Download - 5 Things Blockbuster Movies Can Teach You About Business Attire


5 Things Blockbuster Movies Can Teach You About Business Attire

By Diana Pemberton-Sikes

Hollywood makes 90% of its income during the summer months and holiday season by releasing big, expensive movies that cater to the widest audience.

They learned long ago they could pack theaters if they delivered exciting stories the whole family could enjoy.

The Avengers (2012)
Picture courtesy of Marvel Studios and Paramount Pictures

As crazy as it sounds...

Man of Steel (2013)
Picture courtesy of Warner Bros. Studios

Blockbuster movies are A LOT like business attire

Because people who build a business wardrobe that appeals to the largest audience ALSO tend to earn a lot

Here's what you can learn from blockbuster movies about how to build a business wardrobe that banks SERIOUS coin

Dress Appropriately
for Time and Place

Harry Potter, Tony Stark, Indiana Jones -
whether they're at work, fighting bad guys,
or attending a white tie affair, they know
what to wear when




Harry Potter
Photos courtesy of
Warner Bros.

Tony Stark
Photos courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Indiana Jones
Photos courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Put Function Before Fashion

Clothes from The Matrix, Tomb Raider, and
The Hunger Games all spawned fashion
trends. But they never interfered with the
story line.

The Matrix
(1999)Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
(2001)Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures

The Hunger Games
Photo courtesy of Lionsgate

Clothes from Sex in the City, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and The Devil Wear Prada also spawned trends, but because those movies focused on fashion, they were considered
Chick Flicks and not taken seriously.

Clothes from Sex in the City, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and The Devil Wear Prada also spawned trends, but because those movies focused on fashion, they were considered
Chick Flicks and not taken seriously.

Neither are people who focus on fashion.

Sex and the City
(2008)Photo courtesy of New Line Cinema and HBO

Breakfast at Tiffany's
Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures

The Devil Wears Prada
Photo courtesy of Fox 2000 Pictures

Cover Up

None of top 100 grossing movies are rated R.NONE. Most are G or PG.Family friendly is the most profitable.

It's the same with business attire.

If your coworkers are more interested in your body parts than your ideas, you'll never be taken seriously.

So dress conservatively to keep the focus
on your face and your skill set

Titanic (1997)
Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures

Think Mainstream

Blockbusters have lots of quirky characters, like:

Hagrid in Harry Potter

Donkey in Shrek

And Dory in Finding Nemo

But with the exception of Johnny Depp'sJack Sparrow...

Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)

Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films

Most quirky characters are sidekicks

Batman and Robin (1997)

Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.

Leads are usually mainstream characters
with whom the audience can relate

The Hunger Games (2012)

Photo courtesy of Lionsgate

So are the most promotable candidates

Are Clever Without Being

Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Mummy, and
National Treasure among others teach us boring stuff (history) in a fun, memorable way.

They're clever without being condescending

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures

So are the best paid people

Tina Fey and Oprah Winfrey
30 Rock (2008)

Photo courtesy of NBC Studios

They share their knowledge for
everyone's benefit

Estee Lauder helping a
customer in the 1960's

Without being annoying

John Ratzenberger as
Cliff Clavin in Cheers (1982)

Photo courtesy of NBC Studios

Movie heroes think in terms of the good of the group, not just what's in it for them.

What do they get in return?

The glory, the girl,
and the gold

Toby Maguire and Kirsten Dunst
Spider-Man (2002)

Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures and
Marvel Enterprises

No, life is not a
Hollywood movie

But you can learn a lot from the movies -
namely, what works with people
and what doesn't

If your goal is to make more
or have more success...

Then study successful people
and do what they do

Daniel Craig as James Bond in
Skyfall (2012)

Photo courtesy of Eon Productions

If you build a business wardrobe that appeals to the masses like Hollywood creates blockbusters that generate 90% of their income then you'll enjoy similar success.It's as simple as that.

Want more tips on how to build a
great wardrobe that takes you
anywhere you want to go?

Then visit and sign up for our ezine