Download - 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

Page 1: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

5 Easy Wins Using Instructional


Page 2: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ PowerPoint annotation

1) Annotations

Page 3: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology


✓ PowerPoint annotation

✓ Epic Pen ./ Laser Pointer

:,j Pen

: ::::;:,~:kooS!;de ip p ing tO O I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Page 4: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

nnotat1ons ns

✓ PowerPoint annotation



t_rase A Ink on SI de

Page 5: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ PowerPoint annotation

1) Annotations

✓ Epic Pen

Page 6: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology
Page 7: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Canvas Scheduler

2) Online Sign-Ups

Page 8: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

Appoi Group

N -a te m Ra ge

Otfrc Hours -l 8:0 am ""Tue Jul 22 • 2014

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Tue Jul 22 • 2014


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Sp.lut i' liiltO SI ots of 60

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Page 9: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

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,Qffice Hours

Oct 19, 2:00pm - 2:30pm

Calendar Biology 101

Locatio:n Life Sciences Building 108a

Details Office Hoursthiis week: Monday 2 4pm.

Come talk to me about your final presentaittons. I am limit ing each

time slot to one studelll to meet indMdual needs.

Slots 1


Co1111ments •

Reserve ◄llil■• •a--.1

Student View

Page 10: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Canvas Scheduler

2) Online Sign-Ups

✓ Canvas Groups

Page 11: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

Cr,eate Group Set X

• Group Set Name

• Selif Sign-Up r Allow self sign-up 8

Gmu p Structure

Require group members to be In the same sectlon

Split students Into o equal groups •

O I'll create groups manually •

• Cancel - . . ¼

Everyone Groups

Search Groups or People

• Visit Manage Group 1 Project Groups

Group 2 Project Groups

Reading Group 1 Reading Groups

• Visit Reading Group 2 Reading Groups

Visit Discussion Group 1 Student Groups

Discussion Group 2 Student Groups

8 3 students LEAVE

2 students SWITCH TO

2 students

4 students

4 students LEAVE

2 students

Canvas Groups

Page 12: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Canvas Scheduler

2) Online Sign-Ups

✓ Canvas Groups

✓ Doodle

Page 13: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

Sep Sep

Sep1 Sep1 Sep Sep 2 1 4 7 11 16 .


- Tom

~ Paul.a




Page 14: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Canvas Scheduler

2) Online Sign-Ups

✓ Canvas Groups

✓ Doodle

✓ Outlook

Page 15: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

0 Ii e Appoi tme t Schedu er/Sign-Up S ee

• Outtoollc Schedulling Assista1nt

o PG lnstr uc ··ons

o , ac I st uctrons

o On ··ne Office 3651 11 struct io s

Instructions on

Instructional Tech Website

Page 16: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Anonymous polling

3) Anonymity in the Classroom

Page 17: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

• •

2 of 4

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Page 18: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology
Page 19: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

Total Votes: 8.

W a type O·f ho mday do· yo like best?




I a%

Sp01rts & Adventure


I am go~ng to enjoy itl


hlffps:IAtleb.meeto o. ion 95509809

Metoo Polling

Page 20: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Anonymous polling

3) Anonymity in the Classroom

✓ Anonymous “confusion check”

Page 21: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology



Page 22: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Anonymous polling

3) Anonymity in the Classroom

✓ Anonymous “confusion check”

✓ Anonymous Canvas quiz

Page 23: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

> Quizzes > Anonymous Feedback

Related Items0 Published Preview \Edit

[&'a Survey Statistics Anonymous Feedback

@Moderate This Survey

Please fill out this survey to give me anonymous feed backon the First-Year Advising course.

Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Quiz Type Ungraded Survey


Shuffle Answers No

Page 24: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology


Moderate Quiz

Search People Filter

D Student Attempt Time Score ·~~

D Student 1 ' D Student 2 ' D Student 3 1 fin ished in 9 minutes 0.0 ' D Student 4 1 fin ished in 4 minutes 0.0 ' 0 Student 5 1 fin ished in 2 minutes 0 ' D Student 6 '

Student 7 ' D Student 8 1 fin ished in 6 minutes 0.0 '

Student 9 ' D Student 10 1 fin ished in 3 minutes 0.0 ' 0

Page 25: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Anonymous polling

3) Anonymity in the Classroom

✓ Anonymous “confusion check”

✓ Anonymous Canvas quiz

✓ Anonymous chat

Page 26: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology



Q Backchannel Chat Home Benefits Pric ing Login Blog FAQ Join a chat

Live Chat for Class corns Backchannel Chat is designed for educational discussions, it provides aH the tools an educator couldneed to facillitate online discussions. Easily cotiltrol and moderate your classroom discussions in realtime. Our modern web 2.0 stylled chat rooms will engage and transform your classroom.

Join a ,(hat Please provide the follow1ing detai ls and we'll connect to your backchannel:

You r display name

Display name



-+ Join as a STUDENT

Backchannel Chat is a class discussion tool that was designed from the ground up to support teachers. Baclkchannelsare great for 1increasing participation in classroom discussions and for informal ly assessing your students' knowledge.

Teacher can control all aspects of the discussion, you can remove messages and prevent students from posting, if the pace of the discussion is overwhelm ing a11d key messages are lost you can take ,contr,ol and lock the room so that only you can add content

Learn more about Backchamiel Chat

+Try for FREE as a TEACHER $1,5 Buy Now

Page 27: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology


OJ Backchannel Chat

• Test

Online Users

Christine 2 minutes ago 6 ·' · Christine

Hello Class.

Test Just now 6




Page 28: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Trivia games

4) Game-Based Learning

Page 29: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

,Bu ild Brow se L,o,g in

My ,oth e r pr,oj e,cts . Testm,oz I Crossw,ordlabs I Bing,o, Ba11k,er I W,o,rd Search Labs

Jeopa rdy lai bs all ows you to cr eate a customized j eop ard y tem p late wit h out Pow erPoint.. T h e gam es you m ake can be played online from an ywher e in t h e worl d ,.. Build ing your own j eopardy tem p late is a piece of cak e. Just u se our simple editor to get your gam e u p and runnin g ..

Not inter ested in b uild ing your own j eopar dy tem p lates? Well t h at 's cool too. You can browse oth er jeopardy templates cr eated by oth er people .. It d oesn 't get an y b etter t h an t his !

Jeopardylabs is awesome Sample empla es '°' N,o fees o Weather

o Elem entar y Math Review'°' N,o r ,eg ist1r,atio,n o Writing Review

N,o P,ow e rP,oint

What m or e can you ask for ?

Build B rowse Login About

Page 30: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

---Team 2

+ - + - + -

Page 31: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ EdPuzzle

5) Video Quizzes

✓ TedEd

✓ Visia

Page 32: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

EDpuzzle Steinbeck and 1930'sAmerica_0001.wmv Savedafewsecondsago

01 :01


■ + -® Preview ll!r

Add your multiple choice question below

Which factor did NOT cause the Dust Bowl?

Livestock destroying the !soil



Over farming the land

Institutional Problem-Based Learning

Review Board

Page 33: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Annotations

✓ Online sign-ups

Easy Wins

✓ Anonymity in the classroom

✓ Game-based learning

✓ Video quizzes

Page 34: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

✓ Video creation

✓ Podcasting

Bonus: Redefine Student Assignments

✓ Online presentation creation (website, blog, Powtoon)

✓ Discovering and presenting artifacts

✓ Timelines

✓ Infographics

✓ Mapping projects

✓ Assessment or game creation

✓ Leveraging social media

✓ Wikipedia content evaluation and creation

Page 35: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology

& Spring Semester Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Saturday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Sunday: 1 O a.m. - 2 a.m.

Holiday and special hours

cont~c t ·s

Instructional Technology Librarian

Christine lannicelli

Myrin Ubrary 12.!

Tel: 610-409-3466


Information Technology


Tools & Technologies

Check out the links below to learn how to use

(mostly free[) instructional technology.

Audio Capture/Podcasting

• Audio Capture Software and Instructions

Slogging/Web Creation

• Wordpress o Basic Instructions

o In-Depth Instructions

o Tutorial

• Wix

• Blogger (requires a Google accoun )

File/Media Conversion

• Zamzar (file and media converter)

• DocPub (document converter)

• Handbrake (video converter)

o Instructions

Game-Based Learning

• Game Design Instructions and Templates

Timeline Builders

• Timetoast (free online

timeline builder)


• TimelineJS (free imeline

builder using Google


o Instructions

• TimeMapper (free timeline

and map builder using

Google Spreadsheet)

o Instructions

• My Histro (location-based



• Sutori's HSTRY (free

educational timeline and

story builder)

o Instructions

Video Editing


Page 36: 5 Easy Wins Using Instructional Technology


• ArcG,IS

o ArcGIS Onl ine

o Ursinus' ArcG IS Portal

o Insta llation Instructions

• Google Earth


Office 365

• Office 365 Software and Instructions

Online Appointment Scheduler/Sign-Up Sheet

• Outlook Scheduling Assiistant

o PC Instructions

o Mac lnstructfons

o Online Office 365 Instructions

• Doodle

o Instructions

• SignUpGenius

Online Discussion P atform

• Backchanne Chat

• Yo Teach!

Online Whiteboard

• AwwApp

• OneNote (sign in wi h Ursinus username and passvvord)

• Microsoft Whiteboard

Plagiarism Detection Softwafe

• PlagScan

• Video Editing Software

and Instructions

V1ideo Quizzes

• Ed Puzzle ( ree video qu·


• Ted Ed (create video


• Vizia (create online video


V1ideo/Screen Capture

• Video/Screen Capture


Virtual Meeting Software

• Canvas Conferences

• GoToMeeting (con act

Ja es Tiggett or Chris ine

lannicelli for licensing)

V1isual Literacy

• Canva (free yer maker)

• (create free online


• (c reate free m ind


• Powtoon (create

animated videos and


• Plxlr (online image ed· or)

Wireless Projection in Classrooms (Solstice)
