Download - 5 Quick Tips to Get Your Marketing Strategy in Check

Page 1: 5 Quick Tips to Get Your Marketing Strategy in Check

4 Updating your Buyer PersonasCreating detailed profiles of your buyers is key, but how do you start? Here are four steps to get you started.

1. ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS! Go ahead and conduct

Interviews directlywith them.

2. RALLY THE TROOPS Gain insights from your team.They’re on the frontlines with the customer at every stage.

4. LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST:CLEAN UP & SEGMENT THAT DATA!Then construct your database from

there and get to segmenting your customers!

Five quick tips to get your

in check.


Companies that excel at lead nurturing

generate 50% more sales ready leads at a

33% lower cost(Marketo).

Nurtured leads make 47% larger

purchases than non-nurtured

leads (The Annuitas Group).


Making content meaningfulA clever tagline and pretty design don’t go as far as they used to. So what does snag your potential buyers’ attention?

Getting your marketing strategy back on track isn’t always easy, but following these simple tips will definitely push you in the right direction.

To increase the quality of your leads and the awareness of your brand, make sure you have a good nurture strategy intact. This is a “do or die” practice that comes in all shapes and sizes, and helps position content and solution offers to your lead base.

2 Be on the money with your lead scoring

These three items will provide a crystal-clear picture of key buyer motivations and decisions at every stage of the funnel.


Which campaigns had the most interest and conversion to revenue?

How are your content efforts being attributed via

channels like social, web traffic, etc...?

Warm up those leads that are just chillin’


When one of your campaigns doesn’t go exactly as planned, it’s time to put that thinking cap on and try a new one. By implementing these uber simple marketing strategies, you can clear up some pitfalls of your failed campaigns

and head toward a better marketing future.

3. CREATE BUYER PROFILESWrite a brief biography

for each persona to really understand them.

BOLD BRUCEDecision Maker | Budget over 20k


And make sure it’s relevant to everyone; your buyers, your prospects, your team, your industry.


They’re the currency of the

content marketer.


The more yourcampaigns resonate

on an individual level,the higher your

conversion rates

CHASE DOWN YOUR INSPIRATION. Use Pinterest or follow

a rockstar content marketer as your


RINSE & REPEAT. Reuse your contentby creating a blog out of your ebook.

It was great the first time so keep it


Create content that is [ wait for it ] RELEVANT!

Want more bite sized best practices?





@myleadmd [email protected] 877.775.3236L E A D M D B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

You NEED to determine how your going to gage success of your marketing campaigns. Here are three metricsyou should be begin measuring right away.

Define your metrics


What to ask?

What did it take to actually aquire this lead

andwhat was the cost of that?

What to ask?

Attribution is the process of identifying influences that contribute in some manner to moving the buyer along their journey, and then assigning a weight to each of these interactions.

What to ask?

ConversionConversion is the term used to describe the act of awareness to a paying customer, or lead to a contact.

AcquisionAcquisition is the process of building enough trust with a buyer where they feel comfortable enough to take that first step. They've taken that all important step of providing your their information.