Download - 5 lifestyle changes that will improve your Productivity


Boost your productivity focus on energy, not on time

The energy you invest in your job is far more important than the number of hours you work. Work smarter, not longer!

By optimizing energy, you get done more in less time.

>>Check out our 5 tips to get more energy!


Sleep: the best supplier of energy

Avoid sleep deprivation! = detrimental to your performance and productivity

During sleep, you recover both physically and mentally, so your energy is replenished. You need 7 to 9 hours* of undisturbed sleep to be sufficiently rested.

But a 5 minute powernap during the day can also give your body and mind a boost!

*the power of sleep: a wake-up call


Put your brain in motion

Physical activity has a tremendously positive effect on your brain, work and life.

Being physically active, can leave you up to 23% more productive*. Enough exercise at work is more effective than coffee and the effect is easily prolonged all day!

*research published in the International Journal for Workplace Health Management.


Take a break, get some fresh air

Short breaks are vital!

If possible, go outside for a while and pay close attention to your respiration. By breathing in and out deeply you increase the oxygen levels in your body, which will boost your energy level.


More energy with the right food

An energy dip can be caused by a drop in your blood sugar level.

Eat a healthy snack in the morning and in the afternoon.

A pot of yoghurt, a handful of nuts or an apple can give a long-lasting energy boost!


The + effect of humor

Laughing decreases the amount of stress hormones in your blood, which are real energy gluttons.

Laughing boosts the production of endorphine, a happiness hormone which has you brimming with energy.

All the more reasons to tell some jokes or fool around a bit at work, when your energy is low.


1. To enable people to live a longer and happier life.2. Because we believe everybody is capable of taking up a healthier

lifestyle.3. To curb rising health-care costs and keep health-care affordable.4. To boost productivity.

We cooperate with employers, insurers and administrations, but we do it for you, your family, friends and colleagues!

A positive ROI

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Digital health coach ‘ichange2’ for companies, schools, institutions and groups. Available in Dutch & English. Soon also in French!