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5/6 Term 1 2011Integrated Unit: My body, my life

Topic links Description of unit

Concepts Key questions VELSLevels and Standards

Literacy Links Maths Links

My body, my life

This unit is about the human body as a complex system. Students will investigate the functions of the various body systems that together form the human body. They will explore ways in which they can keep their bodies functioning well. They will examine factors, such as alcohol and smoking, that can have adverse

Change, systems, diversity, identity, energy, responsibility

Understandings:• The human body is a large system that is made up of ten separate systems.• Each body system has a vital role in keeping the body functioning healthily.• The choices we make affect the healthy functioning of our bodies.• The human body undergoes many changes over time.• Puberty is a time when people undergo many changes: physical, emotional and behavioural.

How do our bodies grow, change and work?

Contributing questions:• How do we grow and change throughout our lives?• How do our body systems work?• Why is it important to keep our body systems healthy?• What things affect our bodies in positive or negative ways?• How do our choices affect our health?• Why do people sometimes make poor choices?• How do we change during puberty?

Science • Reading explanations • Writing scientific explanations • Reading and interpreting diagrams and charts • Constructing diagrams to support explanations

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effects on the body systems. They will identify the changes that the body goes through during the life cycle from conception to old age. They will focus particularly on the social, emotional and physical changes associated with puberty.

VELS curriculum links – Level 4Domain Dimension & Standard

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Science Science knowledge and understanding • explain change in terms of cause and effect• understanding of the relationships that exist between components of systems; for example, comparison of the role of the small and large intestine in digestion, double pump action of the heart.Science at work • design and reporting of experiments, including description of purpose, labelled diagrams and symbols that explain procedures, and justification for equipment used• systematic collection of data to enable reasonable conclusions to be drawn• understanding of how the work of a scientist may have both positive and negative outcomes for society

Maths Number • design and reporting of experiments, including description of purpose, labelled diagrams and symbols that explain procedures, and justification for equipment usedMeasurement, chance and data • recognise and use different units of measurement. • present data in appropriate displays (for example, a pie chart)

English Reading • analyse texts and support interpretations with evidence drawn from the text

Writing • produce, in print and electronic forms, a variety of texts for different purposes using structures and features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience and context of the writing • employ a variety of strategies for writing, including note-making, using models, planning, editing and proofreading

Speaking and listening • plan, rehearse and make presentations for different purposes






ICT ICT for Communicating • use ICT tools and techniques that support the organisation and analysis of concepts, issues and ideas and that allow relationships to be identified and inferences drawn from them • use email, websites and frequently asked question facilities to acquire information from peers and known and unknown experts

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Thinking Processes Reasoning, processing and enquiry • distinguish between fact and opinion • use the information you collect to inform decision making

Interpersonal Development

Working in teams • work effectively in different teams and take on a variety of roles to complete tasks of varying length and complexity

Sequence of learning:

Building• Immerse students in the topic

• Gather and process new information

Pre- and post-assessment: What’s inside your skin?

Display and read the unit understandings and questions without discussing them.Give students an outline of a human body on an A3 sheet (or use the What’s Inside Your Skin? sheet from the Essentials Student Workbook). Ask them to draw and label what they think is inside their body.After they have completed the task, discuss what the students recorded and list the systems and organs they identified.Brainstorm questions they have about their body and body systems.Create a Discoveries and Wonderings board and place the questions in the Wonderings section. The

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discoveries and wonderings will be constantly reviewed during the unit.

Body observations

Complete some activities and experiments that will encourage students to think about how their body works.

• Conduct an exercise session where students participate in a variety of gentle exercises designed to use different muscles, such as calf stretches, step-ups, squats, lunges, spine twists, arm rises. Use a Pilates or other exercise video or invite a guest presenter. Discuss and name which muscles they could feel being used during the different exercises. (Students can fill from Body Observations sheet from the Essentials Student Workbook).

• Observing and measuring pulse. Students roll some clay or play dough into a ball. Insert the end of a straw into the ball. They rest their hand on a flat surface with their palms up. The students then flatten the bottom of the ball and place it on the thumb side of their wrist. They move the ball slightly until they can see the straw slowly start to move. Discuss what is making the straw move. What body systems are at work? Teach the students how to find and measure their pulse rate. What happens to their pulse when they exercise? Measure pulse directly after exercise and at rest. What did they notice? Why might this be? (Students can fill from Body Observations sheet from the Essentials Student Workbook).

• Blowing bubbles. Using commercial bubble-blowing kits or dishwashing liquid, students see how big a bubble they can blow. If using the dishwashing liquid, students form a circle with their thumb and forefinger. They dip this into the dishwashing liquid and then blow through the circle they have made. Discuss where the air in their body comes from, to blow the bubble. What do they feel inside when they are blowing a big bubble? (Students can fill from Body Observations sheet from the Essentials Student Workbook).

After each activity, discuss with students what they have found out about particular systems and add to the Discoveries and Wonderings board.

Online Activity

Students follow this link  and go to All Systems Go! to play the online activity about human body systems. Be sure they check out the How to Play and Learn More sections of the activity before starting.

Investigating• Support students in investigating an aspect which interests them

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(Rich Assessment Task)


There are ten main systems in the human body: skeletal, reproductive, urinary, digestive, nervous, lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory, muscular and endocrine. Divide students into small ‘expert’ groups to conduct research on a particular body system. All systems could be covered or a few chosen on the basis of information available. It is suggested that the reproductive system be studied either as a whole class or another modeled system, or left until the Investigating stage and looked at as part of the life cycle. Students use books, websites and DVDs to collect information about one body system.

Each group presents their information to the rest of the class by:• showing and explaining the model they made of the system• adding their system to the life-sized body display• adding information to Cross-classification sheets from the Essentials Student Workbook.

The Group Research Task in the Student Workbook will help students to organise these tasks. (Make a Model and Evaluation of the Model sheets from the Essentials Student Workbook can also be used here).

Cooperative task

Create groups comprised of one student from each of the ‘expert’ groups. They discuss how the various systems are interconnected, for example, the brain sends messages through the nervous system to tell our muscles to move; the skeleton provides a framework for the rest of the body systems. Students write pieces of information about interactions between the systems on individual cards.Mini task (Scientific recording)(Formulate hypotheses, draw conclusions and make convincing arguments based on data analysis.Read and construct displays of data using appropriate techniques)

Students conduct a science experiment, which has three trials. They then enter the data on a spreadsheet, and making three separate graphs, one for each trial. From the graphs students draw conclusions about the experiments. Each student then writes up their conclusion and puts it on the bottom of their graph.(A lesson plan, Spreadsheets Basics Overview, can be found at with a more detail spreadsheet tutorial at Lesson Outcomes:Students will be able to insert data from a science experiment into a spreadsheet and create a graph that is labeled correctly and has a title. Students will be able to use the graph to analyze the results and write a conclusion based on the data.

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Assessment:Students will print out their final product which will be graded on the following criteria:

Are the data included? Does their conclusion relate back to their original hypothesis in a reasonable way? Did they make a graph with appropriate labels for axis and an appropriate title?


Pre- and post-assessment: What’s inside your skin?

Repeat the activity where students draw and label what they think is inside their body. Compare what they knew at the beginning of the unit to what they know now. (See What’s Inside Your Skin? (2) and (3) sheets from the Essentials Student Workbook).

Lotus diagram

Using a lotus diagram, students record what they know about body systems. They use the inner grid to name different systems. They then place each system in the centre of one of the outer grids and brainstorm information facts about how they work, and how to keep them healthy. These facts are placed in the boxes around the system. This may need to be demonstrated if the students have not used this strategy before.

Habits of Mind goal setting

Students consider their strengths and challenges using the Goal Setting sheets from the Essentials Student Workbook. They use the Time to Check In! sheet from the Essentials Student Workbook to see how their goal setting is progressing.

Discoveries and Wonderings

Go back to the Discoveries and Wonderings board to see if any of the questions can now be answered. If so, add these to the Discoveries board. Are there any further questions? Add them to the Wonderings board. Check that the recorded discoveries are correct and revise them if there is any new or additional information.

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Unit Resources

BooksMPCS library:Factual texts:

MPCS 5/6 resources:

Click on the ‘Kids’ panel in the centre of the page. This is a comprehensive children’s website on all areas of health and wellbeing, including body systems and puberty. The information provided is appropriate for upper primary students. Click on the button ‘My Body’, which can be found on the left-hand menu of the children’s page, for information about body parts and systems or use this link to go directly to movies on the various body systems.

an online visual guide to human anatomy with labeled tours of each system

get body smart

This overview of the body organ systems shows the basic principles of human anatomy and physiology. Contains a series of slides that allow you to overlay the various systems.

the body system game

An online activity about the human body systems. Be sure to check out the How to Play and Learn More sections of the activity before starting.

The goal of this activity is to drag the correct organs of the body system (that appear in the box on the right) into Arnold's body. If an incorrect organ is placed into the body, all of the organs will move out of Arnold and you will have to start over for that system.

anatomy systems

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Mainly text with a diagram for each system.

food and my body

This site is a list of links to pages on aspects of both food and the body. Includes two Human Body quizzes.

  body system quiz

20 Flashcards: Healthy Body Systems Test.

Your gross and cool body

Pimples, burps, farts and funnybones. Explores gross body sounds and yucky body parts.

The following is a list of sites related to each particular system

(You may need to check some of these to see if they are still functioning, relevant or appropriate):

The Circulatory System 

My body - Heart and Blood

A look inside the human body : the circulatory system

How Your Heart Works

The heart - an animation with information

Circulatory system

Kids' health - Your heart

Just for kids - Circulation system

All about the heart

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How the Heart Works: The Heart House

Map of the Human Heart

Thinkquest - The circulatory system

HowStuffWorks : How your heart works

Keeping healthy - BBC science clip

Heart animation. The creator of this animation has given permission for it to be downloaded on to your computer. Right-click the link and select Save link as...

Circulation. The creator of this animation has given permission for it to be downloaded on to your computer. Right-click the link and select Save link as...

Circulatory system and the heart - an animation

The Cardiovascular System - Human Anatomy Online

Musclesculpt - The Cardiovascular System

Scroll down to view the animations

About the heart - An interactive diagram with information

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Circulation station

Blood. A learning object in two parts - an animation and a drag-and-drop exercise.

Heart and circulation. A learning object in two parts - an animation and a drag-and-drop exercise.

The Digestive System 

My Body : Digesting food

The digestive system - an animation with information

The digestive system - an animation with information

A look inside the human body : the digestive system

The real deal on the digestive system

The digestive journey : a tour through the digestive system

Just for kids - Digestive system

Your gross and cool body: digestive system

The digestive system

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Musclesculpt - The digestive system

HowStuffWorks : How your kidneys works

Thinkquest - The digestive system

The digestive system - Human Anatomy Online

The digestive system

Your digestive system and how it works.


The digestive system - The inside story. An interactive animation about all that is going on in your digestive system.

Explore your digestive system - Take a journey through the digestive system and find out how all the parts work and why we couldn't live without them.

The digestive system. A learning object in two parts - an animation and a drag-and-drop exercise.

The digestive system quiz. Test your knowledge and see if you can answer the 10 questions correctly.

The digestive system quiz. See if you can get the answers in both sections correct.

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Digestive system builder game. Created by Walter Mack

See if you can drag the labels into the correct spot in the diagram.

The Nervous System

My Body : Brain

My brain

Just for kids - The nervous system

All about the brain

Kids' health - The brain

Your gross and cool body: nervous system

The nervous system

The nervous system - Human Anatomy Online

Thinkquest - The nervous system

Inside Out - Discover Anatomy - Nerves

Musclesculpt - The nervous system

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Neuroscience for kids - Explore the brain and spinal cord

HowStuffWorks : How your brain works

The brain is the boss

Explore the brain - Enchanted learning

Brains Rule - Learn about your brain

Brain. A learning object in two parts - an animation and a drag-and-drop exercise.

Brain drain

Brainy games

Muscular System

The Body : Muscles

Just for kids - Muscular system

Kids' health - Your muscles

Your gross and cool body: muscular system

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Thinkquest - The muscular system

The muscular System - Human Anatomy Online

Your multi-talented muscles

Inside Out - Discover Anatomy - Muscles


Muscles of the human body - an animation

Muscles. A learning object in two parts - an animation and a drag-and-drop exercise.

Respiratory System

Lungs and breathing

Just for kids - Respiratory system

A look inside the human body : the respiratory system

Respiratory system

Kids' health - Your lungs

Your gross and cool body: respiratory system

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HowStuffWorks : How your lungs works

Thinkquest - The respiratory system

Musclesculpt - The respiratory system

Scroll down to view the animations

See if you can drag the labels into the correct position in the diagram. The creator of this animation has given permission for it to be downloaded on to your computer. Right-click the link and select Save link as...

The respiratory system. A learning object in two parts - an animation and a drag-and-drop exercise.

Skeletal System

My Body : Bones

Just for kids - Skeletal system

The skeleton - an animation with information

A look inside the human body : the skeletal system

Kids Health - Your bones

Your gross and cool body: skeletal system

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"Mr Bones" : Human skeleton assembly activity

Inside Out - Discover Anatomy - Bones

Thinkquest - The skeletal system

The skeletal system - Human Anatomy Online

Musclesculpt - The skeletal system

Skeletal shakedown

The big story on bones

Bones of the human body - an animation

Build a skeleton

Bits and bones - a guide to the human skeleton

Skeleton. A learning object in two parts - an animation and a drag-and-drop exercise.

Audio Visuals