Download - 3G Global Scenario


TBM AssignmentSubmitted by Geken Ette & Fin) SITM,Pune

3G Global Footprints

3G operators around the globe commonly use 2100 MHz spectrum band but few exceptions existCountry Japan South Korea Europe( UK & Italy) USA Australia Germany & Portugal Israel Brazil South Africa Singapore Canada Sri Lanka Morocco Tanzania Finland Iraq Year of launch 2001 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Spectrum band UMTS2100 EV-DO(1700MHz) UMTS2100 850MHz,1710-1770 MHz & 21102170 MHz UMTS2100 & 900 MHz UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS900 UMTS2100

Year Estonia Thailand Belgium Iceland Mexico Russia North Korea Venezuela Poland China India Egypt Tunisia 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010

Spectrum UMTS900 UMTS900 UMTS900 UMTS900 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS900 UMTS900 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100 UMTS2100

Countries using UMTS900

3G products and servicesA broad classification of 3G products and services can be made along the line mentioned below:y Mobile internet y M-commerce y Mobile TV y Social media y Music and Videos y Games y Infotainment y Miscellaneous( Gps, Maps, guide, yellow page,etc)

y Advent of iphone, ipad, Kindle and other devices are changing the way products

and services are offered across telecom network

SK Telecom, South Korea offeringsPremium Games portal

Music portal

A one stop m-commerce solution A mobile community world A mobile portable broadcasting

Thanks to its mobile music platform convenience and affordability, music piracy in Korea has dramatically dropped to negligible levels With 30% margins, the Korean mobile operators commend the highest Distribution margin in the Korean music value chain With the artists themselves, mobile operators have become by far the main drivers and key success factors of music in Korea Launched in 2004, Melon by SK Telecom has been a game changer.

Source: Solidance

NTT DoCoMo offerings

i-mode as a concept was introduced in Japan before 3G services was launched but only after 3G was introduced that it took off. It has been a revolutionary concept which brought content developer, provider and other tertiary telecom players into one fold. It has been huge success with nearly 88%of DoCoMo subscribers using it.

Source: Mobility,NTT DoCoMo newsletter

VerizoneWireless US offerings

Vodafone UK offerings

3 UK offerings

MVNO: Another aspects of 3G services





AT&T added 2.7 million net wireless subscribers in the 4th qtr of the year 2009 courtesy ipad, iphone, kindle and nook. While verizonewirless in comparison added 1.2 million net subscribers. AT&T churn rate shrunk to a record low of 1.29 percent from 1.48 percent a year ago Overall sales from the wireless data segment, which includes Internet access, messaging, and related services, jumped $936 million, or 27 percent, to $4.4 billion. The number of wireless customers opting for AT&T's data plans rose more than 24 percent over a year ago


A panoramic view

3G is the solution for falling Arpu in developing countries

y From various research papers and articles it is observed that

3G services and Products are taking the driver seat for a telecom operators across the globe. y Japan and South Korea has been instrumental in the rise of these varied services and which others are emulating with varying degree of success. y The emergence of iphone, ipad and other non mobile wireless devices has given birth to altogether a different breed of business model for telecom operators.

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