Download - 5 stages of greif

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So what’s up?

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So What New?Are we getting back to business as usual?

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Ahhhhh hell no!We need to address what happened!

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Our objectiveSWBAT understand the 5 stages of grief and explore healthy and unhealthy ways of dealing with our emotions

SWBAT put a voice on how their feeling anonymously

SWBAT connect with other students/emotions

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In teacher school…You need to feel safe!You need to cope!You need to understand!

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Do you feel SAFE?How do we deal with what happened?How do we deal with what we feel?What are we feeling?

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Lets talk about how/what you might be feeling

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Its natural to feel:ScaredSad UpsetWorriedAngryDethatchedNervousAnxiousConsumed

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5 stages of griefDenialAngerBargainingDepression/sadnessAcceptance

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Denial conscious or unconscious refusal to accept facts, information, reality, etc., relating to the situation concerned.

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DenialIt's a defense mechanism perfectly natural

Some people can become locked in this stage when dealing with a traumatic change that can be ignored.

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Angercan manifest in different ways. can be angry with themselves and/or with others especially those close to them.

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BargainingBargain with GodPeople facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek to negotiate a compromise.

For example "Can we still be friends?.." when facing a break-up. Bargaining rarely provides a sustainable solution, especially if it's a matter of life or death.

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Depression/sadnessIt's natural to feel sadness and regret, fear, uncertainty, etc. It shows that the person has at least begun to accept the reality

We can begin to deal with the issue

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Acceptance this stage definitely varies according to the person's situation

although broadly it is an indication that there is some emotional detachment and objectivity

Usually the last stage

We can begin to move on

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So now that we can being to understand…

How and what we are feelingWe can begin to cope

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What is coping?The thoughts and actions we use to deal with trauma or stress

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How does your age group usually cope?

Adolescence (Ages Thirteen to Nineteen)

may have a need to feel “strong”, in control of their emotions “indistinguishable” from their friends

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may hide their emotions of grief by engaging in risk-takingbehaviors– such as reckless driving– alcohol and drug use– sexual promiscuity– defiance of authority.

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may be reluctant (or unable) to express their feelings with others– sadness– loneliness– confusion– fear– guilt– anxiety.

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may become more easily distracted experience sleeping and eating disturbancesperform better or worse in schooldisplay strong emotional mood changes like adults, adolescents may have difficulty coping the loss for

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So how did/am I dealing?

Let me tell you what I experiencedI leftBroke downWent to see my cuzzo @ flemingReally wanted to go to the gym!Consumed all eveningMixed feelingsDidn’t want to talkFelt angry when not addressed

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What's unhealthy?DrugsfoodSexFightingYellingAlcoholVandalismIgnoringWreck less behaviorRetaliationThese ways don’t make you feel better! They're like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg

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What is healthyTalking to someone you trustTalking to someone you don’t knowWriting in a journalWorking outHearing the stories of othersConnecting with others who have also shared your experience

I know this from experience! I always feel better after talking to my BFF! Sushi therapy!