Download - 5 age fighting skin care secrets

  • 1. 5 Age-Fighting Skin Care Secrets Brought to you by:

2. 1. Cut down on your sugar intake Some of the recent studies have revealed that a reduction in the amount of intake of carbohydrates helps in looking younger. Higher the amounts of sugar in your blood stream, older it can make you look. 3. 2. Check the effect of environmental factors There are several environmental factors stimulating the aging of your skin or making the aging process faster with sun being the primary factor followed by environmental pollution. Allow just minimum exposure of your skin in the harsh sun. Use good sunscreen products liberally while going out in the sun. 4. 3. Better lifestyle habits Sound sleep of 8 hours a day should be incorporated in your routine. Have nutritious and healthy food. Morning walk, dancing, cycling or some outdoor sport. Habit of drinking and smoking are the biggest enemies of your health and 5. 4. Anti aging cosmetics and products There is no harm in using an anti aging cream or serum provided that they be made of natural ingredients. A harmful chemical base can cause some serious negative health effects by disturbing the hormonal balance of the body. 6. 5. Extra care for dry skin With increase in your biological age, your skin starts becoming rough, dry and patchy. Cracks in the skin and uneven pigmentation are more common in case you have a dry skin. Drinking ample amount of water and application of a right moisturizer would work as the best solution for the problem of dry skin. 7. A younger looking skin is something that every woman yearns for. Glowing and healthy skin is not only a sign of a healthy body but it also considerably reflects upon your personality. With the enormous advancements in the technological and medical field, manifold surgical treatments and products have been developed for a better looking skin. You need to remember that these medical innovations cannot beat a proper skin care regimen to fight aging of the skin. Formoreinformationcontactusat:@BrownEmma07