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5 Questions to Ask When You're Looking for an OB/GYN

For hopeful new mothers to be, one of the most stressful times of pregnancy is looking for an OB/GYN. Theres already so much information regarding birth that the search for an OB/GYN is important. With just a little guidance, though, youre bound to find a doctor that is right for you and your baby. Something you may wish to consider doing during your interviews of possible doctors is taking a note pad and a pen to take down notes as you ask each question. You want to make sure you dont confuse information, answers to questions, or doctors. Here are 5 helpful questions you may wish to ask when youre looking for an OB/GYN:

1. How many patients will be scheduled on my due date?

This question is important because you want to know how busy your OB/GYN will be on the day you are scheduled to give birth. Often unforeseen events arise such as going into labor a bit earlier or later in the day than expected. Youll want to know that your doctor will be able to get to you in time.

2. What do you recommend for pain during labor?

Some OB/GYNs have differing views on practices during labor. Its important to ask and find out what practices the doctor you are interviewing is willing to perform. Dont be afraid to ask questions about your doctors beliefs regarding childbirth and medicine, especially if you plan on having a natural or at-home birth.

3. Will my doctor be available to deliver my baby?

This is a good time to ask the doctor youre interviewing if she has any upcoming vacation or travel dates set in stone for the year. Finding out if your doctor is available on the date of expected delivery is a great way to ensure your doctor will be present and with you during labor.

4. Which other doctors might be available to deliver my baby in an emergency situation?

Its important to find out which other doctors might be available in case of an emergency and the doctor youve chosen cannot make it to the hospital. If possible, ask if you can meet the other doctors who will be available. Something you may wish to consider asking the OB/GYN youre interviewing is if you can schedule an appointment to meet with the other doctors to go over your birthing plan just in case of an emergency. Its better to be prepared than to be sorry.

5. Which hospitals do you attend?

This is especially important because you dont want to be rushed to a hospital during labor or during an emergency and enter a hospital that your doctor doesnt attend. Before asking this question, be sure you have a list of hospitals ready to ask about to find out if any of the ones you prefer are on the list of the OB/GYN.

If youd like more information on searching for an OB/GYN, click here or go to to learn more. Remember to always check with a medical doctor before beginning any treatment or remedy.