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5 Tips You Can Use Today To Create A

Better Survey


If you say yes, you should probably consider 5 things that will make your survey an effective

source of information.

Are you thinking about creating a survey?

The main reason why a company is creating surveys is because they need to gather information. Surveys are an effective way to collect data from a specific audience, about a determined topic. Also, it is an efficient way to communicate and engage with a large group of customers.

Considering the above, all companies who work with surveys should pay special attention to the process of planning, designing and implementing the survey, because a well structured survey is able to get better information for the research or study that the company is making.

Everyone can create a survey, but if you want to create an effective and useful survey, you should consider important aspects like temporality, channels, context, and more. In this post we give you 5 tips that can help you create a rockstar survey. Take notes and apply these tips the next time.

This should be the basis of all projects you create. Remember that the result you get on each project will depend on the clarity of your ideas. When you start to make a survey, you should be clear about the objective of the survey, which means you should know the information you want to gather.


If you know what information you need to collect, you will know whom can give you the information, then you will know what you should ask and, most importantly, how you should ask.

So start by defining what information you need. For example, if you want to measure the satisfaction of your customers, you need to know which variables could affect the satisfaction, it could be the service quality, product quality, variety of products, hygiene, and others. Then, think about who can give you this information. Got the answer? Exactly, your customers.

And if you know and empathize with your customers, you are going to know the best way to approach them and ask the information.

When you create your survey, ask yourself if the survey is too long. This is a frequent problem that many people face when making a survey. However, there is no correct answer about the size of a survey.

The size of your survey depends of the need of information of each company. Nevertheless, our statistics show that surveys that are short could have a higher response rate or complete rate.


When you design your survey, consider that it should be short enough to be completed in an average of 3-5 minutes or less. Ten is a good number of questions that can be responded to in that time.

Also, analyze the number of variables that you need to include in your survey, then distribute them across the different questions. Focus these questions in the objective of your survey, avoid unnecessary or confusing questions that do not provide any relevant information, and you can make a survey shorter for users.

Mobility is growing day to day. Think about how many people spend a large amount of time on their mobile devices, and they check them frequently. They use their devices all the time to do different activities like check emails, read content, browse in social networks, search for information, communicate with other people, and more.


According with research by SalesForce, 85% of people tracked in the study said that mobile devices are a central part of everyday life. Also, respondents report that they spend an average of 3.3 hours a day on their smartphones and 3.1 hours on tablets.

This is a good reason to consider making a mobile friendly survey. If your customers today spend a lot of time on mobile devices, you should look to your customers in the channels that they frequent.

If you make a survey optimized just for computers, you’re probably not going to receive the number of responses that you want because you are not using the communication channels used by your customers. Note that people prefer to browse in responsive websites that are able to adapt to them.

If you are someone who takes every opportunity to engage your customers, you should catch the attention of your customer through your survey and promote your brand there.

Make your survey more attractive to your audience. This will allow you to get more responses and also you are more than likely to emphasize with customers. The best way to lure them into your survey is if you give context.


How can you give context to your survey? A unique way to give context and attract the attention of your audience is by telling them a story.

Not all people like to answer surveys, so try to make the experience more pleasant for them. Build a story across the questions and include different multimedia elements, like images, videos, icons and backgrounds according to the topic, the brand, or the theme of your question.

The important thing is that you achieve a connection with the respondent and you add value to the survey. Why is adding a context to your survey important? Well, according to our data, surveys with interactive elements can boost the survey response rate by 34% or more.

Temporality may be a relevant factor to get higher response rate. When we talk about temporality, we are referring to the right moment to send the survey to your target audience.

Consider next two examples


If you are going to send a customer satisfaction survey, it is not convenient to send the survey one week after the purchase or 10 days after you solve a ticket. It must be immediately, in the moment or up to 2-5 hours after the shopping experience.

It is advisable to share the survey within a maximum of 2 days after of the purchase, because in this time your customer still has in mind the shopping experience, so the responses they give will be real and unbiased.

On the other hand, if you think to make a survey about product validation and you want to share it by Facebook or Twitter, you should send it on days and hours that your target customer is more active in social networks.

The best way to know the right time to send a survey is learning and understanding the behavior of your customers and how they interact with your survey.

The next time you create a survey, keep in mind these 5 tips. You will have a more effective survey, which gets you get better results.

Learn more about create surveys. Read Type of questions you can use in a survey, here you can know how structure your survey.

Read more

So if you do marketing, you have to consider including a good survey solution to get better results.

At Survmetrics, we provide great features to customize your surveys and better designs to get better results. Try it now and get your survey responses for free.

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