Download - 4 Simple Steps to Improve Employer Branding with Video Interviewing

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Improve Employer Brandingwith Video Interviewing

4 Simple Steps to

Sonru eBook

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First Touch

The Minor Details

Intro Videos


The Road Ahead


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In this candidate-centric recruitment era, employer branding is one of the key tools recruiters must employ to win top talent. Now more than ever, below standard recruitment results in below standard candidates.

So where does Video Interviewing come in? Candidates were once impressed by companies who merely used the technology but as it becomes more mainstream, it’s fast becoming a basic expectation from candidates.

Take your careers site for example. Simply having a careers site won’t necessarily entice that top talent you’re looking for but a well executed careers site will. This is the same for Video Interviewing. Use it correctly and it can have a massive impact on your employer brand.

That’s what this eBook is all about. Offering some key tips and tricks you can use to maximise the impact of Video Interviewing on employer branding. The name Sonru comes from an Irish phrase meaning ‘to stand out’ and that’s exactly what we want you to do. Stand out from the growing number of companies vying for your best candidate.

Hope you enjoy,

Edward Hendrick, CEO, Sonru


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‘Best-in-Class’ companies are 68% more likely than ‘All Others’ to strategically involve the marketing department in employment branding to ensure they better connect with would-be candidates.

- Aberdeen Group

“We can include more information in a Sonru Video Interview through introduction videos and written content than I ever could get across in a phone interview. This tool not only allows candidates to understand more about Viva as a brand, it shows candidates we are a progressive company.”

Employer branding is the process of promoting a company, or an organisation, as the employer of choice to a desired target group, one which a company needs and wants to recruit and retain.

- Aberdeen Group

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PepsiCo recorded a 92% response rate on all ‘students’ interview campaigns, and 86% of candidates completed their video interview outside of business hours or on the weekend. Find Out More

Client Snapshot

Recently voted one of the ‘Best Places to Work’ in the UK and Europe, PepsiCo employs over 5,000 people in eight manufacturing sites across the UK. PepsiCo operates bespoke programmes for both undergraduate, graduate and MBA students.

“Communicating the PepsiCo Culture through the branding, uploading our own videos and the tone of voice in our email scripts enabled us to automate an important stage of our selection process without compromising on the PepsiCo Touch. Sonru enabled us to keep the customary PepsiCo high touch at low maintenance.”

Dan Fitzpatrick, Talent Acquisition Lead, PepsiCo

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First Touch

From the moment the first invitation is sent to a candidate, they begin evaluating your organisation.

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The first touchpoint in the Video Interview process is inviting your candidates to complete an interview with an invitation email. This may be your first interaction with the candidate and your first opportunity to enhance your employer brand.

Personalise Your Invitation

Include Brand Logos & Colours

Use a Tone of Voice Suitable to Your Brand

Set the Expectations for the Interview

Create a Great First Impression


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Treat every piece of information you provide as an integral part of your organisation’s story.

The Minor Details

From the moment the first invitation is sent to a candidate, they begin evaluating your organisation.

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Interview Title

About the Interview

While the ‘minor details’ may seem insignificant, they can have huge implications for candidate engagement and impressions of your brand. Provide as much information as possible for your candidates and use content and tone that is consistent with your company culture.

Check out our best practice guide for more information.

Every touchpoint is

an opportunity to reinforce your brand

Company Information

Interview Questions

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It’s okay to show off. Putting a ‘face’ to the interview helps your candidates while also boosting your company profile.

Intro Videos

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Adding introduction videos to your interviews can do wonders for your

employer branding. From full media productions, to simple greetings

recorded on a smartphone, your introduction video can be as unique as

your organisation.

Show Off Your Interviewers

Introduce candidates to recruiters they may meet further along in the process or hiring managers they might expect to work with in the future. Give them a ‘face for their interview.

Show Off Your Organisation

Give candidates an insight into how your organisation operates. A simple video with your offices as the backdrop, can be a powerful way of appealing to your candidates.

Show Off Your Employees

Employees are often your biggest brand ambassadors. Show candidates how your teams work together and give them real insight into your company culture.

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A picture paints a thousand words. Let your company imagery do the work for you.


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The final step in improving your employer branding with Video Interviewing is through the personalisation of your account. Candidates are applying to your company and so they want to see your brand front and centre throughout the entire recruitment process.

Standard Video Interviewing accounts get the job done, but to really enhance your employer brand, go that one step further and introduce your company colours, logos and even corporate photos.

Adding life and personality to your Video Interview can have a huge impact on your candidate’s perception of your organisation.

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Client Snapshot

Rolls-Royce is a global company, providing integrated power solutions to the aerospace and marine/industrial power systems markets. Their vision is to deliver ‘better power for a changing world’. Rolls-Royce employs over 50,000 people in more than 40 countries around the world.

“Video Interview was good and easy to complete whenever we have free time. Thanks for this new concept.”

“Well designed and structured. The introduction video on the overview is good and self explaining. The practice interviews help a lot in preparing for the real interview.”

Rolls-Royce Candidates

With an average response rate of 89%, the Rolls-Royce

experience of Video Interviewing has been hugely

positive. With further expansion planned across India

over the coming years, Video Interviewing has proved

an integral part of Rolls-Royce’s recruitment efforts.

Find Out More

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Employer branding is showing no signs of dropping down the recruitment agenda. This means that recruiters need to consider every touchpoint in the process and treat it as an opportunity to impress candidates.

Improvements in recruitment technology bring an improved ability to reach candidates but don’t forget, this is true for your competitors too. Remembering these few simple steps can limit your risk of missing great talent and make your organisation look even better in the process.

From the very first contact, by being smart about the details and showing off your organisation through videos and branded accounts, your Video Interviewing platform can be a springboard for a great candidate experience.

“We wanted to connect with candidates before our competitors, to keep on top of our game. Having the latest technology in

our recruitment strategy is more of a selling point, a boost to our employer


The Road Ahead

‘80% of talent leaders report that their employer brand determined the quality of the talent they are able to hire.’ Global Recruiting Trends - LinkedIn 2017

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