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4 Ways to Maximize Your Social Content for Mobile

Image: Sascha Kohlmann

Page 2: 4 Ways to Maximize your Social Content for Mobile

It’s estimated that 71 percent of people use a mobile device to access social media. That number shouldn’t surprise anyone since we all know at least one person whose nose is perpetually buried in their phone checking Twitter or posting pictures to Instagram.

Speaking of Instagram, a recent study revealed that U.S.-based Instagram users access the site on mobile a whopping 98 percent of the time! Pinterest users do their pinning from a mobile device 92 percent of the time and 86 percent of Tweeters tweet from mobile apps instead of a desktop.

Are you doing all you can to make sure your mobile strategy is the best it can be?

Check out these tips to find out.

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Kevan Lee, Content Crafter at social media management solution Buffer, notes, “A mobile user spends nearly 8 percent of their total activity sharing content, whereas desktop users spend only 4 percent. The numbers are even greater for iPhone users who share at a three-times greater rate than desktop (12 percent to 4 percent).”

The takeaway message from these stats is to make sure the visuals you post look great on a mobile device. Keep that in mind when creating images to add to your timeline. Tiny or elaborate fonts don’t translate well to the small screen. If your followers can’t make out what’s written or happening in your photos, they’ll pass right by and the chances of them sharing it with their followers goes out the window.

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Mobile social apps make it dead easy for users to click through to a bio to see what a company is all about before making the decision to follow an account.

1) Are the bio sections on all your social platforms filled out with engaging information about your brand?

**Ensure yours is complete and includes your website where users can go to get further information.

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Ask them to tweet pictures of what they’re doing or how they’re using your product right in the moment.

With a phone and integrated camera right in their hand, your fans won’t have to wait till they get home to upload images so, dream up ways to for them to spontaneously engage with you and strike while the iron is hot.

2) Encourage followers to engage with you where they are.

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The one thing Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and all other popular social networks have in common is that their mobile versions look dramatically different than their desktops versions.

What looks terrific on a 24-inch monitor may be skewed, truncated, or cut off on a 6-inch screen.

3) Learn the visual nuances of each social platform you’re on.

**Create a dummy account for each network and experiment with various kinds of posts to see what looks good and what doesn’t work at all.

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“The worst-case scenario here is to provide an offer or promotion from your brand’s Facebook fan page that does not lead to a mobile-optimized experience.

Unfortunately, 23 percent of consumers reported on the Adobe survey that they didn’t have a mobile-optimized experience when linking from Facebook to a brand’s site. This experience will end in frustration for consumers, causing your brand to lose the conversion and, potentially, customer loyalty,” says Pun.

4) Ensure all roads lead to mobile content.

Ray Pun, Adobe’s Strategic Marketing lead for Mobile Solutions recommends brands take steps to be sure contest and promo links always lead to content that’s optimized for mobile.

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