn (know: savoir, connaCtre)&atred: &aine ( &ate) &is own men: ses propres &ommes displa*ed: s&own (s&ow: montrer)

stake: piEe, potea

Methodology: how to write a summary (rsum!

1! Find 1G to 1 words t&at are ver* important in t&is te@t abot lad t&e mpaler's li$e!

8! Note down t&e ke* dates in &is li$e!

3! %rite a s&ort pararap& abot lad's li$e in *or e@ercise book! Do not look at t&e te@tH








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