Download - 5 Reasons Your Sellers are Looking for another Agent


RE/MAX Gujarat

5 Reasons Your Sellers are Looking for another Agent

2RE/MAX Gujarat

You Leave them with more Questions than Answers

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They’re flying blind

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You’re hard of hearing

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You’re too nice

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They’ve fallen in love with Google

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Shift your value proposition to land more real estate clients

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3 tips for shifting your value proposition from “about you” to

“about your clients.”

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Devise metrics to prove your worth.

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Leverage data to tailor your client experience

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Deliver a mobile experience worth experiencing

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What Buyers and Sellers Want in a Real Estate Agent?

13RE/MAX Gujarat

Honesty and Credibility

Win them over with the truth!

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Area Familiarity

Do your neighbourhood homework!

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Good Follow Through

You say it, you do it.

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Keep it in order.

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Good Listener

Everyone is unique. Treat them like it!

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