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5 steps to keep a well-lubricated treadmill

The running belt must be lubricated by special lubrication oil after a period of usage. Consult your

instructional manual for specific information about type of lubricant you must use; how often you

should lubricate the running belt and where apply it.

If the level of friction between the deck and the belt is high, it will damage the motor and electronics.

Continual lubrication of the running board will greatly increase the life of the running board, walking

belt and the motor. A treadmill well-lubricated will have a smooth running and last longer, and that is

what we want!

1. Unplug the treadmill.

2. You will need to access the deck and this can be achieved by lifting the belt on the treadmill

up with something flat and no sharp.

3. Look at the running board or touch it to check if it is oily or not. In case of not being enough

oily, use the lubrication oil provided with every treadmill machine, place it underneath the

running belt and spread a straight line of treadmill lubricant down the side of the deck.

4. Repeat on the other side.

Page 2: 5 steps to keep a well lubricated treadmill

5. Turn on the machine and leave it running for around 2-3 minutes at 3-4 kilometer per hour.

And walk on the treadmill to help spreading the lubrication oil.


If you use the treadmill less than 3 hours per week, you should lubricate it every 6 months.

If the usage is 3-6 hours per week, the lubrication should be every 3 months.

And for more than 6 hours per week, lubricate it every month.