Download - 5 Rules You Need to Obey to Design a Winning Deck

Page 1: 5 Rules You Need to Obey to Design a Winning Deck

by Espresso 1882

5 rules you need to obey to design a winning deck

and rock your next board meeting

5 best beans blog

Page 2: 5 Rules You Need to Obey to Design a Winning Deck

trash your templates right away1Good slides are ones that were designed with audience in mind and that express your style and support your story. Templates suck at this. It’s best to trash them or leave them to mediocre speakers. Try to design your very own slides – look for inspiration in editorial graphic design, in press, magazines, art and movies. Make your slides truly yours. (But always think of audience first).

MY TIP Trash the templates and replace them with individually designed slides CLICK TO TWEET

Page 3: 5 Rules You Need to Obey to Design a Winning Deck

more visuals less words2According to the picture superiority effect, concepts are much more likely to be remembered experientially if they are presented as pictures rather than as words. Can’t argue with that. Use words wisely to express general idea or signal the problem. Use pictures to catch attention and boost emotions that help your audience to focus. Represent data visually with diagrams and infographics.

MY TIP Think of the idea the slide represents and look for a visual representation of it. CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

Page 4: 5 Rules You Need to Obey to Design a Winning Deck

tell a story to win their hearts3Our brain loves stories – they help us understand and structure the world around us. The best stories are the ones with dramatic shifts, strong narrative and clear structure. Make sure to tell a story from one point of view. If you are presenting an app or some digital tool, use the user scenario as a template. Good story is dynamic, emotional and has cultural references that are easy to identify by the audience you are presenting to.

MY TIP Mix moods and emotions – show the darks scenario and then the salvation. CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

Page 5: 5 Rules You Need to Obey to Design a Winning Deck

be precise – one slide is one idea4


Slides are anchors. They should be more like headlines that help you and most importantly your audience map the area or issue you are communicating at any given moment. Make sure to introduce one idea per slide. This way your structure will be clear and your audience will follow. It is easier to select visuals too, when using this rule. You choose one picture that illustrates one idea.

Less is more – use precisely one idea per slide to make the structure clear. CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

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make brave design decisions5


Make your slides truly yours. When designing them make brave decisions based on various inspirations. Think of style you want to use – it has to be in sync with your research outcome. You design decisions must be understood by your audience and help them resonate with your narrative.

Look for design inspiration on and in magazines. CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

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Those were

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5 best beans blog

Page 8: 5 Rules You Need to Obey to Design a Winning Deck

PHOT0 CREDITSPhoto Credit: demandaj via Compfight cc Photo Credit: demandaj via Compfight cc Photo Credit: demandaj via Compfight cc Photo Credit: By Kristian Karlsson Photo Credit: Shandi-lee via Compfight cc