Download - 4 pillars to sales and relationship growth for key account management


Key Account Management is all about three areas of

engagement with your customers: Relational,

Strategic and Tactical.

To get great sales and relationship results from your

key clients in these areas you need a proven

framework. A framework that offers a simple process

that assists you and your team’s conversations with

your high-value customers. You also need it to be

easily taught, shared and integrated in your


The Key Account Hack 4 Pillar Framework will help

move you there. But first let me explain what I mean

by Relational, Strategic and Tactical engagement.

Many miss this in account management. We’re told we need to

build relationships, which is critical to customer success. But what

does that actually look like? How will you know things are working?

What will you use to build those connections, amplify trust and

deepen those relationships important to you? We look at this as 4

Pillars, which is part of the 8 Step Key Account Hack System.

Relational engagement

Your ability to connect with your clients and

deepen trust & influence.

Make specific plans and expectations with your client on how

you’ll work best together. This includes your business growth

goals and making power connections with key influencers or

stakeholders. Have a clear map for success that is built with the

customer in mind and is future focused. We look at this in the 4

pillars which is part of the 8 Step Key Account Hack System.

Strategic Engagement

Your ability to align your and your customer’s goals to

one or multiple mutually beneficial outcomes.

What are the tactical implications of every strategy or plan set

with your client and internally with your business? This can

include how you decide to build relationships, how you align

the rest of your internal departments to support customer

success or how you execute growth goal promises with your

board and account management team. We look at this in the 4

pillars which is part of the 8 Step Key Account Hack System.

Tactical engagement

Your ability to deliver on the right things to win


4 pillars to great

customer sales and

relationship growth

The ability to Amplify Trust

The ability to Reduce Risk

The ability to Make Power connections

The ability to Create value that matters

Key Account Hack - 4 Pillar Guide Helps you to think about four tactical principles you need to apply

when delivering across each of the 3 engagement areas.

Look at intentional strategies to build trust on a weekly

basis. This will allow you to build your relational influence

faster. Look for ways to over deliver, fulfil on promises and

demonstrate your understanding of your clients’ needs. Set

small tasks each week to share with your client and do this

consistently. You’ll notice over a short space of time your

client will come to you with additional queries and updates

just by compulsion to reciprocate, because you’ve worked

on trust.

Amplify Trust

Your ability to reduce the perception of risk of your product or

service is critical. It will determine the consistency of your

success and, ultimately, the length of the sales cycle. You’ve

got to turn potential internal worry into external movement of

the sale. Create risk removers. You could bring in a customer

who has benefited from the work you’re pitching into your

sales conversation. Or you could break down the buying

process into smaller incremental chunks. This allows you to

keep movement through smaller commitments.

Reduce Risk


It’s said that it’s the people you know that make the

difference. I want to add to that. It’s the process you use to

connect with the right people. It’s also how you’re perceived

in that process that makes the biggest difference. You need

to have a plan, be intentional and be someone they want to

connect with. Get to know those people most important to

your main contact. Share something of value for a contact

they name that will get you visibility with that person or

group. For more info check out my Stakeholder Guide slide


Make Power Connections

Perceived value isn’t static. It’s a moving entity that exists in

the context of your client’s monthly and weekly activity. The

key is to learn how to respond to value so that you

consistently deliver on expectations and create new

opportunities. Every month ask the question, “What one

thing could help my client get more value from my product or

service than they did last month?” You may not fulfil this

every time, but it forces you to think of your customer first

and discover what might be most helpful for them.

Create value that matters

The ability to Amplify Trust

The ability to Reduce Risk

The ability to Make Power connections

The ability to Create value that matters

Key Account Hack - 4 Step Pillar Guide

Click below on the icon to get free access to

the 4 Pillar Info graph resource from the

upcoming Key Account Hack book

If you have any problems downloading simply send me an email to [email protected] ensure you get the resources the same day

For more information on

the full Key Account Hack

System and the upcoming


Click the book to your left

and pre-order to be one of

50 people to get a FREE

copy on the 25th January


Founder and CEO

Key Account Hack System

Jermaine Edwards
