Download - 5 Steps for Developing a Social Media Strategy


5 Steps for Developing a Social Media Strategy How do you build an effective social media strategy?

We're glad you asked! Here are 5 easy steps to

creating a successful social media marketing plan.

Word-of-mouth is one of the most effective marketing tools…

… and has been for a billion years. Okay, maybe not a billion, but

a long time. We are all influenced by the opinions of our friends

and we are constantly sharing information with people around


How do you build an effective social media strategy?

Here are 5 steps to creating a successful social media plan …


Understand Social Media.

Social media is a great way for businesses,

both small and large, to connect and

engage with customers online.

Understanding how to manage and share

content on each of the networks is an

important step in setting up your strategy.


Be Very Consistent.

Creating and sharing quality content

consistently builds credibility with your

audience of current and potential

What you put into it, you will get out of it, so

if building a loyal following is your goal, you

have to roll up your sleeves and dig into an

outreach effort.


Captivate Your Audience.

Your messaging should help paint a

picture of your brand’s story. The content

you share should be a mix of informational,

personable and conversational.

Social media is the ideal platform to let your

business’s personality come out. If your

company culture is a little weird and quirky,

go ahead and let it shine through your social

media accounts.


Encourage Conversations Online.

To strengthen the connection with your

followers, it’s important to understand why

they are following you in the first place.

Listen to the conversations happening across

your accounts, & chime in when you can. Talk

to your customers & respond to messages –

especially any negative reviews or feedback.


Measure Your Results.

Social media networks typically provide

some sort of insights and analytics to

measure basic activity on your accounts.

This data is crucial to measure the success of

your efforts. There are also many tools out

there with more robust measuring

capabilities, designed to help you better

understand what this data means.

These 5 steps will help you create an effective social media strategy.

While many companies can successfully manage their own social

media profiles and content, there are many companies who

prefer to use an agency to handle these tasks (we are one of


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Cincinnati, Ohio [email protected]
